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  1. #41
    pheenyx1's Avatar
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    I'm from the Jrzy shore, and I work in bars too. I have no problem with hanging out w/ the party girls, but for serious relationship material, I got to know the girls in the local yoga scene. Young, attractive, into a fitness lifestyle, and FLEXIBLE! They are made to order for guys into this lifestyle.

  2. #42
    calgarian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kawigirl View Post
    Hey...what you do with GB on your time is your business...I'm not
    r u trying to force me to change my avi to something "special" to prove my point?

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    r u trying to force me to change my avi to something "special" to prove my point?
    I seriously shake my head at you Cal.....

  4. #44
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BUTTERYGOODNESS View Post
    lol im 19 and about to propose. been together for over 3 years now
    Hold your horses bro!! dont propose at 19 big mistake imo! If you have a good relationship dont rush it its not like she is going to leave you and if she would over somthing like that then screw it you wouldnt want to be with her any way. Women change and mature alot from the age of 18-25 and although im sure you think you know what your doing I can show you thousands of men who were in your shoes and now are 30, 2 kids deep, and divorced paying child support.

    I have one friend who married very young and had a couple kids, his wife cheated on him and the reason was she didnt get to "live" because she was married so young and then she left him....guess what she took everything! he slept in his car for a month because the hoe got the house and he still had to pay child support?? figure that one out lol he didint even want to break it off...he thought he was with his dream girl! guess not.

    Take your time bro...I have been with my gf for almost 3 years, live with her now for a year and a half, im almost 24 and still dont want to get married for atleast another 4-5 years....shes not going any where and we both love each other so there is no need to rush things.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kawigirl View Post
    I seriously shake my head at you Cal.....
    last time u were shaking ur legs when i saw u....wonder which one is better

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by awms View Post
    Hold your horses bro!! dont propose at 19 big mistake imo! If you have a good relationship dont rush it its not like she is going to leave you and if she would over somthing like that then screw it you wouldnt want to be with her any way. Women change and mature alot from the age of 18-25 and although im sure you think you know what your doing I can show you thousands of men who were in your shoes and now are 30, 2 kids deep, and divorced paying child support.

    I have one friend who married very young and had a couple kids, his wife cheated on him and the reason was she didnt get to "live" because she was married so young and then she left him....guess what she took everything! he slept in his car for a month because the hoe got the house and he still had to pay child support?? figure that one out lol he didint even want to break it off...he thought he was with his dream girl! guess not.

    Take your time bro...I have been with my gf for almost 3 years, live with her now for a year and a half, im almost 24 and still dont want to get married for atleast another 4-5 years....shes not going any where and we both love each other so there is no need to rush things.
    I'm going to attest to this.....

    Happens more than people think.....good advice AWMS

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kawigirl View Post
    I'm going to attest to this.....

    Happens more than people think.....good advice AWMS
    yep my old boss go tmarried at 18 and would bang every girl he could. said he loved his wife but he married her young and wants to have fun. now he lives in mexico banging everything making mad money and has a wife and 2 girlfriends here. they all know about each other too

  8. #48
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    since we have t-totally hijacked this thread (sorry OP), then let's talk about this for a moment.

    ALL the advice you blokes have been giving BG (formerly known as Butternutts) could apply to any age.

    Let's seriously face some reality.... painful as it may be

    Not EVERY guy is a whore, and the corrilary to this is Not every guy wants to bang as many chics as he can in as short a period of time as possible.

    BG has been with the same lass for 3 years...
    ..... this is in contrast to some of you older blokes out there, much older, that married their woman with much less invested in their relationship than three years.

    BG has showed some maturity some of us lack. In fact, he rarely, if ever, has expressed any interest in banging fatties, or hotties, or any other category of women you'd like to label. So, it would appear from my perspective, it would seem his woman is giving him what he needs. This is in contrast to many of us that always seem to be waiting for the next strange that comes their way because their relationship with their woman is not fulfilling to them (not necessarily the woman's fault... see my first point above)

    We all have different needs at different ages. Instead of looking at it from BG's perspective and what is best for him, many of us, instead, seem to be trying to impose what we need or want on BG when we were his age.

    Many of our actions today are driven by self perceived deficiencies from our youth. I am speaking from personal experience. I am extremely driven in a number of different areas. Freud might say I am trying to solve some problems i had as a youngster, even though they really are no longer problems today. Or... overcompensating in the present for issues in the past.

    There are reasons some of us can't get enough pvssy. And it usually has something to do with our emotional makeup from our past.

    So just because some of us has internal issues, doesn't mean so does BG.

    Some people can be perfectly OK with just a few female experiences.

    BG may be more ready at 19 than some of us twice his age.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    since we have t-totally hijacked this thread (sorry OP), then let's talk about this for a moment.

    ALL the advice you blokes have been giving BG (formerly known as Butternutts) could apply to any age.

    Let's seriously face some reality.... painful as it may be

    Not EVERY guy is a whore, and the corrilary to this is Not every guy wants to bang as many chics as he can in as short a period of time as possible.

    BG has been with the same lass for 3 years...
    ..... this is in contrast to some of you older blokes out there, much older, that married their woman with much less invested in their relationship than three years.

    BG has showed some maturity some of us lack. In fact, he rarely, if ever, has expressed any interest in banging fatties, or hotties, or any other category of women you'd like to label. So, it would appear from my perspective, it would seem his woman is giving him what he needs. This is in contrast to many of us that always seem to be waiting for the next strange that comes their way because their relationship with their woman is not fulfilling to them (not necessarily the woman's fault... see my first point above)

    We all have different needs at different ages. Instead of looking at it from BG's perspective and what is best for him, many of us, instead, seem to be trying to impose what we need or want on BG when we were his age.

    Many of our actions today are driven by self perceived deficiencies from our youth. I am speaking from personal experience. I am extremely driven in a number of different areas. Freud might say I am trying to solve some problems i had as a youngster, even though they really are no longer problems today. Or... overcompensating in the present for issues in the past.

    There are reasons some of us can't get enough pvssy. And it usually has something to do with our emotional makeup from our past.

    So just because some of us has internal issues, doesn't mean so does BG.

    Some people can be perfectly OK with just a few female experiences.

    BG may be more ready at 19 than some of us twice his age.
    Why don't you ask him if she is the only girl he has been with?

    Would the answer have a bearing on your view point?
    Last edited by terraj; 06-23-2011 at 10:51 PM.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by terraj View Post
    Why don't you ask him if she is the only girl he has been with?

    Would the answer have a bearing on your view point?
    Although a small minority, there are still some of us that marry their first one. I think if BG wants to disclose that, it is up to him.

    If I remember correctly, BG is going to college, working out hard, doing right by his woman, AND has 22 clients. It sounds like he is a helluva lot more squared away than alot of us.

    At this point, I would suggest the quality of the relationship he has with his woman is more important thant the quantity of women he's had previously.

    Sometimes, when you know it's the right one, you just go with it.

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer View Post
    I'm 22 years old and I am pretty convinced that every female in my age group is either a) complete party girl/lush/rec. drug user b) total whore c) mind game-playing attention wanting douchebag or d) all of the above.

    Where the fvck am I supposed to meet some quality women at? I bounce part time at a bunch of clubs and all I meet is these fvcking crumbs. The Godfather and I were having this discussion today. I think its almost impossible to find a keeper at a club/lounge/bar. What other options are out there----the town library, starbucks, the park??

    Sorry for my mini rant...I'm aggravated, pissed off, depressed and have to go inject.

    Be careful to cast stones in a glass house.....

    Everyone is different bro and people have been through different things in life that lead them to be the person you see today.

    Are you sure you really know the person after seeing them one night in a bar or are you maybe judging them based on what 'you' think they may be?

    Its not important where you meet someone because you can find the type you described in 'any' place really. You can also find the exact opposite type that you may be looking for anywhere as well.

    Quit being so quick to judge until you really get to know the person first.

    If you take the advise im giving to heart you may also realize that it takes quite a 'long' amount of time to really get to know someone. At least to make a judgment on there personality enough to know if you want to be with them.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    since we have t-totally hijacked this thread (sorry OP), then let's talk about this for a moment.

    ALL the advice you blokes have been giving BG (formerly known as Butternutts) could apply to any age.
    But the advice given is more prevalent for butterys age group
    Let's seriously face some reality.... painful as it may be

    Not EVERY guy is a whore, and the corrilary to this is Not every guy wants to bang as many chics as he can in as short a period of time as possible.
    this is completely true and I was this way when I was 19 and was ready to marry the girl I had been with for 3 years. At 19 we bought a house and new cars. The next two years were great and then bam! She turns 21 and very few girls will stay in a relationship or continue to be a good partner when she sees all of her single friends out living it up (not necessarily sleeping around, but just being free) while she feels tied down. Idc what anyone says all girls wanna LCD that 21 year old party lifestyle with the exception of a few. Those few are usually because they get knocked up around that age. I've seen it prolly close to 20 times where the relationship ends over this. Now that being said many couples get back together and end up working out but those couples aren't married. A break up is a lot easier to repair than a divorce which is why I recommended that he wait to get married til after he goes through that drama.
    BG has been with the same lass for 3 years...
    ..... this is in contrast to some of you older blokes out there, much older, that married their woman with much less invested in their relationship than three years.
    Everyones advising against him getting married because of his age not how long he's been with the girl.

    BG has showed some maturity some of us lack. In fact, he rarely, if ever, has expressed any interest in banging fatties, or hotties, or any other category of women you'd like to label. So, it would appear from my perspective, it would seem his woman is giving him what he needs. This is in contrast to many of us that always seem to be waiting for the next strange that comes their way because their relationship with their woman is not fulfilling to them (not necessarily the woman's fault... see my first point above)
    this is full of assumptions. Just because he's mature you assume she is? Maybe she doesn't give it up a lot and he just deals with it. I had a friend that was with his girl for 12 years before they were married and only got sex every few months but never cheated once. Why assume he would leave or cheat due to lack of sex?
    We all have different needs at different ages. Instead of looking at it from BG's perspective and what is best for him, many of us, instead, seem to be trying to impose what we need or want on BG when we were his age.
    obviously we've all learned from our mistakes which is why we are advising him to wait. Some suggested seeing other girls which isn't necessary IMO because for all we know he couldve been with plenty of girls by now (however unlikely with his age and length of current relationship). I simply just advised to give it time and see where it goes from my own experience as well as others experiences that I have witnessed. The girl I was with for three years at 19 I ended up in a 7 year relationship with and guess what we are no longer together. If I would have married her is be a divorced 24 year old. How fvcked up does that sound.

    Many of our actions today are driven by self perceived deficiencies from our youth. I am speaking from personal experience. I am extremely driven in a number of different areas. Freud might say I am trying to solve some problems i had as a youngster, even though they really are no longer problems today. Or... overcompensating in the present for issues in the past.

    There are reasons some of us can't get enough pvssy. And it usually has something to do with our emotional makeup from our past.

    So just because some of us has internal issues, doesn't mean so does BG.
    it also doesn't mean that we can't advise him in a manner that would help him stay away from getting those internal issues.
    Some people can be perfectly OK with just a few female experiences.

    BG may be more ready at 19 than some of us twice his age.
    He may be but again how do we know his girl is? Not only that but at their age they will be changing a lot the next few years so how do we know they still will be in a few years. With new careers, new responsibilities, and new freedoms? IMO Until they are both in their careers, done with schooling, and past their party years they should just stay together as a couple rather than adding the extra stress of marriage.

    Just my .02

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    He may be but again how do we know his girl is? Not only that but at their age they will be changing a lot the next few years so how do we know they still will be in a few years. With new careers, new responsibilities, and new freedoms? IMO Until they are both in their careers, done with schooling, and past their party years they should just stay together as a couple rather than adding the extra stress of marriage.

    Just my .02
    so thats y use and SB r not getting married?

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian;56***08
    so thats y use and SB r not getting married?
    the diamond in the ring he bought me wasnt big enough so i turned im down

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Standby;56***23
    the diamond in the ring he bought me wasnt big enough so i turned im down
    what position u were in when he GAVE it to you?

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    He may be but again how do we know his girl is? Not only that but at their age they will be changing a lot the next few years so how do we know they still will be in a few years. With new careers, new responsibilities, and new freedoms? IMO Until they are both in their careers, done with schooling, and past their party years they should just stay together as a couple rather than adding the extra stress of marriage.

    Just my .02
    there are no right or wrong answers here...

    ....just different points of view

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman;56***33
    there are no right or wrong answers here...

    ....just different points of view
    and yours just happens to be wrong

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman;56***33
    there are no right or wrong answers here...

    ....just different points of view
    Agree completely. Only time will reveal the right answer.

  19. #59
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan2 View Post
    Be careful to cast stones in a glass house.....

    Everyone is different bro and people have been through different things in life that lead them to be the person you see today.

    Are you sure you really know the person after seeing them one night in a bar or are you maybe judging them based on what 'you' think they may be?

    Its not important where you meet someone because you can find the type you described in 'any' place really. You can also find the exact opposite type that you may be looking for anywhere as well.

    Quit being so quick to judge until you really get to know the person first.

    If you take the advise im giving to heart you may also realize that it takes quite a 'long' amount of time to really get to know someone. At least to make a judgment on there personality enough to know if you want to be with them.
    I cannot buy into this rubbish. I don't care about a womans history or past---there is no excuse to be a fvcking whore. Everyone has some bullshit excuse for their actions and decisions and can never man up and accept what they have done. It's always someone elses fault. One of the place I bounce at is a strip club, all I hear from these unproductive slobs is "I was in a mental hospital", "My father raped me" "My mother through me out at 15 years old" Well, thats unfortunate, But does that give you an excuse to suck dik for $15 a pop in the back of the lap dance room? I don't think so...

    The same goes for other women who are not strippers---I only slept with him because ____________________ but I really care about you. Get the fvck outta here.

    For those of you that know me personally (Haz, Dukk, Godfather, Abott) I have a very short fuse and a really bad temper, I do not find it acceptable for a woman to constantly make excuses for her whorish actions. The "I was drunk" card gets a little fvcking old after the 4th or 5th time. I think this generation is just going to hell when it comes to dating, and sometimes men are just as guilty as women. But I for one, do not need multiple flings/partners/ and girlfriends to be happy..Therefore I don't expect a girl to be fvcking 2-3 other guys while I am sleeping with her.

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Standby;56***23
    the diamond in the ring he bought me wasnt big enough so i turned im down
    It's not my fault. I put $4 in that gumball machine trying to get the ring you wanted. I ran out of quarters!

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Standby;56***37
    and yours just happens to be wrong
    could very well be

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman;56***46
    could very well be
    i was just kidding man like you said no right or wrong. life is weird

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman;56***46
    could very well be
    Quote Originally Posted by Standby;56***50
    i was just kidding man like you said no right or wrong. life is weird abt beating something to the guys are weirder then i thought.....

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian;56***58 abt beating something to the guys are weirder then i thought.....
    could very well be

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian;56***58 abt beating something to the guys are weirder then i thought.....
    eb llew yrev dluoc

  26. #66
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  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer;56***39
    I cannot buy into this rubbish. I don't care about a womans history or past---there is no excuse to be a fvcking whore. Everyone has some bullshit excuse for their actions and decisions and can never man up and accept what they have done. It's always someone elses fault. One of the place I bounce at is a strip club, all I hear from these unproductive slobs is "I was in a mental hospital", "My father raped me" "My mother through me out at 15 years old" Well, thats unfortunate, But does that give you an excuse to suck dik for $15 a pop in the back of the lap dance room? I don't think so...

    The same goes for other women who are not strippers---I only slept with him because ____________________ but I really care about you. Get the fvck outta here.

    For those of you that know me personally (Haz, Dukk, Godfather, Abott) I have a very short fuse and a really bad temper, I do not find it acceptable for a woman to constantly make excuses for her whorish actions. The "I was drunk" card gets a little fvcking old after the 4th or 5th time. I think this generation is just going to hell when it comes to dating, and sometimes men are just as guilty as women. But I for one, do not need multiple flings/partners/ and girlfriends to be happy..Therefore I don't expect a girl to be fvcking 2-3 other guys while I am sleeping with her.
    I like your post.

  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by First Timer 42;56***74
    I like your post.
    So do I!!

  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman;56***65
    could very well be
    Quote Originally Posted by Standby;56***71
    eb llew yrev dluoc
    u like it backward...huh? i see stack made u a whore

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Standby;56***71
    eb llew yrev dluoc
    Very well could be?

  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by BUTTERYGOODNESS View Post
    lol im 19 and about to propose. been together for over 3 years now
    what the fck is wrong with you 19 and marriage dont care if u have been with her since you were 4 bad idea live and learn i guess

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    oh thought you were self proclaimed sex expert.....turn out to be another pvssy whipped

    Sorry couldnt resist.....
    lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllll

  33. #73
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    someone pass me the tater salad?

  34. #74
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    How 'bout some tater salad TR? want some? take a scoop.....a big one
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  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer;56***39
    I cannot buy into this rubbish. I don't care about a womans history or past---there is no excuse to be a fvcking whore. Everyone has some bullshit excuse for their actions and decisions and can never man up and accept what they have done. It's always someone elses fault. One of the place I bounce at is a strip club, all I hear from these unproductive slobs is "I was in a mental hospital", "My father raped me" "My mother through me out at 15 years old" Well, thats unfortunate, But does that give you an excuse to suck dik for $15 a pop in the back of the lap dance room? I don't think so...

    The same goes for other women who are not strippers---I only slept with him because ____________________ but I really care about you. Get the fvck outta here.

    For those of you that know me personally (Haz, Dukk, Godfather, Abott) I have a very short fuse and a really bad temper, I do not find it acceptable for a woman to constantly make excuses for her whorish actions. The "I was drunk" card gets a little fvcking old after the 4th or 5th time. I think this generation is just going to hell when it comes to dating, and sometimes men are just as guilty as women. But I for one, do not need multiple flings/partners/ and girlfriends to be happy..Therefore I don't expect a girl to be fvcking 2-3 other guys while I am sleeping with her.
    You a short fuse? nahhhhhhh LMFAO! fvckin 10 court appearances

    I'm kind of a hypocrit...... I don't want my women to have a past with other guys..... but i've got an extensive resume myself lol. I remember hearing stories from some of them...... why they slept with certain guys and then wish they didn't. It angers me because i'm with them at the time and feel like they were used. Then again..... I havn't been an angel by any means.

    So I guess..... I can admit i'm a hypocrit.....

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  36. #76
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    I find that the women I meet are at the same level that I am at the time. If I feel good about myself, I tend to meet women who are more secure. If I am down, well, I meet women who are down. Likes attract, I guess.

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    someone pass me the tater salad?
    y dont u toss dsm's salad he wont mind

  38. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bronzer;56***39
    I cannot buy into this rubbish. I don't care about a womans history or past---there is no excuse to be a fvcking whore. Everyone has some bullshit excuse for their actions and decisions and can never man up and accept what they have done. It's always someone elses fault. One of the place I bounce at is a strip club, all I hear from these unproductive slobs is "I was in a mental hospital", "My father raped me" "My mother through me out at 15 years old" Well, thats unfortunate, But does that give you an excuse to suck dik for $15 a pop in the back of the lap dance room? I don't think so...

    The same goes for other women who are not strippers---I only slept with him because ____________________ but I really care about you. Get the fvck outta here.

    For those of you that know me personally (Haz, Dukk, Godfather, Abott) I have a very short fuse and a really bad temper, I do not find it acceptable for a woman to constantly make excuses for her whorish actions. The "I was drunk" card gets a little fvcking old after the 4th or 5th time. I think this generation is just going to hell when it comes to dating, and sometimes men are just as guilty as women. But I for one, do not need multiple flings/partners/ and girlfriends to be happy..Therefore I don't expect a girl to be fvcking 2-3 other guys while I am sleeping with her.
    Bro if you want to meet quality girls you have to do quality things. I have had no problem finding hot ass virgins all my life. Never been with a girl who has been with more than 4 people. Gotta do things interesting to meet these girls. GO rock climbing, yoga, anything fitness related or activity oriented. All the good things follow those activities (less facebook attachment and materialistic views). Can't be in clubs and bars. That's like lifting up rocks and complaining about finding dirt. Go to college campus areas and google surrounding places like rock climbing gyms etc. GO in there with a plan.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard;567***2
    You a short fuse? nahhhhhhh LMFAO! fvckin 10 court appearances

    I'm kind of a hypocrit...... I don't want my women to have a past with other guys..... but i've got an extensive resume myself lol. I remember hearing stories from some of them...... why they slept with certain guys and then wish they didn't. It angers me because i'm with them at the time and feel like they were used. Then again..... I havn't been an angel by any means.

    So I guess..... I can admit i'm a hypocrit.....

    Nothing wrong with double standards. In fact, I don't want my gf to have most of the opposite qualities I have. IT's called standards. If you can hold to them, then you deserve to hold them.

  39. #79
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    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    How 'bout some tater salad TR? want some? take a scoop.....a big one
    just a spoon for me thank you!

    ....too many fast metabolizing carbs

  40. #80
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard;567***2
    You a short fuse? nahhhhhhh LMFAO! fvckin 10 court appearances

    I'm kind of a hypocrit...... I don't want my women to have a past with other guys..... but i've got an extensive resume myself lol. I remember hearing stories from some of them...... why they slept with certain guys and then wish they didn't. It angers me because i'm with them at the time and feel like they were used. Then again..... I havn't been an angel by any means.

    So I guess..... I can admit i'm a hypocrit.....

    That fvckin
    Last edited by Gaspari1255; 09-11-2013 at 09:53 PM.

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