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  1. #41
    not so slim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    I won't mention the club, but i ride with a local MC from time to time. mostly a lot of old timers and hardcore wannabes. Anwayys, they were trying to get me interested in plebbing? They would bring it up every time i rode with this one bloke that's in the club. Being a member isn't attractive to me, especially at my age. Plus I refuse to be anybody's b1tch, bringing them their beers, etc. or having to wear a patch....

    ....i'm just not a joiner. I don't need to belong to something to feel secure or have a good time.

    And what's up with this "mandatory" sh1t???? like what? they going to kick me ouut if i don't do as they ask?

    and then I'm sitting there the table, and some guy younger than me starts talking to me, thinking he can "critique" my riding skills?? I'm like, dude, I've been riding a long time. Save your "critique" for someone that needs it, or can appreciate it; I've ridden further, longer, and in more places than you.....
    The guys that pull that "mandatory stuff" or ask you to do dumb stuff are usually the punks of the group we call it "PATCH FEVER" probating or prospecting depending on the club needs to be done to weed out the weak you just have to tell yourself every member has gone through it! I am with you on the age thing though! For me it was I had my children if you don't feed them they die!!! Its hard to buy food in prison

  2. #42
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by not so slim View Post
    The guys that pull that "mandatory stuff" or ask you to do dumb stuff are usually the punks of the group we call it "PATCH FEVER" probating or prospecting depending on the club needs to be done to weed out the weak you just have to tell yourself every member has gone through it! I am with you on the age thing though! For me it was I had my children if you don't feed them they die!!! Its hard to buy food in prison
    I did join a difffent type of club one time. ECV, ever hear of it? The plebbing really sucked, and i spent all day having people throw beer on me, carrying rocks, jumping in mud puddles, having rotten dog food dumped on me, let's see...

    wearing a pumpkin on my head
    having my finger nails painted
    game scent rubbed under my nose
    plums put in my pockets and smashed
    fetching beers for asssholes
    pledging my undying faith to the club
    shaving cream sprayed all over me

    any of this shiit sound familar? thanks!

  3. #43
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    i almost forgot. how about being blind folded for a couple of hours and blokes just fukkin with you in general?

  4. #44
    DCI's Avatar
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    Dude, why the hell would you put up with the above, no wonder there's no HA's in Ireland, no one would do that shit lol.

  5. #45
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCI View Post
    Dude, why the hell would you put up with the above, no wonder there's no HA's in Ireland, no one would do that shit lol.
    because I wasn't told the truth. I agreed, thinking it would be a simple prank or two. but instead, they took a dozen or so of us "plebs" out into the woods, away from "society", and it just kept going and going....

    ....i was really pissed about the game scent rubbed under my nose. I went looking for the assshole that did it. (blindfolded at the time). finally found him, but i was so freaking drunk when i did, no choice but to let it go....

  6. #46
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    Yeh, I presume you where young man? Nothing good could ever come of that generally people like are bullies I guess sad times but hey we've all been there and sucked in like.

  7. #47
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCI View Post
    Yeh, I presume you where young man? Nothing good could ever come of that generally people like are bullies I guess sad times but hey we've all been there and sucked in like.
    let's see... that was about 20 years ago, so I was about 30????

    there was nothing sinister about the pranks. but the sheer volume alone was too over whelming....

    .....after that, I really didn't bet involved in club activity much. a few clampouts but that was about it.

  8. #48
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    I can see why not.

  9. #49
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    anyone have the link to the sturgis video camera?

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