Hi. I was wondering if its possible to still get the dreaded deca dick while in sust/deca. Im using 500/w sust 400mg/deca i only been taking it for about 6 week. My sex drive is totally shit. I can get hard but the desire just aint there. I been on test before and i wanted to fuck everything. Also when i do have sex the feeling is kinda numb. Is this this deca or have i fucked up? Should i stack test with something other than deca next time. I seriously wouldnt put roids before sex so if i cant sort it i dont wanna do another cycle so anyone know whats going on? was thinking ov trying proviron but dunno if this helps with desire. Ive heard a few ppl say its shit. This problem cant just happen to me. I used to be horny now i feel like a freak. HELP