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Let’s see, lots to consider here.
More “normal” deaths? Well, you are making quite a claim, and we won’t know the exact answer to about 2021-2022, when the CDC can more properly categorize all the causes. Now one issue that you are hearing is that many physicians stating is that they are not seeing as many cardiovascular patients period (number one cause of death). Let’s see the death rates later. Some other non-vivid related causes will increase because of less services, we will leave that alone. Again, let’s see.
If you are a house painter, do you charge the same for a 1000 square foot home as compared to a 5,000 foot one? That’s what treating a Covid patient is like. I posted about not using normal hospital rooms to you, you didn’t respond. I posted the tidbit about the negative pressure rooms needed to properly isolate the patient, no response.
Why would you even test a young motorcycle accident victim in the first place? For the safety of other patients and the health care workers. Now, once positive, you as a hospital would be grossly negligent to everyone in that facility, including visitors, if you did not exercise proper isolation - and that costs money. Get it? It’s not a money grab, they are doing the charting necessary for the proper compensation.
About the numbers, you will be as wrong as if you said the 1918 flu was a hoax. I saw and heard the same ignorant bull-shit in the mid 80’s with the onset of HIV. They knew little about HIV at the time, the method of transfer, how exactly it would kill you etc. This virus has been scrutinized here for 3 f’n months. It’s still confusing experts. Antibody development seems inconsistent, blood clotting is occurring.
This shit is real, some assholes will profit. But to blame the very industry on the front line that are keeping asses alive? Perhaps they should just say fuck y’all cause this shit is too expensive to treat and it’s killing our workers. Hell, you’re all likely infected anyways, go screw yourselves if you think we are going to risk our lives, while you accuse us of profiteering. No, they won’t, because these folks on the front line are different than those that have really committed fraud. I’ve worked among both, I know.