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  1. #1
    SaintInASinnersEyes's Avatar
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    guys what should I do about my job ?

    I hate it I hate everyone there staff & customers. I can't eat because I'm constanly busy I swear I get bitched at if I take a bathroom break. Somedays I work 15 ****ing hours and get 20 minutes for lunch. The money isn't even that good and its ****ing far it takes me like 30 minutes to get to work and I ride a sportbike. It seems like I go to the gym and workout and try to get in 5k a day but then it's time for work and I have to go at least 6 hours without food I literally stuff down 2000 calories before I get on my bike for work ...How can you make progress like that ?? Can someone recommend minimum wage jobs you think would let you eat and would be good for someone trying to bodybuild (something where you don't rly burn that many calories) I think I'm gonna get fired anyways. The problem is if I quit or get fired I will have no $$$ for gym membership, supplements, "supplements" or food

    *edit* it's so ****ing frustrating to be doing shit like not having a girlfriend because I can't afford to take her out anywhere because my money is going towards lifting expenses and never going out to socialize (not that I want to anyways) cause I never have money for that either. I don't mind doing this but at least I should be looking like I do this instead of looking like some ****ing skinny little bitch all cause of this ****ing job thats ****ing me up but keeps me going at the same time I'm at a plateau at 180lbs and it could be fixed so easily if I could just ****ING EAT!!!

    oh and just so you know my other coworker works out too and he is 145lbs and he is taller than me !!! the other coworkers are even skinnier that should tell you something about this ****ing shit I need to get a new job I just realized by typing this all out
    Last edited by SaintInASinnersEyes; 03-05-2011 at 01:58 PM.

  2. #2
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
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    i worked at a moving company in college.. it was awesome.. got down to 9% BF between that and rugby and training

    as far as jobs go.. i like to use this analogy.. having a job is like having a bitchy GF.. a few years ago you could quit your job and go to the paper and select from four or five different jobs that are available.. today, thhere are not very many options at all.. I compare this to having a gf in your twenties, you could dump her and find a dozen others at the local club.. compared to when you are in your mid forties, you are gonig to be stuck with what you got..

    to both problems I say this.. with the way things are nowadays do not quit your job unless you have something else lined up.. because as much as your job sucks.. being unemployed will suck even more.. how do you fancy moving back in with mom and dad??

    that being said.. how are we supposed to know what jobs are available in your area??? i recommend security guard.. work nights, so you work out in middle of the day when the gym is empty.. and no one fvcks with you since you work by yourself.

  3. #3
    drdeath613's Avatar
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    quiting a job to fit with your play life style aint always easy i work out of my buddies shop here and back in detroit i dont have to pay them a % like most shops charge
    im like a guest artist of the month type thing but you have to have some good drawing skills cause not everyone wants a copy and paste job done and it takes years before you start to see and good money out of it

    landscaping is ok pay iv made 600 a week and you always have time to eat during the truck ride to the next job you can also skip doing cardio cause you be moving at a fast ass pace and your calves will get huge in only 2 months of work

    hot tar roofing if you can be the one who loads the kettle 100lb rolls of tar will build the lower back like nothing else can pays about 8-12 a hour or if its a small place you may get paid by the job

    most outdoor labor gives you plenty of time to eat and drink thru the whole shift but the two up above are about the best it gets

  4. #4
    drdeath613's Avatar
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    also if your a landscaper in a snow state you will get unemployment in your off season also if they do snow removal youll make like 20 bucks a hour under the table

  5. #5
    SaintInASinnersEyes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by drdeath613 View Post
    also if your a landscaper in a snow state you will get unemployment in your off season also if they do snow removal youll make like 20 bucks a hour under the table
    lol it never snows here you know that

    day laborer sounds good for me I don't know how to find a day laborer job though I've never seen one posted on any job finding websites I'm gonna try craigslist tonight after work.

  6. #6
    drdeath613's Avatar
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    lol well i cant see where u live so i have to guess where u live

  7. #7
    LatissimusaurousRex is offline Senior Member
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    "If your work isn't what you love, then something isn't right"

  8. #8
    SaintInASinnersEyes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by drdeath613 View Post
    lol well i cant see where u live so i have to guess where u live
    haha true. Well guys I sent in an application to a lawn service about 30mins hwy ride with my sportbike pay is $50 a day. Have hour long lunch breaks!!! hour long! and says it's usually 7-3 or 4.

  9. #9
    drdeath613's Avatar
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    be careful and ask about do you get paid for weekends cause some place if the jobs for that week arnt done force you to work weekends free

  10. #10
    songdog's Avatar
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    Wat are u going to do with 50.00 a day? Pull your apps out.Take your time its easier to find a job.When you got a job.

  11. #11
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    It's obvious, start job shopping more. Dont settle or stay with something just because you are there. You dont owe them any long term loyalty. Do you job while you are there, dont get fired and quit when you find something else. Dont worry about that one being perfect either, only better. You will have many stepping stones through life. The days of working for a big company until you retire are finished. Yes it still happens, rarely. I HOPE I get to stay where I am but I'm not banking on it.

    No job is worth the grief unless you are making BIG money and even then??? There are plenty of jobs out there no matter what they say if you are young enough. Even at my age (older than dirt) If I had to I would cut wood again, do drywall, manual labor etc.

  12. #12
    SaintInASinnersEyes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACHINE5150 View Post
    i worked at a moving company in college.. it was awesome.. got down to 9% BF between that and rugby and training

    as far as jobs go.. i like to use this analogy.. having a job is like having a bitchy GF.. a few years ago you could quit your job and go to the paper and select from four or five different jobs that are available.. today, thhere are not very many options at all.. I compare this to having a gf in your twenties, you could dump her and find a dozen others at the local club.. compared to when you are in your mid forties, you are gonig to be stuck with what you got..

    to both problems I say this.. with the way things are nowadays do not quit your job unless you have something else lined up.. because as much as your job sucks.. being unemployed will suck even more.. how do you fancy moving back in with mom and dad??

    that being said.. how are we supposed to know what jobs are available in your area??? i recommend security guard.. work nights, so you work out in middle of the day when the gym is empty.. and no one fvcks with you since you work by yourself.
    thanks bro funny analogy. I am too weak to be a mover at 5'9" im a 180lb twig with no strength Also, I'm 18 I still live with my mom and probably will throughout college if I go back. It's not bad I just pay for my food,supps,gym membership and gas

    Quote Originally Posted by drdeath613 View Post
    be careful and ask about do you get paid for weekends cause some place if the jobs for that week arnt done force you to work weekends free
    I'm definatley going to ask that if they email me back for an interview I did it through craigs list

    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Wat are u going to do with 50.00 a day? Pull your apps out.Take your time its easier to find a job.When you got a job.
    I make ~$70 a day + weekly paycheck for 5.25/hr it's not worth it though.

    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    It's obvious, start job shopping more. Dont settle or stay with something just because you are there. You dont owe them any long term loyalty. Do you job while you are there, dont get fired and quit when you find something else. Dont worry about that one being perfect either, only better. You will have many stepping stones through life. The days of working for a big company until you retire are finished. Yes it still happens, rarely. I HOPE I get to stay where I am but I'm not banking on it.

    No job is worth the grief unless you are making BIG money and even then??? There are plenty of jobs out there no matter what they say if you are young enough. Even at my age (older than dirt) If I had to I would cut wood again, do drywall, manual labor etc.
    Thankyou bro very good point

    well guys I just stuffed my face for breakfast and I'm going to try and do half my leg workout before I start another 15****ing hour workday with the 20 minute lunch break again
    Last edited by SaintInASinnersEyes; 03-06-2011 at 07:41 AM.

  13. #13
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    I think I have only ever had on job I hated, it was my first job ever. (mowing lawns and picking blue berries dont count even though I made OK money) I was 15. I somehow got a job from a guy who lived a couple miles from me who owned a construction business. 1st day I shuffled gravel all day..... Work out my gloves, had huge blisters and about died. lol 2nd day I dont remember what I did but I remember seeing a tractor wipe out everything I did in about 30 seconds. I think I worked 3 days, he paid me cash at the end of the 3rd day, $20. I said FU and never went back. 30 years later I still want to throw a rock through his window. LOL

    Every other job I have worked even washing dishes, being a bus boy, insulating houses, doing construction I made the best out of ever job.

    I did have one other job I quit, I didint hate it but they lied to me and everyone else. It was at a gym. I was 17 or 18, cold call solicitor. Yeah someone has to do it. It ended up there was about 10 of us. They kept us separated at first but then put us all in the same room making calls. After a couple weeks we figured out the management had been feeding us all the same BS they we would become trainers and all that.
    I actually staged a walkout and all 10 of us walked out at the same time, mid shift. They freaked but it was fun. There was one guy who worked there, Brian, he was a trainer, he was HUGE. I still remember to this day how big he was. Obvious pro. He though it was funny and good that we walked out.

    If you hate it, get out even if you are 18.

  14. #14
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    MR-FQ320's Avatar
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    Yeah man don't take shit from employers, u gotta make a job work for you.

    Want my advice, look for an apprenticeship in a skilled trade, the money might be a bit less than your on now for a while but it will be better when your trained up, look for something that interests you, idk electrician , joiner, that minding thing, in England we are crying out for tradesmen , in a few years tradesmen will be laughing, plumbers and plasterers already earn at least a thousand pound a week.

    Your young enough yet, take your time and apply for plenty of jobs, get a kick ass CV, don't get disheartened when you get turned down.

  16. #16
    38jumper38's Avatar
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    get a new job, or find a old lady with a lot of money.

  17. #17
    SaintInASinnersEyes's Avatar
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    well guys I worked 15 hours today and I just brough protein bars with me and ate them in the bathroom. I only got a 12 minute lunch break which sucked. However I did make $72 + hourly pay it sucks cause the money is not bad for someone my age to be making. But I might have just found out how to make it work if I just bring the protein bars with me on work days. I just wish I could be eating meals but I guess it's not terribly bad or is it ?

  18. #18
    auslifta's Avatar
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    Get skilled at something-trade etc. as rossa said, then become your own boss. I cant believe your willing to make $50/day, I make around $140 for first hour then $70 every hour after that. I stop to eat when I want, workout when I want, and if some weeks I only want to work 3 days, I do. When the works there I work 15hr days, when its not I might not work at all. Its still early days for me so I'm not doing 40hrs a week maybe 25hrs. But I'm making the same as on wages only I dont have to put up with a cvnt of a boss.

  19. #19
    SaintInASinnersEyes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by auslifta View Post
    Get skilled at something-trade etc. as rossa said, then become your own boss. I cant believe your willing to make $50/day, I make around $140 for first hour then $70 every hour after that. I stop to eat when I want, workout when I want, and if some weeks I only want to work 3 days, I do. When the works there I work 15hr days, when its not I might not work at all. Its still early days for me so I'm not doing 40hrs a week maybe 25hrs. But I'm making the same as on wages only I dont have to put up with a cvnt of a boss.
    there is a window tinter on craigslist looking for an apprentice maybe I should talk to him ? I'm just afraid I'm not going to have time for the gym because he said he works very long days

  20. #20
    auslifta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SaintInASinnersEyes View Post
    there is a window tinter on craigslist looking for an apprentice maybe I should talk to him ? I'm just afraid I'm not going to have time for the gym because he said he works very long days
    You only really need an hour for the gym, if your commited, its worth it in the long run. Whats 4 years of your life being an apprentice and maybe risking 3kgs of muscle difference if at all. Up to you. What ever you do, learn a skill. Are you from the US? If you are, there is no future being a labourer, you'll always be undercut by border jumpers. Its even better if you become skilled in something that requires a license.

  21. #21
    SaintInASinnersEyes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by auslifta View Post
    You only really need an hour for the gym, if your commited, its worth it in the long run. Whats 4 years of your life being an apprentice and maybe risking 3kgs of muscle difference if at all. Up to you. What ever you do, learn a skill. Are you from the US? If you are, there is no future being a labourer, you'll always be undercut by border jumpers. Its even better if you become skilled in something that requires a license.
    yeah but the time to get to the gym and get out is a lot more than an hour lol just getting to my gym takes me 30 mins. Yes I do live in the US. True about picking up a licensed trade. I'm going to email the window tinter and talk to him about what the hours would be

  22. #22
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Remember, even the window tinting is nothing more than a stepping stone at your age. Keep looking for something to improve yourself, look for opportunity to make more. Dont worry about finding the perfect job, just a job you dont hate and you can learn something from. It's always good to have versatile skills.

  23. #23
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SaintInASinnersEyes View Post
    there is a window tinter on craigslist looking for an apprentice maybe I should talk to him ? I'm just afraid I'm not going to have time for the gym because he said he works very long days
    It cant be much worse than what you have now right ? Ive beeen to interviews and they say things like 'its long hours' and 'its hard graft', just show enthusiasm and it probably turn out better than you thought, take an actual intrerest in job, it sounds quite skilful or artistic, with s job like that it should give you satisfaction, if you do good work that you can be proud of, this beats getting paid (sometimes).


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