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  1. #121
    007. is offline Banned
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    Jan 2013
    Arguing with a 21 year old kid never solved any problems.

  2. #122
    Jaxon0408's Avatar
    Jaxon0408 is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by dan68131
    I don't know... I wasn't at home. I had to make a trip to Atlanta so it was warm regardless. I can't wait to move back down south. Fvck midwest weather- depressing.
    I just got back from 4 days in Missouri and that place is depressing period! It's filled with a whole lot of nothing. I hope the rest of the Midwest isn't that depressing. I went expecting to see snow and got 60-70 degree weather. As soon as I left it snowed wtf! I'll keep my GA weather though. Constant cold weather has got to suck! Give me beach weather any day!

  3. #123
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    I've seen it from both sides now. In the beginning when a member, and now when staff. It's a little confusing sometimes whena member, since all the information is not always available, and because of that, the decision may seem arbitrary. As a staff member, I'm privy to a little more information now than when I was a member, and in most cases, there is usually a pretty good reason for the decision. In most cases, it is a clear rule violation, which i call an "objective" decision. Break a rule, and if it's serious enough, you're gone at least temporarily. Then, there is a "subjective" aspect to some decisions, in which case, it may not be based on a clear rule violation, but instead, it becomes a judgement call.

    This example may not apply to this situation, but in some cases, dealing with a member becomes very difficult by staff. We may be fielding a large volume of complaints or concerns via PM, revolving around a certain member. We may be witnessing very objectionable behaivor, that is contrary to the "spirit" of this board. For example, members telling other members that we staff are idiots and that 19 year olds SHOULD participate in heavy steroid cycles. Or a member with very little time on the board aggressively stirring up shit with a vet that has invested years of our time helping others out here. You have to understand the hundreds, if not thousands of hours some of us here, self included, have invested here. and when someone with just a few hours calls us (me) a fvcking moron (when it's not called for) then admin has to stop and take a look at that. Admin CANNOT run this board by himself. He relies HEAVILY on us staff, and when members go ballistic against a staffer, there will be consequences.

    Now, having said that, I'm also a member of several other boards. I'm easy to find, I've the same user ID every where i go, so you can see for yourself all the boards im on. When I take a look at the "ban ratio", which is the number of members getting banned in a month divided by the total number of active members in a month, THIS BOARD has a VERY LOW ban ratio!!! I've seen other boards that will ban a member for very little reason. Doubt me? Ask some of the other vets here, or other staff here, and see what they say. This board is VERY foregiving when it comes to member transgressions.

    So in my humble opinion, when admin FINALLY does get around to banning a member, it is usually deserved.

    I fully support admin in 99% of his bans.

    my .02


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