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Thread: List of covid19 Deaths

  1. #81
    Proximal is offline Banned
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    So happy you’re willing. I know it’s among my favorite jobs as a teacher. When my wife watches someone’s family grieve after someone died of Covid, it’s such a shame you weren’t there to comfort them.

    So you don’t like using caution with unknown variables, interesting.

    Like I said before, roll them dice. Cause it’s folks like my wife and friends that are willing to risk their lives for you and the live’s you’ve cost analyzed. As the city opens things up, numbers will rise, putting her and our friends health and lives at greater risk. Thanks you say? Why, you’re very welcome - just part of the job .
    Last edited by Proximal; 05-11-2020 at 02:55 PM.

  2. #82
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    List of covid19 Deaths

    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    So happy you’re willing. I know it’s among my favorite jobs as a teacher. When my wife watches someone’s family grieve after someone died of Covid, it’s such a shame you weren’t there to comfort them.

    So you don’t like using caution with unknown variables, interesting.

    Like I said before, roll them dice. Cause it’s folks like my wife and friends that are willing to risk their lives for you and the live’s you’ve cost analyzed. As the city opens things up, numbers will rise, putting her and our friends health and lives at greater risk. Thanks you say? Why, you’re very welcome - just part of the job .
    Therein lies my point.
    You’re going to have a bias on this due to your family ties. That’s absolutely normal and fine, but not what is needed to make decisions on things such as this. Nor do we need billionaires with their own biases making them.
    The only thing that helps me be completely impartial is the fact that I don’t have a dog in the fight on either side.
    I’m what’s often referred to as an economic black hole. I rarely spend money above subsistence levels, and personally don’t give a shit what happens with stocks as I’m unlikely to survive to retirement age (call it a hunch based on family history and my smoking habit).
    On the other side, I have no one who works in the medical community who is close to me. I have no at risk family that I give a shit about. I can count on one hand the number of people who could die in the next 24 hours that would directly impact my life in any meaningful way.
    I am not completely cold, but I am completely without attachment to either side of this. Outsider perspective is important when it comes to damage mitigation. Four infants dead of Covid means no more to me than a mom of three who offs herself and her kids in a fit of depression brought to a boil by all of this stuff, and vice versa.
    Where it gets tricky is the “life vs. livelihood” debate, where you have to start getting pretty weird with the math on “how many lives ruined equal one life lost”.
    Personally? I don’t factor that in, because until someone is fucked up to the point of killing themselves, or thrown into literal starvation, their loss of economic status is nothing more than a speed bump to be overcome.

  3. #83
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    Setting loss of life aside for a moment ( and I honestly offer my condolences to the families and friends of the deceased); can y'all believe as a nation we spent an assload of money to be prepared for this kind of situation?
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  4. #84
    Proximal is offline Banned
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    And like you can count the people I really care about with one finger (no not that one). That being my wife.

    But that said, I don’t want to play with the lives of strangers. As a therapist, I treated them, as a teacher , I try to make them better kids. Is that an inherent bias? Perhaps.

    Both my wife and I just got into an insane argument with my parents that just might be the final nail in that coffin of a f’d up mess, lol. We both said we have lived great lives & if the situation arose in which we were asked to sacrifice our lives if we had Covid, for someone younger that needed the last hospital bed, we would. My parents went ape shit, because they thought that it was utterly ridiculous.

    It’s how we view things Gallow.

    You and the others here are good dudes, I’m really not passing judgment, just stating what I believe in.

    On a funny note, I was greatly relieved to hear that your workout shed was pre-made. I was thinking to myself, that mf’r BUILT the shed TOO!

    You’re a good dude buddy & absolutely love reading your posts. I understand & sympathize about your family history. BTW, I promised my wife, I’d try not to die before our cat (his last owner & our friend killed himself and our cat was alone with the body for a couple of days). Other than that, I’m out of here sooner rather than later. My family history is filled with alcoholism and depression.

  5. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    And like you can count the people I really care about with one finger (no not that one). That being my wife.

    But that said, I don’t want to play with the lives of strangers. As a therapist, I treated them, as a teacher , I try to make them better kids. Is that an inherent bias? Perhaps.

    Both my wife and I just got into an insane argument with my parents that just might be the final nail in that coffin of a f’d up mess, lol. We both said we have lived great lives & if the situation arose in which we were asked to sacrifice our lives if we had Covid, for someone younger that needed the last hospital bed, we would. My parents went ape shit, because they thought that it was utterly ridiculous.

    It’s how we view things Gallow.

    You and the others here are good dudes, I’m really not passing judgment, just stating what I believe in.

    On a funny note, I was greatly relieved to hear that your workout shed was pre-made. I was thinking to myself, that mf’r BUILT the shed TOO!

    You’re a good dude buddy & absolutely love reading your posts. I understand & sympathize about your family history. BTW, I promised my wife, I’d try not to die before our cat (his last owner & our friend killed himself and our cat was alone with the body for a couple of days). Other than that, I’m out of here sooner rather than later. My family history is filled with alcoholism and depression.
    I can definitely admire that, and would admittedly embrace such self-sacrifice myself. My life isn’t worth any more or less than anyone else’s, even to me. I am not some self-important jackass, which I’m sure you know by now. I just cannot see how we can take this half-view as policy, where we acknowledge mitigation on one side, but sweep consequences of the other under the rug. It’s absolutely senseless. Both sides of the debate are guilty of it, it’s just that one side is currently catching more flak, because that’s what’s been implemented.

    As for the shed: I’m only good at demolishing structures. I wouldn’t trust myself to build a structure holding any kind of weight if my life depended upon it (and in this case, it well may).
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  6. #86
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    look at the CDC website and do some research . look up the past years stats on total deaths, they have records over the last 3 years. in 2020 , our death rate is DOWN 2% right now compared to the last few years . yet we have this killer virus going around killing thousands of people everyday !? you would think our death rate would be higher then this year , not lower
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  7. #87
    Proximal is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    look at the CDC website and do some research . look up the past years stats on total deaths, they have records over the last 3 years. in 2020 , our death rate is DOWN 2% right now compared to the last few years . yet we have this killer virus going around killing thousands of people everyday !? you would think our death rate would be higher then this year , not lower
    This is a provisional count GH. They won’t have accurate stats till next year or the year after. BTW, to any doubters out there - look they are tracking pneumonia and flu deaths by themselves.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails List of covid19 Deaths-569eff35-029a-4331-894f-33f03b2828c2.jpg  
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  8. #88
    The road is offline Banned- I said my goodbyes.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    This is a provisional count GH. They won’t have accurate stats till next year or the year after. BTW, to any doubters out there - look they are tracking pneumonia and flu deaths by themselves.
    Didn't you just read a thread where a guy that fell down stairs is an elderly person and was on life supposedly had the cause of death of covid-19? Now how about COPD deaths? Emphysema deaths?

    It's fairly easy to skew numbers when you stretch out a few thousand deaths over a couple of hundred different causes. That is exactly what they have done and that's exactly why the NHS gave doctors a new parameter for writing death certificates. Basically if it possibly could be labeled as covid-19 then it was demanded that they do so.
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  9. #89
    The road is offline Banned- I said my goodbyes.
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    Once again no one I know is died of it and no one that I know knows anyone that has died of it. This is all a farce to get people like you to fall into the Sheep pen

  10. #90
    The road is offline Banned- I said my goodbyes.
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    T a r m y g

    Actually 99.999% of the conservatives I know praise Sweden as an example. It's only because they are retarded and have no clue how socialist it is. All they know is that the place to get an email account in an offshore account in order to evade taxes.

  11. #91
    Proximal is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    Didn't you just read a thread where a guy that fell down stairs is an elderly person and was on life supposedly had the cause of death of covid-19? Now how about COPD deaths? Emphysema deaths?

    It's fairly easy to skew numbers when you stretch out a few thousand deaths over a couple of hundred different causes. That is exactly what they have done and that's exactly why the NHS gave doctors a new parameter for writing death certificates. Basically if it possibly could be labeled as covid-19 then it was demanded that they do so.
    And I replied to that thread. Yep, there are some hospitals trying to play the system to stay in business. And, as I also responded on that same thread, if they are guilty, Medicare will get there dollars back and likely a pound of flesh.

    With that said, if the patient had/has Covid-19, regardless if they died or not, they cost thousands more to treat. Do you or anyone else out there ever charge extra to cover extra costs involved in that particular job?

  12. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    Once again no one I know is died of it and no one that I know knows anyone that has died of it. This is all a farce to get people like you to fall into the Sheep pen
    I am sincerely happy that no one you have known has died from that, seriously. I have; death is hard on some folks. Fortunately, the deceased were not close to me. Condolences to those grieving.

  13. #93
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    And I replied to that thread. Yep, there are some hospitals trying to play the system to stay in business. And, as I also responded on that same thread, if they are guilty, Medicare will get there dollars back and likely a pound of flesh.

    With that said, if the patient had/has Covid-19, regardless if they died or not, they cost thousands more to treat. Do you or anyone else out there ever charge extra to cover extra costs involved in that particular job?

    I think it was in Arizona, a local news company there months back reported on the the first supposed Covid death in that state.. it was an 80 year old woman who was already in hospice from pre existing issues . what extra cost was there you think ? she was already on her death bed.
    she was in hospice to begin with ! and the news reported it was a Covid death.. why , because they wanted a story to push.

    the daughter of the woman later came back and chastised that news company for false reporting about her mother and using her hospice death as a means to drive a story about Covid.

    most of the news is generally the mouthpiece for lies and propaganda and inducing fear upon society

  14. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I think it was in Arizona, a local news company there months back reported on the the first supposed Covid death in that state.. it was an 80 year old woman who was already in hospice from pre existing issues . what extra cost was there you think ? she was already on her death bed.
    she was in hospice to begin with ! and the news reported it was a Covid death.. why , because they wanted a story to push.

    the daughter of the woman later came back and chastised that news company for false reporting about her mother and using her hospice death as a means to drive a story about Covid.

    most of the news is generally the mouthpiece for lies and propaganda and inducing fear upon society
    3 months ago is mid-February. To my knowledge, the first official death was the end of February. And I’m sure there is more obscure stories to support this possible conspiracy? Just what are you getting at? What is your point?

  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    3 months ago is mid-February. To my knowledge, the first official death was the end of February. And I’m sure there is more obscure stories to support this possible conspiracy? Just what are you getting at? What is your point?
    my point is a sick 80 year old woman dying in hospice would never make the news.. but the local news there seen that there was so much hype around the "corona" topic and they wanted part of that hype so they forced a story that this old woman in hospice died of Corona so they could have their "piece of the corona pie" media coverage and have a story to break .
    the lady never even had Corona..

    I can get you the name of the news outlet that did this , the name of the lady, and the daughters response to the news outlet after they falsely reported it.

    I'm sure stuff like this is happening all over. not just this one incidence.

  16. #96
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    IF you are sure, then take action GH! In the medical community, the payers don’t take fraud lightly. I’ve said this on another thread, there is a process already in place for shit like this; use it. I will also say this again, you try to fraud Medicare of $ and you will have your asshole enlarged and your bank account drained.

  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    IF you are sure, then take action GH! In the medical community, the payers don’t take fraud lightly. I’ve said this on another thread, there is a process already in place for shit like this; use it. I will also say this again, you try to fraud Medicare of $ and you will have your asshole enlarged and your bank account drained.
    falsely reporting news in attempt to hype up a story to make the nightly news isn't fraud .. in fact, its merely common place and has been happening on the daily for decades

  18. #98
    C27H40O3 is offline Admin Sent Me Away.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Guys, here’s an interesting one and it’s not bs.

    Some of our friends and my wives co-worker friends are wealthy. True story, when this first occurred, my wife’s co-worker friend and his friends had a high-end ski excursion going on in Italy (healthy dudes 40s, 50’s and 60’s). When shit hit the fan, so they could get back in, they charted a private jet to literally sneak back into the country. They all were infected to different extents. 2 died, but this is the interesting one. The one that’s still hanging on, for whatever reason is experiencing bizarre blood clots. He has had multiple amputations to stay alive. Has lost both feet and one hand. The doctors don’t understand the cause of this clotting. Strange shit. BTW, I have no sympathy for any of them, they used their wealth to sneak back and likely infected dozens if not hundreds of others; ass-holes.
    That clotting issue is one of the things that they documented lately. Massive amounts of various size blood clots filling the lungs and stopping the breathing process, or travelling to the brain and causing a CVA.

    Doctors try to untangle why they're seeing 'unprecedented' blood clotting among Covid-19 patients

    Dr. Kathryn Hibbert's Covid-19 patient in the intensive care unit was not doing well. As his blood pressure plummeted, she tried to insert an intravenous line into an artery in his wrist.

    A blood clot clogged the tubing.
    Frustrated, Hibbert tried again with a new needle. A blood clot clogged up that line as well.
    It took three tries to insert the IV.

    What we know about the state of coronavirus treatments, vaccines and antibody tests
    "You just watch it clot right in front of you," said Hibbert, director of the medical intensive care unit at Massachusetts General Hospital. "It's rare to have that happen once, and extremely rare to have that happen twice."
    Hibbert and other doctors are finding that some patients infected with the novel coronavirus have a propensity towards developing blood clots, which can be life threatening if the clot travels to the heart or lungs.
    "The number of clotting problems I'm seeing in the ICU, all related to Covid-19, is unprecedented," Dr. Jeffrey Laurence, a hematologist at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City, wrote in an email to CNN. "Blood clotting problems appear to be widespread in severe Covid."
    Laurence and his colleagues looked at autopsies on two patients and found blood clots in the lungs and just beneath the surface of the skin, according to a study published last week. They also found blood clots beneath the skin's surface on three living patients.
    In the Netherlands, a study found "remarkably high" rates of clotting among Covid patients in the ICU.
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  19. #99
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    That deaths are down overall in the entire world is not surprising. If you close the world for a few weeks (or months), anything people would typically die from is prevented. If saving lives was the ONLY factor in the world (which it is not), this is an excellent way of doing it.

  20. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    T a r m y g

    Actually 99.999% of the conservatives I know praise Sweden as an example. It's only because they are retarded and have no clue how socialist it is. All they know is that the place to get an email account in an offshore account in order to evade taxes.
    Had to open a bank account here because they do not allow international credit cards everywhere and trust me when I say, if you want to evade taxes, this is not the place to be. The guy at the bank was helpful though. Told me to take out cash in the atm and then deposit it in an revers-atm that takes the cash in. No question would be asked he said. You can only do $1000/7-days though.

  21. #101
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    I gotta give the guy credit: Cuomo made a lot of stupid fucking decisions on this whole thing, but he appears to be exemplifying exactly what I was talking about. He’s admitting that he fucked up (even on the potentially career ending nursing home decision), instead of trying to lie about it entirely, and is implementing coming lockdown easing in a manner that makes fucking sense.
    Keeping Manhattan and the capital areas under current orders, while beginning to move into let up on the lesser populated areas.

  22. #102
    The road is offline Banned- I said my goodbyes.
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    falsely reporting news in attempt to hype up a story to make the nightly news isn't fraud .. in fact, its merely common place and has been happening on the daily for decades

    It doesnt matter what you say he will defend the fear mongering to the end.

  23. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    Had to open a bank account here because they do not allow international credit cards everywhere and trust me when I say, if you want to evade taxes, this is not the place to be. The guy at the bank was helpful though. Told me to take out cash in the atm and then deposit it in an revers-atm that takes the cash in. No question would be asked he said. You can only do $1000/7-days though.
    They don't tax income sourced outside their country by a non resident. That means you get a free parking spot for income as an american

  24. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    IF you are sure, then take action GH! In the medical community, the payers don’t take fraud lightly. I’ve said this on another thread, there is a process already in place for shit like this; use it. I will also say this again, you try to fraud Medicare of $ and you will have your asshole enlarged and your bank account drained.
    Medicare gets fucked out of billions every year by thousands of people. Man you cali's are drinking some strong ass kool aid.

    Medicare is the system you can fuck and never get caught because everyone is.

    Shit 52 billion loss to fraud in 2017.
    That's am estimate and the last time they did that was in 2017.

    Fffs the mob set up fake store fronts and billed medicare for equipment never bought. Its that easy.

    You see it on the news once in a blue moon that someone is caught
    Last edited by The road; 05-12-2020 at 05:08 AM.

  25. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    Medicare gets fucked out of billions every year by thousands of people. Man you cali's are drinking some strong ass kool aid.

    Medicare is the system you can fuck and never get caught because everyone is.

    Shit 52 billion loss to fraud in 2017.
    That's am estimate and the last time they did that was in 2017.

    Fffs the mob set up fake store fronts and billed medicare for equipment never bought. Its that easy.

    You see it on the news once in a blue moon that someone is caught
    The funny part is that usually when someone gets hit for Medicare “fraud”, it was some random who was doing stupid shit, not documenting it, and admitting their fuck up later. You don’t do that with the Feds. Ask Wesley Snipes how “the truth shall set you free” works out.

  26. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by The road View Post
    Medicare gets fucked out of billions every year by thousands of people. Man you cali's are drinking some strong ass kool aid.

    Medicare is the system you can fuck and never get caught because everyone is.

    Shit 52 billion loss to fraud in 2017.
    That's am estimate and the last time they did that was in 2017.

    Fffs the mob set up fake store fronts and billed medicare for equipment never bought. Its that easy.

    You see it on the news once in a blue moon that someone is caught
    Well, you guys just keep watching whatever “news” you get your info from. We are in the profession - folks get caught, folks go bankrupt, folks lose jobs. Is there corruption in the profession, you better believe it. If I took advantage of it, I’d be exceedingly wealthy.

  27. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gallowmere View Post
    The funny part is that usually when someone gets hit for Medicare “fraud”, it was some random who was doing stupid shit, not documenting it, and admitting their fuck up later. You don’t do that with the Feds. Ask Wesley Snipes how “the truth shall set you free” works out.

    The funny part is when someone gets busted for Medicare fraud, it’s nothing like you mentioned. Keep speculating guys, I’m enjoying this.

  28. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    That deaths are down overall in the entire world is not surprising. If you close the world for a few weeks (or months), anything people would typically die from is prevented. If saving lives was the ONLY factor in the world (which it is not), this is an excellent way of doing it.
    And yet, in some states automobile fatalities have increased because people are driving like dumb-asses and getting into single-car accidents.

  29. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Well, you guys just keep watching whatever “news” you get your info from. We are in the profession - folks get caught, folks go bankrupt, folks lose jobs. Is there corruption in the profession, you better believe it. If I took advantage of it, I’d be exceedingly wealthy.
    Oh, I’m not saying that there’s no corruption. It’s absolutely everywhere. My point is that, in general, much like with the banking situation, it’s usually only caught under the most careless of circumstances, or people admitting a fuck up later (though this could easily be a ‘weaseling out’ attempt that almost never works).
    If however, the system isn’t as prone to being fucked over (without recompense) as you think, then we have a whole different problem that needs to be addressed, that no one wants to talk about; at least no one who values a career in politics.

  30. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    falsely reporting news in attempt to hype up a story to make the nightly news isn't fraud .. in fact, its merely common place and has been happening on the daily for decades

    Early System and still one of my favorites.

  31. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gallowmere View Post
    Oh, I’m not saying that there’s no corruption. It’s absolutely everywhere. My point is that, in general, much like with the banking situation, it’s usually only caught under the most careless of circumstances, or people admitting a fuck up later (though this could easily be a ‘weaseling out’ attempt that almost never works).
    If however, the system isn’t as prone to being fucked over (without recompense) as you think, then we have a whole different problem that needs to be addressed, that no one wants to talk about; at least no one who values a career in politics.
    And again, you would be wrong, but I can only speak for our 50 years in the profession, having our charts scrutinized regularly because of working with Medicare. And yet at places that we’ve worked at; even after we had a designated therapist go through our documentation with a fine toothed comb, Medicare still found mistakes and denied payment.

    If you want to fraud them, you blatantly lie and you lie in a way that nobody is suspicious. To try to lie now, with all of this public scrutiny is a little fool hardy in my estimation. The repercussions will be hellacious and asses will be on meat hooks.

  32. #112
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    List of covid19 Deaths

    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    And again, you would be wrong, but I can only speak for our 50 years in the profession, having our charts scrutinized regularly because of working with Medicare. And yet at places that we’ve worked at; even after we had a designated therapist go through our documentation with a fine toothed comb, Medicare still found mistakes and denied payment.

    If you want to fraud them, you blatantly lie and you lie in a way that nobody is suspicious. To try to lie now, with all of this public scrutiny is a little fool hardy in my estimation. The repercussions will be hellacious and asses will be on meat hooks.
    So which is it?
    Is there rampant lying and corruption everywhere that enables people to get loaded, or are they catching everything? You’re saying both through the series of posts.
    Or is it that it’s happening and people are getting caught later, admittedly fixing that problem, but leaving them still out a fair amount of liquid? Depreciation of goods, market fuckery, etc. will always prevent an agency from being able to recomp everything lost, even if they took absolutely everything a corrupt participant had. Then of course, we’re just creating another public expense for another department (DoJ), but that’s always ‘someone else’s problem’, even though all of the funds come from the same place (US tax payers).

  33. #113
    C27H40O3 is offline Admin Sent Me Away.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Thinking bout this & see your reasoning . Next week, conform with the norms at the market or I will destroy that guys business. Sounds practical.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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  34. #114
    Proximal is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gallowmere View Post
    So which is it?
    Is there rampant lying and corruption everywhere that enables people to get loaded, or are they catching everything? You’re saying both through the series of posts.
    Or is it that it’s happening and people are getting caught later, admittedly fixing that problem, but leaving them still out a fair amount of liquid? Depreciation of goods, market fuckery, etc. will always prevent an agency from being able to recomp everything lost, even if they took absolutely everything a corrupt participant had. Then of course, we’re just creating another public expense for another department (DoJ), but that’s always ‘someone else’s problem’, even though all of the funds come from the same place (US tax payers).
    First off, you guys are doing the speculation. All I can tell you is what I’ve seen, done & experienced.

    All I can say is if you are going to commit medical fraud, you better be damn good, know how to lie correctly and document meticulously. You do that & you’re set. To do it during a time of a national crisis where there is massive public scrutiny and do it on a large scale to the point of making it obvious to what you are doing is ridiculously stupid. I know hospital administrators, they are shrewd, manipulative and can be cold -hearted (everything that you need to be an effective administrator). But, they are not idiots & do not want their careers put at risk.

    The added costs to the healthcare facilities are immense. Already, Medicare is tight with their payouts. At my wive’s facility it’s 70 cents on the dollar. If the person has Coronavirus, you sure as shit chart that and charge for it. Why would someone have a loophole saying it’s alright that to put down suspected Coronavirus? Because they didn’t have enough tests and they still really don’t.

    It is advisable to place patients like this in this type of room. They are not cheap and hospitals didn’t have enough. The precautions that each healthcare worker must take as to not take that virus out of the room with them and spread it further is mind-boggling and is not cheap.

    Again, to all of you out there who’s community has not been affected; I am very happy for you.

    I greatly appreciate this debate. It’s keeping me occupied during lapses at teaching students from afar and trying to work out. My intention is to not offend or try to change anyone’s mind. I have first hand knowledge on a lot of this shit and am simply sharing it.

    Negative Pressure Room
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails List of covid19 Deaths-94030072-1047-48d7-9f3d-1a5b6c2176a6.jpg  

  35. #115
    Proximal is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by C27H40O3 View Post

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    LMAO! Hey I was already accused of that on another thread. My generosity and goodness has an evil twin, lol.

  36. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    First off, you guys are doing the speculation. All I can tell you is what I’ve seen, done & experienced.

    All I can say is if you are going to commit medical fraud, you better be damn good, know how to lie correctly and document meticulously. You do that & you’re set. To do it during a time of a national crisis where there is massive public scrutiny and do it on a large scale to the point of making it obvious to what you are doing is ridiculously stupid. I know hospital administrators, they are shrewd, manipulative and can be cold -hearted (everything that you need to be an effective administrator). But, they are not idiots & do not want their careers put at risk.

    The added costs to the healthcare facilities are immense. Already, Medicare is tight with their payouts. At my wive’s facility it’s 70 cents on the dollar. If the person has Coronavirus, you sure as shit chart that and charge for it. Why would someone have a loophole saying it’s alright that to put down suspected Coronavirus? Because they didn’t have enough tests and they still really don’t.

    It is advisable to place patients like this in this type of room. They are not cheap and hospitals didn’t have enough. The precautions that each healthcare worker must take as to not take that virus out of the room with them and spread it further is mind-boggling and is not cheap.

    Again, to all of you out there who’s community has not been affected; I am very happy for you.

    I greatly appreciate this debate. It’s keeping me occupied during lapses at teaching students from afar and trying to work out. My intention is to not offend or try to change anyone’s mind. I have first hand knowledge on a lot of this shit and am simply sharing it.

    Negative Pressure Room
    You’re not offending me in the slightest. I find these things to be good mental exercise, and there are a lot of questions that people should be asking. This doesn’t end at CoV-2 either; it’s just the obvious hot button at the moment.
    I’ve found that it’s provided a lot of opportunities for information gathering and learning opportunities for future events. Realistically speaking, this virus is a joke. I’d really rather us get through these kinds of pains with this than something with a truly problematic mortality rate across the board of demographics.
    We’re fortunate in that most of the truly nasty viruses aren’t as easily transmissible or virulent. They kill fast, but die just as quickly, and usually require direct exposure to either blood or feces. If we had a clusterfuck like this with something like a respiratory transmissible Marburg, Rabies or Hanta, we’d be fucked.

  37. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    I have been hearing the blood clotting issues down the pipeline

    This thing is no joke - but, more to some than others

    It seems selective

    But, the numbers are still climbing - we really have no clue where this will all go
    I’ve been doing the low dose aspirin for three weeks now, it’s said Covid thickens the blood of men between 35-50 or so. This scared the crap out of me.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  38. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Well, you guys just keep watching whatever “news” you get your info from. We are in the profession - folks get caught, folks go bankrupt, folks lose jobs. Is there corruption in the profession, you better believe it. If I took advantage of it, I’d be exceedingly wealthy.
    Hey Prox- the fraud is real and rampant. You don’t think there are people out there milking the system?
    Let’s move to something that is legal.... a Pregnant Foreign National comes into the US and stays. Goes to the hospital and has a baby- which we pay for- now the kid is a US citizen.
    We paid for them to have a naturalized citizen so the kid can later get them papers.
    I lived in another country just across the border and see what goes on.
    Better yet, a Mexican with a green card lives in Mexico and does not claim the money he makes in Mexico on taxes. We give him money back each year for taxes. He also got The CV stimulus and took the money to Mexico to spend it.

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  39. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gallowmere View Post
    You’re not offending me in the slightest. I find these things to be good mental exercise, and there are a lot of questions that people should be asking. This doesn’t end at CoV-2 either; it’s just the obvious hot button at the moment.
    I’ve found that it’s provided a lot of opportunities for information gathering and learning opportunities for future events. Realistically speaking, this virus is a joke. I’d really rather us get through these kinds of pains with this than something with a truly problematic mortality rate across the board of demographics.
    We’re fortunate in that most of the truly nasty viruses aren’t as easily transmissible or virulent. They kill fast, but die just as quickly, and usually require direct exposure to either blood or feces. If we had a clusterfuck like this with something like a respiratory transmissible Marburg, Rabies or Hanta, we’d be fucked.
    Turns out it is a “joke”, still not too funny to the victims though.

    I always had problems with conspiracies thinking that this was a biological weapon.

    Personally, I thought our enemies (such as terrorists) missed a golden opportunity during the Ebola breakout.

    If I have to repeat my simple instructions to another kid by e-mail, I’m destroying my computer, lol!

    Thanks for this discussion, I love exchanging ideas. So many of us have such different backgrounds and perspectives, it’s truly a blessing that we can talk here on the forum.
    Gallowmere likes this.

  40. #120
    Proximal is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Hey Prox- the fraud is real and rampant. You don’t think there are people out there milking the system?
    Let’s move to something that is legal.... a Pregnant Foreign National comes into the US and stays. Goes to the hospital and has a baby- which we pay for- now the kid is a US citizen.
    We paid for them to have a naturalized citizen so the kid can later get them papers.
    I lived in another country just across the border and see what goes on.
    Better yet, a Mexican with a green card lives in Mexico and does not claim the money he makes in Mexico on taxes. We give him money back each year for taxes. He also got The CV stimulus and took the money to Mexico to spend it.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Charger, I was limiting my comments to Medicare only. I understand what you are saying and don’t doubt it.

    Regarding immigration, please don’t get me started, I might offend those with my ultra-nationalistic stance. I’m not racist, but regarding immigration, I’m uber conservative.

    How’s your health issue?

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