Quote Originally Posted by wardude6909
I forgot to mention also i have been working out for almost a year ive built up alot of mass and im quite cut to add to it. Like i said im aware of the risks and i was hoping you guys can lead me through this more safely than i would myself. I have done some research about pct. I went to gnc where they have clomid, i was told to do 150mg a day. But the tricky part for me which i couldnt figure out if i start doing this 2 weeks after i stop taking my last injection (sustanon 18 days after last injection). Or if i should start taking Clomid during my cycle which is 200mg of sustanon 250 every 4 days. Im a pretty smart kid though i know doing this at this age isnt. But im sure if i do this right it wont be that bad. Like i said thanks guys.
Bullshit they do. Its a prescription medication used to make women fertile !!! How old are you anyway ?