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  1. #41
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by europeangirl View Post
    wow, i really don't appreciate people calling me an attention whore or secretly a 300lb man or something. i randomly came across this board because i was looking for a fitness forum and when i saw how many guys were on here, i figured that i could ask them what i've always been afraid to ask people in real life.

    i really am a girl, really am 19, and really am a virgin. i don't have anything to prove on here. i just want someone to talk to about things no one's ever talked to me about before. i just have a lot on my chest and want people to share my thoughts with, and who will kindly share their thoughts with me.
    don't pay any attention to them, OK? We don't get many of your kind here, and it's a little bit of a culture shock to them..... some of them seem to forget our manners when there are very young ladies present....

  2. #42
    europeangirl is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Prove us wrong. We need pictures of you and your virginity.
    i'm not posting pictures of me or my "virginity." i didnt come here to prove anything to anyone, i just came here to talk to someone. i dont know anything about sex or what to expect or what challenges i may face or anything. i just want someone to talk to, and if that makes me an attention whore, at least it makes me an educated one. i just want to know what guys think of girls like me, and what obstacles i may soon face.

    if that doesnt make me welcomed on the board, then i guess this board wasnt meant for me to begin with. i've already had a lot of nice and helpful feedback, so i don't regret coming here! =)

  3. #43
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by europeangirl View Post
    wow i have so much to learn. i never even thought of what you said. thanks =)
    that doesn't mean you should rush out and start "exploring".... just something to be aware of.... the truth is, if you have the right guy, and you two are patient together, it could turn out to be a very beautiful thing..... and btw.... since no experience, the first time? don't really expect too much from a physical perspective... no sky rockets,that sort of thing.... look more for emotional bonding, and tenderness.... it will probably be a "tentative" thing, not really sure what to expect..... but after, and in the weeks to follow, watch out! it will be like a new toy that you want to play with all the time.... then the novelty will wear off to a certain extent, and things will begin to stabilize....

  4. #44
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by europeangirl View Post
    i'm not posting pictures of me or my "virginity." i didnt come here to prove anything to anyone, i just came here to talk to someone. i dont know anything about sex or what to expect or what challenges i may face or anything. i just want someone to talk to, and if that makes me an attention whore, at least it makes me an educated one. i just want to know what guys think of girls like me, and what obstacles i may soon face.

    if that doesnt make me welcomed on the board, then i guess this board wasnt meant for me to begin with. i've already had a lot of nice and helpful feedback, so i don't regret coming here! =)
    You do realize this isn't the Dr. Phil forums this is a steroid forum correct ?

  5. #45
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by europeangirl View Post
    i'm not posting pictures of me or my "virginity." i didnt come here to prove anything to anyone, i just came here to talk to someone. i dont know anything about sex or what to expect or what challenges i may face or anything. i just want someone to talk to, and if that makes me an attention whore, at least it makes me an educated one. i just want to know what guys think of girls like me, and what obstacles i may soon face.

    if that doesnt make me welcomed on the board, then i guess this board wasnt meant for me to begin with. i've already had a lot of nice and helpful feedback, so i don't regret coming here! =)
    again, that DSM fellow? he's just pushing your buttons... like the rest of them will try to do. Some of this "locker room" talk you just have to accept and let it roll off your back like water on a duck.... I wouldn't do anything except laugh at it. This board really isn't set up for sensitive young ladies, so if you would like to participate, you need to learn to tell these blokes....

    tell em

    Fuk off you mangey mutts! =)

    see, feeling better already?

  6. #46
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    again, that DSM fellow? he's just pushing your buttons... like the rest of them will try to do. Some of this "locker room" talk you just have to accept and let it roll off your back like water on a duck.... I wouldn't do anything except laugh at it. This board really isn't set up for sensitive young ladies, so if you would like to participate, you need to learn to tell these blokes....

    tell em

    Fuk off you mangey mutts! =)

    see, feeling better already?
    I agree board is def hard on ladies which is why Rulh left.

  7. #47
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    and sometimes ya gotta roll up a newspaper and smack em on the nose!

  8. #48
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  9. #49
    europeangirl is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    You do realize this isn't the Dr. Phil forums this is a steroid forum correct ?
    you do realize this is the off-topic forum where you can talk about "anything you want" correct?

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by europeangirl View Post
    you do realize this is the off-topic forum where you can talk about "anything you want" correct?
    Absolutely and welcome.

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by europeangirl View Post
    you do realize this is the off-topic forum where you can talk about "anything you want" correct?
    Interesting question, you seem to know the board quite well....

    Where did you say you were from, somewhere in Europe im guessing by the name?????
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    Interesting question, you seem to know the board quite well....

    Where did you say you were from, somewhere in Europe im guessing by the name?????
    Are you smelling what i am smelling ? ..............hello Vette !

  13. #53
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    i was thinking denon, arestwat, or arab warrior.....

  14. #54
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Does anyone else find this enitre thread fishy? A 19 year old signs up on a Steroid forum and her third post is talking about her virginity to a bunch of men she doesn't know. Not to mention 13 out of 16 of her total posts are about her virginity. I'm not buying this one....calling it how I see it.
    Last edited by Gaspari1255; 02-13-2011 at 10:23 AM.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by ****** View Post
    Does anyone else find this enitre thread fishy? A 19 year old signs up on a Steroid forum and her third post is talking about her virginity to a bunch of men she doesn't know. Not to mention 13 out of 16 of her total posts are about her virginity. I'm not buying this one....calling it how I see it.
    ****** i see nothing wrong with it. This young innocent virgin has come here for comfort. We need to take her in and allow her to drink from our bosom.

    Come here ....dont be scared :

  16. #56
    europeangirl is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    again, that DSM fellow? he's just pushing your buttons... like the rest of them will try to do. Some of this "locker room" talk you just have to accept and let it roll off your back like water on a duck.... I wouldn't do anything except laugh at it. This board really isn't set up for sensitive young ladies, so if you would like to participate, you need to learn to tell these blokes....

    tell em

    Fuk off you mangey mutts! =)

    see, feeling better already?
    thanks, timesroman. =) i think i should stop posting here though. thank you everyone who's been so helpful to me! if anyone still wants to talk to me, my email is [email protected]


  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by europeangirl View Post
    thanks, timesroman. =) i think i should stop posting here though. thank you everyone who's been so helpful to me! if anyone still wants to talk to me, my email is [email protected]


    Btw, you need to log off if your going....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post

    Btw, you need to log off if your going....

    Was it something i said euro ?

  19. #59
    number twelve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by europeangirl View Post
    well first off, I'm new, so hi!

    second off...I'm a 19 year old virgin and I've always wondered what guys think about that.

    I'm a virgin by choice and I'm very pretty, so it's not because I'm ugly and no guy wants to have sex with me or something. A lot of guys want to have sex with me but I just want to wait until I meet the right person.

    is that weird? I've never told anyone that I'm a virgin before.

    what do guys think about girls that are virgins?

    i'm just curious. i've never done anything sexual before...
    nothing is wrong with waiting for the right person and not being a tramp.

    i have a feeling this is a fake post though

  20. #60
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    I wonder how many people emailed her.. TimesRoman??? haha.. this was a funny one.

  21. #61
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    Virgin girls were fun in my teens but over the years I have grown to realize that nothing beats a good ole dirty whore.

  22. #62
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    and there you have it..

  23. #63
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    Skepticism didn't kick in till post 35? I am losing faith in you guys.

  24. #64
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  25. #65
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    When you email her, don't give out your credit card number.

  26. #66
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    Well all I can say is you stick to your guns.Congrats.You got nerves of steel.I go 1 day and I feel cheated

  27. #67
    9za4ck4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by europeangirl View Post
    wow, i really don't appreciate people calling me an attention whore or secretly a 300lb man or something. i randomly came across this board because i was looking for a fitness forum and when i saw how many guys were on here, i figured that i could ask them what i've always been afraid to ask people in real life.

    i really am a girl, really am 19, and really am a virgin. i don't have anything to prove on here. i just want someone to talk to about things no one's ever talked to me about before. i just have a lot on my chest and want people to share my thoughts with, and who will kindly share their thoughts with me.
    19 yr old virgin hmmmmm i didnt think those existed. anyways first off lighten up a little youll get a lot of people who are gonna joke around youll see that soon enough if you stick around. and also i personally think you still being a virgin in todays time says a lot about yourself. and im sure when you do find the right guy he will appreciate you more knowing that you waited. even tho more and likely the guy is not going to be a virgin. just saying its not likely. but anyways guys who are looking for a serious relationship would find you being a virgin attractive. the ones who are just trying to hookup probly dont want anything to do with you. and well thats that. welcome to the forum

  28. #68
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    WTF were you doing with pics of Marcus ???? lolol

  29. #69
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    Try again

  30. #70
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    Keep your legs crossed. Don't let any guys near you until they have good intentions. You have a great commodity being a Virgin.

    Now with that being said, how on earth did you find the Lounge?
    Last edited by SlimmerMe; 02-13-2011 at 01:30 PM.

  31. #71
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    you guys are just either too honest or too pathetic. didnt any body get suspicious that her first post was in lounge. she is 19 yet being innocent and try to ask ur opinion on the forum who is full of testosterone ?? what is wrong with u gys...jeez and to top it all off she gave out her email on an open forum....interesting very interesting

  32. #72
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    I am a hot teenage virgin who shaves and love men. Oh someone please come steal my cherry please.

  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    I am a hot teenage virgin who shaves and love men. Oh someone please come steal my cherry please.
    like that exists either

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    you guys are just either too honest or too pathetic. didnt any body get suspicious that her first post was in lounge. she is 19 yet being innocent and try to ask ur opinion on the forum who is full of testosterone?? what is wrong with u gys...jeez and to top it all off she gave out her email on an open forum....interesting very interesting

  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexISthrowed View Post
    He just wanted to talk to her and be her friend. He also wanted to teach her how to do anal sex with only spit.

  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    He just wanted to talk to her and be her friend. He also wanted to teach her how to do anal sex with only spit.
    My favorite line from that show "I just wanted to come here and tell her parents what shes been up to on the internet" lol then whats with the condoms and whipped cream.

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    My guess is its a 300lb dude called Bill.....
    you beat me to it

  38. #78
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    This had to be the Zyzz. He is the only one narcissistic enough to be only in love with himself, not allowing anyone else near him.

  39. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexISthrowed View Post
    My favorite line from that show "I just wanted to come here and tell her parents what shes been up to on the internet" lol then whats with the condoms and whipped cream.
    I love that show.

  40. #80
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    Another retarded thread. First the The Sphere Thread, then that Zyzz thread now this..

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