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  1. #1
    Mike Dura's Avatar
    Mike Dura is offline Senior Member
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    Your psychological experience while on Test?

    First time on Test E and I'm wondering what to expect emotionally while on cycle. I've heard about feelings of well being. Is that right? I've also heard about agression and this concerns me because I have this tendency to rapidly get hot headed and impatient so I'm wondering what test will do in that regard. I've also heard that libido increases and my libido is already over the top. Does it improve confidence? Would you go as far as saying that it alters your personality? Just curious to hear your experiences.

  2. #2
    ascendant's Avatar
    ascendant is offline Senior Member
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    well though everyones experiences will vary greatly, my personal experience was pretty positive. i can definitely say they increased my libido. also gave me hard-ons like a rock. morning wood would last till i got to work, about a good 1hr after i've been awake.

    they did usually give me insomnia, but the insomnia would happen right about the time the gear would start to kick in and my body would adjust typically within a few days.

    i think the questions regarding it improving confidence and aggression is very individualized. for me, it didn't increase aggression. as far as confidence, i think it does, but indirectly. by the increased gains you get while on, it certainly does increase confidence. however, i believe that's a completely indirect psychological thing and not directly attributed to chemically by the gear.

    the aggression issue might be a problem for you. i know with many people, gear can make them more irritable. maybe it's a psycological thing, cause i never got it personally. i was actually usually in a pretty good mood while loaded up on gear.

    i believe with some people the aggression factor of gear may be a self-confidence issue. basically, before the gear they have insecurity issues or confidence issues which inhibits them from taking action in situations. however after gearing up and increasing in size, they suddenly feel more powerful and feel a need to assert themselves into a place they want to be, becoming the aggressor in situations as a self-confidence booster.

    what i found in most my friends who geared up is that you will act similarly on gear as you do when you get drunk. for my friends who would get rowdy and obnoxious while drinking, they would usually get more aggressive while on gear. i myself am a partying drinker (in the rare instances when i do), so while on gear, i'm pretty much just happy and horny.

    don't jump into it expecting certain personality changes, as your mind will convince itself of certain reactions and you can inadvertently cause them. go into it with a positive attitude, expect considerable size gains, and focus on your training, diet, and sleep. don't worry about it altering your mental state. you'll still be you bro. if by the slight chance it does make you more irritable, it just becomes a matter of willpower, and can actually be a good thing in increasing your self discipline over your body and mind.

  3. #3
    kloter1's Avatar
    kloter1 is offline Southern Steel Bodybuilding
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    very well written ascendant. if youre naturally a laid back person(like me) the aggression part of a cycle typically wouldnt affect you at all, but if youre short tempered and a hot head then id be concerned. im also interested in other responses ive just started my first enanthate cycle as well.

  4. #4
    Pro_built7 is offline Member
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    I've never noticed any adverse psychological changes while on cycle.. It does make you feel good about yourself IMO it's not chemical its simply b/c you know your making gains and you can see your body getting bigger day by day. A cycle, at least mine, are always VERY positive experiences.

  5. #5
    DBflash21 is offline Member
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    Unfortunately my Test was underdosed but I still made some good gains and I'd say it improved my confidence. I got stronger, look better, and achieved my goals for the most part. However...soon as the cycle ends be prepared to lose a little bit of your gains, and be shut down, other then that it's good stuff.

  6. #6
    Moe-mentum's Avatar
    Moe-mentum is offline Banned
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    Hell ya!
    Definitley for the positive.
    I'm only on my first cycle and I ****!n love it.
    Man, if your still having pissy fits and throwing tantrums normally, you'll probly still throw fits when your on it.

    Hopefully you will learn to master yourself sooner than later, rather than being swept off your feet by emotions like a little girl

    Losing your cool is,..ummm, not cool.

    Good luck bra, you'll love it.

  7. #7
    Mike Dura's Avatar
    Mike Dura is offline Senior Member
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    Great post. Thanks.

    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    well though everyones experiences will vary greatly, my personal experience was pretty positive. i can definitely say they increased my libido. also gave me hard-ons like a rock. morning wood would last till i got to work, about a good 1hr after i've been awake.

    they did usually give me insomnia, but the insomnia would happen right about the time the gear would start to kick in and my body would adjust typically within a few days.

    i think the questions regarding it improving confidence and aggression is very individualized. for me, it didn't increase aggression. as far as confidence, i think it does, but indirectly. by the increased gains you get while on, it certainly does increase confidence. however, i believe that's a completely indirect psychological thing and not directly attributed to chemically by the gear.

    the aggression issue might be a problem for you. i know with many people, gear can make them more irritable. maybe it's a psycological thing, cause i never got it personally. i was actually usually in a pretty good mood while loaded up on gear.

    i believe with some people the aggression factor of gear may be a self-confidence issue. basically, before the gear they have insecurity issues or confidence issues which inhibits them from taking action in situations. however after gearing up and increasing in size, they suddenly feel more powerful and feel a need to assert themselves into a place they want to be, becoming the aggressor in situations as a self-confidence booster.

    what i found in most my friends who geared up is that you will act similarly on gear as you do when you get drunk. for my friends who would get rowdy and obnoxious while drinking, they would usually get more aggressive while on gear. i myself am a partying drinker (in the rare instances when i do), so while on gear, i'm pretty much just happy and horny.

    don't jump into it expecting certain personality changes, as your mind will convince itself of certain reactions and you can inadvertently cause them. go into it with a positive attitude, expect considerable size gains, and focus on your training, diet, and sleep. don't worry about it altering your mental state. you'll still be you bro. if by the slight chance it does make you more irritable, it just becomes a matter of willpower, and can actually be a good thing in increasing your self discipline over your body and mind.

  8. #8
    RA's Avatar
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    A little more cocky but not really aggression. Stuff like tren and clomid make me wacko. Straight test is all good. You feel good, your hornier, and stronger

  9. #9
    Mike Dura's Avatar
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    What does clomid do to you?

    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    A little more cocky but not really aggression. Stuff like tren and clomid make me wacko. Straight test is all good. You feel good, your hornier, and stronger

  10. #10
    RA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Dura
    What does clomid do to you?

    Im all over the place emotionally. I hate the stuff, even though I think nolva/clomid is superior to nolva alone.

  11. #11
    Mike Dura's Avatar
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    Some say it get's them depressed. Does Clomid do this to you? How long does the emotional stuff last?

    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    Im all over the place emotionally. I hate the stuff, even though I think nolva/clomid is superior to nolva alone.

  12. #12
    shortie's Avatar
    shortie is offline AR Biggerologist
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    Test as a rule gave me higher sex drive and more energy, with one exception. Iranian test, stuff gave me good gains but made me a paranoid mother, sounds kookie I know, but I had a bunch left over and used it to start another cycle-I wound up throwing it away shit messed with my head so bad.

  13. #13
    RA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Dura
    Some say it get's them depressed. Does Clomid do this to you? How long does the emotional stuff last?
    For sure depressed. The effects lasted as long as I took it.

  14. #14
    mwolffey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    Im all over the place emotionally. I hate the stuff, even though I think nolva/clomid is superior to nolva alone. lasts usually as long aas pct lasts

  15. #15
    Hard Head's Avatar
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    Fvcking Chlomid, I hate it. Gives me zits, makes me moody as hell. Test OTOH makes you feel really damn good about yourself, self confident and self assured. Tbol/Var made me want to freaking kill someone. Test just makes me strong and hard.

  16. #16
    Mike Dura's Avatar
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    That sucks. I'm vulnerable to depression. Maybe this can be controlled by bringing up my lexapro dose. Is clomid depression common?

    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    For sure depressed. The effects lasted as long as I took it.

  17. #17
    ascendant's Avatar
    ascendant is offline Senior Member
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    as far as all the clomid issues, there are plenty of alternatives. rather than nolva/clomid, you can go with another anti-e instead of nolva that's a bit stronger and use hcg to boost up your test levels.

  18. #18
    test=magic's Avatar
    test=magic is offline Associate Member
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    test is great...makes me feel great i think all the emotions and depression comes from deca or non tests in least for me....usually doesnt bother me till im done with cycle either

  19. #19
    RA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Dura
    That sucks. I'm vulnerable to depression. Maybe this can be controlled by bringing up my lexapro dose. Is clomid depression common?

    Ive heard of people that dont experience sides on clomid but thats not the norm. Most Ive heard have some emotional sides.

  20. #20
    Njectable's Avatar
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    i love test, if i could i would stay on it year round, just because whenever i'm on it i feel like the shit, don't really give a **** about what anyone thinks or has to say, i just feel like i'm the man. I do find my patience runs a bit thinner though when on test, but its always controllable, for me atleast.

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