Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
Chest and tris

Warmup bar 2x20 very slow on the negative
Warmup 135x10 very slow negatives then working on the explosion up.
Working sets 225 3x10, very controller negatives with one second pause at the bottom. Really working on form and explosion. Took 1:30-2:30 min rest between sets to get full recovery.

Incline barbell bench. 185 3x10. Slow negatives and no lockouts st the top. Trying to keep tension on the pecs at all times.

DB Incline French press:
Warmup: 55lbs 1x10
Working sets: 65 1x10, 70 2x10
These seemed fairly easy at first but all of a sudden I would run out of gas later in the reps.

Single arm French press with 30lb DB. 3 set to failure and 3 forced reps at the end.

Single arm tri press downs: 3x10 at 30lbs high pulley last two sets to failure with forced reps.

Maching chest flys: 1x10 at 90 1x10 at 100, 1x10 at 115

Skull crushers on the low pulley 3x10 at 60lbs. Very different feel on this than traditional skull crushers. Felt it nicely in both the short medial and long heads.

Cardio: 40mins of HIIT on the threadmill.
Nice work there MS!

Might have to try those skull crushers next time