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Thread: Brothers and sisters

  1. #41
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
    < <Samson> > is offline Neurologically Intact
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    Funny you mention a deviated septum, which I have a bad case of - after getting my nose busted when I was a kid

    I haven’t been able to breathe out of my right nostril as far back as I can remember. Until my brain shit was done last year, the reason y I couldn’t breathe out of my right nostril was not due to the my bent nose, but due to a vessel pushing down in my sigmoid transverse sinus. . . Ever since coming to, I could breathe just fine out of both nostrils. . . How’s that for some shit

  2. #42
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Funny you mention a deviated septum, which I have a bad case of - after getting my nose busted when I was a kid

    I haven’t been able to breathe out of my right nostril as far back as I can remember. Until my brain shit was done last year, the reason y I couldn’t breathe out of my right nostril was not due to the my bent nose, but due to a vessel pushing down in my sigmoid transverse sinus. . . Ever since coming to, I could breathe just fine out of both nostrils. . . How’s that for some shit
    Blessing in disguise or at least even with everything bad about it something positive still came out of it?

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