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Thread: Losing muscle... and the girl i like :(

  1. #81
    Standby's Avatar
    Standby is offline ~AR's Nice Guy
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    it is a pretty kick ass book

  2. #82
    bruary17 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Td00 View Post
    If she tells me she's confused, i'll tell her it's all over then.

    If you take any advice here, please take mine as I work in a bar where it's clientele are known in the area to be attractive, professional, young, women. Please don't confuse this, I'm not bragging, but I do better than anyone I've ever met when it comes to meeting, courting and scoring with these above average women. And ALL my friends know this and bring it up in friendly admiration.

    Above all you have to have common sense and listen to your gut, there are a millon variables so I'm going to give it to you straight. She's not pulling away from you because of what you did, any girl worth their salt doesn't leave over that situation unless either she was building up to that or you were just fling for her.

    The most important part is this...."You part ways like a MAN." this can either leave the door open in the future, or shut it tight.........on your heart and your cock. Admit you were wrong.....ONCE.....and make it breif but sincere. Tell her she means a lot to you and you'd hate for this to end, but if that's how she feels, you respect her decision and bare no ill feelings toward her.....wish her nothing but happyness and part with a smile. PERIOD. Try it kid. There are methods for this stuff...too much for me to get into but best of luck!

  3. #83
    UberSteroids's Avatar
    UberSteroids is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    I understand what you're saying 100%
    But you also just think the logic stops at a certain point which is does not.
    "The Game" teaches you exactly how to be yourself.

    If you "be what you be, you will always get what you got". You don't grow up not learning how to cook do you?
    What if someone told you to be yourself before you went to college? Should you always "just be" uneducated?
    How about when you were a scrawny guy? If someone just told you to be yourself then?
    The fact is almost NOONE really does that. "Yourself" is a time relevant word. You are never tommorow what you quite were today.
    All the game teaches men is social intelligence, and it does it rather well imo. Way better than formal schooling or your own parents.

    I learn how to grow, how to eat, how to be smart, how to adapt, how to evolve, my point being you always change into something better.
    If you don't have self respect, and don't know when to leave a solution alone, the last thing you should do imo is "be yourself".

    And yes its the black cover with gold letters. Its not as cheesy as it looks a very articulate and intelligable read.
    What I mean by being myself is that I am never going to change just so somebody else accepts me. Whatever path I chose is for myself alone. I didn't mean not to "evolve". I evolve everyday and improve myself based on the experience and my own choices, but I am not doing it to "fit" in somebody else's guidelines.

    You can evolve all you want, yet still never be accepted by everyone.

    So yes, to tell someone "be yourself" is a good advice. Be youreslf, follow your path and never force on any changes just to be accepted by a different group of people. This never works.

    Some people will adapt to certain behavior and some will not. Could I be a player and pick up bunch of girls every week? I probably could. Will I do it? I most likely won't because I refuse to change my apporach and start playing "games" just to pick up some girls. I have my guidelines as well. I shut down more girls than most guys would F just because of the fact that they are there saying yes.

    I am not a player and I never will be. Granted, I may meet one girl every six months doing it this way, but I prefer quality over quantity and I am totally fine with it.

    Would it be nice to meet a quality woman every week? It would be fantastic! Of course most are trash or emotionally damaged, so that won't happen. Am I going to lower the bar or change the way I am to meet more of them? No damn way.

    EDIT: I found that book brand new for 6.99 free shipping. I will give it a read.
    Last edited by UberSteroids; 12-03-2010 at 01:58 PM. Reason: Added

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