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Thread: Sad reality 80% of the threads started are guys under 25 or no age posted

  1. #121
    panntastic's Avatar
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    Just let the thread die

  2. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by HORSE View Post
    there's ranking amongst staff positions, from lowest to highest the list goes Monitors, Vet's, HOF's, *Admin*, system admin....
    Hey Horse, why has your color and title not changed since you obiously have staff priveledges?

  3. #123
    Doom44's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1

    Hey Horse, why has your color and title not changed since you obiously have staff priveledges?
    Low profile ??? Lol

  4. #124
    jweav94 is offline New Member
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    This was a fun thread
    Last edited by jweav94; 05-19-2013 at 09:17 AM.

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Hey Horse, why has your color and title not changed since you obiously have staff priveledges?
    I have no staff privileges....

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by HORSE View Post

    there's ranking amongst staff positions, from lowest to highest the list goes Monitors, Vet's, HOF's, *Admin*, system admin....
    I understand that but still he's acting pretty nuts

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by Armykid93 View Post
    I understand that but still he's acting pretty nuts
    LOL, no argument from me there....

  8. #128
    tigerspawn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic View Post
    So you don't want cake either?

    Just me ender and Kruger then
    I never have liked cake. I do enjoy feeding little kids frosting just as long as it isn’t my kid.

  9. #129
    JWP806's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    The stupity and lack of knowledge of statements of Dumb a$$ on this forum never sece to amaze me ! You sould get your heads out of your a$$ and relize that the US Marine Corp does not check with ever cook and supply jerk wade that ever enlisted before hey do what they want I know what I did and to the assnin ppl who question my service all I can say as humbly as possible is Fucck you ! I know where I was and what I did and need no validation from a bunch of half a$$ed knowit all maybe you watched one to many news cast or maybe you didn't watch enough But I refuse to lower myself to be degraded into giving you the pleasure of even hearing of my duries but I will throw a little more gas on the fire since yall are so stupid I never said I was in Nam !

    I was however also in 3 different branches of the Army I have a DD-214 from the US Marine Corp . I was honorably discharged and the also servrd in 3 different branches of the Army and was honorably Discharged from them also ? So I have 4 Discharge skins and no I was not a Ground pounding Grunt so what was my gae that I staated in 1977 ?

    As for me and you who question my service in the Corp you are Dumb A$$es and are not worthy to lick the sweat from my balls SO FUCCK YOU ALL THAT ARE NOT MAN ENOUGH TO DO WHAT I DID
    I know you all want this thread to die but I have to get a few words in:

    How is this guy not banned yet?

    I'd love for you to tell my why you arbitrarily chose 28 years old as a starting point for aas. I'd also love to know you cycle history and stats.

    P.S. No one gives a shit that you served because you are an asshole. We don't owe you a damn thing. I respect all members of the armed forces except guys like you. You're probably a fat douche that is jealous that guys younger than you look better than you. At 53 years old, 6 ft, 238 - should you even be cycling or giving out advice on safe aas usage?

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by JWP806 View Post
    I know you all want this thread to die but I have to get a few words in:

    How is this guy not banned yet?

    I'd love for you to tell my why you arbitrarily chose 28 years old as a starting point for aas. I'd also love to know you cycle history and stats.

    P.S. No one gives a shit that you served because you are an asshole. We don't owe you a damn thing. I respect all members of the armed forces except guys like you. You're probably a fat douche that is jealous that guys younger than you look better than you. At 53 years old, 6 ft, 238 - should you even be cycling or giving out advice on safe aas usage?
    Just a warning to all. Walk softley and be careful what you say in this thread. The OP is in tight with the powers that be and anyone who crosses him are marking time on this forum bahahahahahahahahah!
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  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post

    Just a warning to all. Walk softley and be careful what you say in this thread. The OP is in tight with the powers that be and anyone who crosses him are marking time on this forum bahahahahahahahahah!
    Lol now this is funny

  12. #132
    brazuka's Avatar
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    I read this entire thread starting from post 1... LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO is all I have to say .
    But putting that aside this part of the message is intended to the OP - I know you meant well from starting this thread, I really do.

  13. #133
    tigerspawn's Avatar
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    Every forum site that I have been on states that AAS usage shouldn’t begin until one is in their 20’s. Why is this? Everyone that uses AAS states that there are more side effects associated with youth using AAS. I have been reading hundreds of research paper on youth and AAS usage since I joined this site. The consensus is that anabolic steroids accelerate bone growth, so if they are used by adolescents who have not yet had the growth spurt associated with puberty, the drugs can cause premature ageing of the bones and restricted growth. Researchers agree that individuals shouldn’t use AAS until they stop growing. So when is this? Wikipedia states that, “physical growth—height and weight—accelerates in the first half of puberty and is completed when the child has developed an adult body. Boys usually complete puberty by ages 16–17. Any increase in height beyond the post-pubertal age is uncommon.” If the average male stops growing around the age of 17 then why can’t AAS usage begins around that time?
    Last edited by tigerspawn; 05-21-2013 at 12:51 PM.

  14. #134
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    A Rock And A Hard Place

  15. #135
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    Well shit!!! Now there are dead kittens...

  16. #136
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    28 where did you get that number? The reason 25 is a good safe age is because at this point everything is done every system in your body is not gunna develop any further this may be true for some at 21,22,23,24 just 25 is when it safe to be sure it's done, Also I am 24 so Im a little young too but 25 I'd say is safe ,steroids weren't created for older men that don't have optimal test levels.

  17. #137
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    The percentage of ppl with the genetics to make it pro is sooo low that 99.99% of the ppl on here are rec users. Myself included! If someone comes on here who is under 25 and has the genetics, the maturity, the experience and the drive...**** it..I'll help him! Anyone else it comes down to risk vs reward and at >24 the risks far outweigh the reward.
    Your probably right but have you seen some befor and after pics of some pros Arnold and DY included they didn't look like BB's

  18. #138
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    I just received a friendly little PM from the Marine and I would like to share:

    Title: Just another Dumb Ass child's post with no creditibility
    "Punk I am a 53 year old Marine and I know weight 253 no 235 and at 53 I have the knowledge and ability to stomp a puddle in your ass I don't care is you respect me if not and your young dumb ass has any sense you should fear me because You have know idea who , Iam What I can o and as you assumption goes ppl think I'm crazy well I I were punks like you should be scared ! Because I have had my ass beat bt buy very few one on one and close to same size events !

    Becareful about wo you assume things about I posted pics of me 3 months in on TRT and I am 20 lbs bigger now due to a small Masterone and Tren and d-bol and Enathanate blast and good eating and training ! I have learned a lot about the new ways to train I started juice abuse when I was 22 and cycled for 8 years and barly came off I do know more than lads give e credite for ! I have taken more juice in my life time Than punks like you can even afford to buy and some are not even marketed any more ! They were legal when I was 22 and some days injected 8cc and 5 different compounds and you punk are asking can I do a cycle of Test and all you *****s want totake orals (Dumb) no I was wrong to do that much but I do know what they will do for you and to you so go piss up anther boys leg and stop messing with this man"
    Last edited by JWP806; 05-26-2013 at 02:08 PM.

  19. #139
    panntastic's Avatar
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    Bear is that you???
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  20. #140
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    Nah man, Bear was 7ft, 280, 5% bf. But he was on like 10 grams of gear per week.

  21. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by JWP806 View Post
    I just received a friendly little PM from the Marine and I would like to share:

    Title: Just another Dumb Ass child's post with no creditibility
    "Punk I am a 53 year old Marine and I know weight 253 no 235 and at 53 I have the knowledge and ability to stomp a puddle in your ass I don't care is you respect me if not and your young dumb ass has any sense you should fear me because You have know idea who , Iam What I can o and as you assumption goes ppl think I'm crazy well I I were punks like you should be scared ! Because I have had my ass beat bt buy very few one on one and close to same size events !

    Becareful about wo you assume things about I posted pics of me 3 months in on TRT and I am 20 lbs bigger now due to a small Masterone and Tren and d-bol and Enathanate blast and good eating and training ! I have learned a lot about the new ways to train I started juice abuse when I was 22 and cycled for 8 years and barly came off I do know more than lads give e credite for ! I have taken more juice in my life time Than punks like you can even afford to buy and some are not even marketed any more ! They were legal when I was 22 and some days injected 8cc and 5 different compounds and you punk are asking can I do a cycle of Test and all you *****s want totake orals (Dumb) no I was wrong to do that much but I do know what they will do for you and to you so go piss up anther boys leg and stop messing with this man"
    I'll see your one dumb ass rant and raise you 3 more

  22. #142
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1

    I'll see your one dumb ass rant and raise you 3 more
    Lol. This guy is incredible.

  23. #143
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    Quote Originally Posted by JWP806 View Post
    Lol. This guy is incredible.
    Just be careful. He sits at the right hand of system admin and the mods and vets are his disciples.

  24. #144
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    Quote Originally Posted by JWP806 View Post
    I just received a friendly little PM from the Marine and I would like to share:

    Title: Just another Dumb Ass child's post with no creditibility
    "Punk I am a 53 year old Marine and I know weight 253 no 235 and at 53 I have the knowledge and ability to stomp a puddle in your ass I don't care is you respect me if not and your young dumb ass has any sense you should fear me because You have know idea who , Iam What I can o and as you assumption goes ppl think I'm crazy well I I were punks like you should be scared ! Because I have had my ass beat bt buy very few one on one and close to same size events !

    Becareful about wo you assume things about I posted pics of me 3 months in on TRT and I am 20 lbs bigger now due to a small Masterone and Tren and d-bol and Enathanate blast and good eating and training ! I have learned a lot about the new ways to train I started juice abuse when I was 22 and cycled for 8 years and barly came off I do know more than lads give e credite for ! I have taken more juice in my life time Than punks like you can even afford to buy and some are not even marketed any more ! They were legal when I was 22 and some days injected 8cc and 5 different compounds and you punk are asking can I do a cycle of Test and all you *****s want totake orals (Dumb) no I was wrong to do that much but I do know what they will do for you and to you so go piss up anther boys leg and stop messing with this man"
    Lol he's nuts, he messaged me to awhile ago threatening to get admin to kick me out

  25. #145
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post

    Just be careful. He sits at the right hand of system admin and the mods and vets are his disciples.
    Lol what did he tell you admins name was? He told me it was Brian

  26. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by Armykid93 View Post
    Lol what did he tell you admins name was? He told me it was Brian
    System Admins name is Brian but that has never been a secret.

  27. #147
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1

    Just be careful. He sits at the right hand of system admin and the mods and vets are his disciples.
    I'm sure admin works for him.

  28. #148
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    For the most part I have seen young and older guys 1/2 way through a cycle.Stop then ask things they shouldve known prior to starting their cycle.So stupid has no age limit.But wat really pisses me off is the ones who dont know anything and give bad advice.I really like the one from a 20yr old who talks about a safe cycle.Not that there is such a thing.And he is in this thread.Still talking like he knows something.The worse thing is he will end up getting someone hurt.Thats the sad thing.

  29. #149
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dougiefresh7707 View Post
    Your probably right but have you seen some befor and after pics of some pros Arnold and DY included they didn't look like BB's
    The pictures of most pros when they were younger would mark them as being unexceptional.

  30. #150
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    Quote Originally Posted by JWP806 View Post
    Bear was 7ft, 280, 5% bf.
    Really? From how people talk I thought he was over 7’ and weighed over 300lbs at 5% BF. LOL

  31. #151
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    Just be careful. He sits at the right hand of system admin and the mods and vets are his disciples.
    So Lunk your saying that OP is Jesus?

  32. #152
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    Quote Originally Posted by JWP806 View Post
    Lol. This guy is incredibly delusional.
    I couldn’t agree more. If OP started this thread talking about how he was worried about young people using AAS and how he was concerned for their health. Then he talked about how he ****ed up taking AAS when he was young. This thread would have been well received. However, his defensive stance and throwing around military service like it is a trump card is ridiculous.

  33. #153
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post

    System Admins name is Brian but that has never been a secret.
    Guess i'm just out of the loop nobody tells me anything

  34. #154
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    I found a picture of OPs time in the "marines"...

  35. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoggage_54 View Post
    I found a picture of OPs time in the "marines"...

    Those were the days...Semper Fi

  36. #156
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    See Next post and understand why Lunk has a different view of the Corp than I do ! According to his comments he was gay ! Kewl if that is what you want just not for me
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 06-01-2013 at 08:54 PM.

  37. #157
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    Those were the days...Semper Fi
    lol Those are Army haircuts not Marine . . . lol ! You assume I am straight I never said I was homosexual or straight but member of this forum that are not straight that would suprise you That are not straight !

    Who ever went to all the trouble to look this pic up must have tube steak on his mind ? Myself honestly I prefer a wet Taco But you probably already had this pic saved to your favorites

    No wonder Lunk and I differ on the Marines so much those are his memories of what he did when he was in the Corp. I was not around anything like this the old Corp back then they did ask and if they did tell well real Marines

    I have not commented in over a week and I thought this was just to funny to pass up and prove how stupid the OP of this pic really is . . . . . lol

    did make sure of Lunk and his buds stayed together and Played that is why he can't comprehend what I did !

  38. #158
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    June 1st: Buzzard got his Govt check today and was able to get online to post more stupid shyt! You cant win this battle of wits when you are unarmed Buzz Light Year!

    I never said one thing about staright or not. I could care less. Some of the guys I like best on here are in to other mens slongs. **** if I care..I would still drink beer with em and fight along side em! I'm only prejudice against dipshits...guess that explains my posting continuously in this thread!

    Don't spend all of my tax money on pain pills and liquor ya old Buzzard!
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  39. #159
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    Those were the days...Semper Fi
    lol Those are Army haircuts not Marine . . . lol ! You assume I am straight I never said I was homosexual or straight but member of this forum that are not straight that would suprise you That are not straight !

    Who ever went to all the trouble to look this pic up must have tube steak on his mind ? Myself honestly I prefer a wet Taco But you probably already had this pic saved to your favorites

    No wonder Lunk and I differ on the Marines so much those are his memories of what he did when he was in the Corp. I was not around anything like this the old Corp back then they did ask and if they did tell well real Marines

    I have not commented in over a week and I thought this was just to funny to pass up and prove how stupid the OP of this pic really is . . . . . lol

    did make sure of Lunk and his buds stayed together and Played that is why he can't comprehend what I did !
    Thanks for being such a productive member of this forum.

  40. #160
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    Those were the days...Semper Fi ________________________________________
    lol Those are Army haircuts not Marine . . . lol ! You assume I am straight I never said I was homosexual or straight but member of this forum that are not straight that would suprise you That are not straight !

    Who ever went to all the trouble to look this pic up must have tube steak on his mind ? Myself honestly I prefer a wet Taco But you probably already had this pic saved to your favorites

    No wonder Lunk and I differ on the Marines so much those are his memories of what he did when he was in the Corp. I was not around anything like this the old Corp back then they did ask and if they did tell well real Marines

    I have not commented in over a week and I thought this was just to funny to pass up and prove how stupid the OP of this pic really is . . . . . lol

    did make sure of Lunk and his buds stayed together and Played that is why he can't comprehend what I did !
    You posts are almost completely unintelligible, please just go somewhere else lol its not funny anymore now your truly just annoying

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