I posted this in the recipes section but figure more people could benefit from it here, try it and tell me what you thing. It tastes great and all raw unprocessed ingredients and top notch super foods!

Eating clean is harder, eating something that tastes good and not too bad for you even harder..Would you like to feel filled up and satisfied with some real food that is really good for you rather than just drinking a two thumbs down shake! My friend shared this with me and Im sharing it with you. Please try it and report back!!

Here you go

1-2 Pieces of Cinnamon Raisin Ezekiel bread (complex carb bread, live sprouted gain, unprocessed)
Maranatha Raw Organic Maple Almond Butter (raw and unprocessed)
Raw Organic Honey (raw and unprocessed and raises alkalinity in your body and a natural sweetener)

Toast the bread, the raw honey will melt on the bread, add the butter and wash it down with Vanilla Protein Shake if you want or water, Im telling you nothing better in the world.

1 Piece of Cinnamon Raisin Ezekiel bread /cals 80 .5g fat/carbs 19g/ Fiber 2g/ Sugars 6g/ Protein 3g
Almond Butter 1tsp / cals 90/ 7g fat/ carbs 4.5/ sugars 1.5g/ Fiber 1.5g/ Protein 1.5g
Raw organic honey/ cals 30/ 1/2 tlbps/ 8g sugar

All Macros
200 cals/ 8g Fat / 53 carbs / 3.5g Fiber/ sugar (from carbs) 15g / Protein 4.5g

Shake Optimum Nutrition Vanilla Ice Cream Protein Shake
120cals/1g fat/ 25g protein