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  1. #41
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Could we blame the parents for some being "inherently lazy?"
    Most times, yes... if not the parents, look to the friends... its power of association.

    you can take the 5 friends you're closest to (hang out with most) add there income up and divide by 5 and you'll be within 10k of what you make 9.5 times out of ten

    if your 5 closest friends work out, you probably workout

    if your 5 closest friends smoke, you probably smoke

    and so on and so on....

  2. #42
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Could we blame the parents for some being "inherently lazy?"
    Perhaps we could for a lack of education.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    Not sure how it works down there Pete, but up here we ALL pay for it through taxes. People who intentionally create a coliseum for heart disease, stroke, or any other related health risk are costing us all more money in terms of provincial healthcare. It's the same for those who choose to smoke. So basically we're penalized for the lazy and weak. And that's the bottom line, cause Stone Cold said so!
    Yah.... its bullshit... I hate our system in that sense.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete

    Could we blame the parents for some being "inherently lazy?"
    Hell yes. As one member mentioned earlier, parents are all too often passive in their children's nutrition and exercise. When I was young, my parents kicked my ass outside. I wasn't aloud to hang around the house unless I was doing homework or house chores! Otherwise, I was outside playing baseball, hockey, football, basketball, soccer, or just generally terrorizing the neighborhood.

    I'm still educating my wife on her son's nutrition. She likes to buy all kinds of crappy snacks for him to eat at school and home. I don't know if that kid would recognize a fruit or vegetable if it hit him in the face!

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox

    Not sure how it works down there Pete, but up here we ALL pay for it through taxes. People who intentionally create a coliseum for heart disease, stroke, or any other related health risk are costing us all more money in terms of provincial healthcare. It's the same for those who choose to smoke. So basically we're penalized for the lazy and weak. And that's the bottom line, cause Stone Cold said so!
    ....and so it should be. Instead of taking responsibility for their health, all too often people eat shit, don't exercise, and then want the medical community to give them a damn pill to correct their obesity, health problems, and restore their youth!

    There should be incentives for preventative health!!!!!

  6. #46
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    Not sure how it works down there Pete, but up here we ALL pay for it through taxes. People who intentionally create a coliseum for heart disease, stroke, or any other related health risk are costing us all more money in terms of provincial healthcare. It's the same for those who choose to smoke. So basically we're penalized for the lazy and weak. And that's the bottom line, cause Stone Cold said so!
    hahaha..OK, Stone Cold. And i'll kick his ass too!

    I'm not really sure what you're talking about. Are you in Canada? If so, move! I need to research more to have a more educated opinion. But why are you penalized for someone else's stupidity? notice i didn't say ignorance.

  7. #47
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    My money is on you Pete!

    Our medicare system is funded by the Ontario Gov under the Ontario Hospital Insurance Plan (OHIP). The money to fund this plan is collected in the way of taxes. Some Canadians actually think its free. Its not! WE PAY FOR IT! And the more sick people we have, the more it costs. I dont have any gripe at all about ailments, or old age, or any other health issue that is not by choice. But if you CHOOSE to kill yourself please do us all a favor and do it fast, so that youre not a burden on the rest of us that live and pay taxes in the province of Ontario.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox
    My money is on you Pete!

    Our medicare system is funded by the Ontario Gov under the Ontario Hospital Insurance Plan (OHIP). The money to fund this plan is collected in the way of taxes. Some Canadians actually think its free. Its not! WE PAY FOR IT! And the more sick people we have, the more it costs. I dont have any gripe at all about ailments, or old age, or any other health issue that is not by choice. But if you CHOOSE to kill yourself, please do us all a favor and do it fast so that youre not a burden on the rest of us that live and pay taxes in the province of Ontario.
    Amen brother.

  9. #49
    evander87's Avatar
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    We not only pay for obesity with higher health care costs but there was an article in the NY times that talked about how people being heavier cost us in everyday items. Example brakes on cars used to only have to have so much stopping power because the "average" family only weighed so much. Now with the average being higher heavier duty brakes have to be standard on cars and that cost is passed on to consumers. Same for hospital toilets that have to support more weight and so on. It was an eye opening article. ( I thought I posted it here a while ago)

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  10. #50
    kronik420's Avatar
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    if all the fat people in the world went on a diet and then sent the rest of the food that they would have eaten to 3rd world countries.. that would just about solve the hunger/food crisis in places like Ethiopia...

    just saying..

  11. #51
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    I didn't read ALL the replies yet but did you know as of 2012 more people die from obesity related illnesses than starvation? Now if that isn't a trend I don't know what is.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts
    I didn't read ALL the replies yet but did you know as of 2012 more people die from obesity related illnesses than starvation? Now if that isn't a trend I don't know what is.
    I heard stat that said more people die from obesity and obesity related disease than from drugs and fun violence combined.

    They didn't cite a source but if its true that's pretty damn disturbing.

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  13. #53
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Whew, thank god I just had "half-fat" vanilla ice cream. I only feel 50% as bad now!

  14. #54
    MickeyKnox is offline Banned
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    Actually, youre only 50% of the problem. lol

    Happy New Year Kel

  15. #55
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    Fat people make me pretty angry because for the most part, it is a choice.

  16. #56
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
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    I guess I will participate in this one.. I've been told my views are so out there on this topic I should shut my mouth.

    Your physique determines the path of your entire life.

    It will affect who wants to be friends with you, who wants to have romantic relationships with you, and sometimes it can even effect things like whether you get a job or if someone decides to mug you or not. There are other factors such as how long you live and quality of your health it can affect as well.

    Thats my take on the whole being out of shape thing. I could cite concrete examples that support what I am saying here, but honestly it would just offend people out there. Its easier for people to believe in what I call The Disney FairyTale. Thats the idea that you are going to go through life being a decent person and working hard at your job, and some day a beautiful woman is going to fall into your lap. Shes going to have beautiful red hair, and big blue doe eyes, and wear seashells on her perfect breasts. Shes going to laugh at all your jokes, and you'll be the only person shes ever had sex with. She'll tell you you're incredible and shes in love with you. Her waist will be so tight she can wear mid driff showing outfits. Oh and her dad is rich. He owns all of saudi arabia or maybe he owns the entire ocean. Mind you there will be no working out involved. Put the weights away and don't hit the treadmill. Just being "you" is good enough son. You're that amazing. Thats the comfortable, Disney FairyTale people want spoonfed to their subconscious.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickeyKnox View Post
    Actually, youre only 50% of the problem. lol

    Happy New Year Kel
    So your saying I'm not half bad! Thanks Mick and HNY to you!

    Those normal height-weight ratio things say I'm obese. Rather irritating.

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I didn't read ALL the replies yet but did you know as of 2012 more people die from obesity related illnesses than starvation? Now if that isn't a trend I don't know what is.
    Wow bro that's crazy.

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    I guess I will participate in this one.. I've been told my views are so out there on this topic I should shut my mouth.

    Your physique determines the path of your entire life.

    It will affect who wants to be friends with you, who wants to have romantic relationships with you, and sometimes it can even effect things like whether you get a job or if someone decides to mug you or not. There are other factors such as how long you live and quality of your health it can affect as well.

    Thats my take on the whole being out of shape thing. I could cite concrete examples that support what I am saying here, but honestly it would just offend people out there. Its easier for people to believe in what I call The Disney FairyTale. Thats the idea that you are going to go through life being a decent person and working hard at your job, and some day a beautiful woman is going to fall into your lap. Shes going to have beautiful red hair, and big blue doe eyes, and wear seashells on her perfect breasts. Shes going to laugh at all your jokes, and you'll be the only person shes ever had sex with. She'll tell you you're incredible and shes in love with you. Her waist will be so tight she can wear mid driff showing outfits. Oh and her dad is rich. He owns all of saudi arabia or maybe he owns the entire ocean. Mind you there will be no working out involved. Put the weights away and don't hit the treadmill. Just being "you" is good enough son. You're that amazing. Thats the comfortable, Disney FairyTale people want spoonfed to their subconscious.
    Very true cherry!

  20. #60
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel

    Very true cherry!
    ^^^ I agree

  21. #61
    auswest is offline Banned
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    I have little respect for people that get fat, to me it says alot about who they are....

    However we all make our choices in life and its not everyone's goal to bit slim/fit/healthy... Maybe eating or w/e makes them their happiest, not everyone has the same mind set as us... Everyone is free to live their life as they choose..

    But when they are criticising you for your choices generally means they are insecure with themselves... Let the haters hate.just do what makes you happy and Fk what anyone else thinks..

    The most common mistake I notice with unhealthy/overweight people.. They believe they have to put themselfs through hell in the gym to shift the weight, they quickly get sick of it. I would too running a hour a day on a treadmill if I hated running, nutrition is so overlooked, generally people really don't know what is actually good and what isn't for them. No idea at all. I see many other friends trying to lose weight, putting the hours in the gym week in week out. Yet sit at the dinner table afterwards and chuck half a kilo of lasagna inside themselves...
    I've said to them, I honestly believe if you follow a diet I lay out for you for 12 weeks and not even step foot in that gym, you will have greater success, then busting your arse in the gym day in day out and eating like you are..

    Probably the thing that does get to me are the excuses, people making up excuses as to why they can't make it to the gym. Why they can't eat certain things.. Hate hearing bs... If you want something strong enough.. You will get it!! Too many weak minded people around

    All in all I love fat people they make me feel and look fkn awesome!!!

  22. #62
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    Everyone in the UK seems to fvcking fat, and it's no surprise that the UK is the fattest nation in Europe.

    I dont know how it is in America, but I think alcohol is a huge contributing factor. Over here, it seen as cool and acceptable to get absolutely pissed (drunk) and we should all celebrate it. And I dare say women are even worse than the men over here for that.

    I cant count the amount of times ive been out or on holiday and seen fat, british slags, staggering around the street, wearing short skirts, puking everywhere and swearing at everyone or no one in particular. Most UK girls I personally find very unappealing. But then you have what's known as "ordinary bloke" in this country, which is usually a fat, balding Sun newspaper reading twat whose only two subjects are football and "shagging birds".

    David Cameron's answer is to now cap the amount of Off Licence shops a town can have. Yeah nice one, Tory boy, put a few small businesses out to pasture instead of going after the REAL CULPRITS which is supermarkets. They are the reason Pubs are dying in this country, and the reason people buy tons of cheap alcohol.

    The fact that media pander to the dumbing down of everything doesn't help either.

    Rant finished.

  23. #63
    BBJT200's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by muscleink View Post

    there should be incentives for preventative health!!!!!

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by JTathlete View Post

    No, that's to mean. We don't wanna hurt fatties feelings. Even though they cost us billions

  25. #65
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigherm21 View Post
    you forgot Xbox and ps3. Dude when I grew up you could never catch me inside. Now you can't catch kids outside. Xbox and ps3 are in alot of people's homes. Shit bro I remember a three year span when I was growing up when I broke my arm three times in three different years. Playing backyard sports and hide in seek in the pitch black woods. Shit id be scared is hell to do that today and I'm almost 30 lmao
    I love my PS3, but playing doesn't cut into my gym time. No way. You are totally right in that it isn't just TV it is all forms of entertainment. Kids watch as much YouTube as they do TV. It is truly wonderful how much entertainment is provided by technology but it really is the opiate of the masses.

  26. #66
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    I am starting to dislike overweight people more and more. Not just because, It's because of shit like this: I wanna lose weight, where do I start? They go at it for a day or 2 then just fvck off again. Why am I fat? You like a fvcking horse!

    It really sucks, these fatties could be so much more. It's just wasted talent. I see so many girls including my own, just eat themselves fat. They just won't stop. It blows, they bitch and don't like being the fatty but hey just won't change.

    Guys too, just ewwww. Seen this one fool at my gym. I swear he looked 9 months pregnant.

    This is all aesthetics by all means. Some fatties are much healthier that the average juicer. Of course not all but some. Some can run circles around me. But, I care less-I make it look much better.
    Last edited by < <Samson> >; 01-02-2013 at 01:06 AM.

  27. #67
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    You can thank the likes of Oprah for fat being acceptable. But then I hear she isn't doing well herself. Someone thought she had died a heart attack, she was last seen face down in Ricki Lake.

  28. #68
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    wow... finally got caught up here and laughed at all the responses.

    I think a lot has to do with all the preservatives in our foods today. Take for example a can of soup. lets say beef stew. You think this is ok to eat since it has veggies and meat in it. Then you look at the can and Sodium is 2k mg. WTF. I would bloat up opening that can.

  29. #69
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    Best excuse yet - hey, there's plenty of people fatter than me.

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by PEWN View Post
    wow... finally got caught up here and laughed at all the responses.

    I think a lot has to do with all the preservatives in our foods today. Take for example a can of soup. lets say beef stew. You think this is ok to eat since it has veggies and meat in it. Then you look at the can and Sodium is 2k mg. WTF. I would bloat up opening that can.
    Yes seriously, look at the label on all those Campbells soups. They are chalk full of sodium. Even their Chicken Noodle tastes like brine.

  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Love to see before pics!

    I do the same thing in the grocery store. Find myself shaking my head. I know I'll get chastised for it some day by a lard ass....
    This is me at 250. I don't have any pictures from 272. I was so self conscience that I hardly was ever in front of a camera.

    This is me at 205. Hadn't been this light since starting highschool. I'm 6' 4"

  32. #72
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    Outstanding progress Evander!

    Thanks for sharing!


  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    You can thank the likes of Oprah for fat being acceptable. But then I hear she isn't doing well herself. Someone thought she had died a heart attack, she was last seen face down in Ricki Lake.
    I thought it was funny Sholva!

  34. #74
    DanB is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    Everyone in the UK seems to fvcking fat, and it's no surprise that the UK is the fattest nation in Europe.

    I dont know how it is in America, but I think alcohol is a huge contributing factor. Over here, it seen as cool and acceptable to get absolutely pissed (drunk) and we should all celebrate it. And I dare say women are even worse than the men over here for that.

    I cant count the amount of times ive been out or on holiday and seen fat, british slags, staggering around the street, wearing short skirts, puking everywhere and swearing at everyone or no one in particular. Most UK girls I personally find very unappealing. But then you have what's known as "ordinary bloke" in this country, which is usually a fat, balding Sun newspaper reading twat whose only two subjects are football and "shagging birds".

    David Cameron's answer is to now cap the amount of Off Licence shops a town can have. Yeah nice one, Tory boy, put a few small businesses out to pasture instead of going after the REAL CULPRITS which is supermarkets. They are the reason Pubs are dying in this country, and the reason people buy tons of cheap alcohol.

    The fact that media pander to the dumbing down of everything doesn't help either.

    Rant finished.
    alot of larger is cheaper then a can of coke here, i think tesco larger is 80c, 500ml bottle coke is 1.60 and a can about 1.10, larger is even cheper then bottled water if you go for a brand name

  35. #75
    RaginCajun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PEWN View Post
    lol... I notice that fat chicks get more attention now in bars as well.
    that's because Cal has twins!

    and they are easy prey for people who like that

    self esteem boosters

  36. #76
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 00ragincajun00 View Post
    that's because Cal has twins!

    and they are easy prey for people who like that

    self esteem boosters

    Its true... about Cal... LOL

  37. #77
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    We are living in a world where we can get food anywhere anytime, call, pick up, get, fast food nation. They compared the portion of food back in the 70 and today a muffin has tripped its size. Go figure. Worst is that fat people are jalous of people who keep fit. Its so easy to let yourself go, i just turned 40 been with GF for 8 years and we still take care of ourselves, most of our friends are fat obese.

    Until they remove all the sugar and crap from the stores, restaurants and more people will keep getting fat, i went to Vermont at some point to do IT work for my ex crappy company bathfitter, and i was suprised at this little black kid he was like 10 and must have weighted close to 160 pounds is mother was there at mcdonlads with him and he was filling up the white 2 litre they give you with the trio and i was like come on poor kid.

    This is only going to get worst, 99% of people are lazy they use getting old for excuse to let themself get fat. Fukk them its there choice i dont care, they have to respect that i decided to get slimmer.

  38. #78
    yannick35 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by evander87 View Post
    This is me at 250. I don't have any pictures from 272. I was so self conscience that I hardly was ever in front of a camera.

    This is me at 205. Hadn't been this light since starting highschool. I'm 6' 4"

    Great job congrat i am 220 now and trying to get to 200 i am 5 feet 10 tought.

  39. #79
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    That is wonderful progress evander! Awesome job

    I believe people think they are thinner then they really are. As said above I am not as fat as him/her. We see huge people everyone day and it is making some who is barely obese (30 pounds over weight) look like there normal or.even thin to some degree. Its perception! You line up 10 guys all 100 pounds over weight then me at 50 pounds over weight, how am I going to look?

  40. #80
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    My best bud is a chiro and he doesnt have an issue with fat people and keeps himself in decent shape.
    He had a very large man (6' 420 my buddy weighed him) come into his office for lower back pain. He wanted muscle treatment and adjustment. So they go into the treatment room and he sets him on the bed and tries to raise him up high enough to work on him correctly. Not sure why but my.buddy said they need patients at a certain height to do things properly cause they are on there feet. So the machine under the bed cant raise the man and sparked, smoked, then died. My did what he could and set the man on his way. Time passes and he gets a letter in the mail saying he is being sued by the man. Something about not having proper accommodation to fit his needs and the emotional trauma and embarrassment it caused him blah blah blah
    I was shocked! I remember cause my buddy called me and asked if I could wire up a new motor for his chair, if he bought one on ebay. Ya he was mad the guy costs him $900 bucks.

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