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    Walking away from a fight

    So I play bball thursday nights at an open gym. Average age is 24-26 and I am 34. Still can run with young legs some how. Anyway no one has played in a month so everyone is out of game shape and this leads to poor defense and more fouling. I was getting hammered all night as I am a bigger guy then most and started to get frustrated. Grab lose ball went up for lay up and had my face raked and then the ball ripped at out of my hands and I lost my shit. I never act like that but I turned around and was like wtf are you doing. Kid starts going on how I am not going to let me bully him. I was like we are fighting for position and you raked me face wtf are you thinking and relax this is not game 7. We play on a 3/4 court and he is pressing after the inbounds on a pick up game. He was really looking for it.

    So the kid goes do something and I am like what and in that second I had an image of me pounding this kids face in and me going to jail. I just could not believe this kid said lets fight and I am walking away from it. Its been driving me crazy all night. I kinda feel like I let this kid punk me but at the same time I know it was the smart thing to do.

    These little shits nowadays have no respect.

  2. #2
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    I don't know. I get wild hairs up my ass too. I sometimes go looking for it, and fortunately for me, it's been a looonnnnggg time since I found it. Once you get to a certain point, you flat out have too much to lose. Kids can do dumb shit like that and go to jail for a little while since they aint got shit, no family/dependents, no mortgage/rent and no one really depends on em cept themselves.

    You did the right thing mate!

  3. #3
    miguel700707's Avatar
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    Bomb on I'm lol

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    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
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    You did the right thing bro. I am in my early 30s also and can tell you there have been a couple of times I just walked away because the kid was 25 ish and just hadn't seen enough shit to realize it wasn't worth it. Everybody wants to throw down at the drop of a hat when theyve only had hair on their dik a few years. You did the right thing. We both know if you had pounded his face in you would feel bad about it after the fact.

  5. #5
    likelifting is offline Senior Member
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    For me it was the hardest thing to learn....walking away. But its the right thing to do. I used to scrap quite a bit at bars when I was younger. Not proud of it all. Actually embarrassing to admit.

    Good job Rwy. You did the right thing. It could have cost you lotsa money, time, headache.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by likelifting View Post
    For me it was the hardest thing to learn....walking away. But its the right thing to do. I used to scrap quite a bit at bars when I was younger. Not proud of it all. Actually embarrassing to admit.

    Good job Rwy. You did the right thing. It could have cost you lotsa money, time, headache.
    Thanks Man and thanks guys this shit was eating at me lol

    I got into a lot fights when I was younger. I had my ass kicked so bad once. I ve done some damage to others and it really is an awful feeling to hurt someone bad.

    A good buddy of mine. Couple of screws lose and is a monster size guy who looks like he belongs in a nut house but a total sweat heart ended up in jail 5 years ago. Jumped by 3 small guys. He put all 3 in the hospital defending himself. Judge said he should have known better and should have walked away because of the size difference. 3 years for walking by and having to defend himself. Its crazy.

  7. #7
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    I remember one time I was in this really rough country bar and this young blonde headed kid walks in looks straight out of high school barely got peach fuzz on his face lucky to weigh in at 140. He gets drunk and picks a fight with this dude probably around 40 years old 200 lbs or more solid weight and the older dude was actually going to throw down instead of letting it slide. I was pretty worried because it wouldn't have been much of a fight but the bartender broke it up. I look at it like if the guy is a young hot head and you are the older one you have to take that into account.

  8. #8
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    BS with the others, you a pvssy.

    LOL no man you did the right thing. I hope I'm as smart as you when I'm in that situation.

  9. #9
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    The last time I got into a fight was in my last year of University which would have been 2011. I was 33 then.

    Basically this nutjob had come down to Southampton from London and was some deranged ex of a girl my mate was trying to get with. This guy must have been in his early 20's at the most. As we were leaving the club, this guy sucker punched me in the side of the face. I went ape shit. Bouncers were quick, seperated us and I got chucked out. Me and my friends then decided to take this girl home and this guy must have got a cab cause he was there at this house when we arrived! Arguments broke out and this guy then sucker punched my friend! That was the final straw and I was all over him, I ended messing him up quite bad (broken nose, broken rib, broken, jaw, broken cheek and broken nose). The police were called and somehow, they didn't question me but questioned the other two and the whole was put down to "this guy threw the first punch, so it's mostly on him".

    To be honest I was really and my mates should have left this stupid bitch to it (who of course was only remorseful for the ex that caused all the grief) and at my age, I shouldn't be fighting, especially in my last year of school. For a few days I was paranoid cause my friends were saying how this guy had to go hospital and there might be repercussions. There wasn't, and for that, I was lucky and pretty thankful. I could have ruined everything for myself.

  10. #10
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    Welcome to adulthood! Grown men don't get into fist fights over basketball's that simple! As a grownup, the only reason to fight, is to protect ones self. Nothing else is worth the reprocutions.

  11. #11
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    Yeah I'm going through the repercussions of hitting one of those little pricks who like to run their mouth. Went to watch a band play a few months back this guy and girl kept hackling cussing me and my wife. We ignored it bc it was the first time we had been out in months and was there with friends. Well the girl comes up and bumps my wife and almost knocks her down so the guy she was with yells you stupid fn dumb a** b**** and takes two steps towards me an her with fist clenched so I didn't let him finish his sentence and ended up knocking out his front tooth broke his nose, jaw and orbital bone...he got thrown out and we stayed bc they were drunk and started it all. Owner of the place came out and apologized and everything...a week later I have a phone call to come down to the station. The dude filed aggravated assault charges on me! So I had to lawyer up and get a bail bonds man to get me out while that punk doesn't pay a thing! It's bs!! The police officer said he would have done the same thing I did. Hopefully the jury sees the same. We are going for self defense. So lesson learned least let the guy hit you first! Lol

  12. #12
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Disagree with the last part of op above. Do not ever let anyone hit you first. Take a defensive posture. If there are cameras or witnesses you are seen defending yourself and not as the aggressor. Never let someone hit you never.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    I don't know. I get wild hairs up my ass too. I sometimes go looking for it, and fortunately for me, it's been a looonnnnggg time since I found it. Once you get to a certain point, you flat out have too much to lose. Kids can do dumb shit like that and go to jail for a little while since they aint got shit, no family/dependents, no mortgage/rent and no one really depends on em cept themselves.

    You did the right thing mate!

    I agree with this. When I was younger and in college I worked at a bar. I was always starting shit just to prove a point. I am not a violent person by any means and got my butt handed to me a few times but I thought it was fun. Later on I realized how dumb and pointless it was. Like mentioned above its because you feel you have nothing to loose. Once you get a career and a family, responsibilities come with it and make you think before you act.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Welcome to adulthood! Grown men don't get into fist fights over basketball's that simple! As a grownup, the only reason to fight, is to protect ones self. Nothing else is worth the reprocutions.
    Well put.

  15. #15
    cherrydrpepper's Avatar
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    Some of you should definitely be mma fighters lol

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy View Post
    So I play bball thursday nights at an open gym. Average age is 24-26 and I am 34. Still can run with young legs some how. Anyway no one has played in a month so everyone is out of game shape and this leads to poor defense and more fouling. I was getting hammered all night as I am a bigger guy then most and started to get frustrated. Grab lose ball went up for lay up and had my face raked and then the ball ripped at out of my hands and I lost my shit. I never act like that but I turned around and was like wtf are you doing. Kid starts going on how I am not going to let me bully him. I was like we are fighting for position and you raked me face wtf are you thinking and relax this is not game 7. We play on a 3/4 court and he is pressing after the inbounds on a pick up game. He was really looking for it.

    So the kid goes do something and I am like what and in that second I had an image of me pounding this kids face in and me going to jail. I just could not believe this kid said lets fight and I am walking away from it. Its been driving me crazy all night. I kinda feel like I let this kid punk me but at the same time I know it was the smart thing to do.

    These little shits nowadays have no respect.
    Honestly this sounds like a classic his mommy told him to stand uo to bullies. He obviously labeled you as one cause the size difference. VERY SMART to walk away cause I see you literary crushing him, then no one is on your side cause the size/age difference and you will get worked in court. More and more every year its about perception of a situation rather then the truth!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo
    Disagree with the last part of op above. Do not ever let anyone hit you first. Take a defensive posture. If there are cameras or witnesses you are seen defending yourself and not as the aggressor. Never let someone hit you never.
    See that's how i was raised also and to aim for the nose coming out of the gate lol 4000 dollars later though...good news is there is film and it shows him coming at me then me finishing it and stopping when he goes to the ground. Plus we were near eight of my friends so there's plenty of witnesses. It is getting bound over though so I am going to have to pay my lawyer..again

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Newdog2015 View Post
    Yeah I'm going through the repercussions of hitting one of those little pricks who like to run their mouth. Went to watch a band play a few months back this guy and girl kept hackling cussing me and my wife. We ignored it bc it was the first time we had been out in months and was there with friends. Well the girl comes up and bumps my wife and almost knocks her down so the guy she was with yells you stupid fn dumb a** b**** and takes two steps towards me an her with fist clenched so I didn't let him finish his sentence and ended up knocking out his front tooth broke his nose, jaw and orbital bone...he got thrown out and we stayed bc they were drunk and started it all. Owner of the place came out and apologized and everything...a week later I have a phone call to come down to the station. The dude filed aggravated assault charges on me! So I had to lawyer up and get a bail bonds man to get me out while that punk doesn't pay a thing! It's bs!! The police officer said he would have done the same thing I did. Hopefully the jury sees the same. We are going for self defense. So lesson learned least let the guy hit you first! Lol
    Make sure to not forget it when you tell your lawyer, the judge and jury all the information you do not leave out the part about him swinging on you first so you were only defending yourself. Not that he just had his fist clenched and he was ready to swing but the fact he was actually swinging but missed.

    I just read the part about the video so good news there. Now talk to your lawyer about recovering charges after you're done by suing him.

  19. #19
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    I learned my lesson when a police officer interrupted our family dinner when I was 17. Longggg story short the kids mom didn't want to press charges but the cops came to let me know that I'm 17, if I go to court I will be charged as an adult. You did the right thing. Beating the guy would have felt great until your sitting in jail.

  20. #20
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    Fvck that... I'd pound his ass into the ground. That's the problem these days- there are no consequences for being an asshole. That's why people do dumb shit nowadays and don't care. They know its not likely that they'll take a whooping for being stupid. MORE parents need to beat the living shit out of their kids and THEN you'll see more people with manners. I live in Chicago now... and not a day goes by where I don't want to just beat the living hell out of someone especially driving. People have no manners, are disrespectful to others, and just don't give a shit. They'll only start giving a shit once someone beats the hell out of them to teach them manners.

    I about ripped a taxi driver out of his cab and beat the living shit out of him the other day. Bastards will run you over for a $3.00 fare. This guy literally was within 1/2 inch of hitting my brand new Jeep trying to squeeze by because he couldn't wait the 10 seconds for the light to change; all while texting. I kicked his door so hard that he couldn't roll up the window from the huge dent on the side of his cab. He knew what he did wrong and just sat there with a blank stare and when the light turned green pulled off without a word.

    Then one time at the gym, I'm sitting there doing dumbbell fly's in the weight pit. This pit is completely crammed with 15 year old assholes that wanna just hang out and talk with their buddies. I got this one kid that keeps coming within an inch of me while I'm banging out reps so he can grab 30 lb dumbbells that he could barely carry. On my third set sure as shit this assclown hits my hand (with a 40 lb dumbbell in it mid rep) as he's walking by. I drop the weight, stand up, and throw his ass half way across the pit right into the entire dumbbell rack. This kids in shock holding his back because I'm sure landing into a dumbbell rack doesn't feel good- and then the gym manager comes over getting loud. I yelled back at him to "quit selling memberships to homo's like this guy and get these bastards out of the gym if they aren't working out". That pretty much cleared the whole weight pit. But.. then I got banned from the gym.

  21. #21
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    Listen I live in NYC and take the subway ever day. You have no idea what it is like dealing with these animals. A few years ago I was coming up on my station and through the grate on the street I heard the train coming so I ran down the steps and this guy is blocking the door with his arm and tells me to take the next train. I am dumbfounded because he is in his 40's 5'9 and I am not a small guy. I am like come on man there is plenty of room move your arm. He goes take the next train. I said move your ****ing arm before I break it. He spits in my face. I ****ing slapped this guy so hard across his face he spun in a circle into a group of women. Grabbed him and rammed him head first into the garbage can and he was out cold. Spit on me how dare you. Anyhow I was reminded of this by my girl friend last night (great girl) because people were screaming and obviously people were scared of me and I didnt like that feeling.

    Today I wake up and realize I have way too much to lose but man I would have love to give him one square on the chin.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Disagree with the last part of op above. Do not ever let anyone hit you first. Take a defensive posture. If there are cameras or witnesses you are seen defending yourself and not as the aggressor. Never let someone hit you never.
    I boxed for a few years. This is one of the first thing they taught me. Someone instigates that there is going to be physical confrontation to be the aggressor. Do not ait for it to happen.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Welcome to adulthood! Grown men don't get into fist fights over basketball's that simple! As a grownup, the only reason to fight, is to protect ones self. Nothing else is worth the reprocutions.
    Lunk you have a way of saying things that make some sense. Its like what was I thinking fighting over a game with a 24 yr old kid. WHo is the loser really

  24. #24
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    16,397's the curse of being a bigger guy (both physicaly and mentaly). I can't count the number of times that I have WANTED to throat punch some dik, and I regret not doing it for a short time. Then I realize I'm no kid anymore and I have a family and job!

  25. #25
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    People *think* that they can do as they please as well as act like complete idiots only because there are no consequences. Most people are afraid to do anything because they don't want to go to jail, they don't want to embarrass their friends/others with them in public, etc. That's why stupid people do the things they do and get away with it. They aren't afraid of getting their ass kicked for their actions. Its just like a little kid- let them continuously act stupid without any repercussions and you end up with an uncontrollable spoiled little brat. The reason that the tough guy on the court was acting like he was is because nobody has whooped his ass for it yet. He keeps getting away with it. First time he gets a black eye and a broken nose from it- he won't do it again if he even steps foot on the court again.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    Some of you should definitely be mma fighters lol
    I am That's for cardio though

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    2 year ago....

    Walking away from a fight-39713_1250163833204_8152805_n.jpg

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    its not worth it, chances are youll kick his butt they'll call the cops the kid will act like a victim and in court youll be hit with crazy charges, imho let someone else do it to him, odds are he'll pop his mouth to some one who cant control him self and he'll get whats coming to him..

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    Quote Originally Posted by ecruz View Post
    its not worth it, chances are youll kick his butt they'll call the cops the kid will act like a victim and in court youll be hit with crazy charges, imho let someone else do it to him, odds are he'll pop his mouth to some one who cant control him self and he'll get whats coming to him..
    Bah.. if you punch someone in the mouth is a misdemeanor with a maximum penalty of 90 days in jail in most states. Been there done that... lol. I got a $300 fine and 6 months non-reporting probation for a bar fight and I laid out 3 people, lol.

    Just don't crush his eye socket or put him in a coma and you'll be fine, lol

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post's the curse of being a bigger guy (both physicaly and mentaly). I can't count the number of times that I have WANTED to throat some dik, and I regret not doing it for a short time. Then I realize I'm no kid anymore and I have a family and job!
    You trying to tell us something there Lunk..

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by dan68131 View Post
    Bah.. if you punch someone in the mouth is a misdemeanor with a maximum penalty of 90 days in jail in most states. Been there done that... lol. I got a $300 fine and 6 months non-reporting probation for a bar fight and I laid out 3 people, lol.

    Just don't crush his eye socket or put him in a coma and you'll be fine, lol
    POST of the year lol

  32. #32
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    Been there done that, me personally I had respect for the older BB players they played as a team and us young guys wanted to be the one man show..

    Good job mate,

  33. #33
    logmein is offline New Member
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    You guys are amazing. I dont know, for some reason I have always been afraid of confrontations. Verbal and physical.

    Maybe its just me? lol

    I seem to be having the exact opposite problem of what most people have. Anyone got any advice for me?

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by logmein View Post
    You guys are amazing. I dont know, for some reason I have always been afraid of confrontations. Verbal and physical.

    Maybe its just me? lol

    I seem to be having the exact opposite problem of what most people have. Anyone got any advice for me?
    Only do anything (verbal or physical) when you absolutely feel like you must. Everyone is capable of violence and murder- its what is your trigger to set you off. Me- I easily get pissed (not the AAS) because I have a low tolerance for stupidity and even lower tolerance for assholes. I'm quick to knock someone out but THEY have to cause it. Like when I got in a bar fight above- I did nothing to provoke it. Just some drunk dude walking up trying to be a tough guy for whatever unknown reason. One kick to the head and he hit the ground so then his friends got tough and they hit the ground next. I don't start fights.... but I will finish them without feeling bad about it. You have to earn an asswhoopin' with me.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va

    You trying to tell us something there Lunk..

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    I wouldnt fight with the guy but I would probably plant an elbow in his teeth on my next drive and then apologize profusely for the "accident" .

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    Quote Originally Posted by JD250 View Post
    I wouldnt fight with the guy but I would probably plant an elbow in his teeth on my next drive and then apologize profusely for the "accident" .

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    Quote Originally Posted by dan68131 View Post
    Only do anything (verbal or physical) when you absolutely feel like you must. Everyone is capable of violence and murder- its what is your trigger to set you off. Me- I easily get pissed (not the AAS) because I have a low tolerance for stupidity and even lower tolerance for assholes. I'm quick to knock someone out but THEY have to cause it. Like when I got in a bar fight above- I did nothing to provoke it. Just some drunk dude walking up trying to be a tough guy for whatever unknown reason. One kick to the head and he hit the ground so then his friends got tough and they hit the ground next. I don't start fights.... but I will finish them without feeling bad about it. You have to earn an asswhoopin' with me.
    I am glad it didn't end the bad way for you. So maybe, just maybe this is a boon for me lol

    Having said that it CANNOT be an excuse to not stand up for yourself or your loved ones though. Such a situation hasnt happened ever and I hope I dont disappoint them if it does!

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1
    Welcome to adulthood! Grown men don't get into fist fights over basketball's that simple! As a grownup, the only reason to fight, is to protect ones self. Nothing else is worth the reprocutions.
    Yourself your property and your loved ones!
    Well said lunk

    I used to run security firm for 3 clubs so I've had my fair share of toe to toe action.
    And as I grow up (28 now) it's no fun.
    I've hurt people before not proud of it but some times it was them or me and no way is it going to be me!

    I'm lucky enough to have had 12 years training in wing chun and 6 in Krav Maga
    So I know how to use my hands but discipline is something rarely seen in the youth of today.

    Sad state of affairs when parents are scared to discipline kids through fear of labels and prosecution

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Newdog2015 View Post
    Yeah I'm going through the repercussions of hitting one of those little pricks who like to run their mouth. Went to watch a band play a few months back this guy and girl kept hackling cussing me and my wife. We ignored it bc it was the first time we had been out in months and was there with friends. Well the girl comes up and bumps my wife and almost knocks her down so the guy she was with yells you stupid fn dumb a** b**** and takes two steps towards me an her with fist clenched so I didn't let him finish his sentence and ended up knocking out his front tooth broke his nose, jaw and orbital bone...he got thrown out and we stayed bc they were drunk and started it all. Owner of the place came out and apologized and everything...a week later I have a phone call to come down to the station. The dude filed aggravated assault charges on me! So I had to lawyer up and get a bail bonds man to get me out while that punk doesn't pay a thing! It's bs!! The police officer said he would have done the same thing I did. Hopefully the jury sees the same. We are going for self defense. So lesson learned least let the guy hit you first! Lol
    Bah... I didn't even get a lawyer for mine. I was charged with simple battery, paid a $500.00 bail, and at my first court appearance they offered me a $300 fine, court costs, and 6 months non reporting probation. My intent was to ask the judge to hold off so I could get a lawyer that day and I was like okay- I'll take that deal. Ironically, after court costs and the fine the $500.00 bail was gone and I owed like $22.00 or something which I paid. This was like beginning of summer.

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