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Thread: Incredible medical problems stemming from "social defeat".

  1. #1
    fiddlesticks's Avatar
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    Incredible medical problems stemming from "social defeat".

    This is something I have wanted to talk about for a while. Social defeat is a general term used in research to describe events that usually proceed an animal experiencing an event with their peers where the animal would feel wrong or defeated or something akin. The simple way to break this down is it is literally simple as saying that having the thought that you are "wrong" can wreak havoc on your life and health and entire existence. The literature I read practically describes direct correlations between social defeat and all diseases.

    In today's society this social defeat is so skewed and over generated that I really do believe it is a massive contribution to the poor health of the world, mainly the "modern" countries. Many situations people find themselves in that they have little to no control over or simply rationally shouldn't be looked down upon (excellent example would be being looked down on for taking weed or steroids ) causes substantial damage overtime. Problem is that if all was morally well our precious 1st world countries would crumble from people freeing themselves from the absurd bullshit they've been forced into.

    I rarely argue nowadays and this is a very large reason why. A logical analytical display of thoughts comes across very seldom in 2019. Everything is either "RIGHT OR WRONG" and this is just something that can't be universally applied.

    Argue less, feel awesome more and live longer and healthier.
    Last edited by fiddlesticks; 03-25-2019 at 06:50 PM.

  2. #2
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    I’m all for love more hate less and struggling with underpinnings of ‘victim mentality’. One can disagree without being disagreeable. Why not have the conversation...

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    Quote Originally Posted by GirlyGymRat View Post
    I’m all for love more hate less and struggling with underpinnings of ‘victim mentality’. One can disagree without being disagreeable. Why not have the conversation...
    It's hard to have a mellow conversation in 2019. Reasonable conversations will further your intellectual capability but.. Unreasonable ones do the opposite.

    I mean language was never even supposed to be a thing so that's another thing to think about.

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    People get offended so easily cough cough Liberals and Democrats.

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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    People get offended so easily cough cough Liberals and Democrats.
    I think this is partially the problem. I do not mean the easily offended part. We take entire groups of people because they in certain aspects of life have another viewpoint, add them all together in one group we can easily define and then judge them. It's so much easier to say "they are so offended all the time" instead of sitting down and try to understand where everyone is coming from. I realize that life is so much easier when one looks at life in black and white even most things are in a grey zone when you dig into it.

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    What I can say that is utterly incredible and sad at the same time is oxytocin, the hormone made when you are cuddling or even just thinking about someone you genuinely love is an incredibly powerful healing factor and basically the opposite of social defeat. In this day and age this is far beyond seldom, it's almost non-existent and this is feeding our demise. Almost nothing in my life is remotely hostile/discomforting at all and that's how I prefer it. Oxytocin can improve someone's life by an incredible amount.

    Very little known fact is trenbolone raises this hormone. A lot. Like 50x alot. I've had times on tren where I was with someone I really loved and practically fainted from the incredible warmth and just.. Perfect feeling. There's obviously some counterbalancing act the drug does if you do in fact... Not love your SO as much as you ideally would as we see from the insane reports.

    A very big problem is people don't understand this feeling and thus never realize they are deficient in it. Tren or not I can experience that whole body warming incredible feeling very easily with certain people. People think love is far more simple than what it truly is.

    I've taken quite a few drugs in my lifetime to say the least but heroin or any opiate for that matter has not been used. From what I understand the feeling of whole body warmth and tingles etc is quite similar to those drugs. Any (hopefully former) opiod users chime in.

    And btw, if love isn't your thing oxytocin a very very strong anabolic hormone so that's another incredible benefit.
    Last edited by fiddlesticks; 03-26-2019 at 12:25 AM.

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    ^ This is y I don’t even talk any more

    If anyone else remembers this verse;

    Is there no standard anymore?
    What it takes, who I am, where I've been, belong
    You can't be something you're not
    Be yourself by yourself, stay away from me
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    ^ This is y I don’t even talk any more

    If anyone else remembers this verse;

    Is there no standard anymore?
    What it takes, who I am, where I've been, belong
    You can't be something you're not
    Be yourself by yourself, stay away from me
    Hell yes! WALK!!!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    People get offended so easily cough cough Liberals and Democrats.
    Redz, I'm going to respectfully disagree with you here. My personal beliefs cannot be classified as one of the other, as pending the issue, they fall on either side.

    However when having discussions, I find "liberals" far less easily offended & are more capable of discussing issues from different point of views.

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    Prox, I disagree my friend.

    Since the election all my elite liberal friends have dropped all of us deplorables. Liberals cannot handle the truth and always crack, as they can never argue from facts, they argue on emotion. Every one ends the same, I get called a racist, fascist, or nazi.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    Prox, I disagree my friend.

    Since the election all my elite liberal friends have dropped all of us deplorables. Liberals cannot handle the truth and always crack, as they can never argue from facts, they argue on emotion. Every one ends the same, I get called a racist, fascist, or nazi.
    I hear ya Moose. I've certainly got that from some liberals, which makes any logical discussion impossible. But then, I've seen it from conservatives too. I've argued/discussed from both sides. It just sucks when you want a decent conversation and you can't.

    JC, did I lose "friends" when I defended Kavanaugh. Talk about a shit storm, lol.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    However when having discussions, I find "liberals" far less easily offended & are more capable of discussing issues from different point of views.

    Except on any college campus....
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  13. #13
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    In Canada it’s brutal how people act if you support anything Trump related. Fortunately the Liberal reign of horror is near an end federally in Canada. In Ontario the majority ruling liberals were wiped out all the way to no longer being recognized as an official party I’d love to see the same in our federal election in October.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Redz, I'm going to respectfully disagree with you here. My personal beliefs cannot be classified as one of the other, as pending the issue, they fall on either side.

    However when having discussions, I find "liberals" far less easily offended & are more capable of discussing issues from different point of views.
    I am fortunate to have friends across spectrum.

    I think people take offense based on temperament.

    For me a stimulating conversation means both parties have performed independent research and self thinkers. It amazing to me how little many know beyond a headline or the talking points...sadly some are just parrots
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Hell yes! WALK!!!!

    Can’t say much about life af this exact time

    But, I remember working at my autoparts spot when I was younger, when we heard the announcement - Dime Bag Darrel is dead - shot in the head by some dip shit who jumped on stage - all for nothing

    Really stuck with me

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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Can’t say much about life af this exact time

    But, I remember working at my autoparts spot when I was younger, when we heard the announcement - Dime Bag Darrel is dead - shot in the head by some dip shit who jumped on stage - all for nothing

    Really stuck with me
    Yeah, truly f’d up and a huge loss - and yes, by a dip-shit.

    Hang in there Samson, best wishes buddy.

  17. #17
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    Its like I tell my son "Dont be a pussy"

    The problem today, if it causes health issues, is the young dont understand honor.
    They come in seeking vertical honor with no horizontal honor established so they are chewed up and spit out. I am sure they cry about it and get some weak ass mental condition from it.
    Fact is they have to earn respect and the more they seek instant "ACCEPTANCE"
    the more they are rejected by established honor systems.

    That being said I have no idea what its like to get kicked out of non important peer groups like the xbox team. Must be awful.

    Someone told me I was wrong I would prove them wrong and it gave me drive. I am sure some cry about such things though and get depressed.
    Those types do not belong in any group I am in and I will tell them they are little bitches and reject them.

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    This is life:

    Child "A's" daddy says he wont ever amount to shit.
    The child becomes an adult, drug addict, and winds up in prison or ODs based on his fathers cruel words

    Child "B" goes through the same but develops an extreme hate for his father and becomes 10x that of his father and any 10 of his ancestors.

    Cream rises shit sinks.
    Bad experiences make you stronger or defeat the weak.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    This is life:

    Child "A's" daddy says he wont ever amount to shit.
    The child becomes an adult, drug addict, and winds up in prison or ODs based on his fathers cruel words

    Child "B" goes through the same but develops an extreme hate for his father and becomes 10x that of his father and any 10 of his ancestors.

    Cream rises shit sinks.
    Bad experiences make you stronger or defeat the weak.
    The whole thing with bad experiences building you seems to have a fine line which is interesting to me.

    I was able to use the negative energy built up from my childhood for good purposes later on but some people seem to not have that response. Some people end up shooting up public places and whatnot.

    Most bodybuilders run on that anger fuel and use it as motivation. Works really fucking well... especially when you can control it greatly
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    Quote Originally Posted by fiddlesticks View Post
    The whole thing with bad experiences building you seems to have a fine line which is interesting to me.

    I was able to use the negative energy built up from my childhood for good purposes later on but some people seem to not have that response. Some people end up shooting up public places and whatnot.

    Most bodybuilders run on that anger fuel and use it as motivation. Works really fucking well... especially when you can control it greatly
    Totally agree.
    Indeed there are rare circumstances where people cant control their actions. The mission I volunteer at is full of people that way.


    And childhood complexes carrying into adulthood, about 90% of the population has an excuse for some shitty victim mentality.

    I am a vixtim of no one or no thing.
    I put myself where I am. I accept and control my actions not my past or mental state.

    I swear someday there will be no prisons because everyone will have an excuse for any dispicable behavior.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Totally agree.
    Indeed there are rare circumstances where people cant control their actions. The mission I volunteer at is full of people that way.


    And childhood complexes carrying into adulthood, about 90% of the population has an excuse for some shitty victim mentality.

    I am a vixtim of no one or no thing.
    I put myself where I am. I accept and control my actions not my past or mental state.

    I swear someday there will be no prisons because everyone will have an excuse for any dispicable behavior.
    I could say the horrible shit I grew up with put me at a disadvantage but I actually disagree entirely. Some people's brains interpret these scenarios differently than others I guess. Most of the people I know who grew up with a stereotypical "perfect" life grow up to be the miserable truly crazy ones.

    BTW, did the site change its login thing?? Gotta login each time I close the site now lol.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by fiddlesticks View Post
    I could say the horrible shit I grew up with put me at a disadvantage but I actually disagree entirely. Some people's brains interpret these scenarios differently than others I guess. Most of the people I know who grew up with a stereotypical "perfect" life grow up to be the miserable truly crazy ones.

    BTW, did the site change its login thing?? Gotta login each time I close the site now lol.
    Its been doing it to me too. I gotta log in constantly. No idea why
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    Quote Originally Posted by fiddlesticks View Post
    I could say the horrible shit I grew up with put me at a disadvantage but I actually disagree entirely. Some people's brains interpret these scenarios differently than others I guess. Most of the people I know who grew up with a stereotypical "perfect" life grow up to be the miserable truly crazy ones.

    BTW, did the site change its login thing?? Gotta login each time I close the site now lol.
    And yes some people as I said cant but its rare.
    Very rare.
    Todays society, doctors and psychologists will try to make everyone believe they are disadvantaged.
    Most people eat it up too as they sit around and medicate unnecessarily.

    Anxiety has become the alternative word for normal stress.
    Adhd and add have become a commonplaced diagnosis for people who are deep thinkers and preoccupied with their own thoughts.

    Depression has become so prevalent that any time someone feels sad, (perfectly natural emotion) it must be ceased with drugs.

    Ptsd is also something that has become disturbingly common. My grandfathers era watched half their buddies, husbands, brothers, and kids get blown to pieces and fought in battles where more life was lost in a single day than in years of modern wars.

    They came home, thanked God, started farms and businesses and raised good big families. Never pinned their actions on mental inadequacies. They needed no excuse.
    Now today kids need excused days off school because their candidate lost an election.

    People as a whole are becoming weak ass individuals with little to no backbone for things not going their way.
    Last edited by Obs; 03-30-2019 at 07:16 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    And yes some people as I said cant but its rare.
    Very rare.
    Todays society, doctors and psychologists will try to make everyone believe they are disadvantaged.
    Most people eat it up too as they sit around and medicate unnecessarily.

    Anxiety has become the alternative word for normal stress.
    Adhd and add have become a commonplaced diagnosis for people who are deep thinkers and preoccupied with their own thoughts.

    Depression has become so prevalent that any time someone feels sad, (perfectly natural emotion) it must be ceased with drugs.

    Ptsd is also something that has become disturbingly common. My grandfathers era watched half their buddies, husbands, brothers, and kids get blown to pieces and fought in battles where more life was lost in a single day than in years of modern wars.

    They came home, thanked God, started farms and businesses and raised good big families. Never pinned their actions on mental inadequacies. They needed no excuse.
    Now today kids need excused days off school because their candidate lost an election.

    People as a whole are becoming weak ass individuals with little to no backbone for things not going their way.
    How many times have I said that "ADD" is a complete bullshit thing and have been called crazy..
    Its almost as if our bodies aren't meant to sit in a chair for 8 hours a day doing stuff we don't want to do.

    People say kids are naive but a lot of the time they are the purest and most natural form of humans. They know what the fuck is up. Their minds have minimally been washed by the world thus far.

    Can't complain about the adderall I got for that "disease" though...
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    Quote Originally Posted by fiddlesticks View Post
    How many times have I said that "ADD" is a complete bullshit thing and have been called crazy..
    Its almost as if our bodies aren't meant to sit in a chair for 8 hours a day doing stuff we don't want to do.

    People say kids are naive but a lot of the time they are the purest and most natural form of humans. They know what the fuck is up. Their minds have minimally been washed by the world thus far.

    Can't complain about the adderall I got for that "disease" though...
    Agree completely.
    They pulled a census off a big leauge private elementary school some years back and found that 40% of the students were being treated for add or adhd with ritalin or adderall.

    That is beyond disgusting.
    Mummy and daddy had the money to get their kids natural behviors turned off sooooo every kid that acted like anything other than a robot was "diagnosed".

    Its no coincidence males are 9 times as likely to be diagnosed with adhd as females.
    It is the most overdiagnosed developmental disorder there is. People all believe something must be wrong when billy wants to do shit other than listen to Mrs. Fatass teach about commutative property in common core math.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Agree completely.
    They pulled a census off a big leauge private elementary school some years back and found that 40% of the students were being treated for add or adhd with ritalin or adderall.

    That is beyond disgusting.
    Mummy and daddy had the money to get their kids natural behviors turned off sooooo every kid that acted like anything other than a robot was "diagnosed".

    Its no coincidence males are 9 times as likely to be diagnosed with adhd as females.
    It is the most overdiagnosed developmental disorder there is. People all believe something must be wrong when billy wants to do shit other than listen to Mrs. Fatass teach about commutative property in common core math.
    Apparently if you don't naturally perform like you're literally on amphetamines you are defunct. Very very interesting. Not even the most strict disciplined child can compete with an average kid on adderall.

    "Oh it will make you normal if you're ADD", the people who say that obviously never have used adderall lol. We would live in a strange world if people naturally behaved how these various " diseases" indicate we should behave normally.

    I am a hypocrite because I've used my adderall prescription to work for like 5x the amount of money a week I could naturally do.. maybe I'm just defunct!

    I require a circuit board upgrade. Beeeeep.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Totally agree.
    Indeed there are rare circumstances where people cant control their actions. The mission I volunteer at is full of people that way.


    And childhood complexes carrying into adulthood, about 90% of the population has an excuse for some shitty victim mentality.

    I am a vixtim of no one or no thing.
    I put myself where I am. I accept and control my actions not my past or mental state.

    I swear someday there will be no prisons because everyone will have an excuse for any dispicable behavior.
    This post is amazing and glad you said this.

    It's sad but most people go through life blaming everyone for why shit happens to them and go on playing this victim routine instead of taking accountability for their actions and make change.

    We can change of control what others do but we sure as shit can change and control the outcome of our actions and decisions.

    Life will always throw you curve balls and try and fuck you with no's how you get through it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chrisp83TRT View Post
    This post is amazing and glad you said this.

    It's sad but most people go through life blaming everyone for why shit happens to them and go on playing this victim routine instead of taking accountability for their actions and make change.

    We can change of control what others do but we sure as shit can change and control the outcome of our actions and decisions.

    Life will always throw you curve balls and try and fuck you with no's how you get through it.

    Sent from my JSN-AL00 using Tapatalk
    I find it strange and this is jyst one example:

    A soldier can come home with two purple hearts as an army ranger and have no ptsd controlling him though twice half his unit was wiped out by an IED.
    He lives a successful life and has endured unimagineable hardship.

    Meanwhile a Reservist can beat his wife and get away with it or recieve very very very little punishment if he plays the ptsd card, having never seen any action. All will be too scared to give him any real punoshment for fear of being labeled a cocksucker simply because he was a "soldier".

    There are very few victims.

    Likewise the reservist that "beat" his wife was likely hit over a hundred times by her before he did anything back and it probably was retaliation with the bitch screaming in his face and pushing him.
    Hell ffs I have had multiple women screaming in my face hitting me, begging me to hit them.

    If I had though my ass would have been in prison and they would have been the "victim of domestic violence". Lmfao! She could then go to counseling and get labeled with ptsd and even draw disability from it!

    I know people well. I have seen the best and worst mankind has to offer and everything between.

    If someone thinks are a victim of something they are still a kid.

    They are still a child that does not have the capacity to control their actions based on their own reasoning and should not be allowed the freedom of adults who own their decisions.

    If we play the victim card it needs to be followed through with and they need to be hospitalized until they can return to society accepting their own plight.

    There is some very simple logic here.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I find it strange and this is jyst one example:

    A soldier can come home with two purple hearts as an army ranger and have no ptsd controlling him though twice half his unit was wiped out by an IED.
    He lives a successful life and has endured unimagineable hardship.

    Meanwhile a Reservist can beat his wife and get away with it or recieve very very very little punishment if he plays the ptsd card, having never seen any action. All will be too scared to give him any real punoshment for fear of being labeled a cocksucker simply because he was a "soldier".

    There are very few victims.

    Likewise the reservist that "beat" his wife was likely hit over a hundred times by her before he did anything back and it probably was retaliation with the bitch screaming in his face and pushing him.
    Hell ffs I have had multiple women screaming in my face hitting me, begging me to hit them.

    If I had though my ass would have been in prison and they would have been the "victim of domestic violence". Lmfao! She could then go to counseling and get labeled with ptsd and even draw disability from it!

    I know people well. I have seen the best and worst mankind has to offer and everything between.

    If someone thinks are a victim of something they are still a kid.

    They are still a child that does not have the capacity to control their actions based on their own reasoning and should not be allowed the freedom of adults who own their decisions.

    If we play the victim card it needs to be followed through with and they need to be hospitalized until they can return to society accepting their own plight.

    There is some very simple logic here.
    Off topic but girls love that shit, I used to try to be a dick to some girls to get them away from me but it had the complete reverse effect. She probably was upset he wasn't hitting her back enough lol. Lots of women are victims of not getting enough cock and not being choked enough ..
    Last edited by fiddlesticks; 04-01-2019 at 12:55 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I find it strange and this is jyst one example:

    A soldier can come home with two purple hearts as an army ranger and have no ptsd controlling him though twice half his unit was wiped out by an IED.
    He lives a successful life and has endured unimagineable hardship.

    Meanwhile a Reservist can beat his wife and get away with it or recieve very very very little punishment if he plays the ptsd card, having never seen any action. All will be too scared to give him any real punoshment for fear of being labeled a cocksucker simply because he was a "soldier".

    There are very few victims.

    Likewise the reservist that "beat" his wife was likely hit over a hundred times by her before he did anything back and it probably was retaliation with the bitch screaming in his face and pushing him.
    Hell ffs I have had multiple women screaming in my face hitting me, begging me to hit them.

    If I had though my ass would have been in prison and they would have been the "victim of domestic violence". Lmfao! She could then go to counseling and get labeled with ptsd and even draw disability from it!

    I know people well. I have seen the best and worst mankind has to offer and everything between.

    If someone thinks are a victim of something they are still a kid.

    They are still a child that does not have the capacity to control their actions based on their own reasoning and should not be allowed the freedom of adults who own their decisions.

    If we play the victim card it needs to be followed through with and they need to be hospitalized until they can return to society accepting their own plight.

    There is some very simple logic here.

    ^^^ spot on^^^
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