This is my 4th overall cycle. The first one was in 1983. My current stats are

39 years old
275 lbs
16% BF
Healthy as a fucking horse
Previous cycles were

Deca only in 1983

Deca/sust/winny early last year.

Test suspension/dbol /tren /winny late last year.

I reworked it a little bit according to new developments, availability, and info from some of the more knowledgeable bros on the boards anywhere. So it has changed a bit. This is the way it will go now.

Week 1-21, or 28, or maybe, 35, GH 18 IU/w, 5 on 2 off
Week 1-21, or 28, or maybe, 35 Arimidex .5mg/d
Week 1-14 Prop 100mg/d
Week 1-10 Eq 600mg/w
Week 1-6 Dbol(pinks) 50mg/d
Week 5-12 Tren 80mg/d
Week 13-15 Clomid the usuall way I do it.

I am still unsure how long I will run the GH. I would like a minimum of 21 and a max of 35 weeks on GH this way. It all depends on the money available at the time. I have put a lot money, and time, into this cycle. I want to thank all the bros who helped me also.

I would really like to hear from you Mike. It's been a while.

Let me know what you think about this and feel free to critisize. You can never learn enough IMO.
