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Thread: People are so out of touch and clueless and un informed

  1. #41
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Yeah it’s crazy it shows you just how important the blue-collar worker is to Americas still. The rich are home in their vacation houses hiding out sending there maids out to buy everything out of the stores, the middle class is home with their 2 kids playing in the yard going out for a walks and riding their bicycles, but the blue-collar is out there holding the country together! I tip my hat thank God for them !!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    I think truly essential workers should be compensated more. Man, out here, the grocery clerks are thinking about not showing. I more than get it, why put your ass on the line? Got to give credit for those working and putting themselves at risk, despite how severe you feel those risks might be. I asked my wife to stop as she has about 30 years of vacation pay stored up. She still didn’t want to abandon her most needy patients (even if they weren’t post surgical).

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  2. #42
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    I heard the Rich in the Hamptons are sending their maids and caretakers out the pet stores buying all the pet food that their animals eat, clearing the shelves off. Also with any type of food and household things they can. They have to sit there and apologize to everyone because that’s what they’re forced to do. It’s pretty sad

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  3. #43
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    The rich are home in their vacation houses hiding out sending there maids out to buy everything out of the stores, !!!

    Damn. I send my french maid out one time and catch all kinds of shit over it.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Damn. I send my french maid out one time and catch all kinds of shit over it.
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    my French maid isn't being sent out anywhere, she's bent over in front of me. as far as I'll let her go is to the fridge to fetch a beer
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 04-03-2020 at 07:10 AM.

  5. #45
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    A doctor I know said one of her patients and two other people in the same family died from Coronavirus. A couple I know got diagnosed with cancer months apart and can't go in for treatment/appointments because they're not letting anyone in but those with immediate needs as the doctors and nurses are all backed up. Then the same doctor said there aren't enough ventilators in the hospitals and many nurses & doctors are not trained on how to use them so she is afraid some people are dying because of lack of education on how to use the equipment, or flat out lack of equipment. This doctor seems to be taking this situation very seriously and would not stand within 10 ft of me because she is exposed to it at work everyday. She said I must use a mask anywhere I go and to only go in public places if I absolutely need to.

    The doctor talked to other doctor friends from Detroit, Washington, and NY, and they're getting hit bad. Young people with no pre-existing conditions are dying now too.

    Personally, hasn't happened to me or my immediate family so I'm not panicking yet. I'm just keeping to myself like I always do. I do grocery shopping at night typically, anyway. I did go to Home Depot a few times the past couple of weeks. Nothing like being laid off to get shit done around the house. Not wearing a mask but the doc is saying I absolutely need to. If there was a way to guarantee that certain people will not be affected by the virus, that would be fine, but now with random healthy people dying, it starts to make you wonder. I certainly don't want anyone telling me "I told you so."

    I'm still optimistic that things will blow over in a couple of months and we'll get back to (almost) normal, but I know other families have not been so lucky and may see things a different way. I know for the people who are affected that this has to be very horrific. It's a strange virus; some people do fine and get better, some die. Even the young Chinese doctor who discovered it died from it. From my conversation with the doc it also matters how exposed we are to it. People in the medical field are much more likely to contract a more serious strain as their immune system becomes overwhelmed with the virus/viruses. Being outdoors is a lot better than being indoors with people breathing the same air. In my car I put the air on recycle so it's using less external air and pushing it in the cabin. Especially in traffic where people smoke and blow out the window. That breathe can get sucked in through the vents in the car.

    anyway, hope you guys and your families stay safe out there.

  6. #46
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    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    My friend in New York City works in a big hospital there and he said the oxygen lines aren’t big enough to supply the ventilators because they need 10% more oxygen than the normal mask. Said it’s going to be a catastrophe, I heard that that running PVC pipes down the hallways in the some hospitals just to get enough oxygen to the ventilators.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  7. #47
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    Jun 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    My friend in New York City works in a big hospital there and he said the oxygen lines aren’t big enough to supply the ventilators because they need 10% more oxygen than the normal mask. Said it’s going to be a catastrophe, I heard that that running PVC pipes down the hallways in the some hospitals just to get enough oxygen to the ventilators.
    Yeah the big cities are getting ruined. People in smaller towns that live further apart are probably the safest. Alaska sounds nice right now.

  8. #48
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    We only just got our first confirmed case last week I believe - benefits of living semi remote. She was returning from Florida. Hamlet, Alaska is right up my alley for a retirement place tho along with the arctic circle.
    I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.

  9. #49
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    Side note:

    “We” the US(primarily), aren’t gonna catch the Gooks on this, r we?

    If “We” did - I smell some sort of WW3 coming

  10. #50
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    China is a police state.
    Everyone is giving them crap about "new cases" and lack of reporting.

    Well, they are smart enough to control their media to prevent total economic collapse. That's why it was reported on the decline.

    Unlike us...
    Our media makes it sound as horrible as possible.

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Side note:

    “We” the US(primarily), aren’t gonna catch the Gooks on this, r we?

    If “We” did - I smell some sort of WW3 coming
    did you see the news conference with Trump the other day with all the military officials and they started conference off with explaining why all the naval ships are coming and surrounding our oceans .. they did a 'false front' and said it was for the war on drugs . lol. bullshit..
    they are prepping for a possible war, a real war, not this bullshit war on drugs stuff.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    China is a police state.
    Everyone is giving them crap about "new cases" and lack of reporting.

    Well, they are smart enough to control their media to prevent total economic collapse. That's why it was reported on the decline.

    Unlike us...
    Our media makes it sound as horrible as possible.
    damn, your looking thick as fuck in your avi road . lack of work is coming, keep hitting them weights hard and getting shit done

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    China is a police state.
    Everyone is giving them crap about "new cases" and lack of reporting.

    Well, they are smart enough to control their media to prevent total economic collapse. That's why it was reported on the decline.

    Unlike us...
    Our media makes it sound as horrible as possible.
    Well, to show the world how much they had their shit together, they eased up and let their guard down. Numbers are on the rise again.Wouldn’t you know, a lot of the new cases are from people that have traveled elsewhere and they brought it back home to China.

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    damn, your looking thick as fuck in your avi road . lack of work is coming, keep hitting them weights hard and getting shit done
    Really feeling it this time.
    I may have taken a break from working out but I was still one handing chainsaws on AAS. My shoulders love it.
    Got a long ways to go but getting my fire back was worth the down time.

    To all the guys having to take a break dont worry.
    It takes two weeks to fill back out to muscle memory and you will be more motivated coming back.

    Just dont fall into the alcohol too hard like I did. Its not so easy to escape that and some can't.

    Some days all that kept me from tearing my house apart seeing myself shrinking was knowing that it would come right back. So focus on that lol

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    did you see the news conference with Trump the other day with all the military officials and they started conference off with explaining why all the naval ships are coming and surrounding our oceans .. they did a 'false front' and said it was for the war on drugs . lol. bullshit..
    they are prepping for a possible war, a real war, not this bullshit war on drugs stuff.

    Everything & anything is possible at this point. . . . Shit is just all over the place. From these random numbers "they" throw out to, to who said what about where and when. But, if "this" is pinpointed on "them" - he'll have no choice

    I have seen some shit in my life. right now it's at about 1/4 bad as Russia was in the 80's(when I lived there). . . Look at their total cases right now? . . . . I'd love to hear how many tests were actually done there < Like, the real number

    In my real life, at least - I try to stick to "it'll get worse before it gets better" this, for the US is very odd & is causing a severe economical hit + a physchological blow - - - the US not to be able to hold mega gathering events = shit

    We'll find out how much as time passes. . . . I think the issues this will cause upstream are worse than what they appear to be right now

    To see my shop closed today def brings a tear to the eye. We're taking on water & fast. . . . . Paying out without taking anything in is hard af. . . .At least our overhead is low, but still - no one is getting paid shit rn. . . We're lucky to have had enough work to date
    Last edited by < <Samson> >; 04-03-2020 at 02:57 PM.

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    We'll find out how much as time passes. . . . I think the issues this will cause upstream are worse than what they appear to be right now

    To see my shop closed today def brings a tear to the eye. We're taking on water & fast.
    ^this .
    there is no "vaccine" for what can come . its not the "corona" we need to worry about that may be coming down the pike. no such thing as vaccine for govt. take overs.
    over the last thousands of years , governments themselves and their actions have killed more people then any virus ever has.

    and if your 'religious' at all or hold some Christian values, remember government killed God himself (Christ).. not some virus or some bullshit sickness nailed him to the cross. government take overs kill everything.

    and yes I feel for you brother ,, believe me I shed some tears when I was absolutely forced to shut down my gym.

    just keep your head up and remember guys like you can pivot and change things in life and always make things work

  17. #57
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    Kinda this. Rougher times ahead as folks get more desperate; not looking forward to what’s coming at all.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  18. #58
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    Farmers are dumping milk now.
    This means any farm under a thousand head will be pished out pretty quick.

    All over the gd sniffles!

    People are sheep!
    I am about to get mean as fuck and if I had to close my business because of it I would probably be organizing a riot.

    I had about enough of the pussies in this world following their government blind.

    Have the retarded bastards ever read a history book?

    IDGAF about your grandpa!
    I care about my house full of kids and I wont lose!

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Kinda this. Rougher times ahead as folks get more desperate; not looking forward to what’s coming at all.
    Still scared of this shit?
    The jackasses hiding are the danger.

    The idiots destroying the world who will starve millions are the danger.

    This virus aint shit and couldnt touch heart disease deaths if every man woman and child was infected with a similar strain for the next 20 years.

  20. #60
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    I have had it with this shit.
    I hope to fuck what is coming gets here soon so we can rid the world if the weak mfers that brought this shit on.

    All the pussies that cant stand the rednecks that live off the land and think they are superior working a desk are gonna get plowed the fuck under and its about gd time.

    Stack em deep.

    Let me show you what the hand that feeds you looks like...

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    Thats about half of one stash of one guy.

    Just another guy I know that has about had it with the fkin pussy sheep destroying the world with their socialistic weak ass media believing ideas.

    This is just one guy and he has lots and lots of neighbors feeling the same way.

    You are gonna watch the world burn if you keep hiding.
    So unless your house looks similar you best start learning to ignore the news and your government. Otherwise you are just gonna get stacked with the other non-hackers.

    I wont starve.
    Those that live in the city hiding in their house from the sniffles are fucked.

  21. #61
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    The man that sent me that photo tonight...

    These sheep have cost him his retirement.
    They are about to fold up a company that nets 2 billion a year.
    They are about to cost him his job.

    I wonder how he will react if his company bankrupts...if his house goes...if his wifes company folds...
    I would be glad to lend him a hand.
    As would a few dozen others. All of which have similar stashes.

    Just a buncha dumb redneck jackasses.
    They wont kill everyone triggering that mine. Just the weak that caused this shit being sheep. The ones that are fucked if the grocery store goes dry.

    You are hiding from a reality that is going to get stronger as you get weaker while hiding.

    No one wants this. Not even us jack asses.
    Time to man up.

  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    Still scared of this shit?
    The jackasses hiding are the danger.

    The idiots destroying the world who will starve millions are the danger.

    This virus aint shit and couldnt touch heart disease deaths if every man woman and child was infected with a similar strain for the next 20 years.
    No, not scared of the virus.

    At this time and likely for the rest of this pandemic it’s the geezers that will die. Do I like that, not at all. I don’t really relish playing God as to who dies and who doesn’t, but it seems like a somewhat “fair” outcome.

    My opinion and concern is that the younger folks that might die will be those denied of care because of the volumes crushing the healthcare system. That would be far more tragic. I guess if this was a war though, those youngsters would we written off as collateral damage - sad, but necessary.

  23. #63
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    Hang in there buddy. I wish you, your family and friends the best.
    Last edited by Proximal; 04-04-2020 at 03:11 AM.

  24. #64
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    We’ll our bay doors are shut - just for now

    This, whatever to call this shit is costing us a 100 bucks a day - every day that we don’t make a cent. . . Nothing is getting paid aside from immediate bills that will pile up as long as there is civilization

    So -

    I am definitely torn on this overall, at this exact point - with the way our personal finances stand < I’d say fuck it, send everyone to work & “hope” for the best.

    Do all you can 5x over that we do every year to prevent the flu & good luck

    Or - keep it shut down until we all go broke

    But, it’s not up to me - I just get to hang out and watch the earth turn slower

    My last little addition to this conspiracy crap - me & the wife already had it. Somewhere right in the beginning of year I got sick - it came on fast & felt very odd, it was very flu like, but it wasn’t the flu - almost a week after me getting like this, I decided to go to the gym - I warmed up real good, then went to take a piss - I felt like a nose bleed was coming, I look down and catch a whole handful of yellow snot. The strangest looking shit - I have seen myself have plenty of respiratory issues already. But, nothing like this - another few days mine passed - next, the wife gets it. She “never” gets sick - same exact symptoms(fever, odd snot, sneezing, deep coughing)

    Again - at this point, anything is possible

  25. #65
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    The most hardcore dangerous guys I know will be the last affected.
    Once it does affect them it will hit them hard and they have had it...

    God will play God. Everything I do is essential for my family and the person or group of people that tells my kind otherwise is going to find resistance unlike the world has ever witnessed.

    We could have just had corona.
    Now we will have corona and collapse.

    Democrat will be a non-existent word if we collapse.

    Theres a world that is real and feeds everyone that people in cities have no clue about. The city is 100% non essential when it comes feed time. In fact it is a burden on feed time when things get tight.

    This is the same area where people think two weeks of food and water is "prepared". The same cities where people think we should hide and starve millions because they are clueless as to what is truly essential.

    Time to come out of your holes. They cant stop us all.

  26. #66
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    One of my neighbors just said this, and it's what really sums up the US - "We have never lived like the rest of the world lives"

    I have, only till a very young age
    And, boy - if it goes there, people here are in for a treat

    Imagine chicken being available once a week - one 5 pound pack per party
    Man, that'd b somethin won't it

    In Russia, I remember when we seen fresh fruit once or twice per year - oh yeah, really

    Real note ^ I don't wanna live it again

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    One of my neighbors just said this, and it's what really sums up the US - "We have never lived like the rest of the world lives"

    I have, only till a very young age
    And, boy - if it goes there, people here are in for a treat

    Imagine chicken being available once a week - one 5 pound pack per party
    Man, that'd b somethin won't it

    In Russia, I remember when we seen fresh fruit once or twice per year - oh yeah, really

    Real note ^ I don't wanna live it again
    I remember stories that my parents & G-parents told about their childhood & it made me thankful. But that does not compare to yours.

    Damn Samson.

  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    I remember stories that my parents & G-parents told about their childhood & it made me thankful. But that does not compare to yours.

    Damn Samson.

    It builds character - so I hear. an ass hole of a character - but, with a reason

    Yeah, at least I missed the real bad shit - my parents are total old school semi orthodox Jews. . . They told me stories that I can barely recall of how their parents ran from wherever it was, straight across barely frozen rivers. . . It's def something. . . I tell this shit to my son, "he's like" OMG - no food, no man - we ate once a day when at school, or once a day when home - and, considering what we were eating, once was enough

    The good ol' days - shit

    From what I hear from the older folk who resided here in the US. . . The best of the glory days were mid 50's to mid 70's

    My opinion, it's the now - we're the most advanced. . . . But, man - we still get along as well as mentioned above - it's governed political BS, not much different since 2.5k years back - just more civilized, I suppose

  29. #69
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    I had sniffles, headaches and a very slight sore throat about a month ago. I kept running 25 - 30 miles per week. Might have been Corona.

    There's a queue outside supermarkets here because they're only letting a dozen or so people in at a time.

    I'm a computer programmer so I'm working from home, but now my work's telling me to take 10 days unpaid leave. Most workers here in the UK are getting 80% of their salary from the government but my job isn't elligible.

    I have a good friend who lives about 80 miles away, and so normally I'd go stay at his (or vice versa) for the 10 days, but he has asthma so he's self-isolating in an attempt to avoid death.

    I'm still doing plenty of running and skating but also I'm buying cheap £1 DVD's off eBay while I play darts in my hallway. Today I'm watching 'Operation End Game' and 'Scream'. Yesterday was 'Blue is the Warmest Colour' and 'Unthinkable'.

    The girl I want to practise impregnating was out in the park today, I skated by her once and intended going back her way again but then she was gone. Must have skated for about 5 or 6 hours today. My regular running of 4 hours a week makes it easier to skate further for longer.

    Also I'm writing a paper on cryptography that might make me world famous in a nerdy kind of way.

    I lost 15-20 pounds already with Clen but I might go back on it again.

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    I’m filling out the application for the Paycheck Protection Program through the govt. I don’t like it but I’ll be damn if I go belly up over this stupid shit. It takes care of rent employees business related bills insurance and my paycheck.
    Yep same here.

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