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    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Police Brutality in DC

    This video clip is really interesting. I feel that the officers used too much excessive force for just about all of the subjects. However, people need to stop playing this "I know my rights" shit. Yes, we live and die by the US constitution, but enough is enough. There comes a time and place where you need to STFU and do as your told by a higher power. The officers and the subejcts were both wrong in my opinion.

  2. #2
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    What do you expect from rent-a-cops.
    Realist: A person who sees things as they truly are. A practical person. The pessimist complains about the wind; The optimist expects it to change; The realist adjusts the sails. — William Arthur Ward

  3. #3
    Dr Pepper's Avatar
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    Didn't see the lead up to that but it looks like the cops got a bit to excited.

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    fukngruvn is offline Associate Member
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  5. #5
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    so the couple got arrested for hugging and the guys for dancing. The cops caused a bigger disturbance then anyone
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  6. #6
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    Some people just have this pressing urge to always express themselves....
    Probably find the same fine youth amongst occupy Wallstreet.
    I´ll never understand it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Flier View Post
    Some people just have this pressing urge to always express themselves....
    Probably find the same fine youth amongst occupy Wallstreet.
    I´ll never understand it.
    and what is wrong with expressing themselves. They werent hurting anyone.
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  8. #8
    domeyeahaigh's Avatar
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    Agreed..and enough with the "yeah we live and die by the constitution BUT..." BS

    because really the only politician in America who is living and dying by the constitution is Ron Paul..if we all truly did live and die by the constitution probably there would not even be an issue of kids being arrested for dancing..

    we would be focused on much bigger issues at we are..."enough with the BS constitution"

    which is more like.."hey bro. forget the rules, just listen to the people in power...regardless if they are right or wrong."

    ...dangerous line of thinking and this is in my opinion why we are facing serious problems. the American public is too misinformed as to what is true and proper..enough with the tv.

  9. #9
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    I'd be pissed too if I was a 40 yr old rent-a-cop and had to wear a bike helmet and shorts to work everyday.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    and what is wrong with expressing themselves. They werent hurting anyone.
    They were asked to leave, and they didn´t. End of story!
    Why they were asked to leave, only dancing, only kissing, only congregating, only loud, not hurting anyone....whatever, doesen´t matter.
    Most annoying word a cop must hear is "WHY?". Probably hears at a million times throughout their career. Probably most times from some snotty uptown teen that never learned "No" from their parents.
    Why wont you just do as a cop tells you? Pride?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flier View Post
    They were asked to leave, and they didn´t. End of story!
    Why they were asked to leave, only dancing, only kissing, only congregating, only loud, not hurting anyone....whatever, doesen´t matter.
    Most annoying word a cop must hear is "WHY?". Probably hears at a million times throughout their career. Probably most times from some snotty uptown teen that never learned "No" from their parents.
    Why wont you just do as a cop tells you? Pride?
    if they werent doing anything wrong they shouldn't have been asked to leave. Its a public area. The cops had no right to tell them to leave.

    Is it pride? No, if im wrong i listen. If the cop is wrong i may not. And i will tell you want in the end the cops have lost that have been wrong with me. Cause some dipshit can pass a civil service test doest mean he is correct all the time. you need to keep them in their place also
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  12. #12
    Razor is offline Banned
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    God Save the Queen, police brutality? UNHEARD OF! But hey they got the gunz right.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    if they werent doing anything wrong they shouldn't have been asked to leave. Its a public area. The cops had no right to tell them to leave.

    Is it pride? No, if im wrong i listen. If the cop is wrong i may not. And i will tell you want in the end the cops have lost that have been wrong with me. Cause some dipshit can pass a civil service test doest mean he is correct all the time. you need to keep them in their place also
    There can be a handful of reasons why a cop would ask you to leave a public area even if you did nothing wrong, and while you are debating and expressing and being stubborn, you might be putting other citizens in danger. End of story.
    Really, end of story this time! I´m having the last word!
    Admin, close this thread!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flier View Post
    There can be a handful of reasons why a cop would ask you to leave a public area even if you did nothing wrong, and while you are debating and expressing and being stubborn, you might be putting other citizens in danger. End of story.
    Really, end of story this time! I´m having the last word!
    Admin, close this thread!
    true but that isnt what happened in the video. Watch it again. He arrested them for hugging. Saying you are not allowed t ohave free expression at the memorial
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  15. #15
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    Saying its a public place doesn't really mean anyone has the freedom to do whatever they want. You can do almost anything you want in your own home, but not at the Lincoln Memorial. Just like you can't yell, "fire" in a public place. Even our freedom has limits.

    I used to live in DC and got yelled at the Lincoln Memorial myself. I forget what my girl and I were doing, but it was nothing major at all (something stupid like hanging out in one area too long). Cop told us to move it along, and we did. Big freaking deal. I didn't make a stink, and keep sitting there whining about my "rights", video taping it all until I got arrested.

    And isn't that Kokesh guy some kind of activist anyway.

    You can see where the cop was trying to arrest him, and he was resisting.

    He knew what he was doing, he went there looking for a fight, got one, and put it on the internet making himself looks like a martyr. pssh.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    true but that isnt what happened in the video. Watch it again. He arrested them for hugging. Saying you are not allowed t ohave free expression at the memorial
    We really don´t know what happened prior to the video, for all we know they could have gotten an order to clear the area. The End!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flier View Post
    We really don´t know what happened prior to the video, for all we know they could have gotten an order to clear the area. The End!
    or the cop could have gotten sand in his vagina and was pissy for no reason.
    We both can guess. But i've seen cops in alot of situations and most of the time they have been wrong. Its very few i have ever seen them help a situation
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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    or the cop could have gotten sand in his vagina and was pissy for no reason.
    We both can guess. But i've seen cops in alot of situations and most of the time they have been wrong. Its very few i have ever seen them help a situation
    I really can´t stand authority, but it is just a necessity because of all the idiots surrounding us.
    Just follow simple rules, even if you think they are stupid. This one for you FL Boy "You´re not allowed to "cruise" on Ocean drive", so don´t.
    I don´t know where you work, but you must have a boss/supervisor. If you don´t do as you´re told without asking "why" all the time, you´ll get fired.
    In my profession, if people "why" me, people will be put in danger and worse.
    Ofcourse there is the occasional bad cop, but not the case here.

    I good friend told me about 20 years ago, "Don´t judge a Black man until you have walked a day in his shoes"....always stuck with me.
    Can say the same about Cops. All the shit they take, all the garbage they deal with...jeez. If I had the power, I would double their pay.

  20. #20
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    most cops are douches on power trips. I've had bad run ins with cops where i wasnt wrong and they were. And in the end they payed the price. If you let them get away with things eventually they get away with anything.

    And i have been on the other side when i ran clubs in philly. I've paid cops for favors.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  21. #21
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    I am sure these people got wat they deserved.You are told to leave you leave.Now if you want to make a stink about it.Then they got a place for you.I dont know the reason why they had to leave and dont care.When the man tells me to move I move.I dont consider it a macho thing.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    most cops are douches on power trips. I've had bad run ins with cops where i wasnt wrong and they were. And in the end they payed the price. If you let them get away with things eventually they get away with anything.

    And i have been on the other side when i ran clubs in philly. I've paid cops for favors.
    Ok...enough about Cops.

    Your wife´s friends are more interesting....they look like her?
    In Ft Lauderdale last week of Feb.
    Gimmy stats! Age, weight, height, BF, milage.?

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flier View Post
    Ok...enough about Cops.

    Your wife´s friends are more interesting....they look like her?
    In Ft Lauderdale last week of Feb.
    Gimmy stats! Age, weight, height, BF, milage.?
    her best friend is hotter. But trust me you cant afford her.
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  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    her best friend is hotter. But trust me you cant afford her.
    Who am I kidding anyway. Last test result 4 weeks ago: 8 (8-35)
    Went from Hunk to Doughboy in 6 months.
    I´ll be at the movie theatre, pay for 1 watch 3, or maybe stroll the beach...have some ice-cream.

  25. #25
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flier View Post
    Who am I kidding anyway. Last test result 4 weeks ago: 8 (8-35)
    Went from Hunk to Doughboy in 6 months.
    I´ll be at the movie theatre, pay for 1 watch 3, or maybe stroll the beach...have some ice-cream.
    Get in the gym and eat some steak gawd dammit!!

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flier View Post
    I really can´t stand authority, but it is just a necessity because of all the idiots surrounding us.
    Just follow simple rules, even if you think they are stupid. This one for you FL Boy "You´re not allowed to "cruise" on Ocean drive", so don´t.
    I don´t know where you work, but you must have a boss/supervisor. If you don´t do as you´re told without asking "why" all the time, you´ll get fired.
    In my profession, if people "why" me, people will be put in danger and worse.
    Ofcourse there is the occasional bad cop, but not the case here.

    I good friend told me about 20 years ago, "Don´t judge a Black man until you have walked a day in his shoes"....always stuck with me.
    Can say the same about Cops. All the shit they take, all the garbage they deal with...jeez. If I had the power, I would double their pay.
    I have people working under me ..if they dont listen yes I can fire them but I cant break the law and beat their ass(nor can my boss to me). I love it that it has become ok for cops to break the very laws they are paid to enforce. BTW - we have every right to judge their actions - they are public servants paid on our dime. Also I dont buy the "they deserve more for what they put up with". They may deserve more - but not for that reason. Every one of them knows what the world is like and what their job entails. They choose to take it knowing their pay. They are not entitled to leeway based on their personal occupational choice and its rate of pay (which they were well aware of prior to taking job).
    Gixxer and I have very similar views on law enfor***ent.
    Ive said it dozens of times, I have a friend who is a cop. His exact words, " J 20% of the people you work with are assholes.....80% of the people I work with are assholes"
    Some of the stories he has told about his illustrious coworkers and things they do and have done literally make me sick.
    OK Im done.... :-)

  27. #27
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    I have people working under me ..if they dont listen yes I can fire them but I cant break the law and beat their ass(nor can my boss to me). I love it that it has become ok for cops to break the very laws they are paid to enforce. BTW - we have every right to judge their actions - they are public servants paid on our dime. Also I dont buy the "they deserve more for what they put up with". They may deserve more - but not for that reason. Every one of them knows what the world is like and what their job entails. They choose to take it knowing their pay. They are not entitled to leeway based on their personal occupational choice and its rate of pay (which they were well aware of prior to taking job).
    Gixxer and I have very similar views on law enfor***ent.
    Ive said it dozens of times, I have a friend who is a cop. His exact words, " J 20% of the people you work with are assholes.....80% of the people I work with are assholes"
    Some of the stories he has told about his illustrious coworkers and things they do and have done literally make me sick.
    OK Im done.... :-)
    jimmy did you workout today??? hmmm))

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    I have people working under me ..if they dont listen yes I can fire them but I cant break the law and beat their ass(nor can my boss to me). I love it that it has become ok for cops to break the very laws they are paid to enforce. BTW - we have every right to judge their actions - they are public servants paid on our dime. Also I dont buy the "they deserve more for what they put up with". They may deserve more - but not for that reason. Every one of them knows what the world is like and what their job entails. They choose to take it knowing their pay. They are not entitled to leeway based on their personal occupational choice and its rate of pay (which they were well aware of prior to taking job).
    Gixxer and I have very similar views on law enfor***ent.
    Ive said it dozens of times, I have a friend who is a cop. His exact words, " J 20% of the people you work with are assholes.....80% of the people I work with are assholes"
    Some of the stories he has told about his illustrious coworkers and things they do and have done literally make me sick.
    OK Im done.... :-)
    Wow...2 guys on TRT ganging up on me when I just said my Test is right at the low end of range, my Estrogen probably in-proportionally high.
    I feel like a harassed little schoolgirl....."where is my Purse?"
    I also said "End of Story" many times, that means the End, and no more replies. Why can´t you just respect that?
    End of thread!

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flier View Post
    Wow...2 guys on TRT ganging up on me when I just said my Test is right at the low end of range, my Estrogen probably in-proportionally high.
    I feel like a harassed little schoolgirl....."where is my Purse?"
    I also said "End of Story" many times, that means the End, and no more replies. Why can´t you just respect that?
    End of thread!
    Im not on trt....
    Who are you to decide when someone can exopress their opinion? What you express yours then say oh no more?
    Its not your thread to end, hell you didnt even start seem a bit delusional as to the scope of your authority.
    I though we could disagree without being disagrable...I forgot about the test levels of a 13 yr old girl thing..... sorry. *L*

  30. #30
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    Im not on trt....
    Who are you to decide when someone can exopress their opinion? What you express yours then say oh no more?
    Its not your thread to end, hell you didnt even start seem a bit delusional as to the scope of your authority.
    I though we could disagree without being disagrable...I forgot about the test levels of a 13 yr old girl thing..... sorry. *L*

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flier View Post
    Wow...2 guys on TRT ganging up on me when I just said my Test is right at the low end of range, my Estrogen probably in-proportionally high.
    I feel like a harassed little schoolgirl....."where is my Purse?"
    I also said "End of Story" many times, that means the End, and no more replies. Why can´t you just respect that?
    End of thread!
    You are asking why? Dont you know not to ask why when you are speaking to someone with authority Just do as your told
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  32. #32
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Oh snap gixx you out thought him at his own argument. lol you never cease to amaze

  33. #33
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    I have people working under me ..if they dont listen yes I can fire them but I cant break the law and beat their ass(nor can my boss to me). I love it that it has become ok for cops to break the very laws they are paid to enforce. BTW - we have every right to judge their actions - they are public servants paid on our dime. Also I dont buy the "they deserve more for what they put up with". They may deserve more - but not for that reason. Every one of them knows what the world is like and what their job entails. They choose to take it knowing their pay. They are not entitled to leeway based on their personal occupational choice and its rate of pay (which they were well aware of prior to taking job).
    Gixxer and I have very similar views on law enfor***ent.
    Ive said it dozens of times, I have a friend who is a cop. His exact words, " J 20% of the people you work with are assholes.....80% of the people I work with are assholes"
    Some of the stories he has told about his illustrious coworkers and things they do and have done literally make me sick.
    OK Im done.... :-)

    One thing that we all have to realize is that policing is the ONLY profession in America where someone is ALLOWED to use one level of force above the level of force being used against them, and it's equivalent to self defense. Jimmy, I know your a smart guy and enjoying reading most of your posts, but I'm not sure if you know how the justice system, focusing on police force, necessarily works. I have a degree in Justice Studies and Constitutional Law, and will be going to the academy in May. With that being said, let me show you guys the five levels of force a police officer goes through.

    1.) Verbal- (raising your voice, screaming, demanding a request)
    2.) Physical- (Pushing, Slamming, Grabbing, Wrestling)
    3.) Mechanical- (Baton Use, or flashlight usage)
    4.)Electronic- (Taser, Mace, Pepper Spray)
    5.) Deadly- (Firearm)

    Now there is also some exceptions where an officer can use two levels above force being used again them. For example: I (6'2" 250lbs) am running full speed at a 140lb female indicating that I am going to tackle her, she would be justified by spraying me with mace or tasing me.

    To get back on track with the memorial in DC, the officers only used one level of force above what was being used against them in all scenarios. The people were verbally arguing, so the officers asked them to put their hands behind their back, some refused- so they got slammed on the ground (physical force).

    Whether or not they had a right to dance, sing, or kiss at a memorial is a decision that will be made by a judge. I am jusr defending them in terms of the "brutality" being used.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    Im not on trt....
    Who are you to decide when someone can exopress their opinion? What you express yours then say oh no more?
    Its not your thread to end, hell you didnt even start seem a bit delusional as to the scope of your authority.
    I though we could disagree without being disagrable...I forgot about the test levels of a 13 yr old girl thing..... sorry. *L*
    Lol...just fvcking with you.
    Right now focusing on saving money to take out Gixx´s wife´s best friend.
    Last edited by Flier; 02-02-2012 at 03:40 AM.

  35. #35
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    I'm going to play devil's advocate.

    On one hand, they are creating a public nuisance, or a disturbance. It is also government property, in the District of Columbia, where the ordinances and rules are slightly different. Regardless, if they are breaking a municipal ordinance, they can be detained.

    The Constitution of the United States is not a carte blanche license to do whatever you want. It is a BALANCE between individual liberty and the liberty of others. This is a struggle the courts will always be faced with, weighing the liberty of one individual to enjoy a public monument, versus the liberty of other individuals to dance, kiss, and display other acts that can in some statutes be considered a nuisance.

    That being said. This seems to be a case rather of civil disobedience, a well recognized non-violent approach to fighting a law or statute with which you disagree. The unfortunate consequence of civil disobedience is often brutality, arrest, and a criminal record. Sometimes these things are necessary to change public policy.

    However with regard to the use of force. I didn't see any use of excessive force, no OC spray was used and no PR-24's. They could have easily went up the force continium with one or two of the combative individuals who were pulling away, and the gentlemen in the brown shirt was asking to get sprayed. The man in the brown shirt will probably also be charged with obstruction of justice by jumping on the man the officer was attempting to detain, and then resisting.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flier View Post
    Lol...just fvcking with you.
    Right now focusing on saving money to take out Gixx´s wife´s best friend.
    you have to beat the bmw 5 series and the thousands she gets for spending from her sugar daddy

    then again he may not be around much longer the irs and fbi are investigating him
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  37. #37
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    Forget the best friend.. I'll take her sister

    The only problem is, at family gatherings your wife may get teased because her sisters man would be more of a stud than hers sorry bro
    Last edited by jasc; 02-02-2012 at 11:13 AM.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    if they werent doing anything wrong they shouldn't have been asked to leave. Its a public area. The cops had no right to tell them to leave.

    Is it pride? No, if im wrong i listen. If the cop is wrong i may not. And i will tell you want in the end the cops have lost that have been wrong with me. Cause some dipshit can pass a civil service test doest mean he is correct all the time. you need to keep them in their place also
    doing something wrong??? if they weren't then the cops would not have issued an order to leave.. as soon as they are harmed.. = ordered to leave without cause then they have a defend-able action.. as soon as they become a hostile threat the police have the legal right to protect themselves and to control the area for public safety..
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  39. #39
    AllAmerican-PCS is offline Junior Member
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    LOL!!!!!!!!!! you telling me that these guys couldn't dance in public, but when Im at a Military funeral of a fallen comrade from my Squadron and you have protestors holding signs that says "HE HAD IT COMING TO HIM" , "BURN IN HELL" with mega phones blaring over the Pastor and the police dont do $hit about that.....WTF!!!!! Sometimes I question the times we live in and if its just going to keep mud sliding down hill.

  40. #40
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AllAmerican-PCS View Post
    LOL!!!!!!!!!! you telling me that these guys couldn't dance in public, but when Im at a Military funeral of a fallen comrade from my Squadron and you have protestors holding signs that says "HE HAD IT COMING TO HIM" , "BURN IN HELL" with mega phones blaring over the Pastor and the police dont do $hit about that.....WTF!!!!! Sometimes I question the times we live in and if its just going to keep mud sliding down hill.
    I thought about this too, especially last years incident involving the few men that were killed and people were holding up signs across the street of the funeral saying "God Hates Fags" and "Die Soldier."

    Interesting concepts..

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