So I have 4 weeks left to finish this Deca /Test P/TestC(trt) mini blast before I go all out. I am going to continue to bulk the entire comp, and hope to stay lean throughout. Going to hit up Stem if he has some extra time to accomplish this.

My current Stats:
30 years old
Bf% 14-15 (calipers) sometimes it shows 11%, so they are inaccurate.

Goal after comp:
BF 12-14%

I plan to finish this current blast up on April 8th, then take a few weeks of just trt(while I prime), then start a heavy short estered blast around
May 6th. If anyone has questions as to what Ill be doing, feel free to ask. Id like to get some feedback as to some good workouts, and I would also like to see what compounds some of you guys will be running (ladies included here!)

I will keep this log up to date until the completion of the competition. Good Luck to all!