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  1. #1
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Video: Two Neutron Stars collide and form a Black Hole

    initial 10 second commercial
    the video can be a little "quirky" so please be patient.

    this is a computer generated presentation created by a massive supercomputer

    the interesting thing is that as the two neutron stars get closer, one of the stars seems to "reach out" to the other, and draws it into it's embrace.

    The Next video is about a magnatar, a super dense star remnant, that is the most highly magnetic object in the universe.

    Neutron Stars Tear Each Other To Shreds, Black Hole Ensues | Visualization |

  2. #2
    trikydik's Avatar
    trikydik is offline Senior Member
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    coolest object thought to exist is a quark star.... so dense the neutrons break down into quarks... 1 step above black hole

    Most people don't know that under certain circumstances, a star our sun's size could go supernova... (though you need a companion star)

  3. #3
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by trikydik View Post
    coolest object thought to exist is a quark star.... so dense the neutrons break down into quarks... 1 step above black hole

    Most people don't know that under certain circumstances, a star our sun's size could go supernova... (though you need a companion star)
    quark stars are theoretical.

    in order for a quark star to exist, there needs to be another (yet unidentified) force stronger than the strong force.

    I have thought of this over the years, much more so than I care to admit.

    I believe there could be a fifth force beyond the known four (gravity, electromagnetic, strong and weak), and a quark stark would prove my point.

    good point!


  4. #4
    trikydik's Avatar
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    Can you imagine a star made of entriely of quarks.... it would be the only place where free quarks could actually exist!

    IT is theorized that the core of neutron stars are actually quark degenerate matter already.
    The black hole may actually be preon degenerate matter (preons make up quarks in preon models pf particle physics)

  5. #5
    DeniZen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    initial 10 second commercial

    the interesting thing is that as the two neutron stars get closer, one of the stars seems to "reach out" to the other, and draws it into it's embrace

    Neutron Stars Tear Each Other To Shreds, Black Hole Ensues | Visualization |
    some very basic tidal forces at work there. Just like our daily tides on Earth...but on a massive scale!

  6. #6
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by trikydik View Post
    Can you imagine a star made of entriely of quarks.... it would be the only place where free quarks could actually exist!

    IT is theorized that the core of neutron stars are actually quark degenerate matter already.
    The black hole may actually be preon degenerate matter (preons make up quarks in preon models pf particle physics)
    so you are saying, more or less, there has to be a 5th force we have not found yet, much stronger than the strong force?

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