Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
Money is the great motivator of all people. Like OB says, the only conspiracy is to make more money.

Not to say capitalism is a bad thing. It is the single most effective economic system that has reduce poverty and human suffering in recorded history. The problem lies in a small group of elites that feel they are smarter than the majority of people and make decisions that effect everyone's lives.

The most glaring example is ObamaCare. Everyone in the US MUST participate in the legislation EXCEPT, congressmen and senators. Everyone else has to pay a penalty if they don't comply. Think about that hypocracy for a minute.
Everyone has to participate is the part that gets me. You are forced to buy something from companies or pay the government itself. Total perversion of any constitutional right. If they can force you to buy insurance for your health, they can force you to do anything for the sake of your health, as per the determination of the FDA, department of health, and insurance requirements. It is literally a "get in the cage and be taken care of clause".
Case law determined by the supreme court in the future, will dictate nearly every aspect of what you are and are not allowed to do with your body.

It will all be played off as, "oh, you drink soda? Well we are all paying for your bad decisions so... TAX!"

Its kinda like the patriot act, "The right of the federal government to detain and hold persons without explanation, for the prevention of terrorism and other purposes."
Its the "other purposes" part that completely pisses on the constitution.
Its a disgrace, but we dont give a shit, we are too busy making money to give a damn until its too late and its already too late.
We had a good capitalistic system, socialism will break this country, guaranteed.