Quote Originally Posted by smokinmuscle
I am Bi-Polar (Manic Depressant) and I am starting a 4-week cycle of D-bol 10mg 3-times a day, Decca 200mg 2cc's every 5 days and Test ETH 250mg 3cc's every 5 days, I know my Gains are going to be awesome. The concerns I have is 4 months ago I was on a small 6-week cycle of Test and Anavar, I had a very aggressive temper. Does anybody recommend this cycle? My plan is to do the cycle and listen to my body and back off some if needed. Any feedback from some of you juice warriors would be appreciated.
Just keep in mind, some of the underlying problems of a bi-polar or even schizzo's deal with misbalanced brain chemistry. Not just steroids , but other recreational drugs, cocaine, meth, PCP, especially LSD have atypical effects. In otherwords most people that do LSD for example laugh for hours and have a good time or a "good trip", however bi-polar and schizzo's are 90% more likely to have "bad trips" or severe episodes then someone with normal brain chemistry. You guys might also behave more severely when drunk, etc, so consider this when messing with hormones. You might not have as much of an issue when ON roids, but when going OFF your manic depression can become very severe depression.