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  1. #1
    vetteman is offline New Member
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    Question another stupid newbie question!!!

    Hello all, as you can guess from the title I am new to the forum. I am wondering your guys thoughts on my first cycle. first of all I am 6'0 190lbs I am looking for the right combination of products that best suits my needs. I am wanting to cut lbs but at the same time add size and strength. It seems like the more I read the more confused I get. I know that each product effects everyone differently but here is what I am thinking... d-bol or var (which ever u all think is better for my needs am leaning toward the var)with some cypionate or deca (My friend has been on deca for awhile but I am not to sure if he is doing everything he is telling me because to my knowledge he should have better gains. if he is telling the truth this makes me second guess deca)which would best suit me. followed up by some clomid. would it be a good idea to add nolvadex into this or would the clomid do a good enough job??

    thanx for yall advice, sorry for any inconvienace,

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    This may help a little...Newbies this is for you

  3. #3
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    lol no wonder why you got confused just reading your thread alone confused me.

    This is the options you gave.
    D-Bol OR Var...(with)
    Test Cyp OR Deca .

    Thsoe are completly diff compounds bro, Var is used mostly for cutting, Dbol for size/strength...Test Cyp is a good cutting Test, and Deca... is not a test which is good for strength and lean gains.

    I was use, Test Cyp + Dbol if I were you.

  4. #4
    HOAXX's Avatar
    HOAXX is offline Banned
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    try this ..

    test cyp 1-14 500-600 mg /wk
    deca 1-12 300-400 mg /wk
    proviron 50 mg 1-15
    var 40-50 mg ed / 1-10

  5. #5
    FranKieC's Avatar
    FranKieC is offline "AR's Pretty Boy"
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    It's his first cycle.

    First off you should check out the diet forum and make sure your diet is spot on. You can take all the Gear in the world and if you eat like shit you will look like shit, "You are what you eat".

    As for a first cycle a simple Test cycle will be nice.

    500mgs Test E or Test Cyp a week for 10-12 weeks with propper pct.

    It is very hard to cut and bulk at the same time, you should commit to one or the other.

  6. #6
    HOAXX's Avatar
    HOAXX is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by FranKieC
    It's his first cycle.

    First off you should check out the diet forum and make sure your diet is spot on. You can take all the Gear in the world and if you eat like shit you will look like shit, "You are what you eat".

    As for a first cycle a simple Test cycle will be nice.

    500mgs Test E or Test Cyp a week for 10-12 weeks with propper pct.

    It is very hard to cut and bulk at the same time, you should commit to one or the other.
    well you know what they say , you get the best results from your first cycle so .. he might as well go all out .

  7. #7
    FranKieC's Avatar
    FranKieC is offline "AR's Pretty Boy"
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    Quote Originally Posted by HOAXX
    well you know what they say , you get the best results from your first cycle so .. he might as well go all out .
    Not the best advice to give a Newbie.

    He should run the Test and see how he reacts to it. Then your next cycle you add another compound and so fourth.

  8. #8
    vetteman is offline New Member
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    thanx for all the info!!!!! I have been reading bout diets and workouts and know that here is where the key to success lies. I know the smart thing would be to just do a cycle of test first but no offense thats not my style. Prob not a good decision but I think I am going to go with the dbol and test cyp for my first time.

  9. #9
    Booz's Avatar
    Booz is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by HOAXX
    well you know what they say , you get the best results from your first cycle so .. he might as well go all out .
    very bad advice im glad to see someone banned your ass!!!!
    a 1st cycle should consist of a single compound imo test enanthate would be ideal!

  10. #10
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by HOAXX
    try this ..

    test cyp 1-14 500-600 mg /wk
    deca 1-12 300-400 mg /wk
    proviron 50 mg 1-15
    var 40-50 mg ed / 1-10
    ok thats the dumbest thing i ever heard.

    ok even better, you got the bant

  11. #11
    Jnrmrplymouth is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by booz
    very bad advice im glad to see someone banned your ass!!!!
    a 1st cycle should consist of a single compound imo test enanthate would be ideal!
    lol that cracked me up.............'glad to see someone banned your ass'. lol good one booz

  12. #12
    vetteman is offline New Member
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    Maybe I should just to a single>but do you guys think that just a single compound will give me the noticable gains with prop diet and workouts Or is this basically to see what my body handles everything.

  13. #13
    Booz's Avatar
    Booz is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    start off small and then you have plenty of room to manouver later on mate!and yes start with a single compound and see how you react to it,if you go ahead and stack 2-3 compounds and you get a bad reaction or gyno or watever,you will not know what compound fvcked you!!

  14. #14
    Booz's Avatar
    Booz is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    also this way you will know exactly how you react with each compound you add.

  15. #15
    BigJames's Avatar
    BigJames is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by booz
    also this way you will know exactly how you react with each compound you add.
    Exactly. Start with one compound (preferably test). Use a longer ester, Test Cyp or Test E so that you have to do fewer this is your first go you might find it easier on the body. This way you know exactly how you react to the compound at the dose (usually 400-500mg/week). For cycle two, add a compound (like deca or Eq) and see what happens. Do not get complicated until you are getting into your third or fourth one...

  16. #16
    vetteman is offline New Member
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    I know that you guys get these questions all the time and for you all to respond that means you guys care about newbies and dont want them to make hasty choices. you all care what happens to people and that is a rare thing in todays world!!!!!!!!

    thanks alot

  17. #17
    Stackertoo's Avatar
    Stackertoo is offline Member
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    Inola, OK?????

  18. #18
    vetteman is offline New Member
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    yes sir, you must be from around here to where that is. u from around here?

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