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  1. #41
    goodlifting is offline Associate Member
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    you need to talk to him dude. he obviously feels like he belongs to a piece of sh!t group like this. start hanging out with him more often. if he doesn't have any other buddies he needs a positive influence like you to hang out with. get that shit out of his head.

  2. #42
    cobra305's Avatar
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    I wanna know where in Miami he found this group, I lived there for 22 years and visit regularly and to be honest have never really seen anything like that there. That place is such a melting pot of cultures. Good luck trying to straighten him out, hopefully this is just a phase he is going through and will realize what sh1thead he is being.

  3. #43
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    I think you're right. it is one of those hot button topics like religion, gays in the military, etc. Some are just looking for attention, and that definitely gets it.
    I would agree with this, your brother sounds like a loner who had no identity. Now he picks an identity that stands out like a mo-fo. It would be different if he grew up where your dad was a mad racist and put all the propaganda in both your heads from an early age.

    I remember seeing some show on TV where some older dude was some sort of skinhead and he had like 20 kids (late teens, early 20's that like lived with him or nearby him) they interviewed one kid who was like kicked out of his parents house and was now living with this guy and all the hitler paraphernalia and the racist music and I felt very strongly that a lot of these kids where just lost/loners so they went along with this older guy to simply try to belong somewhere and deep down didn't even really believe the propaganda.

    It's like when an isolated kid all of a sudden starts dressing in all black, or some other small sub group that loners/kids that don't fit in socially adopt to have some kind of identity.

    I wouldn't ride his ass about this, I think that that approach will just encourage him to stay in this phase at this point. I would be a supportive big brother to him, ask him if he wants to hang out (i wouldn't go places with him if he dresses like a skinhead) and don't expect change overnight or within the next few months.

    It wouldn't hurt if you could hang out with him and help him meet some girls and talk to them, etc. If he winds up luckboxing into getting laid by some natzi chick that is gonna be bad (im assuming he is very awkward with chicks and is a virgin or close to it).

  4. #44
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    It sounds to me like he just wants to belong somewhere.

    Have you considered suggesting Psychological therapy, he does sound very confused and if it is left much longer there may be no way back for him.


  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodlifting View Post
    you need to talk to him dude. he obviously feels like he belongs to a piece of sh!t group like this. start hanging out with him more often. if he doesn't have any other buddies he needs a positive influence like you to hang out with. get that shit out of his head.

    Quote Originally Posted by MaNiCC View Post
    It sounds to me like he just wants to belong somewhere.

    Have you considered suggesting Psychological therapy, he does sound very confused and if it is left much longer there may be no way back for him.

    Last edited by calgarian; 07-13-2010 at 03:37 PM.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoggage_54 View Post
    Tell him you're a Jew

  9. #49
    supersize me's Avatar
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    He's 21. No matter what you try to tell him, or beat into him, he will not listen unless he wants to. All he is looking for is a place to fit into, and they(whoever introduced him to this particular cause) has provided him this place. Either he will grow out of it or he won't. Just rest assured knowing there is nothing you can do to help him. Not only will he reject your help, he will more than likely strive to do the exact opposite of what you suggest. Spoken from experience(not from a extremist point but from an immature addicts point).

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja View Post
    Tell him to do some actual reading about the NSDAP..I do not know where these idiotic Americans compare their white supremacist ideals with the NSDAP. Do they prefer Socialism? An authoritarian gov't?

    They are idiots, nothing worse than to see some Americans walking around with Nazi insignias trying to act German.

    Your brother is just retarded and a weak minded kid that cannot think for himself so he lets this rhetoric do it for him.

  11. #51
    SnaX is offline Anabolic Member
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    Hopefully he is not the kind of guy who tries to shoot up some building after getting his butt kicked.
    Find out WHO is feeding this sh!t to him, and cut it off at the source. And sit him down and watch some history. And remind him who won the fVcking war!

  12. #52
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    Like stated above violence works best...

    If you ask these people to explain their views

    1. they dont ****ing understand them themselves.
    2. if they do they are so flawed its like swiss cheese
    3. people like to feel powerful in a group.

    As for 3. we have all done it and been guilty of it.. What its like to roll with badasses it makes you feel strong when you feel weak...

    So if he is looking for strength you need to help him understand his decision and help him look for strength somewhere positive..

    If all that fails i would belt the living **** through him dressed like mr t...

  13. #53
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
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    haha kp

    I agree with everyone else your brother is just another lost person in the world who feels alone and worthless and all that junk. This is honestly why I lift because it helps kill that feeling. I have an acquaintance that I can tell it is the same for him. He powerlifts, bodybuilds, and spends hours and hours in self defense training even though he will probably never have to use it. He is a pure badass though and when I talk to him I can tell he fancies himself as a Punisher or Rambo type.

    The bottom line though is your brother doesn't have true CONFIDENCE.

    CONFIDENCE is what drives relationships through life. Yes you can use another angle, such as being the really giving helpful person. Or maybe in college you are the kid who always had weed. Whatever. But at the end of the day you need CONFIDENCE to be truly happy and free. This is a big part of why I lift.

  14. #54
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    So I've confronted him about it a number of times. He backs down and tells me this is all just a joke, which I know is BS, he just lacks the testicular fortitude to really tell me whats up.

    My sister tells me he's been hanging out with some skinhead guy from Davie, FL (where a lot of the South FL hicks live) who is apparently in some skinhead gang that is only badass within the confines of Davie, FL, I'm guessing. She tells me he met the guy while playing paintball.

    All I gotta do now is find him.

  15. #55
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    Davie is a redneck shithole. I cannot stand that place but it figures he would find a "friend" like that there. Bring him down south and get him a little latina gf I bet he would change his mind real quick.

  16. #56
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    maybe he's trying to hide who he really is/in denial?

    i hang around older men too, but that's cuz im a sick pervert

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by cobra305 View Post
    Davie is a redneck shithole. I cannot stand that place but it figures he would find a "friend" like that there. Bring him down south and get him a little latina gf I bet he would change his mind real quick.

    If he had a fine piece of latin ass he'd forget his nazi values.....

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
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  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post

    If he had a fine piece of latin ass he'd forget his nazi values.....

    Thats what I don't the fk can you be a neo-nazi/skinhead in Miami???? All we have are latinas!!! White chicks aren't in big supply here. I think it's catch-22 for my brother though. He can't get any because he acts like a weirdo, and then gets even weirder every time he gets rejected. I bet this skinhead guy puts it in his head that it's because he's BS. I'm white too and I've had nothing but latina girlfriends my entire life.

    I'm going to have my sister get this guys plate next time he is over there, and I'll give that info to some friends of mine and find out where he lives.

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    Thats what I don't the fk can you be a neo-nazi/skinhead in Miami???? All we have are latinas!!! White chicks aren't in big supply here. I think it's catch-22 for my brother though. He can't get any because he acts like a weirdo, and then gets even weirder every time he gets rejected. I bet this skinhead guy puts it in his head that it's because he's BS. I'm white too and I've had nothing but latina girlfriends my entire life.

    I'm going to have my sister get this guys plate next time he is over there, and I'll give that info to some friends of mine and find out where he lives.
    You sir are an ASSHOLE..... I'm big time jealous.....

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    You sir are an ASSHOLE..... I'm big time jealous.....

    LOL. I can't help it, dude. White chicks down here aren't really into white dudes, a lot of latina chicks aren't into latin guys. White people are almost considered exotic down here, because theres so few of us.

  21. #61
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    Your brother sounds like a lost cause...............Terminate him.

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dominant Gene View Post
    Your brother sounds like a lost cause...............Terminate him.
    We had it out over the weekend. It went to fisticuffs, I hit him once and he didn't want to fight any more. He's moving out of my moms house to pursue his denied neo-Nazi ways. I guess that solves that, until he runs out of money and has to move back in with our mom.

  23. #63
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    hopefully your mom stands strong and doesnt cave

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    LOL. I can't help it, dude. White chicks down here aren't really into white dudes, a lot of latina chicks aren't into latin guys. White people are almost considered exotic down here, because theres so few of us.
    Oh man..... I wanna come down to miami so bad

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
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  25. #65
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    Hopefully for your little bro the leader of the group isn't some older closet gay dude that gets your brother to suck his dick as part of being in the club....

  26. #66
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    I was going to say that giving him a beat down might work but from reading the thread it seems your bro is maybe socially retarded. Does he have opinions on everything etc? Or say wholely inappropriate things in front of people he doesn't know etc?

    If so he may have emabarassed himself in front of people in school college etc or anywere for that matter and therefore he was spotted and sold the Neo Nazi story by some clown from their organisation on the prowl for people who are unsure of themselves in front of people and thus selling him the Nazi deal and all the benefits it has of having what is in any gang a Support group for people who feel hard done by the world etc.

    If I was you I would chat to him again but this time stay came and show him if he has any form of intelligence which he should have if he was in college and show him the deal he was sold was kinda shitty and it's only to get people to buy into the crap so that the heads of these neo nazi crowd can make money etc. Speak to him in level and non confrontational tones. I dunno what you do but just picture yourself as a sales man and your dealing with the most awkward **** alive and have a retort for every stupid question he can ask. What I do if I know the customer I am selling too is going to be a complicate arse, I sit in my car before I call into them and write a list a of stupid and awkward questions I can think of and have an answer to them. If you do the same for your bro you maybe able to talk him outta this shitty and to be honest dangerous support group that he has fallen into. As that would have been the way the gang would have talked him into. I bet they told him when he left the house that hey stay at my place your part of our group you will always be welcome within our circles, but and there is always a but in these things they will get him to do something in return whatever that maybe.

  27. #67
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    Last edited by Shol'va; 07-21-2010 at 05:58 PM.

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