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Thread: Bin Laden Dead

  1. #121
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    Nothing will change.

    How is this a "great" victory? How many soldiers have died because of this pointless war? How many civilians have died? Yeah, let's celebrate all those pointless deaths.

  2. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    Nothing will change.

    How is this a "great" victory? How many soldiers have died because of this pointless war? How many civilians have died? Yeah, let's celebrate all those pointless deaths.
    i agree, some other crackpot will step in

  3. #123
    JJ78 is offline Senior Member
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    Here are the false photos of the dude. By the way hes been dead for years.

  4. #124
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    Great day, Thanks to our Military, and thank you to President Obama.

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    ^disagree. It is very significant. In fact, it's all we are talking about today. the afghans are very happy, the military is very happy, the expats are very happy. I am sure we are NOT an isolated case.
    Sure it's a symbolic “victory” for America, but with regards to the war on terror and the middle east sh1t fight...

  6. #126
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  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    71 and the first one suppose to be your wife......I dont know why you get your wife back
    Where do you guys dream this shlt up, this is not what happens. lmao you guys make me laugh

  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJ78 View Post
    Here are the false photos of the dude. By the way hes been dead for years.
    I am sooo glad you decided AGAINST citing a no name fringe rag for your information and instead went with a quality source such as the one you just cited.

    GOOD SHOW! =)

  9. #129
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    Here is something interesting regarding the 24 hour burial notion I just read....

    Amid the justified celebrations over the killing of Osama bin Laden, an awkward question is starting to rear its head: Did U.S. policymakers err in burying the al Qaeda leader at sea?

    Already, the decision has provoked criticism from some Islamic scholars, who say a maritime burial isn't in keeping with Muslim law. And there are signs that the move could help fuel skepticism, especially among President Obama's critics, about whether bin Laden was really killed at all.

    The Pentagon has said the body was treated in accordance with traditional Islamic procedures--including washing the corpse--before it was placed in the waters of the northern Arabian Sea.

    U.S. officials have said they wanted to avoid the al Qaeda leader's grave site becoming a shrine for his followers. They've also said it would have been difficult to find a foreign country willing to accept bin Laden's remains, especially in so short a time: Islamic tradition and practice call for the body of the deceased to be buried within 24 hours of death.

    I'm not claiming this is factual. But there are many out there that insist it is.

    ...and the debate continues...

  10. #130
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    Here's the thing that makes me laugh at Conspiracy Theorists...

    They need NO PROOF to support their claims.

    Instead, they simply need to be criticial of everything except their pet theory.

  11. #131
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    He's probably dead but not at sea. He could be in a CIA freezer. They could just say he is at sea. If he isn't dead then he is in captivity and will wish he is dead. If he isn't dead we will know soon enough because he will give us info that will help us take down some major players. I'm gonna go with he's dead and in a freezer.

  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    Here is something interesting regarding the 24 hour burial notion I just read....

    Amid the justified celebrations over the killing of Osama bin Laden, an awkward question is starting to rear its head: Did U.S. policymakers err in burying the al Qaeda leader at sea?

    Already, the decision has provoked criticism from some Islamic scholars, who say a maritime burial isn't in keeping with Muslim law. And there are signs that the move could help fuel skepticism, especially among President Obama's critics, about whether bin Laden was really killed at all. Actually a sea burial is within Islamic Customs not law, but only in cases of a death at sea. If your death is on land you should be buried in the ground.

    The Pentagon has said the body was treated in accordance with traditional Islamic procedures--including washing the corpse--before it was placed in the waters of the northern Arabian Sea.

    U.S. officials have said they wanted to avoid the al Qaeda leader's grave site becoming a shrine for his followers. They've also said it would have been difficult to find a foreign country willing to accept bin Laden's remains, especially in so short a time: Islamic tradition and practice call for the body of the deceased to be buried within 24 hours of death. But there are exceptions to this that the US could have utilized, ie autopsy!!!
    I'm not claiming this is factual. But there are many out there that insist it is.

    ...and the debate continues...
    I am not going to debate with anyone about Osama bin Laden death because I feel more relieved than most of you because of my religious beliefs. This man hijacked our religion for the sake of his own cause which turned much of the world against Muslims. So we are happy he is eliminated in many ways.
    Last edited by wmaousley; 05-03-2011 at 04:17 AM. Reason: said something about a dead man that I shouldnt have

  13. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJ78 View Post
    Here are the false photos of the dude. By the way hes been dead for years.
    And let me guess you were in attendance at his funeral to verify this.

  14. #134
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    i think he meant it will not slow terrorism. everyone wanted this loser dead.he died resisting thats why he was shot.
    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    Hmm to those that say it isnt significant or has no meaning now - i think you are wrong. How much impact it will have on al qaeda and their activities i dont know-but to say it doesnt have meaning is just innaccurate. It has meaning. It meant something to me to hear this scum was dead.

    Tell the families of the vicitms of the 9-11 tragedy it has no meaning......

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    Here is something interesting regarding the 24 hour burial notion I just read....

    Amid the justified celebrations over the killing of Osama bin Laden, an awkward question is starting to rear its head: Did U.S. policymakers err in burying the al Qaeda leader at sea?

    Already, the decision has provoked criticism from some Islamic scholars, who say a maritime burial isn't in keeping with Muslim law. And there are signs that the move could help fuel skepticism, especially among President Obama's critics, about whether bin Laden was really killed at all.

    The Pentagon has said the body was treated in accordance with traditional Islamic procedures--including washing the corpse--before it was placed in the waters of the northern Arabian Sea.

    U.S. officials have said they wanted to avoid the al Qaeda leader's grave site becoming a shrine for his followers. They've also said it would have been difficult to find a foreign country willing to accept bin Laden's remains, especially in so short a time: Islamic tradition and practice call for the body of the deceased to be buried within 24 hours of death.

    I'm not claiming this is factual. But there are many out there that insist it is.

    ...and the debate continues...
    But the thing here is that this is not the case. There is no such thing as a 24 hour dead line for Muslim burial. And the only time a person can be buried in the sea is if that individual actually died in the sea. And since Bin Laden got killed on soil and coast, he had to be buried on soil and coast. Because the most important thing is that a person who is buried has to have his head facing Mecca. Bin Laden being dropped to the bottom of the sea totally contradicts that important aspect.

    The 24 hour rule has no credibility in Islam. The Quran nor Sunnah mention anything about having to bury a person in 24 hours as far as I know. The idea of the 24 hour thing came out of a story with Muhammad where he proposed that they bury one of his close friends "quickly to avoid the rotting of the flesh in front of his loved ones". He never said "Bury him in 24 hours!". He said "quickly". And he did so because back then, there was no such thing as holding the body in a nice storage room where it is kept in a freezer. This was 1,400 years ago. And the United States knows this also. Remember Uday and Qusay Hussein? Their bodies were kept 11 days after their killing and their remains were shown off and examined by numerous sources. Yet Osama Bin Laden had to be buried in 24 hours? That is ridiculous. That is the same case with Zarqawi's death. I been to Islamic funerals and not once did I go to one where the dead was buried 24 hours after their last breath. And Islamic scholars like Dr Saud al-Fanisan said that when a person is buried in the sea because of him/her dying in sea side, the body needs to be protected from fish if possible, and that was possible. So another true requirement is crushed there...

    I am not a conspiracy theorist or anything but I simply have questions which totally contradict the things which they keep trying to make us believe. 24 hour rule isn't Islamic law, nor is the burial of a person killed on land to be buried in the sea, and nor does this heroes treatment of OBL correspond with the treatment of other terrorists and militant leaders in the past by U.S. government. Why attempt to follow a tradition of "Islamic law" when the key point of importance has been crushed by refusing to bury that person facing Mecca? Why follow any tradition then? You might as well keep his body for a couple weeks and dump him eventually. There was nothing Islamic with the burial, so why follow some made up 24 hour thing? Its stupid. Abdul-Sattar Al-Janabi (Islamic scholar in Iraq) said that his body should have been handed to his relatives so that they can look for a country to bury him in, thus confirming that the 24 hour idea is not valid in this age and time.

  16. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by Public Enemy View Post
    But the thing here is that this is not the case. There is no such thing as a 24 hour dead line for Muslim burial. And the only time a person can be buried in the sea is if that individual actually died in the sea. And since Bin Laden got killed on soil and coast, he had to be buried on soil and coast. Because the most important thing is that a person who is buried has to have his head facing Mecca. Bin Laden being dropped to the bottom of the sea totally contradicts that important aspect.

    The 24 hour rule has no credibility in Islam. The Quran nor Sunnah mention anything about having to bury a person in 24 hours as far as I know. The idea of the 24 hour thing came out of a story with Muhammad where he proposed that they bury one of his close friends "quickly to avoid the rotting of the flesh in front of his loved ones". He never said "Bury him in 24 hours!". He said "quickly". And he did so because back then, there was no such thing as holding the body in a nice storage room where it is kept in a freezer. This was 1,400 years ago. And the United States knows this also. Remember Uday and Qusay Hussein? Their bodies were kept 11 days after their killing and their remains were shown off and examined by numerous sources. Yet Osama Bin Laden had to be buried in 24 hours? That is ridiculous. That is the same case with Zarqawi's death. I been to Islamic funerals and not once did I go to one where the dead was buried 24 hours after their last breath. And Islamic scholars like Dr Saud al-Fanisan said that when a person is buried in the sea because of him/her dying in sea side, the body needs to be protected from fish if possible, and that was possible. So another true requirement is crushed there...

    I am not a conspiracy theorist or anything but I simply have questions which totally contradict the things which they keep trying to make us believe. 24 hour rule isn't Islamic law, nor is the burial of a person killed on land to be buried in the sea, and nor does this heroes treatment of OBL correspond with the treatment of other terrorists and militant leaders in the past by U.S. government. Why attempt to follow a tradition of "Islamic law" when the key point of importance has been crushed by refusing to bury that person facing Mecca? Why follow any tradition then? You might as well keep his body for a couple weeks and dump him eventually. There was nothing Islamic with the burial, so why follow some made up 24 hour thing? Its stupid. Abdul-Sattar Al-Janabi (Islamic scholar in Iraq) said that his body should have been handed to his relatives so that they can look for a country to bury him in, thus confirming that the 24 hour idea is not valid in this age and time.
    I totally agree...but ever time you ask a question regarding the "Official story" you are labelled at "conspiracy theorist" remember the Bush speech after 9/11 "you are with us or against us" The question is/was y so early to dump his body into the sea? and no its not a rule.(yes TR you can find all the articles you can find). sso what could be the other reason.....

  17. #137
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    Quote Originally Posted by wmaousley View Post
    I am not going to debate with anyone about Osama bin Laden death because I feel more relieved than most of you because of my religious beliefs. This man hijacked our religion for the sake of his own cause which turned much of the world against Muslims. So we are happy he is eliminated in many ways.
    X2.....I am saying this since 9/11.

  18. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by wmaousley View Post
    Where do you guys dream this shlt up, this is not what happens. lmao you guys make me laugh
    just because you calling me out I am going to kidnap 2 of your hoores while I bitch slap u
    Last edited by calgarian; 05-03-2011 at 07:36 AM.

  19. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    I totally agree...but ever time you ask a question regarding the "Official story" you are labelled at "conspiracy theorist" remember the Bush speech after 9/11 "you are with us or against us" The question is/was y so early to dump his body into the sea? and no its not a rule.(yes TR you can find all the articles you can find). sso what could be the other reason.....
    Thats the ****ing thing with this post-9/11 world. I cannot even ask something so simple. I am not saying I believe Osama is chilling with Obama in the White house but this Bin laden has killed thousands of people, many Muslims would want to see his remains more then Americans because he killed more Muslims then Americans. I wanted this killing to end the age of doubt. People need to stop saying "Its offensive to Muslims!", no it ****ing isn't! If the Islamic world saw Saddam being hanged and after, then having his remains shown, why the hell would Muslims suddenly feel offended by seeing Osama dead who is credited with polluting some many Muslim nations??? This ending to the OBl story could not have been worse. Now we need to simply believe the word of the government and god knows what those dead images would be. Only way to know was with corpse identification by various sources like with Zarqawi, Basayev, Uday and Qusay, but thats impossible since apparently he is being eaten by sharks as we speak..
    Last edited by Public Enemy; 05-03-2011 at 07:37 AM.

  20. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by Public Enemy View Post
    Thats the ****ing thing with this post-9/11 world. I cannot even ask something so simple. I am not saying I believe Osama is chilling with Obama in the White house but this Bin laden has killed thousands of people, many Muslims would want to see his remains more then Americans because he killed more Muslims then Americans. I wanted this killing to end the age of doubt. People need to stop saying "Its offensive to Muslims!", no it ****ing isn't! If the Islamic world saw Saddam being hanged and after, then having his remains shown, why the hell would Muslims suddenly feel offended by seeing Osama dead who is credited with polluting some many Muslim nations??? This ending to the OBl story could not have been worse.
    agree 100%

  21. #141
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  22. #142
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    Quote Originally Posted by Public Enemy View Post
    Thats the ****ing thing with this post-9/11 world. I cannot even ask something so simple. I am not saying I believe Osama is chilling with Obama in the White house but this Bin laden has killed thousands of people, many Muslims would want to see his remains more then Americans because he killed more Muslims then Americans. I wanted this killing to end the age of doubt. People need to stop saying "Its offensive to Muslims!", no it ****ing isn't! If the Islamic world saw Saddam being hanged and after, then having his remains shown, why the hell would Muslims suddenly feel offended by seeing Osama dead who is credited with polluting some many Muslim nations??? This ending to the OBl story could not have been worse. Now we need to simply believe the word of the government and god knows what those dead images would be. Only way to know was with corpse identification by various sources like with Zarqawi, Basayev, Uday and Qusay, but thats impossible since apparently he is being eaten by sharks as we speak..
    I would be relived that this thing is over if they have done that.....Some times all these things remind me of the Movie idiocracy. And its amazing how many people have created opinions based on what they see on Media and without doing any research non what so ever......makes me sad

  23. #143
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  24. #144
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    good stuff

  25. #145
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    I would be relived that this thing is over if they have done that.....Some times all these things remind me of the Movie idiocracy. And its amazing how many people have created opinions based on what they see on Media and without doing any research non what so ever......makes me sad
    Thats all I am doing. Just telling people things they did not do any research on. Why do so many Americans keep accepting this whole "24 hour" fairy tale?? I keep trying to tell people "Guys, there is not such thing. Its not supported by any Islamic law like they keep saying" and they keep responding "Oh yea, well the media disagrees with you!". Why don't they listen? I don't understand. I keep trying to tell them the truth (Not my opinion) yet they keep thinking I am trying to talk them into a conspiracy. Its sad, really.

  26. #146
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    Do Saddam's sons and Zarqawi really carry the same global weight as Osama bin Laden has done for a decade... No. Not at all. Not even close.

    You have to remember this is a global terrorist that has been on the run for 10+ years and is responsible for multiple terrorist attacks, some on US soil, Africa and across EUR. If he didnt direct them, the idiots that carried out the attacks were certainly inspired by his ideology.

    If he was given a burial, it would turn into a shrine, its pretty simple. So disposing of him at sea avoids that entirely.

    Him being disposed of at sea is "the official line", but he could certainly now be in a freezer somewhere.

    Why keep his body for 5,6,7,10,11, 30 days, it will only anger the Muslims that have supported him or his ideology even further? The US cannot win either way.

    1. He's disposed of in the ocean in 24 hours (official line)

    Conspiracy theorists = Bullshit. Why bury him at sea? Why in 24 hours?

    Muslims/Supporters = Its not in Islamic tradition. Why at sea? Why in 24 hours?

    2. Keep his body for days/weeks/months.

    Conspiracy theorists = Its fake. Why havent they buried him in accordance with Islamic tradition?

    Muslims/Supporters = The USA is not respecting ALL Muslims. Why wasnt he buried inland? More hatred towards West.

    Whether or not he's thousands of feet under the ocean, or in a freezer, they WILL release the photo's and recording of his burial, I am almost certain. But it is too raw now, it maybe be days, weeks, but they will surface.

    Stating alone his corpse was disposed of in 24hours is a pretty clever line IMHO anyhow. Let alone in the sea. Obama and his closest advisor's are far from idiots and this would have been well planned and thought out.

  27. #147
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  28. #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by Public Enemy View Post
    Thats all I am doing. Just telling people things they did not do any research on. Why do so many Americans keep accepting this whole "24 hour" fairy tale?? I keep trying to tell people "Guys, there is not such thing. Its not supported by any Islamic law like they keep saying" and they keep responding "Oh yea, well the media disagrees with you!". Why don't they listen? I don't understand. I keep trying to tell them the truth (Not my opinion) yet they keep thinking I am trying to talk them into a conspiracy. Its sad, really.
    Why is this line of him "being buried at sea in 24hours" being stated by the USA then?

  29. #149
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Why is this line of him "being buried at sea in 24hours" being stated by the USA then?
    cause they knew most ppl will assume thats the case and accept it as a truth......

  30. #150
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    cause they knew most ppl will assume thats the case and accept it as a truth......
    Thats the only advantage you can see? Because its the easiest?

    Even if it was the truth, you actually saw his body fall into the water you'de claim its fake/staged.

    I think the greatest threat the US wanted to avoid is inflaming Muslims post Bin Ladens death, so why in the world would they not bury him in accordance with Islamic tradition?

  31. #151
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    Quote Originally Posted by Public Enemy View Post
    But the thing here is that this is not the case. There is no such thing as a 24 hour dead line for Muslim burial. And the only time a person can be buried in the sea is if that individual actually died in the sea. And since Bin Laden got killed on soil and coast, he had to be buried on soil and coast. Because the most important thing is that a person who is buried has to have his head facing Mecca. Bin Laden being dropped to the bottom of the sea totally contradicts that important aspect.

    The 24 hour rule has no credibility in Islam. The Quran nor Sunnah mention anything about having to bury a person in 24 hours as far as I know. The idea of the 24 hour thing came out of a story with Muhammad where he proposed that they bury one of his close friends "quickly to avoid the rotting of the flesh in front of his loved ones". He never said "Bury him in 24 hours!". He said "quickly". And he did so because back then, there was no such thing as holding the body in a nice storage room where it is kept in a freezer. This was 1,400 years ago. And the United States knows this also. Remember Uday and Qusay Hussein? Their bodies were kept 11 days after their killing and their remains were shown off and examined by numerous sources. Yet Osama Bin Laden had to be buried in 24 hours? That is ridiculous. That is the same case with Zarqawi's death. I been to Islamic funerals and not once did I go to one where the dead was buried 24 hours after their last breath. And Islamic scholars like Dr Saud al-Fanisan said that when a person is buried in the sea because of him/her dying in sea side, the body needs to be protected from fish if possible, and that was possible. So another true requirement is crushed there...

    I am not a conspiracy theorist or anything but I simply have questions which totally contradict the things which they keep trying to make us believe. 24 hour rule isn't Islamic law, nor is the burial of a person killed on land to be buried in the sea, and nor does this heroes treatment of OBL correspond with the treatment of other terrorists and militant leaders in the past by U.S. government. Why attempt to follow a tradition of "Islamic law" when the key point of importance has been crushed by refusing to bury that person facing Mecca? Why follow any tradition then? You might as well keep his body for a couple weeks and dump him eventually. There was nothing Islamic with the burial, so why follow some made up 24 hour thing? Its stupid. Abdul-Sattar Al-Janabi (Islamic scholar in Iraq) said that his body should have been handed to his relatives so that they can look for a country to bury him in, thus confirming that the 24 hour idea is not valid in this age and time.
    there are many facets of (almost?) every religion. Every sect interprets their doctrine a little differently. This is why the protestants broke off on their own. Still Christians. Yet seperate from Catholics. This is the evolution of religion.

    I am a little concerened that YOUR interpretation, and others here, you feel is universally accepted by ALL Muslims? So you are saying all 1.6billion Muslims are in total agreement about thier religion, and are in "lock step" so to speak?

    Am I understanding this correctly?

  32. #152
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Thats the only advantage you can see? Because its the easiest?

    Even if it was the truth, you actually saw his body fall into the water you'de claim its fake/staged.

    I think the greatest threat the US wanted to avoid is inflaming Muslims post Bin Ladens death, so why in the world would they not bury him in accordance with Islamic tradition?
    Well isnt it open for interpretation? oh and to all those ppl who like to drag Religion into this
    Only time you are allowed in Islam to bury a body into the sea is when you are traveling in the sea and have no access to the land otherwise bury it in the land.

    Whoever planned this was clever for once cause now there are 2 groups of ppl....Interesting

  33. #153
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    there are many facets of (almost?) every religion. Every sect interprets their doctrine a little differently. This is why the protestants broke off on their own. Still Christians. Yet seperate from Catholics. This is the evolution of religion.

    I am a little concerened that YOUR interpretation, and others here, you feel is universally accepted by ALL Muslims? So you are saying all 1.6billion Muslims are in total agreement about thier religion, and are in "lock step" so to speak?

    Am I understanding this correctly?
    are you going to drag Shiat and Sunnys into this discussion?

  34. #154
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    I totally agree...but ever time you ask a question regarding the "Official story" you are labelled at "conspiracy theorist" remember the Bush speech after 9/11 "you are with us or against us" The question is/was y so early to dump his body into the sea? and no its not a rule.(yes TR you can find all the articles you can find). sso what could be the other reason.....
    This is flawed logic.
    your logic flows as follows...
    "it's not X, so i'm going to infer (yet believe as mentioned in earlier posts) that it is Y."

    the problem with this logic is that even in the absence of X does not necessarily produce Y. We probably do not fully understand X (as it is in much of politics), yet the absence of X does not confirm Y.

    Remember crop circles? Thousands were saying that "Since we do not understand how this could have happened, then therefore it must be extra terresterials"

    This is the same logic as you propose in your argument. Both are flawed.

  35. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    are you going to drag Shiat and Sunnys into this discussion?
    Just asking questions mate. No harm in that, is there?

  36. #156
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    This is flawed logic.
    your logic flows as follows...
    "it's not X, so i'm going to infer (yet believe as mentioned in earlier posts) that it is Y."

    the problem with this logic is that even in the absence of X does not necessarily produce Y. We probably do not fully understand X (as it is in much of politics), yet the absence of X does not confirm Y.

    Remember crop circles? Thousands were saying that "Since we do not understand how this could have happened, then therefore it must be extra terresterials"

    This is the same logic as you propose in your argument. Both are flawed.
    alright then tell me WHY he was buried within 24 hrs and into the sea (when only time u r ALLOWED to be buried in the sea when you have no access to land) So let me guess they follow one so called rule of Islam to bury him within 24 hrs but not the other one?
    So y dont you tell me if it is not X and by following your logic It cant be Y then what the hell it is?

  37. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    Just asking questions mate. No harm in that, is there?
    no...just follow what you said.....
    "every one interprete religion differently" . is the cause of all the meham that happened in the past and in Afghanistan before the war....I have seen things get done in the name of religion that had NOTHING to do with religion....thats y i personally hate all the Mullahs.....

  38. #158
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    That was the last interview Benazir Bhutto (if you dont know who she was look it up) had before she got assassinated.

    In an interview with David Frost, Benazir Bhutto claimed that Osama Bin Laden had been killed and she herself was assassinated not long after the interview.

    Bhutto said to David Frost “Yes but one of them is a very key figure in security, he is a former military officer … and had dealings with Omar Sheikh, the man who murdered Osama bin Laden“.

  39. #159
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    alright then tell me WHY he was buried within 24 hrs and into the sea (when only time u r ALLOWED to be buried in the sea when you have no access to land) So let me guess they follow one so called rule of Islam to bury him within 24 hrs but not the other one?
    So y dont you tell me if it is not X and by following your logic It cant be Y then what the hell it is?
    just because we couldn't explain crop circles at the time doesn't mean it was aliens!

    just because there are doubts about the official version of why buried at sea so quickly doesn't mean we didn't take him out when we said we did.

    I don't profess to know all the answers, but that doesn't mean I'm going to assign some mysterious theory with absolutely NO SUPPORT to try and fill in the blanks.

    I am content to wait and see the photos that will be coming out in the next few days.

  40. #160
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    no...just follow what you said.....
    "every one interprete religion differently" . is the cause of all the meham that happened in the past and in Afghanistan before the war....I have seen things get done in the name of religion that had NOTHING to do with religion....thats y i personally hate all the Mullahs.....
    there is wisdom in what you just said here.

    This is critical thinking!

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