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Thread: Another mass shooting

  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Never tasted Bud Light, but grew up drinking Shlitz, Hamms & PBR. Now that was quality brew.
    Dam wango making me google stuff
    I’m sure I’ve seen PBR in films before. Probably Smokey and the bandit or something along them lines.
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  2. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by stocky121 View Post
    Dam wango making me google stuff
    I’m sure I’ve seen PBR in films before. Probably Smokey and the bandit or something along them lines.
    Sorry bout that. Just beers common in my area and time when I started drinking beer. They were pretty old school and not the greatest tasting compared to a lot of what’s out there today.
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  3. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by stocky121 View Post
    I don’t know where I stand, I would say central but I like parts of both left and right. There was a guy who was running for prime minister I liked a lot of his policy’s. Re nationalisation of infrastructure and the likes. But the issue why I couldn’t vote for him was he wanted to scrap our nuclear deterrent. That was a red line for me.
    On the other hand I think they need to bring back the death penalty, only for the most serious of crimes. I say once a week pay per view the gallows, only cheap say £1 and people can watch it if they want to or not. It would give out a clear signal not to commit crime. I know a lot of people would disagree and rightfully so, I would have 15 year ago. but I don’t see an alternative to get crime under control.
    The same with illegal immigrants coming over on boats. I’m all for helping family’s under persecution coming for a better life and wanting to integrate with society. What I’m not for is fighting age males coming over on mass.
    Use the money from the ppv for gun boats and turn them around, if not blast them out the sea. It would soon stop them.
    If you’re referring to Muslims (not that I’m at all racist ), man would I f’n hate that if I was living across the pond. With all of the unrest and wars in the Middle East, they must be constantly coming like a swarm of insects.
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  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    If you’re referring to Muslims (not that I’m at all racist ), man would I f’n hate that if I was living across the pond. With all of the unrest and wars in the Middle East, they must be constantly coming like a swarm of insects.
    Not all Muslims. I have friends who are Muslims from school who I still talk to, really good people. So I just want to put it out there that I’m not racist There’s plenty of white British people who I hate. If you’re a cunt you’re a cunt no matter the religion or skin colour.
    That been said the amount of fighting age man say roughly 18-30 that have come over illegally and put up in hotels is frightening, there are a few in my city and you never see women and children with them at all.
    You have no idea of the past of these people or the murders or pedophiles? You just don’t know.
    If I had a criminal record, could I come to USA on holiday? It’s Very unlikely I would be let, and rightfully so.
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  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    If you’re referring to Muslims (not that I’m at all racist ), man would I f’n hate that if I was living across the pond. With all of the unrest and wars in the Middle East, they must be constantly coming like a swarm of insects.
    If you think about it, it's been like this everywhere in the world at some point - but when I go to Europe I want to see ethnic Europeans. I want the customs, the language, the religion, everything, to be European. And I want the same when I go to countries in the Middle-East or Asia. I don't want to go to Paris and see Arabs. I don't want to go to Italy and see Africans. I don't think it's racism, it's just a desire to preserve one's culture and identity. As for the US, well, it's harder to make that argument since technically, none of us should really be here if fair were fair. Everyone in the US, save for a few natives who haven't mixed blood with the Europeans, can really say this is their land, technically speaking.

    BUT... I wonder if the western powers (primarily the US, Britain and France) had not colonized and destabilized places in the Middle East or Africa, this influx of Arabs would have happened? Is it fair that we ransacked their countries, stole their resources, colonized their lands, murdered their people... only to now say, you are not welcome to our lands? That's the ethical dilemma.

    There are many (most) countries in Europe that were not colonizers, that over the centuries of their existence have only tried to stop others from invading their lands. And I fully support their right to defend and maintain their identities.
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  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    If you think about it, it's been like this everywhere in the world at some point - but when I go to Europe I want to see ethnic Europeans. I want the customs, the language, the religion, everything, to be European. And I want the same when I go to countries in the Middle-East or Asia. I don't want to go to Paris and see Arabs. I don't want to go to Italy and see Africans. I don't think it's racism, it's just a desire to preserve one's culture and identity. As for the US, well, it's harder to make that argument since technically, none of us should really be here if fair were fair. Everyone in the US, save for a few natives who haven't mixed blood with the Europeans, can really say this is their land, technically speaking.

    BUT... I wonder if the western powers (primarily the US, Britain and France) had not colonized and destabilized places in the Middle East or Africa, this influx of Arabs would have happened? Is it fair that we ransacked their countries, stole their resources, colonized their lands, murdered their people... only to now say, you are not welcome to our lands? That's the ethical dilemma.

    There are many (most) countries in Europe that were not colonizers, that over the centuries of their existence have only tried to stop others from invading their lands. And I fully support their right to defend and maintain their identities.

    I totally agree with you on this point. I think you’re been a bit harsh on the US they didn’t start destabilising till last century. But for sure Britain France Holland Belgium Germany Italy. All had a hand in it.
    That’s why most of Africa and the Middle East has straight boarders it was just easier to carve up.
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  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by stocky121 View Post
    Not all Muslims. I have friends who are Muslims from school who I still talk to, really good people. So I just want to put it out there that I’m not racist There’s plenty of white British people who I hate. If you’re a cunt you’re a cunt no matter the religion or skin colour.
    That been said the amount of fighting age man say roughly 18-30 that have come over illegally and put up in hotels is frightening, there are a few in my city and you never see women and children with them at all.
    You have no idea of the past of these people or the murders or pedophiles? You just don’t know.
    If I had a criminal record, could I come to USA on holiday? It’s Very unlikely I would be let, and rightfully so.
    Got some very good Muslim friends as well & decent Iranian neighbors. I don’t judge individuals until I get to know them. However, I dislike the idea of a large group of individuals foreign to where I’m from is entering in mass & perhaps changing the social climate of where I live.

  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    If you think about it, it's been like this everywhere in the world at some point - but when I go to Europe I want to see ethnic Europeans. I want the customs, the language, the religion, everything, to be European. And I want the same when I go to countries in the Middle-East or Asia. I don't want to go to Paris and see Arabs. I don't want to go to Italy and see Africans. I don't think it's racism, it's just a desire to preserve one's culture and identity. As for the US, well, it's harder to make that argument since technically, none of us should really be here if fair were fair. Everyone in the US, save for a few natives who haven't mixed blood with the Europeans, can really say this is their land, technically speaking.

    BUT... I wonder if the western powers (primarily the US, Britain and France) had not colonized and destabilized places in the Middle East or Africa, this influx of Arabs would have happened? Is it fair that we ransacked their countries, stole their resources, colonized their lands, murdered their people... only to now say, you are not welcome to our lands? That's the ethical dilemma.

    There are many (most) countries in Europe that were not colonizers, that over the centuries of their existence have only tried to stop others from invading their lands. And I fully support their right to defend and maintain their identities.
    To me at least, all of that goes without saying & we’ve agreed on that on other threads through the days.

    That said, the past has happened for better or worse & we are left with certain realities now whether we like them or not.

    Our treatment of the indigenous was atrocious, but it happened. Should we all pack up and leave to our ancestral country’s of origin and give it back?

    Europe, Russia & the US have tampered with the Middle East for centuries and once the idea of oil for kerosene and later automobiles was discovered, we toyed with and took advantage of the region badly. And to top it off, we created the ultimate cluster-fuck in Israel.

    So we are faced with this history & reality and things will only continue to get worse.

    Guess you’ll have to get used to seeing Arabs at the Louvre and Africans on the canals of Venice & learn to like it.
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  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    To me at least, all of that goes without saying & we’ve agreed on that on other threads through the days.

    That said, the past has happened for better or worse & we are left with certain realities now whether we like them or not.

    Our treatment of the indigenous was atrocious, but it happened. Should we all pack up and leave to our ancestral country’s of origin and give it back?

    Europe, Russia & the US have tampered with the Middle East for centuries and once the idea of oil for kerosene and later automobiles was discovered, we toyed with and took advantage of the region badly. And to top it off, we created the ultimate cluster-fuck in Israel.

    So we are faced with this history & reality and things will only continue to get worse.

    Guess you’ll have to get used to seeing Arabs at the Louvre and Africans on the canals of Venice & learn to like it.

    Yes, for better or worse. Some could argue the colonization lead to advancements of the indigenous people in some ways, at a great cost, of course. Damn, what is this thread even about anymore? Oh yeah, guns n shit.
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  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Never tasted Bud Light, but grew up drinking Shlitz, Hamms & PBR. Now that was quality brew.
    Hah...Schlitz. That was the name of my first dog (a standard Collie) when I was around 3 or 4. It used to mortify my Mom, because when I said Schlitz, it always came out as Shits.

    Damn good dog and pal. Very gentle, but protective as could be.
    Last edited by almostgone; 10-30-2023 at 10:20 AM.
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  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution:

    "No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability."

    You just want to support the constitution when it suits you, not because you are trying to uphold the constitution as a whole. I support your right to own guns, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.

    TM, I think you know where you stand with me. I honestly have no desire to debate with you. In fact, I think its quite funny how an immigrant would try and lecture a grown man born in the southern states on the constitution. Keep googling buddy its your thread do as you wish.

  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    Yes, for better or worse. Some could argue the colonization lead to advancements of the indigenous people in some ways, at a great cost, of course. Damn, what is this thread even about anymore? Oh yeah, guns n shit.
    Lol, remember back in the day when there were members pushing for the “slavery was good for the blacks”?

    I like this thread, there’s a bunch of topics (kind of fluid), various folks expressing their opinions, no harsh condemnations & no right vs. left bs. I could be mistaken but nobody said guns should me taken away, nobody said eroding mental health & family values were not an issue and it’s agreed that in this particular shooting, a lot of balls were dropped. And I agree with you in, not that I want to go to Paris, but I ain’t going to eat a falafel there if I do. I’m on a nice post exercise high, drinking my coffee & feeling groovy, what’s next on the agenda of topics?

  13. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    TM, I think you know where you stand with me. I honestly have no desire to debate with you. In fact, I think its quite funny how an immigrant would try and lecture a grown man born in the southern states on the constitution. Keep googling buddy its your thread do as you wish.
    Me being an immigrant has nothing to do with the fact that I'm about 30-40 IQ points higher than you and can outclass you in any debate. But good job on being born in the Southern US. That's quite an accomplishment.

  14. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    Me being an immigrant has nothing to do with the fact that I'm about 30-40 IQ points higher than you and can outclass you in any debate. But good job on being born in the Southern US. That's quite an accomplishment.
    Perhaps the point is that “true outsiders” whatever they are as we are all immigrants originally (in the US) should not dictate rules, laws, morals and ethics on “foreign” territory. Kind of like, if the Taliban, Saudi’s and Iranians want to treat women differently; who are we to interfere? If another country puts Muslims in camps or has lax rules on working conditions, so what?

    More pertinent now is as the Jews in Israel now are the dominant force, who are we to interfere in their treatment of Palestinians?

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Lol, remember back in the day when there were members pushing for the “slavery was good for the blacks”?

    I like this thread, there’s a bunch of topics (kind of fluid), various folks expressing their opinions, no harsh condemnations & no right vs. left bs. I could be mistaken but nobody said guns should me taken away, nobody said eroding mental health & family values were not an issue and it’s agreed that in this particular shooting, a lot of balls were dropped. And I agree with you in, not that I want to go to Paris, but I ain’t going to eat a falafel there if I do. I’m on a nice post exercise high, drinking my coffee & feeling groovy, what’s next on the agenda of topics?

    Hmmm.....our military is spread rather thin and in somewhat of a disarray, which concerns me more the usual.
    The Middle East pressure cooker has been discussed somewhat, but always worries me.
    Russia/China? Their growing sphere of influence bothers me.

    Ok, I'm off to get a pre- surgery haircut and go get a few odds from the grocery. Check back in later.
    Last edited by almostgone; 10-30-2023 at 12:58 PM.
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  16. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    Me being an immigrant has nothing to do with the fact that I'm about 30-40 IQ points higher than you and can outclass you in any debate. But good job on being born in the Southern US. That's quite an accomplishment.
    Hey I just bought some pumpkins at Publix, very large size. 6.99 plus tax, thought it was a hell of a deal. Just thought Id share.

  17. #137
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    Great Pumpkins Charlie Brown!

    Wow, this could have been UGLY ! Holy smokes!
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  18. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Hey I just bought some pumpkins at Publix, very large size. 6.99 plus tax, thought it was a hell of a deal. Just thought Id share.
    The farm up the road just marked theirs down, too! Going grab a few for cooking and grab some el cheapos for the wife to shoot.
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    The farm up the road just marked theirs down, too! Going grab a few for cooking and grab some el cheapos for the wife to shoot.
    Something about blasting a pumpkin is just so satisfying
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  20. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Wow, this could have been UGLY ! Holy smokes!
    On the domestic side of things, IEDs are a big worry to me. I don't want to go into how easy.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  21. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Something about blasting a pumpkin is just so satisfying
    She loves it! I told her she could put pictures of my face on the pumpkins and she just got this horrified look on her face.

    Edit: I will add that I tease my wife like that. She gets antsy even when I go for a routine physical.
    Last edited by almostgone; 10-30-2023 at 03:22 PM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  22. #142
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    On the domestic side of things, IEDs are a big worry to me. I don't want to go into how easy.
    I’m pleasantly surprised that they’re not used more often. The 2 Columbine killers were such bungling dumb fucks that they intended to have propane tanks blow up, but thankfully screwed it up. Hey son, where are you going with our bbq propane tank & all those weapons? A science project dad.

    Things will only get uglier. There’s got to be one in a sporting event or another concert eventually. A theme park is another particularly lethal choice. Someone’s got to be out there that wants to outdo the Vegas shooter.

  23. #143
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Hey I just bought some pumpkins at Publix, very large size. 6.99 plus tax, thought it was a hell of a deal. Just thought Id share.
    I don’t condone paying for sex, but at least you’re getting a good deal.

  24. #144
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    I’m pleasantly surprised that they’re not used more often. The 2 Columbine killers were such bungling dumb fucks that they intended to have propane tanks blow up, but thankfully screwed it up. Hey son, where are you going with our bbq propane tank & all those weapons? A science project dad.

    Things will only get uglier. There’s got to be one in a sporting event or another concert eventually. A theme park is another particularly lethal choice. Someone’s got to be out there that wants to outdo the Vegas shooter.
    I know and I dread the day it happens.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  25. #145
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    I don’t condone paying for sex, but at least you’re getting a good deal.
    It would make getting the pumpkin seeds out far more interesting. Then salt & roast them, hell to the f’n yeah!
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  26. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    OK, as expected here comes the AR-15 backlash from some politicians. I’m literally calling my broker on Monday. From what I can see Smith and Wesson & Ruger are two possible contenders. Let’s make a buck on this shit!

    EDITED: Done, just got off of the phone. Bought a bunch of each.
    It’s why I leave my investing to a professional, lol . . . Actually, my Smith & Wesson has increased a bit, but not enough to balance the Ruger. The above post & stock purchase was made at the end of October. Come on Americans, let’s pick up the pace a bit!
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  27. #147
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    I don’t condone paying for sex, but at least you’re getting a good deal.
    I just saw this. Not knocking your beliefs, totally respect your right.

    However, I both condone and highly recommend paying for sex at least once in your life. How else are most of us gonna shag a legit porn star (or 4 or more)?

    Assuming of course, all acts are consetual and among legal adults. No human trafficking or underage stuff, pervs.
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  28. #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    I just saw this. Not knocking your beliefs, totally respect your right.

    However, I both condone and highly recommend paying for sex at least once in your life. How else are most of us gonna shag a legit porn star (or 4 or more)?

    Assuming of course, all acts are consetual and among legal adults. No human trafficking or underage stuff, pervs.
    Dude, read TM’s post that I referred to. I thought he was clowning around about about buying pumpkins for sex.

    I totally agree for paid sex as long as it’s consensual & of course age appropriate. In fact, until recently, I participated often myself (I’m on a fixed budget now, so am cutting back on some extravagances & it is allowing me to easily slip HGH into my budget. Plus, real quality sex workers are $$$!, & I dig the chicks that workout & can brag about their abs and we talk lifting. Heck one of them used var and HGH as well).

    I saw this pic well after TM’s post & immediately thought “hmmm, maybe sex with pumpkins really ain’t so bad” ( I just dug this out of my deleted pics).
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Another mass shooting-ff2236be-4668-43fb-9737-168f51e102f8.jpeg  
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  29. #149
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Dude, read TM’s post that I referred to. I thought he was clowning around about about buying pumpkins for sex.

    I totally agree for paid sex as long as it’s consensual & of course age appropriate. In fact, until recently, I participated often myself (I’m on a fixed budget now, so am cutting back on some extravagances & it is allowing me to easily slip HGH into my budget. Plus, real quality sex workers are $$$!, & I dig the chicks that workout & can brag about their abs and we talk lifting. Heck one of them used var and HGH as well).

    I saw this pic well after TM’s post & immediately thought “hmmm, maybe sex with pumpkins really ain’t so bad” ( I just dug this out of my deleted pics).
    Wango- your just an old man!!

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  30. #150
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Wango- your just an old man!!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Uhh, thanks for the news flash. Medicare, hard bodied prostitutes, TRT & likely HGH (oh yeah, and viagra) till I die. Got in 30 sets of 15, plus abs today . . . I ain’t complaining youngster.
    Last edited by wango; 11-27-2023 at 06:53 PM.
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  31. #151
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Dude, read TM’s post that I referred to. I thought he was clowning around about about buying pumpkins for sex.

    I totally agree for paid sex as long as it’s consensual & of course age appropriate. In fact, until recently, I participated often myself (I’m on a fixed budget now, so am cutting back on some extravagances & it is allowing me to easily slip HGH into my budget. Plus, real quality sex workers are $$$!, & I dig the chicks that workout & can brag about their abs and we talk lifting. Heck one of them used var and HGH as well).

    I saw this pic well after TM’s post & immediately thought “hmmm, maybe sex with pumpkins really ain’t so bad” ( I just dug this out of my deleted pics).
    I would totally pay to smash those pumpkins

    Somebody just needs to get all those orange gourds out of the way
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  32. #152
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    Quote Originally Posted by wango View Post
    Dude, read TM’s post that I referred to. I thought he was clowning around about about buying pumpkins for sex.

    I totally agree for paid sex as long as it’s consensual & of course age appropriate. In fact, until recently, I participated often myself (I’m on a fixed budget now, so am cutting back on some extravagances & it is allowing me to easily slip HGH into my budget. Plus, real quality sex workers are $$$!, & I dig the chicks that workout & can brag about their abs and we talk lifting. Heck one of them used var and HGH as well).

    I saw this pic well after TM’s post & immediately thought “hmmm, maybe sex with pumpkins really ain’t so bad” ( I just dug this out of my deleted pics).
    Yeah my post might have come off a bit more serious than I intended. Totally tongue in cheek.

    Well, except that part about paying for a quality experience. I completely recommend that.
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  33. #153
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    Yeah my post might have come off a bit more serious than I intended. Totally tongue in cheek.

    Well, except that part about paying for a quality experience. I completely recommend that.
    No worries with me brother; I knew you weren’t. I just always come off as too uptight when I don’t mean to be.

    Man, those were some nice pumpkins!
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  34. #154
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    Quote Originally Posted by s1nc1ty View Post
    How many more have to die before they change the gun laws in america. I know guns dont kill people people do but look at the statistics. Nobody needs an ar15 at home and there are too many guns overall at homes etc and too easy to get them.

    I know all the americans say its ammendment right but imo that doesnt mean shit. Nothing in this life is carved into stone. The fact that it once was doesnt mean it always has to be like that.

    Its just the gun owners dont want to give away theyr precious guns. But in reality, you dont need it. The times have passed on since when armed civillians could defend the nation from dictatorship etc

    This is my thoughts coming from europe where these things are very rare. Another coward running arund with ar15 killing 20 innocent people. Sad
    what shooting are you talking about, and who was the person behind it?

    what type of person was this, what warning signs did they give off before committing the act, and what kinds of medications were they on?

    We should know all of the facts before jumping to any conclusions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cylon357 View Post
    I just saw this. Not knocking your beliefs, totally respect your right.

    However, I both condone and highly recommend paying for sex at least once in your life. How else are most of us gonna shag a legit porn star (or 4 or more)?

    Assuming of course, all acts are consetual and among legal adults. No human trafficking or underage stuff, pervs.
    there was a time when i thought the idea of paying for sex was awful and disgusting, but the more i think about it, the more it seems that men in general would lead much happier lives if prostitution were legal. i say this because of all the incredibly irrational girlfriends ive had over the years, all the unnecessary head games and drama and the only way to make a girl actually want you is to treat her like you dont care about her.

    regardless though, i have not paid for sex and i dont intend to. im attractive enough that i get plenty of female attention. i just think modern women are spoiled brats.

    on the original subject of this thread though, to the people who think we should ban guns because guns kill, i have an uzi, a 45 cal mac 10 and an MP5, and none of them have shot anyone. your opinion is irrelevant
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Another mass shooting-oawxpzv.jpg   Another mass shooting-ccytfwp.jpg   Another mass shooting-gmuakmy.jpg  
    Last edited by JTP$; 11-27-2023 at 08:12 PM.

  35. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by s1nc1ty View Post
    How many more have to die before they change the gun laws in america. I know guns dont kill people people do but look at the statistics. Nobody needs an ar15 at home and there are too many guns overall at homes etc and too easy to get them.

    I know all the americans say its ammendment right but imo that doesnt mean shit. Nothing in this life is carved into stone. The fact that it once was doesnt mean it always has to be like that.

    Its just the gun owners dont want to give away theyr precious guns. But in reality, you dont need it. The times have passed on since when armed civillians could defend the nation from dictatorship etc

    This is my thoughts coming from europe where these things are very rare. Another coward running arund with ar15 killing 20 innocent people. Sad
    Thats the difference in the United Stated and wherever the fuck you or kimbos alter ego is from beats me..if your country is invaded by militants youre absolutely fucked. Zero chance. But you want to disarm literally MILLIONS of American gun owners that are responsible law abiding citizens. Say it isnt so! Lol man I tell ya we are keeping our guns. Worry about your country, not mine.
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  36. #156
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Thats the difference in the United Stated and wherever the fuck you or kimbos alter ego is from beats me..if your country is invaded by militants youre absolutely fucked. Zero chance. But you want to disarm literally MILLIONS of American gun owners that are responsible law abiding citizens. Say it isnt so! Lol man I tell ya we are keeping our guns. Worry about your country, not mine.
    this type of submissive, emotionally driven liberal mentality is created when people listen to mainstream media and dont even bother to attempt to read between the lines or verify any of the facts themselves. in the US roughly 3000 people are murdered each year with rifles of all types, a little over 6000 are murdered with knives yet nobody in the US is talking about banning knives because it is accepted that a knife is an inanimate object.

    also, the data behind how many lives are actually saved with the legal use of firearms in self defense is completely hidden. you cant find that information anywhere because if it were public knowledge it would be clear that firearm ownership saves way more lives in self defense than are taken in murder cases. furthermore, the vast majority of murders committed with firearms are at the hands of repeat offenders who are usually gang members killing other gang members over drug turf disputes.

    what i think is even more absurd is the fact that the us federal govt has so much surveillance authority that they know exactly who is involved in these gangs and what they are doing. they could easily stop these people, yet they do not.
    Last edited by JTP$; 11-27-2023 at 07:52 PM.

  37. #157
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    Hey, just buy from Ruger and Smith & Wesson so my stock portfolio climbs ! I don’t have that much invested in the two, but I’m figuring with the elections coming up and now all of this fear of being overrun by immigrants (where are all of those poor, poor Palestinians going to live ); those AR-15’s will be flying off of the shelves.

    Edit, just read this in the paper, talk about your coincidences : Thank you Jason for choosing Ruger to shoot those three Palestinians in Vermont.
    Last edited by wango; 11-28-2023 at 09:54 AM.

  38. #158
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    scumbag non American citizens telling us how to live.

    A vey big FUCK OFF to all of you outside our boarders that want to tell us how to live.
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  39. #159
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    scumbag non American citizens telling us how to live.

    A vey big FUCK OFF to all of you outside our boarders that want to tell us how to live.
    Amen to that. But I don't even care what people inside our borders think about how we should be living.

    The answer to "mass gun shootings" isn't more laws. Last time I checked, murder has pretty much always been illegal. If somebody wants to kill people, they'll find a way. McVeigh managed to kill a lot of people with a fertilizer bomb. Are we going to ban lawn care and gardens (since both use fertilizer)?
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  40. #160
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    McVeigh managed to kill a lot of people with a fertilizer bomb. Are we going to ban lawn care and gardens (since both use fertilizer)?
    That's what they did here in N. Ireland. You can't get the fertiliser here that can make bombs.

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