In the future if someone is interested and being connected, they must be familiar with what they want

By that I mean they can't be newbies and people with a bunch of questions. They cannot say they are ready to order and then get the price list and not order the prices Fair, especially for the quality. I don't have the time or energy to coach people.

This is not going to be some mind-blowing before and after. I just got out of detox from alcohol I already put on about 15 lb but I was skinny as hell. Anyway, I don't like to fail so I'm never going to touch alcohol again and we'll see where this cycle gets me. My joints are old and bad so I'm not going to push as hard as I used to.

I'll post pictures when I get the chance and it's not going to be posing and flexing and all that crap. You get to watch a skinny ass once was that sitting at about 180 lb to get to about 225 or 230

I've been using this supplier for years he's a really good guy. He's never let me down. As I said before I don't need questions from newbies and he is not interested in any newbie customers. If you can't follow simple step by step instructions to a t on ordering and use his payment methods you don't need to bother dming me.

I'm not trying to sound like a butthole I just don't have that much time to be on here I've got a life that I have to handle and I let it go to shit.

A lot of vets on this board have used this guy for a long time and I don't know of any disappointments other than simple discrepancies in communication.

It's hard for me to post up pictures because of what I once was but I'll be back close to that before long but I'm not going to push it. I'm not going to a gym I'll be using my own weights and working at my job. I've still got muscle memory from a lot of years of doing this.

Anyway I'm dosing 200 mg trenbolone enanthate , 200 mg masteron enanthate, and 200 mg of testosterone enanthate . Also known as Aries aftermath.

I'm not sure how long I'll be running this. I may add in compounds.

I've never been a cycle or even a blasting Cruise guy very long I pretty much am just a dude doing dude stuff.

I have been off for quite some time from even trt.

In the past food was a very big problem for me but my girlfriend is an extremely good cook so it shouldn't be so rough this time.o