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Thread: Anti Anxiety Meds

  1. #41
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather
    These symptoms can manifest themselves in a number of ways. The evidence based treatments and research seem to indicate the brain fully returns to normal within about 18-24 months of abstinence.
    I am def no pro at this

    Anything special to watch out for? Just wondering - I never even knew shit like this until I got to this point of fully coming off.

  2. #42
    Flatus78 is offline Junior Member
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    Dear Samson

    I think it is smart to switch from a "heavy" benzo like xanax to a less heavy benzo like diazepam(don`t switch to e.g. flunotrazepam), and then switch to another one like oxazepam that has shorter halvlife. From my personal experince with treating and helping people get off benzos this has worked surprisingly good. But it takes a time, patience is key. Just p.m. if you want some more information.

    I read that someone did not "like" e.g. seroquel/quetiapin, but it can also work if you start with 25 mg 1-2 tabl vesper, but this is not a benzo and it would be more like going cold turkey, but it can be a substitute to help with sleeping while when you are reducing the dosage, or maybe melatonin 3 mg vesp(not depot but fast acting).
    Just some suggestions. I really think you can do it, but it is definitely a marathon and not a sprint.

  3. #43
    cantrellsp is offline New Member
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    Im not sure if this post is still going on or not but figured I would give me experience with the matter in case it helps. I ended up getting a bad batch of D*E*C*A and to make a long story short shut my natural test down to 0 and didn't realize it until it was to late. I was cleaning house one day and my heart starts racing, my head starts feeling weird, and my hands turns clammy and sweaty. I tried breathing treatments (learned from sports) and my mind was just going crazy like I couldn't control my thoughts. Ambulance ends up at the house and found out I had my first panic attack. It sucked. I was prescribed Lorazopane and every time i would feel that sensation coming on i would pop a pill. it took me 6 mtgs to get back to normal and even till this day I am still scared of having another panic attack. I guess once you have on you never want to have another. I would take a full pill 5mg at first but then i started to half the pill when i felt the symptoms coming on. you will be able to gage if its working or not but the good news is you can take the other half if you aren't ready. eventually i winged my self back to normal or somewhat back to normal. I feel as if i have never fully recuperated from this almost like whatever i got has somehow messed my body up ( which maybe it has a little). I have never had anxiety or panic attacks and i have lived in a combat zone for 10 mtgs prior to this situation. all of this experience has led me to think that these panic attacks and anxiety was led on my low T or lack their of. I have went to the doctor concerning my low t and it level bounce from 290-300. some people say this is low and i personally think i need to start HRT but would like to wait as long as i can considering I'm only 30 and i don't want to be dependent on anything this young. its weird though because at times i don't feel myself and I'm not sure whats going on which I'm not sure if thats just my test dropping throughout the day or what. i have been to doctors and gotten blood work as everything seems fine some high cholesterol and what not but nothing substantial. I hope this helps but my non medical advise given my personal experience is i think at least in my case anxiety and panic attacks associate from low t

  4. #44
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    Thank you for the post & GL

    But, I been good - I no longer take a dose of Xanaz regularly & seem to be fine. So far I have taken it twice since the post I made on here. I had late night anxiety not allowing me to sleep, so taking it was better than not sleeping.

    After being on self prescribed TRT I have been less depressed than ever. It's a fine balance of shit, that's for sure.
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  5. #45
    cantrellsp is offline New Member
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    hey samson are you going through a doctor for anything or are you doing it on your own? also if you are doing it on your own what are you taking if you don't mind me asking? do you think my theory is correct giving your current situation that anxiety is associated with low T

  6. #46
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    I'm fully self prescribed - my health insurance is worth it's weight in dog shit - wish it was

    Almost 9 years ago I was experiencing ED & mild depression. So, I went to my MD. I got my first ever hormonal panel. It came back in the low 300's. I had no clue what anything meant. She said everything was just fine & gave me a script for Viagra.

    Fast forward to about 2 years ago. I was going through some shit & was taking some serious gear. Along with a fvcked up set of events I found myself six months ago noticing that my sober days were far & few in between. I pulled back, I knew this was just not gonna end well - yet, I still felt fine, went about my usual life & even my woman didn't really see it as an issue. When I came off, I pulled back on my gear along with stopping what I was on.

    No depression, no nothing - I felt great, but anxiety set in. Since I'm a walking pharmaceutical experiment I knew where to start. Along with I already know a guy on Xanax that has prescribed. He let me try one out - I took one mg and slept for 14 hours. This was good yet just too much. I went to .5mg & stayed on till this thread.

  7. #47
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    I have depression and anxiety from PTSD. Tried SSRI's, SNRI's, benzo's, the whole gambit. I spent a lot of time researching other stuff, and found tianeptine. It's Rx in most of the world excluding North America, so I buy it as an RC. Change my life.

  8. #48
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    I looked it up, it was mentioned in a previous post in this thread.

    The bottom line is I need a clear head. I can't do that being on something. I still do whatever, but it's just not regular at all. Since I been clean I have drank a handful of time(just 3-4 drinks each time) & as for other things - I stay very mild. Even milder than smoking cigarettes which I do maybe a handful of times per month - max.

    No more regular of anything for me - I work too well as functioning addict & that's just not the way to go for myself.

    Whatever works for you - works for you. Me, less of everything is more.

  9. #49
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    Jesus Christ this thread has scared the shit out of me. I have anxiety but I deal with it. I dont take anything. I am getting married in two weeks and sleep has pretty much ended. I asked the dr for something for sleep and to keep me calm for the day of the wedding and he gave me 10 xanax. I didnt want a lot. But this thread just made me think twice about talking anymore.

  10. #50
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    Yeah man, about any substance like this - the only thing I can say is that, if you can do without it - do it

    All of this shit is crazy addictive

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy View Post
    Jesus Christ this thread has scared the shit out of me. I have anxiety but I deal with it. I dont take anything. I am getting married in two weeks and sleep has pretty much ended. I asked the dr for something for sleep and to keep me calm for the day of the wedding and he gave me 10 xanax. I didnt want a lot. But this thread just made me think twice about talking anymore.
    Lol this is the shit that angers me.

    Oh you're having anxiety during a perfectly understandable period in your life? Here's some Xanax, one of the strongest benzos we have.. But remember not to drink! You could black out and kill someone..
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  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khazima View Post
    Lol this is the shit that angers me.

    Oh you're having anxiety during a perfectly understandable period in your life? Here's some Xanax, one of the strongest benzos we have.. But remember not to drink! You could black out and kill someone..
    Yup, I agree. You know anxiety in most cases is a normal natural response so why not just go with it? Sure there are cases where people do need it but probably not 99% of the time.

    I had a doctor try to prescribe me something similar after one of my back surgeries for pain and when I looked it up and saw that it was an anti depressant I told him to make sure to put in my chart on the 1st page to NEVER give me anything that is a Benzo. He tried telling me that it was considered a dual use drug. I said again, Never prescribe me any Benzo's. If I have pain I want a pain meds.

    People need to consider how your medical information can and will be used against you in the future. I know people want to believe their medical records are private. Well your insurance company obviously has access to it more or less, at least they have a list of what meds they are paying for. Your employer if they are providing your medical insurance has access to it in a fashion and you know the government has access to all of it.

    One of the bills they have been trying to get through congress will make it illegal for anyone who has any type of mental health issue cannot get a concealed weapons permit and if you have one it will be revoked and your guns confiscated. Sounds logical on the surface until you realize if you are or ever have been prescribed any medication that is a Benzo or anti depressant they you have a mental health issue...

    You know what they say, no pain no gain. Sometimes or a lot of time it's best to just work through what is going on and learn from the experience. If a wedding wasnt stressful then we (men) would make that mistake even more often than we do.
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  13. #53
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    Prescription pills are a menace - but, sometimes we do need em. This is the reason they hit the streets at such a low cost. I was surprised what these things cost floating around the street.

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khazima View Post
    Lol this is the shit that angers me.

    Oh you're having anxiety during a perfectly understandable period in your life? Here's some Xanax, one of the strongest benzos we have.. But remember not to drink! You could black out and kill someone..
    I have anxiety every day. When I start to think about my wedding day I start freaking out. I am one of those people that would rather die then public speak. Its so odd because I am a confident guy but I have it in my head to freak out when I am in front of a group of people.

    After reading this thread I did some research and I think I may be better off with beta blockers or start testing.

  15. #55
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    My issue is quite different, I'm like stupid hyper as of coming clean. Specially at night, I can't stop just thinking of shit. I think of everything in a continues stream.

    I do more & more public speaking. My anxiety actually helps, I don't why. But, my confidence & public speaking ability has stayed right where it was when I was using.

    The worst effect is that it hits my sleep. Everything else is as good as it gets. I can't even using something like Xanax mid day. It causes me extreme drowsiness.

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy View Post

    I have anxiety every day. When I start to think about my wedding day I start freaking out. I am one of those people that would rather die then public speak. Its so odd because I am a confident guy but I have it in my head to freak out when I am in front of a group of people.

    After reading this thread I did some research and I think I may be better off with beta blockers or start testing.
    I can relate when it comes to public speaking. I just find ways to avoid it. I can't do it at weddings or funerals either.

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