Quote Originally Posted by big daddy k de
OK bros this is the deal .... Last Friday i injected Test200 ,b-12, =2cc into my quad.... i was very safe cleaned the spot of injection, clean new pin, aspirated and all that. well the next day sat I had a very sore quad and redness around it. It was slightly warm. The soreness has been slightly going away and feels pretty good today (Tus) but, its still red and it looks like the redness has spread a little but feels better. The only thing I could think of is when I injected I went on more of a vertical angel instead of straight in (dumb on my part) tell me what u guys think ... anyone ever get this before. If its an infection what do i need to do stop the infection. i do have amoxicilin on hand ...fill me in if anyone knows

What brand? Sounds like QV or such... also how much you used your quad for injects? At a certain level of scar tissue, your muscle just refuses to absorb more material and a lot of it leaks out into the fat area between muscle and skin. This causes hardness, swelling, pain but it will break down in 4 to 8 days and quit hurting... if it lingers or worsens over the course of a week then might be something to worry about. Maybe you need to use a different injection zone?