I hear you. Do what you have it do man... And get anal. Please report back.Originally Posted by >Good Luck<
mine just replaced it with the neck less cause it wasnt up to her standards.........In my head i thought good luck getting another one Bi tch.
6 boxes of cracker-jacks and still no ring...
Really sorry to hear this. Hope someone does the right thing. That is some really bad karma if they dont return it
Wow. Now I am going to check our policy tomorrow. My fiancee was being lazy when she first got the ring. I think it took her a month and I was getting more angry as the days past. Finally she was supposed to go and blew it off and she came home and I took it off her finger. I told her she gets it back when I see a policy.
We had hard time finding insurance because they wanted like 4k a year because I have a German Shepherd and that sends up your premium.
Thats normal. They love to find a way to turn things around and make it your fault. Then she doesn't have to feel bad anymore. I like the idea of if she keeps it up talk to her. Tell her you understand and you are disappointed also that she lost it. Stay calm no matter what. Dont let her flip it on you.
Nothing wrong with that except it does take some of the being from you away.
Home and contents insurance
That sucks mate. Sometimes the ride-on dishwashers can be so useless! Hope the ring turns up
Still no ring. Im more angry now than the day it happened cuz she barely made any effort to try to find it or have it returned. I asked her to make signs to post at the gym and she did...except they never got posted.... she left them with the front desk and never followed up even tho they she never saw the signs when she went to the gym....
I wish I had have handled it myself. Maybe there would have been a chance to get it back. Sooo pissed >
>good luck<
"He who can take advice is sometimes superior to those who give it"
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