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Thread: EXTREME: Stressful situaitons you've had to endure............

  1. #81
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Your a coward and have zero empathy. Your the lowest life form there is. No wonder your a sad lonely Cvnt with no friends or family. You disgust me and women and children need protecting in this world not abusing.

    Cheers for the abusive response to my experience senior site member. Seems like you have no empathy. You respond to a post with aggression.

    What regiment did you serve with ay?

  2. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1 View Post
    This is getting ridiculous. It's been painfully obvious for along time that some mods and HOF's do not want Euro here. Why not simply have Admin ban him instead of the constant badgering and baiting that he has proven time and time again he isn't falling for. I may be the only one buy I'm starting to cheer for the kid like a damn underdog.

    He served his country during war time...give him SOME credit.
    I wonder if you would say that if it was your mother or daughter getting raped at the time, guess your stance would change you fuking idiot.

  3. #83
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    I cant look in this thread anymore but it does give me some motivation pre workout

  4. #84
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Can you just calm done marcus. You clearly have never served in the army and no nothing about shit that one gets exposed too. Do you think we were happy about this? No we weren't. But what can you do.

  5. #85
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    Well I guess I would've ended up in jail because I would've emptied my clip on all those pricks.But being in the Army I can see why you didn't.I was a fuking Marine!

  6. #86
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Well I guess I would've ended up in jail because I would've emptied my clip on all those pricks.But being in the Army I can see why you didn't.I was a fuking Marine!

    What is that ment to mean? Aus has no marine force

  7. #87
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    Stressful situation for me has to do with my kids. Mostly from my 4 yr old boy. Couldn't say a single word at age 2, managed to say "apple" when he was 2 and half. We thought he needed more stimulation so sent him to early kindergarten but was told by the teachers that he was totally not able to follow the class. Transferred him to a special school to cater to his speech delay, where the fees are more expensive than my college tuition fees.

    He is now coming to 5. Me and my wife are trying to come to terms with the fact that he might not be suitable for mainstream school which starts at 7 yrs old.

    This has been a stressful situation that started 2 yrs ago, with no immediate end in sight. Well this proves that genetics is not an exact science, cos both me and my wife are super smart
    Last edited by AD; 05-11-2014 at 02:28 AM.
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  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by AD View Post
    Stressful situation for me has to do with my kids. Mostly from my 4 yr old boy. Couldn't say a single word at age 2, managed to say "apple" when he was 2 and half. We thought he needed more stimulation so sent him to early kindergarten but was told by the teachers that he was totally not able to follow the class. Transferred him to a special school to cater to his speech delay, where the fees are more expensive than my college tuition fees.

    He is now coming to 5. Me and my wife are trying to come to terms with the fact that he might not be suitable for mainstream school which starts at 7 yrs old.

    This has been a stressful situation that started 2 yrs ago, with no immediate end in sight. Well this proves that genetics is not an exact science, cos both me and my wife are super smart
    Props to you and your wife for being dedicated parents and putting forth the effort to address the problem. Unfortunately there are too many parents that just throw up their hands and say " Oh, well....".
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    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post

    Props to you and your wife for being dedicated parents and putting forth the effort to address the problem. Unfortunately there are too many parents that just throw up their hands and say " Oh, well....".
    Thanks man.

    Whenever I see a Ferrari zoom pass me, I always tell myself that I would have been able to afford one too if my boy didn't have to go to a kindergarten that cost as much as a university lol.
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  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by AD View Post
    Thanks man.

    Whenever I see a Ferrari zoom pass me, I always tell myself that I would have been able to afford one too if my boy didn't have to go to a kindergarten that cost as much as a university lol.
    As they say, everything happens for a reason. I know it sounds lame and does not mean much of anything right now but dont give up hope. He could still turn out to be the next Einstein. He could easily go into hyper-drive on learning and abilities anytime. All kids learn differently and at a different pace. With the proper stimulation and teaching anything is still possible.

    Who knows, he may be supporting you some day soon from one of his inventions??? Life is funny like that and it does happen all the time. They are also learning new ways to stimulate the brain and learning all the time.

    BTW if you had that Ferrari you wife might be a widow by now and your boy fatherless. Just a thought.

    Best of luck to you and yours.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 05-11-2014 at 03:24 AM.
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  11. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post

    BTW if you had that Ferrari you wife might be a widow by now and your boy fatherless. Just a thought.
    That definitely put things in perspective lol.

    Thanks brother

  12. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by AD View Post
    That definitely put things in perspective lol.

    Thanks brother
    I really do try to always see the glass as 1/2 full.

  13. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by AD View Post
    Thanks man.

    Whenever I see a Ferrari zoom pass me, I always tell myself that I would have been able to afford one too if my boy didn't have to go to a kindergarten that cost as much as a university lol.
    I think you will be more proud of your son thsn any Ferrari
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  14. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCI View Post

    I think you will be more proud of your son thsn any Ferrari
    Ya definitely. The thing is, he's a very happy boy. Always smiling and laughing. Sometimes I wonder wtf am I so worried about when he is actually so happy.
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  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by AD View Post
    Ya definitely. The thing is, he's a very happy boy. Always smiling and laughing. Sometimes I wonder wtf am I so worried about when he is actually so happy.
    You're just being a good father, AD....
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    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  16. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post

    You're just being a good father, AD....
    Thanks brother, I'm just hoping I can make a difference with the outcome.

  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I wonder if you would say that if it was your mother or daughter getting raped at the time, guess your stance would change you fuking idiot.
    Being so narrow minded to the bigger picture makes WHO the idiot? There are NATO forces stationed all over the world with very strict orders to not get involved in ANY wrongs they might witness no matter how horrible. The only time action is allowed is if an immediate threat exists towards you or other NATO troops.

    In many cases, NOT getting involved in local atrocities has likely SAVED lives. If a soldier were to get involved it could mean all out retaliation by Warlords and local gangs. This would likely spark events that in turn would result in great loss of life. It could be the fuel that starts a small war either between locals and the NATO troops of rival villages.

    Not everything is as black and white as you are painting it. But maybe only a fuking idiot such as myself can understand that not getting involved could actually save thousands of lives.
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  18. #98
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    Silly lunk, you just don't get it...

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  19. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Silly lunk, you just don't get it...
    Oh, I get it plenty. I just actually feel bad for the kid on this one. I can't imagine how hard a situation like that must have been. Fighting with your moral desire to take action but knowing that you can't or it might have a horrific backlash.

    Oh well...I'm done with it I have a Mothers Day brunch to attend Have a spectacular Sunday.

  20. #100
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    Wow. Totally uncalled for.
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  21. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    Why start a thread for unloading then abuse members who share? Ive kept my cool here i have not returned the disrespect i have recived. Seems like a 25 year old is more mature from guys close to double his age.
    yes, you have kept your cool for the most part.

    it's not what you've said today so much, as what you have said in the past and through today. It's an accumulation of everything you have said. You have to admit some of the things you've said, outside of your military experiences, have been pretty disturbing. There were a few times that I was bothered by it, and I think a few here will agree I'm pretty laid back on this board.

    there are some of us that will not forget the things you have said in the past. And at some point, there are some that feel enough is enough.

    This standing around watching women get raped while in uniform is just the latest thing you have said.

    You need help. That much is clear to me and a few others. So again, I recommend you find a support group for combat vets, and unload there.

  22. #102
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    Okay, I can't take this any more. I was in the Army in the 173rd as a Private-Specialist, 3-75 at Benning as a SPC-Staff Sergeant, and went to OCS right after and got commissioned and sent to 2-9 in South Korea. I also spent almost exactly 75% of my time in the Army overseas and I have seen it all.

    As far as the female rape/abuse goes, of course there is an ROE that says we shouldn't do anything unless we're threatened first. Now you have different leadership styles and various calibers of men from unit to unit. Some units like Euro's might choose to go by the book cut and dry and not do anything. Is that selfish? Damn right it is.

    I was lucky enough to be in some amazing units. I am now and will always be a Ranger and I am very proud of that unit the most. While there we saw instances like this occur. We were expected to stand there and not interfere because our mission had another intent. But in our minds we all know that is not the right thing to do so we didn't just stand by. My medic took the one guy and flattened his head like a pancake with a few dozen taps with his buttstock. I caught one guy hitting his wife with brass knuckles and I beat him with his own knuckles and to this day I do not know if he made it.

    So could we have gotten in trouble? You bet your sweet ass we could have. Would the punishment been severe? Under the circumstances and with my good reputation probably not, but it might have been if some court martial members were having a bad day. But I would rather rot in jail with a clear conscience than go free without one.

    The Army also teaches you to "not compromise my integrity, nor my moral courage." Also, "I will always endeavor to uphold the prestige, honor, and high esprit de corps of my ranger regiment." What was our mission in the War on Terror? All conspiracy theories aside it was to root out some of the roots of terrorism in the areas. Part of the strategy thought to make our mission successful involved setting up a fully functional democratic government capable of handling their own problems. In order to do this we needed to maintain civil order in the region and win the hearts and minds of the people. Watching them rape and abuse each other is very counterproductive to this. It can be argued that by interfering you are completing part of the mission in the larger picture.

    I served as a Drill Sergeant briefly at Benning before going to Ranger School and doing an intro-post transfer to the 75th. As a Drill it was my job to break the newly recruited soldiers down, let me think for them, then gradually build th back up the way we saw fit. The best soldiers learn to think for themselves afterwards and to think outside the box with close attention to detail. The rest are just mindless drones for the remainder of their term who only follow orders because they lack the skillset to be advanced soldiers.

    If you can live with yourself then fine, that is your decision. Not many are going to agree with it. But I don't understand why you do not drop the conversation and walk away if you claim to be more mature than those almost twice your age. I am just thankful I had no soldiers like you.
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  23. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by AD View Post
    Ya definitely. The thing is, he's a very happy boy. Always smiling and laughing. Sometimes I wonder wtf am I so worried about when he is actually so happy.
    Great to hear kids put a lot of things into perspective etc
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  24. #104
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    The most stressful situation i have ever been in is....................this thread.
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  25. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euroholic View Post
    What is that ment to mean? Aus has no marine force
    That's because I aint from the land down under!

  26. #106
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    Let's guys choose...

    -Mother & Father died 4 months apart right after graduating college
    -Colon cancer scare and had to have my entire colon removed and a new one reconstructed out of small bowel.
    -Coming out after being married for 19 years
    -Lost my job and sold my house all in the same week

  27. #107
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    Just to lighten things up..... It was quite stressful when I was out on a foursome with my wife and another couple and we went to a busy bar in my home city. I said to the girls to go into the lounge and get some seats and the boys would get the drinks. After getting the drinks we went to the lounge and my wife was sitting next to the girl I had been shagging the previous few weeks when the wife was in London overnight! She didn't give me up .....but I didn't expect to see the two of them sat together!

  28. #108
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    This one time, I watched a video online of some guys head getting cut off... It was horrendous.

  29. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by carbo View Post
    This one time, I watched a video online of some guys head getting cut off... It was horrendous.
    Yep maybe saw the same ....Muslim boy 12-14 cutting off someone's head .... Disturbed me for a while!

  30. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by paulzane View Post
    Just to lighten things up..... It was quite stressful when I was out on a foursome with my wife and another couple and we went to a busy bar in my home city. I said to the girls to go into the lounge and get some seats and the boys would get the drinks. After getting the drinks we went to the lounge and my wife was sitting next to the girl I had been shagging the previous few weeks when the wife was in London overnight! She didn't give me up .....but I didn't expect to see the two of them sat together!
    A good example of why they say dont play in your own back yard...

  31. #111
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    Ok one more! I have just been to the Caribbean for a wedding. Now I have been to 3 weddings as the groom, 3 as best man, but this time it was as father of the bride. That was clearly the most stressful wedding for me!! I choked up many times. It was great to see my daughter so happy though!
    Last edited by paulzane; 05-13-2014 at 07:49 AM.

  32. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by paulzane View Post
    Ok one more! I have just been to the Caribbean for a wedding. Now I have been to 3 weddings as the groom, 3 as best man, but this time it was as father of the bride. That was clearly the most stressful wedding for me!! I choked up many times. It was great to see my daughter so happy though!
    Thanks dad.

  33. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by paulzane View Post
    Ok one more! I have just been to the Caribbean for a wedding. Now I have been to 3 weddings as the groom, 3 as best man, but this time it was as father of the bride. That was clearly the most stressful wedding for me!! I choked up many times. It was great to see my daughter so happy though!
    c'mon, admit it Paul.... were blubbering like a baby! =)

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