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  1. #81
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
    cherrydrpepper is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Business as usual yeah?
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    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox View Post
    My best bud is a chiro and he doesnt have an issue with fat people and keeps himself in decent shape.
    He had a very large man (6' 420 my buddy weighed him) come into his office for lower back pain. He wanted muscle treatment and adjustment. So they go into the treatment room and he sets him on the bed and tries to raise him up high enough to work on him correctly. Not sure why but my.buddy said they need patients at a certain height to do things properly cause they are on there feet. So the machine under the bed cant raise the man and sparked, smoked, then died. My did what he could and set the man on his way. Time passes and he gets a letter in the mail saying he is being sued by the man. Something about not having proper accommodation to fit his needs and the emotional trauma and embarrassment it caused him blah blah blah
    I was shocked! I remember cause my buddy called me and asked if I could wire up a new motor for his chair, if he bought one on ebay. Ya he was mad the guy costs him $900 bucks.
    This is a great example of how people don't want to face a real problem and do something about it. Its easier to pretend theres something wrong with the rest of the world instead of changing yourself for the better.

  2. #82
    frank13's Avatar
    frank13 is offline "AR's Official Turkey Bacon Expert"
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    good i like that everyone is fat but me hahahahahahahahahahah

  3. #83
    PEWN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gearbox View Post
    My best bud is a chiro and he doesnt have an issue with fat people and keeps himself in decent shape.
    He had a very large man (6' 420 my buddy weighed him) come into his office for lower back pain. He wanted muscle treatment and adjustment. So they go into the treatment room and he sets him on the bed and tries to raise him up high enough to work on him correctly. Not sure why but my.buddy said they need patients at a certain height to do things properly cause they are on there feet. So the machine under the bed cant raise the man and sparked, smoked, then died. My did what he could and set the man on his way. Time passes and he gets a letter in the mail saying he is being sued by the man. Something about not having proper accommodation to fit his needs and the emotional trauma and embarrassment it caused him blah blah blah
    I was shocked! I remember cause my buddy called me and asked if I could wire up a new motor for his chair, if he bought one on ebay. Ya he was mad the guy costs him $900 bucks.

    hopefully he didnt loose the lawsuit also.

  4. #84
    Armykid93's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PEWN View Post

    hopefully he didnt loose the lawsuit also.
    Probably did. This country has such a fvcked court system

  5. #85
    PEWN's Avatar
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    Well its easier to win a lawsuit than the lottery.

  6. #86
    taaa is offline Junior Member
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    as long as YOU like being fat or whatever person and feel comfortable with it it's fine.
    but most fat people just say they feel alright being fat because they don't wanna move their asses to the gym or hop on a real diet.
    so it's really hard giving a nice and precise answer

  7. #87
    bigpapabuff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    Not sure how it works down there Pete, but up here we ALL pay for it through taxes. People who intentionally create a coliseum for heart disease, stroke, or any other related health risk are costing us all more money in terms of provincial healthcare. It's the same for those who choose to smoke. So basically we're penalized for the lazy and weak. And that's the bottom line, cause Stone Cold said so!
    Yeah directly or indirectly we end up paying as well.

  8. #88
    dan991's Avatar
    dan991 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Actually- if you look at the outside influences; they are just as much to blame as the consumers.

    For example- a "medium" is a "large" now and a "large" is a half gallon of soda. So first it's not only the easiest thing to swing through a drive thru for a quick meal when your starving but now they are giving you large portions of junk that nobody should be eating in the first place. Have you ever looked at the nutritional info of a McDonald's Chicken Salad? Its WORSE than a Big Mac combo. Even the "healthy" food typically aren't that healthy anymore. Wanna see some eye-opening stuff... watch a movie called "Fork's Over Knives" on NetFlix or Hulu. That's some scary shit.... makes you wanna turn into a Vegan.

  9. #89
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  10. #90
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    It's really not the fast food or the Xboxes that are making people fat. It's the mentality that people have today that none of their fvcking problems are caused by themselves. It's always somebody else. Obesity is just one of the symptoms of that problem. Criminals are criminals because the world forces them to be criminals. Fat people are fat because McDonalds lets them drink large cokes. That dude in CT who shot up that school did it because of assault rifles. I'm sure you can think of a bunch of other examples.

    People used to accept the responsibility for their actions and place in life. Since our PC world can't accept self-blame now it's everybody else's fault or some disease's fault. And since you didn't cause yourself to be fat, why should you have to change your life to not be fat?

  11. #91
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    I heard a great idea!! Post calories on the menu PLUS amount of time takes to burn off the calories by running, stair master, elliptical etc. I don't think most people realize how much must workout to rid those same calories.

    I just don't think people understand how much they eat and how little the body requires. I don't know about you but I cannot eat everything I want ~ I deny myself certain foods cuz it is not worth it to me. Not anymore. Fat acceptance is not a good alternative. I would rather have my health.

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