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Thread: Motivation

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    How do you motivate yourself to do things that are really challenging and hard when deep down you know you might not make it and its a tough road to go for when you're looking for motivation to do something important... At this point I keep failing and I dont really care anymore about this failure.

    This thread isn't fitness related, I train hard, heavy and intense but when it comes to finding motivation to do other things or achieve something big i seem to not care... Where does your motivation come from to do the big things in life
    This isn't fitness related...

  2. #2
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    I remind myself God hates a pussy.
    And at some point you have to embrace the suck.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    I remind myself God hates a pussy.
    And at some point you have to embrace the suck.
    I know, but at a certain point you lose your ability to care if you achieve your goals or not so than it comes down to why and where does the drive come from?
    Yea, it sucks to do this but still where do you find the motivation to continue challenging yourself and actually do what you know you have to do... After some time failure doesn't scare you anymore and you'll continue failing just to not do something you know has to be done at this point.. and you just put it off year after year
    Its not as easy as going to the gym, this is restructuring your life to achieve certain goals and what you have to do is put everything else on hold until this is completed, thats the only way
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    It’s a mind set I feel yo either have or don’t deep down. People like to say failure is not an option. It may not be an option but can be a reality. I’d rather try and fail than not have tried. I’ve tried things that didn’t work and cost me a lot of money. But that’s being an Entrepreneur. No risk no reward.

    If you want something bad enough you will do what you have to do. But you have to have the desire.
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    Goal planning. Detailed, strategic & above all realistic.

    What do you REALLY want? What is a reasonable time frame? What are some realistic intermediate steps so that you can see the progress (or lack of) and make necessary adjustments. Fail? F-it, find another path and remember why you are doing this.

    For me personally, I had to see that light at the end of the tunnel so I wouldn’t get lost or off track. That & the reinforcement of succeeding in my intermediate goals.

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    My motivation is my sense of pride. For instance, I have run my business for close to twenty years and have encountered many challenges and obstacles, some to the point of feeling there is no hope. That is where my sense of pride kicks in and motivates me to drive forward with determination. I have failed, a lot, but the fact that I refuse to be beat is what drives me forward even when I feel like I am losing.
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    Short term, Intermediate and Long term goals.

    "Don't give anybody the opportunity to write potential on your tombstone"
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    this will be helpful. I started the above thread to look at the different ways.... habits, rituals etc people use to overcome the problem you are having. It's actually an interest of mine

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    Quote Originally Posted by SocioMachiavelli View Post

    this will be helpful. I started the above thread to look at the different ways.... habits, rituals etc people use to overcome the problem you are having. It's actually an interest of mine
    I understand where you're coming from and i will have to re-read that thread some other time but here's the issue. Lets say you have your goals and you are determined to achieve those goals but for some reason people in your life want to stop you, they want to break your focus and they want you to give up and not be persistent with your goals. So how do you deal with that, I already talked about this a few weeks ago and these group of guys basically told me you're doing this to yourself because of course they want to break your focus and stop you from doing great things because they are fucking losers and they seek to destroy others energy so I'm asking on here how do i conquer again and get after my goals ?

    I cant lift weights eat well and do what i need to do to stay fit but really important shit in my life i am usually too broken to continue studying or going for the next best thing in my field.. I know this is on me for listening to others and putting their beliefs into my head on what they say about me etc.. but still if it would just stop than I could focus on myself without having people around me bringing me down and breaking my focus on purpose

    I guess thats the game of conquer and destroy, go after what someone else has or has done and take what you can for yourself by completely fucking with their head and their life... Sometimes i wish i was just like others but somehow i am not..

    The answer might be fuck everybody and keep your iron sharp and your focus on whats important and the other shit don't let it get into your head but thats the problem, sometimes something slips and enters your head just what someone else planned to happen.

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    After having my son, I completely built a mentality that I will not stop trying - this goes for anything

    It’s not about how good or lucky you are(although, both greatly help) - it’s about hard you go. . . When I have millionaires ask me for financial advice, I know that I am going in the right direction - no matter how slow

  11. #11
    JackMan017 is offline Junior Member
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    Be positive and be determined

    I'm still waiting to do my first AAS cycle (age 37) due to having to diet down,(i.e. lose a little more fat). And someone on here recently, forgot the name, said something in another post that literally sticks in my head, and that was; "it takes minutes to order AAS, it takes months to diet down". I'll never forget that. It really motivated me.

  12. #12
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by JackMan017 View Post
    Be positive and be determined

    I'm still waiting to do my first AAS cycle (age 37) due to having to diet down,(i.e. lose a little more fat). And someone on here recently, forgot the name, said something in another post that literally sticks in my head, and that was; "it takes minutes to order AAS, it takes months to diet down". I'll never forget that. It really motivated me.
    it takes less minutes and less months do diet own WITH AAS though
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    JackMan017 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    it takes less minutes and less months do diet own WITH AAS though
    True It feels like watching paint dry losing fat naturally. I'll throw in some clen and eca here and there, but still, it takes a while. Realizing the caloric deficit needs to be rather small doing it naturally, especially since I think i'm closer to my genetic limit vs not. I'm about 17%, plenty of fat! Can I sell you or OP any? I'd just be too nervous about starting my first around there. 13/14% I'd feel much more comfortable, plus I'd have more leeway to eat more while on. Hope to be there soon.

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    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    well I take a bit different perspective. most guys wrongly believe that steroids were invented for putting on size and strength. but most were invented for the purpose of retaining muscle mass while in a calorie deficit or diseased state (hiv patients, burn victims, post surgery, anemia, etc). to help the body keep muscle and properly partition nutrients when not enough calories are coming in (generally due to the illness or condition of the patient). . one reason perhaps why most bodybuilders only used steroids during contest prep and cutting/dieting only, cause thats whey they really needed them (for health not just muscularity) and did not use them in the in the off season when bulking and calories were high (they got the anabolic effects they needed from the excess in food).

    personally. I think cutting is the number one best and most ideal time to run AAS. anyone can bulk all natty and maintain their health, stamina, muscle mass etc.. but cutting and being in a calorie deficit for extended times is when your body can begin to break down and lose muscle (and if your losing muscle, your also losing health in other areas of your body and your organs).

    natural bodybuilding, where they naturally cut to 5% body fat without the help of AAS ,, is way way more unhealthy then enhanced bodybuilding.
    The AAS help with many factors that preserve health while in a deficit. people forget that steroids are drugs that were invented to help treat and cure diseases and illness and sickness. not some magic drugs made for sports performance only.

    just my 2 cents
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by JackMan017 View Post
    Be positive and be determined

    I'm still waiting to do my first AAS cycle (age 37) due to having to diet down,(i.e. lose a little more fat). And someone on here recently, forgot the name, said something in another post that literally sticks in my head, and that was; "it takes minutes to order AAS, it takes months to diet down". I'll never forget that. It really motivated me.
    Even if you're fat you don't need to cut weight to cycle gear...
    I think thats a myth as even if you're fat as fuck you're still going to drop weight and build muscle on cycle

  16. #16
    JackMan017 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by EDCG19 View Post
    Even if you're fat you don't need to cut weight to cycle gear...
    I think thats a myth as even if you're fat as fuck you're still going to drop weight and build muscle on cycle
    True. Powerlifters being a good example.
    I just can't look at myself in the mirror and think I look good at 17%, AAS or not.
    If I don't have the discipline to lean down to a measly 13%/14% (maaaaybe 12%) I have no business cycling.

  17. #17
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by JackMan017 View Post
    If I don't have the discipline to lean down to a measly 13%/14% (maaaaybe 12%) I have no business cycling.
    I'm going to play devils advocate with you here just a bit

    ok so what your saying makes sense and its a personal choice and I get the "Noble" attitude.. but...

    is it noble to think to yourself, if I can't get jacked and muscular lifting logs and rocks in the woods then I have no business going to the gym using sophisticated weight training equipment and machines (and being more efficient with my time and energy)

    I get often times the more hard route and slow and steady approach can come across as being more noble. but did you ever think about this:

    what if it takes you 12 months to cut down to where you want to be all natural . and what if you could do the same thing but only in 6 months by using enhancements.
    and because the enhancements made things much more productive and efficient , you now have an extra 6 months to spend with your kids, wife, working on other projects, learning to play an instrument, investing in a business, donating time to charity, feeding orphans and widows, etc. etc..

    ^ thinking of it this way. which one is really the more noble approach ?
    purposely making things harder on yourself just cause of your own self pride of wanting to prove something to yourself the hard way ,, or taking the efficient route so you can make yourself a better person all around in other areas of your life

    just a different perspective to think about brother

    taking AAS doesn't necessarily make someone a "cheater" or someone looking for the easy way . perhaps its used to better the quality of life and other peoples lives around you. and provides you with more efficiency and time in your life
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  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    taking AAS doesn't necessarily make someone a "cheater" or someone looking for the easy way . perhaps its used to better the quality of life and other peoples lives around you. and provides you with more efficiency and time in your life
    Has nothing to do with cheating to get results.. its the next step in the game and an added bump in evolution etc..

  19. #19
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by EDCG19 View Post
    Even if you're fat you don't need to cut weight to cycle gear...
    I think thats a myth as even if you're fat as fuck you're still going to drop weight and build muscle on cycle
    yeah its a bro myth based on a false understanding of Estrogen.. the idea was that being the Aromatase Enzyme (which converts testosterone into estrogen) is located in the body within fatty tissue, that the more fat you have the more Aromatase Enzyme you have and thus the more you convert test into estrogen.
    which has some truth to it . BUT, whoever came up with that failed to realize the many benefits of estrogen while on cycle. having elevated estrogen on cycle has a host of benefits thats going to enhance your physique. its going to help sensitive androgen receptors to the AAS your taking, its going to become very anabolic and help build muscle in the presence of elevated androgens, its going to promote the production of IGF, promote healthy cholesterol levels (which is important on cycle), and heck it even plays a part in the fat burning process itself..
    your actually going to want Aromatization to take place while on cycle to get some of these added benefits of elevated estrogen levels on cycle.
    being high body fat is not going to be a hindrance at all.
    the only potential issue is if your super estrogen sensitive and gyno prone (on top of being fat).. that the solution is simply to run a SERM while on cycle , or don't run estrogenic compounds in the first place

    the other problem with this bro myth that you have to be low body fat in order to run AAS, in regards to the higher Aromatase Enzyme aspect,, is that 90% of most steroids don't aromatize in the first place. so its an irrelevant and moot point to say that fat people aromatize more then thin people and thus shouldn't run steroids, when most steroids don't aromatize in the first place .

    its like saying you probably shouldn't drive a car because stick shift cars are hard to learn to drive , but most cars are not stick shift to begin with.
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 03-20-2019 at 11:41 AM.

  20. #20
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    What is a loser?

    Bare minimal, chooses path of least resistance, does nothing extra, always looks for the easy way out.

    Its just like addiction.
    You gotta kill the person and necome someone else by doing the opposite of what you feel. I run of hate and anger so I basically punish myself with productive behavior.

    Want to sit down take off running
    Want a beer drink two glasses of milk
    Punish weak moments.
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    My job takes so much motivation sometimes I sit in my truck over an hour getting psyched. Before its over I leave the truck too pissed for it to matter.
    I just convert that emotion straight to drive.
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  22. #22
    JackMan017 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I'm going to play devils advocate with you here just a bit

    ok so what your saying makes sense and its a personal choice and I get the "Noble" attitude.. but...

    is it noble to think to yourself, if I can't get jacked and muscular lifting logs and rocks in the woods then I have no business going to the gym using sophisticated weight training equipment and machines (and being more efficient with my time and energy)

    I get often times the more hard route and slow and steady approach can come across as being more noble. but did you ever think about this:

    what if it takes you 12 months to cut down to where you want to be all natural . and what if you could do the same thing but only in 6 months by using enhancements.
    and because the enhancements made things much more productive and efficient , you now have an extra 6 months to spend with your kids, wife, working on other projects, learning to play an instrument, investing in a business, donating time to charity, feeding orphans and widows, etc. etc..

    ^ thinking of it this way. which one is really the more noble approach ?
    purposely making things harder on yourself just cause of your own self pride of wanting to prove something to yourself the hard way ,, or taking the efficient route so you can make yourself a better person all around in other areas of your life

    just a different perspective to think about brother

    taking AAS doesn't necessarily make someone a "cheater" or someone looking for the easy way . perhaps its used to better the quality of life and other peoples lives around you. and provides you with more efficiency and time in your life

    Completely agree regarding the 6 month trade-off example of having additional time to add more mass vs a prolonged diet of little to no mass gains.
    The thing is, I've done it before in the past (i.e. down to about 13% - see photo). I feel there's no reason why it shouldn't be done again. That was in 2016 at about 158lbs. I want to get down this time to right around that same leanness. And by internet bodybuilding forum standards, that's not even that lean lol!
    And the obvious reason which I don't think I've mentioned, I just look so much better with muscle definition at a lower body fat. I just hate the blocky look. It's amazing how much different I can look just dropping that 4-5%. Even my face just transforms. It's like those guys in the gym wearing t-tops that have some mass but carry so much fat that there arms and bodies look like giant wood logs. It looks horrible, I could never work out like that, too self conscious maybe? To each their own though. I guess a big part of what motivates me is being in that lean condition I'm working towards. Dropping bodyfat from high to low teens is a mindf*** though as I feel like the visible progress is reaaaally slow. I feel like a king when I get there. Words just can't describe. I appreciate all your and others $.02 on this. Motivation-current.jpg

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    Everyone has made great points already so I don't need to repeat that, but I find one thing to be very important that many many forget to do:
    We live in a society where we can easily reward ourself everyday so it looses it effect, be careful of that (e.g. candy, great food, party, travel, sex etc)

    Make sure you do not reward yourself when you do not deserve it so it really feels when it comes your way when you do.
    Set up goals, hit the goal, reward yourself, repeat - if you don't hit the goal, punish yourself, repeat (a great punish can be to work at a homeless shelter 2 nights) - that way you earn and get punished in the same time.
    As a plus, you see what people don't have so it motivates you more.
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    Best me ever is my only focus now I workout at a new level I’ve never had before. I’m a beast now and despite not trying to compete with the hardcore guys I accidentally became one with my new mindset. I love how I look now and just keep getting better. It sounds funny but I don’t think I really loved myself before but now I do and it shows
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    Best me ever is my only focus now I workout at a new level I’ve never had before. I’m a beast now and despite not trying to compete with the hardcore guys I accidentally became one with my new mindset. I love how I look now and just keep getting better. It sounds funny but I don’t think I really loved myself before but now I do and it shows
    That is cool.
    I fuckin hate myself most and thats all my drive.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    That is cool.
    I fuckin hate myself most and thats all my drive.
    I dont think hate works.. This is something else and simply hating yourself doesnt work

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    Quote Originally Posted by EDCG19 View Post
    I dont think hate works.. This is something else and simply hating yourself doesnt work
    No its not.
    Hate and anger offset from it.
    Works awesome.

    Some of you all may smile and listen to soft rock or nothing at all while you work or workout.

    I go to hell.
    Only peace I have is after its done.
    Last edited by Obs; 03-20-2019 at 08:14 PM.
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  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    No its not.
    Hate and anger offset from it.
    Works awesome.

    Some of you all may smile and listen to soft rock or nothing at all while you work or workout.

    I go to hell.
    Only peace I have is after its done.
    Wow, damn it the way you said that is true. The thing is where do you find enough hate and anger to channel into personal projects? I seem to channel all my energy into fitness and working out
    I have other things that i need to do but never to seem to have the drive anymore.. its weird i used to be able to study for hours because i had to do it but now i have lost the hunger to achieve big things
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    This is the dark place.
    This is where you think of every way you have failed yourself and your children. You think ablout all the bad shit you have done and what a useless fuck you are just like all the sonsabitches around you.

    You will find a lotta hate building up.
    Put it to use. Its ten times more effective than the lovey dovey, "patience is a virtue" bullshit.

    Guess I aint virtuous. I got shit to do hard.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by EDCG19 View Post
    Wow, damn it the way you said that is true. The thing is where do you find enough hate and anger to channel into personal projects? I seem to channel all my energy into fitness and working out
    I have other things that i need to do but never to seem to have the drive anymore.. its weird i used to be able to study for hours because i had to do it but now i have lost the hunger to achieve big things
    Are you sure its a motivational issue?

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    I wanted nothing more than to work hard for mysrlf so I made it happen.

    Now I really dont care about it I just want to build and be at the gym.

    I have one priority above others and it will flourish because it will rob from everything else. My motivation is on point. My priorities are totally fucked though.
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  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    This is the dark place.
    This is where you think of every way you have failed yourself and your children. You think ablout all the bad shit you have done and what a useless fuck you are just like all the sonsabitches around you.

    You will find a lotta hate building up.
    Put it to use. Its ten times more effective than the lovey dovey, "patience is a virtue" bullshit.

    Guess I aint virtuous. I got shit to do hard.
    Yea but how do you put the work in for specific things? Its not about finding the anger or finding the motivation its a problem of no real reason to do so, why try harder and get more $$ and stress? Why try and do something when its just a job in the first place so why harder on things like your profession when it doesnt really matter does it?

    I dont knnow what it is but seriously where do you find the motivation to do things you know you should have been doing months or worse yet in my case years ago
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  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I wanted nothing more than to work hard for mysrlf so I made it happen.

    Now I really dont care about it I just want to build and be at the gym.

    I have one priority above others and it will flourish because it will rob from everything else. My motivation is on point. My priorities are totally fucked though.
    How do you get shit done? I seem to have lost this ability to just get shit done
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    Quote Originally Posted by EDCG19 View Post
    Yea but how do you put the work in for specific things? Its not about finding the anger or finding the motivation its a problem of no real reason to do so, why try harder and get more $$ and stress? Why try and do something when its just a job in the first place so why harder on things like your profession when it doesnt really matter does it?

    I dont knnow what it is but seriously where do you find the motivation to do things you know you should have been doing months or worse yet in my case years ago
    I think you have the motivation its just a priority issue like with me. I fail a lot at a lotta things that are easy. Anything that only requires me to give it some attention such as people usually waits dead last.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by EDCG19 View Post
    How do you get shit done? I seem to have lost this ability to just get shit done
    You know... I really dont know what makes me do anything.
    I live for adrenaline want the rush and to do great things. I cleaned up the yard and road ditch because I am tired of stepping in mud....

    I definitely need to prioritise better.
    I am no shiny example of anything.
    Lots of people happier and more successful than me
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    I lost a brother in High School who I wrestled and trained with. We were very close and I've always felt like he watched how I perform in all aspects of life. Getting that big sale, pushing out that last rep/set, running a faster 5k, being a good father...... That's always made me get off my ass and get shit done.
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    Quote Originally Posted by EDCG19 View Post
    Yea but how do you put the work in for specific things? Its not about finding the anger or finding the motivation its a problem of no real reason to do so, why try harder and get more $$ and stress? Why try and do something when its just a job in the first place so why harder on things like your profession when it doesnt really matter does it?

    I dont knnow what it is but seriously where do you find the motivation to do things you know you should have been doing months or worse yet in my case years ago
    Sounds more like you have an issue with progress rather than motivation, correct me if I'm wrong. If you more or less stay i the same place year after year, life gets monotone and lifeless.. Even if you do get some results, but after get a slap in the face 3 times, then you're back to a negative status depending on your psyche. Here is when Obs talk about anger and hate is really useful, but it won't make you go to work or do the more "regular joe" things with pride and energy.

    Sounds to me like you need to re-evaluate your life in what you really want (forgive me if I missed that upstairs). You need to have a carrot to chase and depending on your personality, you might need some calm or adrenaline
    in higher amounts as well. If you love a fast life, you might need to start sky-diving, buy a motorcross, f*ck chicks or start bare-knuckle-boxing - if you need a more calm life then travel, live secluded for a bit, go for yoga or hang out with more intellectual people.

    In other words:
    - Re-evaluate your life
    - Be honest with yourself
    - Write everything down, do not keep it in your head
    - Watch guys like Tony Robbins
    - Start a few new hobbies according to your personality (above)
    - Change job and find a carrot, or business if that is what you have.
    - I recommend getting some more adrenaline in your life, we are men and getting scared or infuriated can be very invigorating (spell?)
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    All I hear is bull shit

    If I’m healthy enough - I can get anything that I want done (within reason) - have so far

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    Quote Originally Posted by Fiskevatten View Post
    - Change job and find a carrot, or business if that is what you have.
    - I recommend getting some more adrenaline in your life, we are men and getting scared or infuriated can be very invigorating (spell?)
    Yes, I have a business idea and I can officially start this if I continue to study for something specific and get my creds. i'm not doing this right now and it is a problem in my life because if I complete this and than I can open my own consultant business which I have done in my 20s but this would be different and more specialized, If I factor everything correctly that is my fucking carrot but I have no drive to actually do this since I'm still only 30 years old. I have this idea to get the cred and become a consultant when I'm over 40 and dont have drive to do this now... I just dont as its a carrot thats far away for now and if i do start, lets say I take this whole year to work on this cred than by next year or in two years i can start consulting on my own and running things differently in my life but it all starts with the creds that i have to build which would take a year out of my life not to mention if i want to go even higher with this than i need two years to study for this and when im finally 32-34 I can fully open up this shop and run things around the US or around the world with this consultancy.. Depending if i ever get my head out of my ass and start studying again
    You cant just register online as a consultant for this without the background i am in right now

    You're also wrong about the adrenaline piece, I have pure adrenaline and rage running through my veins, I train like a mad man who has been chained to a cell most of his life, I train with rage and I'm sure the guys "ladies" around here couldn't keep up with my pace or workout as i go for hours while destroying and destroying my body, mind and soul until there is nothing left in the tank
    Like right now, I hit legs/back hard on Tuesday and its Thursday now, I'm still sore and destroyed but feeling recovery coming on

    Regarding my training, the anger is there, I train like a beast
    Why do you think i train late at night... because practically nobody is there and they cant witness my greatness "rage"
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  40. #40
    EDCG19's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    All I hear is bull shit

    If I’m healthy enough - I can get anything that I want done (within reason) - have so far
    No shit its bullshit, im fucking terrified of my actual goal and the shit i want to achieve
    I'm fucking terrified of this shit and I have been for two years now.... this is not a simple walk in the park
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