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  1. #41
    BigGreen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FRANK WHITE
    Not to sound harsh, but I can't believe some of the movies listed as the greatest masterpieces of all time. There's a big difference between favorite movie and greatest masterpiece. I personally love "King of New York", but understand it is by no means one of the greatest masterpieces of all time, to a few. I completely understand movies such as braveheart, godfather, and casablanca. Also, the Wizard of Oz, being listed as masterpieces. Has anyone else even seen "Amadeus". If not go watch it, Please!
    I agree. I was quite surprised to see Mel Gibson's "The Patriot" and "The Rock" (but to each their own...some of the greatest art of all time was not appreciated or even recognized as art until decades, even centuries, after its conception) but most of the remainders seem to have legitimate claims to the title. My "sleeper" of Wes Craven's "New Nightmare" is out on a limb, no doubt, but for the main reason I mentioned (it has pulled off self-aware art like no other film that comes to mind...and i think that was the next inevitable stop for the film medium as a whole, as it tends to lag behind literature by a bit, though the gap is narrowing) I'll continue to maintain that it warrants a nomination.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Red Ketchup
    It is indeed a great movie... never new Mozart was such a wild man I saw it when it came out... (yeah I am dating myself there ain't I?).


    Red, thanks bro. Its good to hear another bro appreciating what, in my humble opinion, is one of the greatest movies of all time. The facts aren't all straight. Saliari didn't really kill mozart, thats just effective dramatization, but the acting, costumes, music, staging, accents. Man, what else does a masterpiece need. Oscars for Best Pic, Best Actor, Best Screenplay, Best Director. One of the few movies where both leading actors were nominated for best actor. There are truly so many wonderful movies out there, I just really like this one.

    Big Green, great thread bro. Really have enjoyed it. Some very interesting and enjoyable discussions.

  3. #43
    mass junkie's Avatar
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    Star wars of course!!!

  4. #44
    Hoggage_54's Avatar
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    I'm suprised no one has said American History X. Everything about that movie was great, from the acting to the dialog. I also liked the use of colours in the movie, how it was black and white when Ed Norton's character was ignorant and only saw the world only as black and white, and then it was colour when he learned more about other races and about life. Anyone else notice that?

    Traffic is another kick ass movie, blending and linking 3 seperate stories into one large story, not an easy thing to do as a director.

    Some other great movies: Schindler's List, Forest Gump. Gladiator, Gangs of New York, Godfather I and II, Blade Runner, L.A. Confidential, Saving Private Ryan, Philadelphia.

  5. #45
    bedrocked is offline Junior Member
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    if we're talking masterpieces not just excellent movies, no offense but the majority of the films you guys are listing aren't even in the same league as the Godfather 1+2

  6. #46
    Juggernaut's Avatar
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    Well, based on BG's criteria then I'd have to say Star Wars. Do you think by reading the book you would have pictured in your minds-eye what Lucas and Spielberg put up on the screen?
    Also, How about Jaws, granted reading the book you could get a feel for how things layout but would you get the shock and fear you got from listening to the Bump, bump bump as the shark was nearing or the terror on the faces of the victims during the attacks?

    Not to mention both movies had actors that seemed tailor fitted for the rolls they each had. Could you picture Shawn Connery as Han’s Solo, he was their first pick but he turned it down, at least I thought I heard that some where so I could be wrong but I know Harrison Ford was not the first choice.

  7. #47
    BigGreen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bedrocked
    if we're talking masterpieces not just excellent movies, no offense but the majority of the films you guys are listing aren't even in the same league as the Godfather 1+2
    As a piece of art that could only be pulled off in filmic form, I think I'm going to have to disagree that the Godfather (1 or 2) have a legitimate claim to this title. I've read the book and seen the movie, and I'm quite hard pressed to say which I like better (which in mind solidifies the fact that the essence of the story can be conveyed beautifully through both media). Additionally, while Copolla and the actors certainly explore the filmic medium in interesting ways, I'm not inclined to concede that any of those ways are either revolutionary OR taking full advantage of the range of film. I would argue that most of what makes The Godfather series such a rich part of American culture and story-telling are the plotline and the character development...each of which drive great literature, film, poetry, television, orality, etc. With Vanilla Sky, for example, the story, in my opinion, does not quite stand alone (which may very well be a reason to knock it off the list) but it fully explores the range of possibilities within the medium of film (as does Memento, Fight Club, American Beauty, et al...each of which take advantage of aspects of the filmic medium which no other medium can hope to replicate). So, to make a long story short, I think the Godfather 1 and 2 more than deserve consideration in this matter, but the films' lack of exploration within the medium keeps it off the top spot for me.

  8. #48
    bigol'legs's Avatar
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    I would also like to add Lord of the Rings to the top of my list. Both parts so far were extremely thought out and try to coincide with the book as far as they could. The point they added some scenes and lines to keep the audience most into the plot of the movie stickes out. The book has always been a favorite of mine and I have read it more than 100 times since the age of 11. The return of the king will top the series off and I am sure it will be as well made as the other 2. I am also hoping the will bring out the hobbit and HOPEFULLY we will all see R.A. Salvatore come to the big screen. I will aslo add that the detail contained in both LOTR is unmatched.

  9. #49
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    Shit, I can't believe I foolishly left off for mention stone's "Natural Born Killers"! Now that is one that absolutely pushes the limits of the medium and becomes self-aware (if you haven't noticed that is an aspect of art i put great stock in in the pomo age...not sure why) though in more subtle ways than, say, Blair Witch or The Final Nightmare.

  10. #50
    Dude-Man's Avatar
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    I'm going to have to go with a few here.

    Only on film could you possibly be able to pull of telling a story from end to begining. This film immitates the situation of a man with short term memory loss. It's brilliant.

    The camera work, scene changes, acting, plot, characters, everything is so meticulously done and well developed. My personal favorite.

    Taxi Driver
    An hour and a half of buildup to a smashing conclusion. Can you say suspense?

    Forrest Gump
    God damn, this is a great movie. It shows that with a little bit of luck, almost anything is possible.

    And that's all i have to say about that.

  11. #51
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  12. #52
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    or godfather 2, or deer hunter, or pulp-fiction. or THE CELL....tough question man.

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