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  1. #81
    RoadToRecovery's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    I don't understand what this threads about.

    All I see is a select few bitches whining like little babies about second hand smoke being "dangerous".

    Second hand smoke is not dangerous (for the avg citizen with a brain).
    If you're gonna go to a club/bar that allows it first, then complain later, you are a fvckn retard pure and simple.
    Thats like going to a strip bar and complaining about the nudity.

    So the topic of indoor smoking seems pretty simple to me. Some places allow it, other places dont, if you don't like it don't go to places that allow it, if you like it, go to places that allow it. That simple.
    The ONLY situation that would ever concern me is parents smoking in the house around their children, children can't choose so thats the ONLY situation you could ever get me to agree on.

    As far as ANY TYPE of outdoor second hand smoke, if you think thats "dangerous", you are the BIGGEST PVSSY in the world.
    I can't believe how tough the OP was trying to sound at 1 point.. yet he's bitching about how "dangerous" second hand smoke is... uh.. wtf.

    It is the LEAST DANGEROUS thing in the whole entire fvcking world.

    What URKS ME the most about this worthless thread is this:

    How often do you drive? About 200,000 times more dangerous
    Go to work? About 40 thousand times more dangerous
    Work out? About 5 million times more dangerous
    Swim in the ocean? About 1000 times more dangerous
    Eat your food fast? About 10,000 times more dangerous
    Speed? About 100 million times more dangerous
    Not wear a seat belt? About 4 million times more dangerous
    Drink ALCOHOL? OMG alcohol is about 5 trillion times more dangerous
    BBQ? About 5 thousand times more dangerous
    Take acetamophen? 500 thousand times more dangerous
    Swim in a pool? about 5 billion times more dangerous
    Fish? Most dangerous sport in the world believe it or not, about 3 catrillion times more dangerous.
    Steroids ? About 600 thousand times more dangerous

    It is undeniable that the original poster, and everyone who agreed with him, does a fair majority of the crap above and much much more. What is sad about this thread, realistically speaking, is the fact that there about about 1 million things that are SO MUCH more worthy of being scared of. But the OP seems to have picked one of the least dangerous things he could have possibly thought of.
    And what is truely truely pathetic is the obvious reason he picked cigarettes to blame, its the ONLY THING he doesn't voluntarily do already. Of course he's not gonna make a thread about the dangers of talking on a cell phone while driving, or fishing, all he wants to do is cry about something, so he picks second hand smoke, something less dangerous than masturbation.

    IMHO moose was more than justified taking the stance he did.
    For godssake this idiot is complaining about a place he voluntarily chose to STAY FOR 10 HOURS!!! He could have left after 5mins if it REALLY bothered him, which he obviously fvckn didn't.
    He is an effiminized dramaqueen with nothing better to do with his time. They are trying to ban smoking on beaches cause of little sissified babies like this. Its fvckn ridiculous and I don't even smoke.
    I have no idea what faulty ass science was able to even hint at danger in an outside setting, but if you are dumb enough to believe that you are dumb enough to believe scientology is a real religion, and you are dumb enough to believe in santa claus.

    Second hand smoke is not worth complaining about unless you are retarded, I'm sorry, but thats the most relevant fact in this entire thread.
    I like your statistics lol. None of which hold any scientific value lol. Second hand smoke is obnoxious and annoying. You can justify all day that its not dangerous. Fine. Its like taking vitamins -

    However, its just an unwanted trait. When I have clients walk in after smoking a carton of cigarettes in their vehicle I want to make them change their clothes. Whether smoking is a right, its still a complete burden in many cases.

    I agree that its useless to complain about a place that you know allows it and then walk in and become a patron also.

    But what I disagree with is your approach of argument. I feel like im reading something my 15 year old brother posted. Im suprised that you didnt say
    'complaining about cigarette smoke is gay' haha.

    This is what the lounge is for, for just talking about random shit. Get a grip.

  2. #82
    Older lifter is offline Anabolic Member
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    Man, why not just make some bars smoking bars and some non-smoking bars same with restaurants, mixed areas like shopping centers ok smoke free, surely both side could of lived with that. I don't like government getting too involved in what people can and can't do in matters like this.
    The next thing will be the anti-drinking crowd will be jumpng in saying all the deaths innocent and not caused by drinking and you might find your local bar only selling soda,,,by law.

    Surely most people are grown up enouth to respect each others right without having to jump on the law side with everything

  3. #83
    RoadToRecovery's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Older lifter View Post
    Man, why not just make some bars smoking bars and some non-smoking bars same with restaurants, mixed areas like shopping centers ok smoke free, surely both side could of lived with that. I don't like government getting too involved in what people can and can't do in matters like this.
    The next thing will be the anti-drinking crowd will be jumpng in saying all the deaths innocent and not caused by drinking and you might find your local bar only selling soda,,,by law.

    Surely most people are grown up enouth to respect each others right without having to jump on the law side with everything
    I see your point. Its a valid one. The thing is with smoking compared to anything like drinking - is that it effects other people in the vicinity in one way or another. The smell, the smoke, the damage etc. Thats why I agree smoking should be in a designated area. I consider it an intrusion. Bars and Casinos are one thing - but restaurants are another. I couldnt eat a meal in a cigarette smoke filled room and enjoy it.

    Like someone else said, if I know of a restaurant that permits smoking - I stay away and go somewhere else. But for me to go into that restaurant, eat and then complain is just asinine.

  4. #84
    JasonT's Avatar
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    strong intelligence in this thread

  5. #85
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    I don't understand what this threads about.

    All I see is a select few bitches whining like little babies about second hand smoke being "dangerous".

    Second hand smoke is not dangerous (for the avg citizen with a brain).
    If you're gonna go to a club/bar that allows it first, then complain later, you are a fvckn retard pure and simple.
    Thats like going to a strip bar and complaining about the nudity.

    So the topic of indoor smoking seems pretty simple to me. Some places allow it, other places dont, if you don't like it don't go to places that allow it, if you like it, go to places that allow it. That simple.
    The ONLY situation that would ever concern me is parents smoking in the house around their children, children can't choose so thats the ONLY situation you could ever get me to agree on.

    As far as ANY TYPE of outdoor second hand smoke, if you think thats "dangerous", you are the BIGGEST PVSSY in the world.
    I can't believe how tough the OP was trying to sound at 1 point.. yet he's bitching about how "dangerous" second hand smoke is... uh.. wtf.

    It is the LEAST DANGEROUS thing in the whole entire fvcking world.

    What URKS ME the most about this worthless thread is this:

    How often do you drive? About 200,000 times more dangerous
    Go to work? About 40 thousand times more dangerous
    Work out? About 5 million times more dangerous
    Swim in the ocean? About 1000 times more dangerous
    Eat your food fast? About 10,000 times more dangerous
    Speed? About 100 million times more dangerous
    Not wear a seat belt? About 4 million times more dangerous
    Drink ALCOHOL? OMG alcohol is about 5 trillion times more dangerous
    BBQ? About 5 thousand times more dangerous
    Take acetamophen? 500 thousand times more dangerous
    Swim in a pool? about 5 billion times more dangerous
    Fish? Most dangerous sport in the world believe it or not, about 3 catrillion times more dangerous.
    Steroids ? About 600 thousand times more dangerous

    It is undeniable that the original poster, and everyone who agreed with him, does a fair majority of the crap above and much much more. What is sad about this thread, realistically speaking, is the fact that there about about 1 million things that are SO MUCH more worthy of being scared of. But the OP seems to have picked one of the least dangerous things he could have possibly thought of.
    And what is truely truely pathetic is the obvious reason he picked cigarettes to blame, its the ONLY THING he doesn't voluntarily do already. Of course he's not gonna make a thread about the dangers of talking on a cell phone while driving, or fishing, all he wants to do is cry about something, so he picks second hand smoke, something less dangerous than masturbation.

    IMHO moose was more than justified taking the stance he did.
    For godssake this idiot is complaining about a place he voluntarily chose to STAY FOR 10 HOURS!!! He could have left after 5mins if it REALLY bothered him, which he obviously fvckn didn't.
    He is an effiminized dramaqueen with nothing better to do with his time. They are trying to ban smoking on beaches cause of little sissified babies like this. Its fvckn ridiculous and I don't even smoke.
    I have no idea what faulty ass science was able to even hint at danger in an outside setting, but if you are dumb enough to believe that you are dumb enough to believe scientology is a real religion, and you are dumb enough to believe in santa claus.

    Second hand smoke is not worth complaining about unless you are retarded, I'm sorry, but thats the most relevant fact in this entire thread.
    the few points that you do make in your post is outweighed by your flaming and name calling....HOW U HAVENT BEEN BANNED seems political to me...the thread has moved smoothly along since you decided to take your anger calling ceased...
    this is an adult conversation and if you want to make intelligent conversation please post if not
    i recommend you to be banned...there is NO REASON for your direct insults

  6. #86
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mn_fighter View Post
    Where I am from you can smoke in a bar but not in a restaurant. I am a non smoker and hate smoking with a passion mainly because of the smell. I understand people worrying about there kids health but your kid probably shouldn't be in a casino or bar to began with. Outside I see no problem with a smoker being able to smoke you can A)walk around it with your family if you're that worried, or B) Walk through it with no harm done besides a foul smell.

    I would think people would worry about other more pertinent health concerns like child hood obesity, sti's, etc. Not that brief few seconds your child is exposed to second hand smoke.
    definately agree I didnt have to stay in that casino....agree with all posts that say that... cant really walk around it in outdoor situations either...
    either way, as i posted earlier....i think the laws are ever changin in favor of no smoking in public

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by roadtorecovery View Post
    i like your statistics lol. None of which hold any scientific value lol. Second hand smoke is obnoxious and annoying. You can justify all day that its not dangerous. Fine. Its like taking vitamins -

    however, its just an unwanted trait. When i have clients walk in after smoking a carton of cigarettes in their vehicle i want to make them change their clothes. Whether smoking is a right, its still a complete burden in many cases.

    I agree that its useless to complain about a place that you know allows it and then walk in and become a patron also.

    But what i disagree with is your approach of argument. I feel like im reading something my 15 year old brother posted. Im suprised that you didnt say
    'complaining about cigarette smoke is gay' haha.

    Or just talking about random shit. Get a grip.

  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by Older lifter View Post
    Man, why not just make some bars smoking bars and some non-smoking bars same with restaurants, mixed areas like shopping centers ok smoke free, surely both side could of lived with that. I don't like government getting too involved in what people can and can't do in matters like this.
    The next thing will be the anti-drinking crowd will be jumpng in saying all the deaths innocent and not caused by drinking and you might find your local bar only selling soda,,,by law.

    Surely most people are grown up enouth to respect each others right without having to jump on the law side with everything
    GOOD POST...i agree....i so wish that law wasnt necessary with this and all common sense issues

  9. #89
    Hoggage_54's Avatar
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    I'm more afraid of running into a moose than second hand smoke...

  10. #90
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    this smoke is for you hoggage...

  11. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    the few points that you do make in your post is outweighed by your flaming and name calling....HOW U HAVENT BEEN BANNED seems political to me...the thread has moved smoothly along since you decided to take your anger calling ceased...
    this is an adult conversation and if you want to make intelligent conversation please post if not
    i recommend you to be banned...there is NO REASON for your direct insults
    if you really think he needs to be banned for insults in that post...I think you should follow through with your sex change opperation.
    we're all adults here, but lets not go to sensitivity extremes

  12. #92
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    see the pattern here, he wants new laws on things he is against, wants people banned for insults.....

    and this thread has been a trainwreck from the start...

  13. #93
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    jpk - you have to be a bit more thick skinned and not demand a ban because someone is being abrasive. You just gotta roll with the punches a bit. Fortunately for you his argument holds no water lol.

  14. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    if you really think he needs to be banned for insults in that post...I think you should follow through with your sex change opperation.
    we're all adults here, but lets not go to sensitivity extremes
    why should i be called an idiot or a bitch for the opinions and questions that i've posted...ive seen people banned AND/OR warned for less

  15. #95
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery View Post
    jpk - you have to be a bit more thick skinned and not demand a ban because someone is being abrasive. You just gotta roll with the punches a bit. Fortunately for you his argument holds no water lol.
    ok....i dont want anyone banned to begin with ...i wanted to have a thread on a very interesting topic and it seems to work for a good portion of people without throwing insults...I WONT insult anyone and ask for the same...i'll listen to both sides of the debate

  16. #96
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    cough ....cough....omg...

    still smoke in my lungs

  17. #97
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery View Post
    I like your statistics lol. None of which hold any scientific value lol. Second hand smoke is obnoxious and annoying. You can justify all day that its not dangerous. Fine. Its like taking vitamins -
    Science holds no "value" to begin. Are you gonna sit here and tell me that when it comes to science.. or common sense, you're gonna choose science?
    Research is ALL deepy flawed by the limitations it is conducted under. My point was every single thing on that list is more dangerous then second hand smoke, it doesn't matter what the numbers say. If you wanna challenge THAT statement, pick 1 thing on the list and I'll use both common sense AND science (just for you) to prove my statements hold MORE VALUE then science.

    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery View Post
    However, its just an unwanted trait. When I have clients walk in after smoking a carton of cigarettes in their vehicle I want to make them change their clothes. Whether smoking is a right, its still a complete burden in many cases.
    How is that a "burden"? Thats as much a burden as how bad your breath smells when you eat a onion sandwich and don't have the courtesy to chew on a breath mint. You know whats funny? You talk about smokers burdening you with smoke, and the majority of people I run into who have bad breath, or don't wear deodorant, or don't brush their teeth enough, or have bad hygeine in general... are for the most part nonsmokers. You know why? Because nonsmokers forget that they can often smell worse then smokers themselves. Smokers at least generally use cologne, perfume or gum and are AWARE of it. Some of the filthiest smelliest people I have met in life have been nonsmokers.
    And smoke isn't even a bad smell, BBQs smell great, Cigars smell great, incense smell great, I'm not sure how cigarettes all a sudden smell bad. In general, to be realistic, I have been burdened in my life WAY MORE by athletes/fitness freaks and their foul ass body odor then smokers. They go to work w/out showering, they don't put enough deodorant on, I'm smelling these people all day... and I'm actually wondering why I don't even notice the smokers that you complain about.

    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery View Post
    I agree that its useless to complain about a place that you know allows it and then walk in and become a patron also.
    Yes, that is just supremely dumb. Its even dumber though when you decide to stay in that situation for **10** hours THAN make a thread about it.

    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery View Post
    But what I disagree with is your approach of argument. I feel like im reading something my 15 year old brother posted. Im suprised that you didnt say
    'complaining about cigarette smoke is gay' haha.
    It IS gay & who gives a shit how I "approached" it? Let me get something straight here genius, you're gonna sit there and tell me not that you disagree with my arguement, but that you disagree with how I approached it?

    Do you have ADD or some shit bro please tell me you do? I can see it right now, you're watching the news and someone just got raped and killed. You're wife (or whoever is by) says "Hey RoadtoRecovery, what do you think about that?"

    And you say "well, I disagree with how the killer approached the situation, he should have used a pillow to suffocate her rather then a gun"... UHH HELLO? Thats NOT the part you agree or disagree with, the part you disagree with is the part people are actually talking about, its called **THE TOPIC**. I, nor noone else has a clue wtf you mean by your 15 year old comparison. Do 15 year olds generally write percentages out in a list formation?
    Or is a 15 year old more likely to get completey off topic and talk about the "way someone approached" something? Please think next time you type.

    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery View Post
    This is what the lounge is for, for just talking about random shit. Get a grip.
    If the lounge is for talking about random shit, and I'm talking about random shit, where does the "get a grip" part come in?

    Get a grip on what? On trying to figure out what the hell your point was? Next time address the information specifically and make a point. I made a very clear and straightforward point, then you responded to it with a bunch of "smokers are a burden" type shit.
    Great, smokers burden you, but second hand smoke still isn't dangerous. Do you understand how you replied to a very straightforward topic with a truckload of irrelevant information?

    This was my stance "second hand smoke isn't dangerous"
    then you responded, people were expecting you to either say "I agree, smoking isn't dangerous and these are the reasons why..." OR "I disagree, smoking is dangerous and this is why..." but rather, you quote me and say "yeh but they smell" HAHAHAHAH!
    WHO THE HELL are you having a conversation with & why did you quote me? Those are the only 2 thoughts going through my head right now. Its like you needed to say something to me so badly that it didn't even matter if you had a point or not.
    Last edited by Bojangles69; 03-24-2010 at 11:53 PM.

  18. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    the few points that you do make in your post is outweighed by your flaming and name calling....HOW U HAVENT BEEN BANNED seems political to me...the thread has moved smoothly along since you decided to take your anger calling ceased...
    this is an adult conversation and if you want to make intelligent conversation please post if not
    i recommend you to be banned...there is NO REASON for your direct insults
    Well first I'll tell you why I wasn't banned. Admin knows members a lot better then you would think, and he knows no matter how out of control I get, the second a member tells me to stop flaming I always do. Thats if they address it the way you did and make it clear that it actually bothers them.
    Respect to me is more important than anything I can think of, if it bothers you, its over.
    Now w/out flaming, you picked the most cliche thing in the world for a nonsmoker to complain about. Thats perfectly ok, but my flaming was an attempt to reframe the way you think and behave.
    It geniunely makes no sense how something could bother you to the extent of making a thread, when you voluntarily chose to immerse yourself in that situation for 10 hours.
    Just imagine for a second I made a thread like this:

    OMG! I went to a club last night and these dirt bags were blowing lines in the bathroom and could have got me **ARRESTED**. What kinda of scum would do something like that?
    So I go back to the bathroom 6 more times, and GUESS WHAT!! They were still doing lines!!!! So I decide to go back to the bar and drink (knowing at some point I'm gonna have to pee again) and OMG the cops came as I was dancing and arrested EVERYONE in the bathroom. What if I was in there? I would have got busted for someone elses bs!! OMG WTF is this world coming to?!?! This is craziness!

    That to me reads exactly as rational as your post. So if someone came into the thread and said "you're an idiot" I say thats 100% deserved. You've made it known you don't like flaming, you got that, but I still stick to my original stance completely. I'm sure you're a respectable person, and I'm sure this thread is no real sign of the person who really are, & I'd try to tell you to not take the flaming personal, but something tells me the ONLY reason why I DID wind up bothering you is because you did see what you wrote wasn't that smart.

    And that would mean my job here is done.

  19. #99
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    Well first I'll tell you why I wasn't banned. Admin knows members a lot better then you would think, and he knows no matter how out of control I get, the second a member tells me to stop flaming I always do. Thats if they address it the way you did and make it clear that it actually bothers them.
    Respect to me is more important than anything I can think of, if it bothers you, its over.
    Now w/out flaming, you picked the most cliche thing in the world for a nonsmoker to complain about. Thats perfectly ok, but my flaming was an attempt to reframe the way you think and behave.
    It geniunely makes no sense how something could bother you to the extent of making a thread, when you voluntarily chose to immerse yourself in that situation for 10 hours.
    Just imagine for a second I made a thread like this:

    OMG! I went to a club last night and these dirt bags were blowing lines in the bathroom and could have got me **ARRESTED**. What kinda of scum would do something like that?
    So I go back to the bathroom 6 more times, and GUESS WHAT!! They were still doing lines!!!! So I decide to go back to the bar and drink (knowing at some point I'm gonna have to pee again) and OMG the cops came as I was dancing and arrested EVERYONE in the bathroom. What if I was in there? I would have got busted for someone elses bs!! OMG WTF is this world coming to?!?! This is craziness!

    That to me reads exactly as rational as your post. So if someone came into the thread and said "you're an idiot" I say thats 100% deserved. You've made it known you don't like flaming, you got that, but I still stick to my original stance completely. I'm sure you're a respectable person, and I'm sure this thread is no real sign of the person who really are, & I'd try to tell you to not take the flaming personal, but something tells me the ONLY reason why I DID wind up bothering you is because you did see what you wrote wasn't that smart.

    And that would mean my job here is done.
    preciate you keeping your post(s) resepctable...

    no I ALSO stick to my original post and still think its WAY smart....actually black and white....and do not see ANY value to the side of anyone being subjected to smoke UNWILLINGLY....yes...i was willingly in the casino but my post was about what POSSIBLE harm i incurred and I finally got some good feedback after the angry posts subsided..

    and just for the record...wasnt in the casino/smoke for 10 hours...i said, i was still feeling smoke in my body after 10 hours...

    and dont leave the post ....we all love how you talk about different scenarios to get your point across

  20. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    Science holds no "value" to begin. Are you gonna sit here and tell me that when it comes to science.. or common sense, you're gonna choose science?
    Yup. And I am assuming you have never heard the term "scientific value".

    Research is ALL deepy flawed by the limitations it is conducted under. My point was every single thing on that list is more dangerous then second hand smoke, it doesn't matter what the numbers say. If you wanna challenge THAT statement, pick 1 thing on the list and I'll use both common sense AND science (just for you) to prove my statements hold MORE VALUE then science.
    Ok - how about about your comparison for second hand smoke vs. steroid use . Being that second hand smoke or ETS (environmental tobacco smoke) is a direct result of 3000 deaths per year(1992 EPA study - as opposed to steroid use which has a whopping death toll of 3 per year ( So by this , we see that second hand smoke is 1000 times more dangerous than steroid use. And by dangerous I clearly mean which causes more deaths.

    How is that a "burden"? Thats as much a burden as how bad your breath smells when you eat a onion sandwich and don't have the courtesy to chew on a breath mint. You know whats funny? You talk about smokers burdening you with smoke, and the majority of people I run into who have bad breath, or don't wear deodorant, or don't brush their teeth enough, or have bad hygeine in general... are for the most part nonsmokers. You know why? Because nonsmokers forget that they can often smell worse then smokers themselves. Smokers at least generally use cologne, perfume or gum and are AWARE of it. Some of the filthiest smelliest people I have met in life have been nonsmokers.
    Who asked you about your other burdens? I thought this was about second hand smoke? My mother in law is a burden but how does this pertain to this?

    And smoke isn't even a bad smell, BBQs smell great, Cigars smell great, incense smell great, I'm not sure how cigarettes all a sudden smell bad.
    If you lit a bag of shit on fire, would you prefer that smell of smoke to? Obviously it is not uncommon for people to not enjoy the smell of cigarette smoke. Some smokes smell good, some bad. I happened to think cigarette smoke smells bad.

    In general, to be realistic, I have been burdened in my life WAY MORE by athletes/fitness freaks and their foul ass body odor then smokers. They go to work w/out showering, they don't put enough deodorant on, I'm smelling these people all day... and I'm actually wondering why I don't even notice the smokers that you complain about.
    Once again... were talking about cigarette smoke. No one said "Hey bojangles, what burdens you more - cigarette smoke or __________"

    Yes, that is just supremely dumb. Its even dumber though when you decide to stay in that situation for **10** hours THAN make a thread about it.
    He wasnt there for 10 hours, he is feeling effects 10 hours later.

    It IS gay & who gives a shit how I "approached" it? Let me get something straight here genius, you're gonna sit there and tell me not that you disagree with my arguement, but that you disagree with how I approached it?
    Its hard to stutter in text.

    Do you have ADD or some shit bro please tell me you do? I can see it right now, you're watching the news and someone just got raped and killed. You're wife (or whoever is by) says "Hey RoadtoRecovery, what do you think about that?"
    And you say "well, I disagree with how the killer approached the situation, he should have used a pillow to suffocate her rather then a gun"... UHH HELLO? Thats NOT the part you agree or disagree with, the part you disagree with is the part people are actually talking about, its called **THE TOPIC*.
    Your analogies are mind numbing nor do they have no relevance - how does someone commiting a felony pertain to you bashing someone over an opinion they have. I would love for you to explain how what you just said is remotely comparable to anything I said.

    Here's a layman's term version of what I meant by disagreeing with your approach:

    (1)Your motive was to express that telling jpk it does not make sense why he would go into a place that he already knew contained smokers and then follow it by a complaint.

    (2)Your approach was to call him dumb, a retard, a ***** for doing so etc.

    So while I agree with your point(1) I disagree with your approach(2) Now does that help? Or should I go further in depth.

    I, nor noone else has a clue wtf you mean by your 15 year old comparison. Do 15 year olds generally write percentages out in a list formation?
    Or is a 15 year old more likely to get completey off topic and talk about the "way someone approached" something? Please think next time you type.
    All I see is "Your dumb" and "Your a retard" and "This is 100,000 times more dangerous". Yes you sound like a 15 year old. Everything I said to you or anyone else here is a response, there for everything I said was on topic.

    If the lounge is for talking about random shit, and I'm talking about random shit, where does the "get a grip" part come in?

    Get a grip on what? On trying to figure out what the hell your point was? Next time address the information specifically and make a point. I made a very clear and straightforward point, then you responded to it with a bunch of "smokers are a burden" type shit.
    Great, smokers burden you, but second hand smoke still isn't dangerous. Do you understand how you replied to a very straightforward topic with a truckload of irrelevant information?
    You seem to be having an outburst over the fact that someone is sharing an opinion that you obviously took to heart. Im telling you to get a grip because of your following sentences:

    What URKS ME the most about this worthless thread is this
    As far as ANY TYPE of outdoor second hand smoke, if you think thats "dangerous", you are the BIGGEST PVSSY in the world.
    All I see is a select few bitches whining like little babies about second hand smoke being "dangerous".

    This was my stance "second hand smoke isn't dangerous"
    then you responded, people were expecting you to either say "I agree, smoking isn't dangerous and these are the reasons why..." OR "I disagree, smoking is dangerous and this is why..." but rather, you quote me and say "yeh but they smell" HAHAHAHAH!
    Your stance was obviously more than just your feelings of second hand smoke. But I provided above info about how your feelings are flawed. If you take note to a prior post in this thread I also established that it damages all types of material. My initial post was that Im not so worried about the hazardous effects more so of the damage it does to property. I didnt know that I had to state my stance every single post I make.

    WHO THE HELL are you having a conversation with & why did you quote me? Those are the only 2 thoughts going through my head right now. Its like you needed to say something to me so badly that it didn't even matter if you had a point or not.
    I quoted you to highlight the fact that you seem to be involving your physical emotions in these posts. No one takes you seriously and you need to understand that. Some people respond defensively when you feel the need to say things which are commonly offensive.
    Last edited by RoadToRecovery; 03-25-2010 at 09:33 AM.

  21. #101
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is online now Knowledgeable Member
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    i vote for BO.....

    i like ur posts......keep them coming....

  22. #102
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    second hand smoke gave me herpes

  23. #103
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    my fiance said she saw a couple ppl with surgical masks on at the casino that dreadful day? I'm gonna see if this offers protection from the smoke so i can still play black jack and avoid the black i wont look'll see

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