Ben working out naturally for the past 5 yrs only recently started taking it serious in the last cpl years as regards to my routine and diet.

I did take dbol for a cpl of weeks before deciding i wanted to continue lifting and growing naturally but now im sure im ready. I find it very hard to gain weight and with the cpl of weeks of dbol i put on almost a stone,it was scary how fast i was gaining weight seeing as i have real trouble with this.

I had a fair idea of what i want to do for my first cycle,something like this:

dbol 30mg/day x 4 wks
deca 400mg x 8 wks
clomid on hand

but my source encourage me to stack some test with that. Ive a couple of problems with taking test in my first cycle:

1. This will be my first time injecting and atm i would only feel comfortable injecting in my glutes so i dont want to have to resort to jabbing my delts,pecs,quads etc which will be necessary if i stack 2 injectables.

2. I feel ive a low tolerance for most things being only 120lbs and the dbol proved this. So with the test i think it would be too much of a transformation too soon and i would prefer to start of with the deca and dbol leaving the test for a later cycle.

Whats your opinions on this cycle and how important would it be to take sust or another kind of test. Anyone done this kind of cycle for their first or have any comments or recommendations i would welcome them.
