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Thread: belly fat

  1. #81
    cmax's Avatar
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    I just talked with a Mesotherapy doctor and he told me that Mesotherapy uses a different solution than lipostabil, but he would not elaborate on the differences. He said that Lipostabil consists of treatments done once a month and Mesotherapy is done once a week.

    What is the difference between Lipostabil and Mesotherapy?

    He also told me that this procedure requires skill and is not easy to do. I don't understand what skill is involved with giving injections on a grided area. He was telling me that I should not attempt to do this procedure on myself and to get it done professionally. Doctors charge $300-500 per treatment for Mesotherapy and I find that outrageous. The doctor says that it takes skill to get the solution to go to the proper places once the injections have been made.

    Alex/Marcus - does this procedure really require skill and I should I just have it done at a clinic or should I attempt to do this on my own with the Lipostabil I ordered online?

  2. #82
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cmax
    I just talked with a Mesotherapy doctor and he told me that Mesotherapy uses a different solution than lipostabil, but he would not elaborate on the differences. He said that Lipostabil consists of treatments done once a month and Mesotherapy is done once a week.

    What is the difference between Lipostabil and Mesotherapy?

    He also told me that this procedure requires skill and is not easy to do. I don't understand what skill is involved with giving injections on a grided area. He was telling me that I should not attempt to do this procedure on myself and to get it done professionally. Doctors charge $300-500 per treatment for Mesotherapy and I find that outrageous. The doctor says that it takes skill to get the solution to go to the proper places once the injections have been made.

    Alex/Marcus - does this procedure really require skill and I should I just have it done at a clinic or should I attempt to do this on my own with the Lipostabil I ordered online?
    The best skill of the doctor is collecting $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  3. #83
    longtom74's Avatar
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    what about

  4. #84
    boxingbean's Avatar
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    how often should one work their abs??? the same as a regular muscle group?? or throw em in constantly thruought the week?? am i jackin threads/??

  5. #85
    AleX-69's Avatar
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    i would use a fat free diet for 3 weeks post treatment... and to cmax he only tells u there has to be a certain injection techinque cause he wants to charge u 500$...
    For lipostabil subq. injections are used and a subq. injection stays a subq. injection. No matter what... Period.

  6. #86
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cmax
    Alex/Marcus - does this procedure really require skill and I should I just have it done at a clinic or should I attempt to do this on my own with the Lipostabil I ordered online?
    Just recieved 240 amps of lipo, at the moment treatment is going well, kind of a burning sensation but feels like its working,

    My friend who had this done at a plastic clinic says the procedure was easy to do, he had 4 injections around the nipple every 3 weeks and at the 4th time around the fat in that area had totally disappeared,

    he is doing other areas now and will updated when we see results, at the moment it seems amazing but do be carefully buying over the net, i do know alot have been scammed and some of the products don't contain what they suppose to, if its cheap its probably fake or watered down

  7. #87
    thee12nv is offline New Member
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    I know it is not scheduled and I don't want to buy fake or dilutated so how do you locate a reputable source?

    I have references if needed.

    Com on ladies help a brother out.

  8. #88
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thee12nv
    I know it is not scheduled and I don't want to buy fake or dilutated so how do you locate a reputable source?

    I have references if needed.

    Com on ladies help a brother out.
    when you hit either of the below pm me,

    Anyone wanting a source check from a willing vet/mod must first acquire 100 posts and 45 days of activity

  9. #89
    AleX-69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thee12nv
    I know it is not scheduled and I don't want to buy fake or dilutated so how do you locate a reputable source?

    I have references if needed.

    Com on ladies help a brother out.
    go to your doc.. if he is open minded he will prescribe you some.. at least in germany.

  10. #90
    Smart@$$ is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by cmax

    What is the difference between Lipostabil and Mesotherapy?
    This is mesotherapy

  11. #91
    thee12nv is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    when you hit either of the below pm me,

    Anyone wanting a source check from a willing vet/mod must first acquire 100 posts and 45 days of activity
    I primarily post on ************ and ossb. If you want I can post 100 lame ass posts but what does that prove. You want references? I am not asking for a scheduled product

  12. #92
    Smart@$$ is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by thee12nv
    I primarily post on ************ and ossb. If you want I can post 100 lame ass posts but what does that prove. You want references? I am not asking for a scheduled product
    I would guess this is how much help you are going to get

  13. #93
    marcus300's Avatar
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    chill bill,

    I dont make the rules so if you dont want to run by them try your other site you post on all time

  14. #94
    oi_spike is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by longtom74
    what about
    Anyone actually ordered some yet?

  15. #95
    MorganKane is offline Associate Member
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    I have over 100 posts and been here longer then 45 days.
    Do you mind if I PM?

  16. #96
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MorganKane

    I have over 100 posts and been here longer then 45 days.
    Do you mind if I PM?

  17. #97
    magic32's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cmax
    I just talked with a Mesotherapy doctor and he told me that Mesotherapy uses a different solution than lipostabil, but he would not elaborate on the differences. He said that Lipostabil consists of treatments done once a month and Mesotherapy is done once a week.

    What is the difference between Lipostabil and Mesotherapy?

    He also told me that this procedure requires skill and is not easy to do. I don't understand what skill is involved with giving injections on a grided area. He was telling me that I should not attempt to do this procedure on myself and to get it done professionally. Doctors charge $300-500 per treatment for Mesotherapy and I find that outrageous. The doctor says that it takes skill to get the solution to go to the proper places once the injections have been made.
    Marcus, could you comment on this, and/or possibly speak to your friend regarding any type of massage or manipulation he may have received following the injections?


  18. #98
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by magic32
    Marcus, could you comment on this, and/or possibly speak to your friend regarding any type of massage or manipulation he may have received following the injections?

    a sl9ight massage thats all my freind got, had 4-5 treatments in the same area and all fat gone, now he is working on other parts

  19. #99
    cmax's Avatar
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    The mesotherapy doctor I talked with mentioned that it was important to do a skin prick alergy test to determine whether or not you are alergic to the solution being used.

    Do you know if this is true and how to administer this skin prick alergy test?

  20. #100
    oswaldosalcedo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superhuman
    okay, so i'm @ about 10% bodyfat right now and i'm look pretty ripped everywhere - except for my abs!!! they have always been a problem area. At 10% or lower, they should usually show with no problem, right? There are a bunch of guys who gain lots of weight off-season and go up to 15% and you can still see their abs. Am I doing something wrong?
    genetics,my abs are always visible.

  21. #101
    Duke of Earl's Avatar
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    Just done my first 40 shots - dayum this sh!t hurts - I'll never complain about ED prop shots again !

  22. #102
    cmax's Avatar
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    How much solution did you use during your session for those 40 shots? The amps are usually 5 ml each.

    What area did you inject into?

  23. #103
    Duke of Earl's Avatar
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    I did lower abs....... ( shots 2cm apart, 250mg/ml )

    a core of 20 x 0.4ml shots
    and 20 'blending' shots of 0.2ml

    doesn't hurt so bad now - fairly swollen but only got one bruise
    ( so used 3 x 5ml amps )

  24. #104
    Beefyman is offline Banned
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    Dude i tell my mom that i am thick but she does not think so haha "Fat ass"

  25. #105
    cmax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duke of Earl
    I did lower abs....... ( shots 2cm apart, 250mg/ml )

    a core of 20 x 0.4ml shots
    and 20 'blending' shots of 0.2ml

    doesn't hurt so bad now - fairly swollen but only got one bruise
    ( so used 3 x 5ml amps )
    How many sessions are you planning on doing and how many days apart are you going to space your sessions?

  26. #106
    MMA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BOBBY D
    the solution to this is doing reverse crunches. alot of ppl seem to do regular sit ups, or cable pulls, but never do leg raises or reverse crunches.. they r very easy & way effective.

    1. lie on ur back w/ ur hands on the back of ur head like u were to do leg raises.

    2. instead of raiseing ur entire legs, just raise ur knees to ur chest as close as u can & drop them back down having ur feet touch the floor keeping ur legs bent at all times..

    3. repeat back & forth, but the key is, as ur raising ur knees to ur chest slightly lift ur buttocks off the ground..

    i garranty u do 50 of these @ 3-4 sets & u will feel this workout to be very effective. JMO
    you might want to research this further. Dr. Katch at University of Mass/Amherst did the definitive study on the subject. he had his test subjects do all kinds of ab work, and at the end of the study, they all had extremely strong ab muscles...covered with the same amount of fat they had at the beginning of the study. the conclusion was that there is no such thing as "spot reduction". a calorie burned by ab work is no more likely to burn abdominal fat than a calorie burned by any other method.

    all those guys selling special "ab machines" on those midnight infomercials are selling BS to suckers. anyone who does any kind of ab work has the musculature for a sixpack. the hard part is paring down the bodyfat that is covering it. there is no special gimmick exercise that will do this - it comes down a disciplined diet, cardio, and hard work in the gym (a pound of muscle burns calories 24 hours a day). and of course, good genetics. but just because it's easy for you , don't assume it's easy for others. the are AMAZING world class athletes like Fedor Emelianko, who looks like an unimpressive balding man with a pot belly - but he DESTROYS his opponents with a combination of skill, endless cardio, lightning speed and explosive power. he trains much harder than you do, but has never come close to "looking" like an athlete.

  27. #107
    albino-rhino's Avatar
    albino-rhino is offline Junior Member
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    Well put.

    Damn ab machines.... i'm sure 70% of obese people have killer abs to put most of us to shame.

  28. #108
    macktownmac's Avatar
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    what are the sides of lipodisolve, seems like all i can read is there are no real long term sides besides spot fat loss

  29. #109
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MMA
    you might want to research this further. Dr. Katch at University of Mass/Amherst did the definitive study on the subject. he had his test subjects do all kinds of ab work, and at the end of the study, they all had extremely strong ab muscles...covered with the same amount of fat they had at the beginning of the study. the conclusion was that there is no such thing as "spot reduction". a calorie burned by ab work is no more likely to burn abdominal fat than a calorie burned by any other method.

    all those guys selling special "ab machines" on those midnight infomercials are selling BS to suckers. anyone who does any kind of ab work has the musculature for a sixpack. the hard part is paring down the bodyfat that is covering it. there is no special gimmick exercise that will do this - it comes down a disciplined diet, cardio, and hard work in the gym (a pound of muscle burns calories 24 hours a day). and of course, good genetics. but just because it's easy for you , don't assume it's easy for others. the are AMAZING world class athletes like Fedor Emelianko, who looks like an unimpressive balding man with a pot belly - but he DESTROYS his opponents with a combination of skill, endless cardio, lightning speed and explosive power. he trains much harder than you do, but has never come close to "looking" like an athlete.
    All i can say is that it works, ive seen it work and at the moment am doing some personal studies and fat is on the move, i do know there are different strengths of this product and many are watered down, if the correct product is used and the right strength i am convinced it works.

  30. #110
    Duke of Earl's Avatar
    Duke of Earl is offline Senior Member
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    Originally Posted by Duke of Earl
    I did lower abs....... ( shots 2cm apart, 250mg/ml )

    a core of 20 x 0.4ml shots
    and 20 'blending' shots of 0.2ml

    doesn't hurt so bad now - fairly swollen but only got one bruise
    ( so used 3 x 5ml amps )

    How many sessions are you planning on doing and how many days apart are you going to space your sessions?
    gonna prolly do 2 more sessions ( 3 total )
    session 1 ---- 15ml
    session 2 ---- 15ml
    session 3 ---- 10ml
    5-7 days apart

  31. #111
    cmax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duke of Earl
    gonna prolly do 2 more sessions ( 3 total )
    session 1 ---- 15ml
    session 2 ---- 15ml
    session 3 ---- 10ml
    5-7 days apart
    Cool! I just received a starter kit with instructions, an instructional DVD, and some solutions.

    My kit contains Lipostabil Phosphatidycholine, Tiratricol, and Procaine.

    It says to mix 5 ml of 250 mg Lipostabil with 2.5 ml of 1400 mcg Tiratricol and 2 ml of Procaine 2%.

    Did you use this type of mixture with Tiratricol and Procaine?

  32. #112
    cmax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    All i can say is that it works, ive seen it work and at the moment am doing some personal studies and fat is on the move, i do know there are different strengths of this product and many are watered down, if the correct product is used and the right strength i am convinced it works.
    Marcus, you should take before and after photos to show everyone how well it works.

    There are some impressive before and after photos out there if you run the words "mesotherapy before and after" on Google images. These procedures are becoming so popular and thousands of new doctors will start practicing these procedures over the next few years. I wish that I could invest in Mesotherapy stock.

  33. #113
    Duke of Earl's Avatar
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    Cool! I just received a starter kit with instructions, an instructional DVD, and some solutions.

    My kit contains Lipostabil Phosphatidycholine, Tiratricol, and Procaine.

    It says to mix 5 ml of 250 mg Lipostabil with 2.5 ml of 1400 mcg Tiratricol and 2 ml of Procaine 2%.

    Did you use this type of mixture with Tiratricol and Procaine?
    Nah i just used straight lipostabil no procaine or anything - no instructions either......
    what does the dvd show ?
    how deep does it say to go - I had to do a bit of guesswork on that one....

    FYI my lower abs are like jelly now & a bit swollen with 1 proper bruise 2 very minor ones

    BTW how long is the DVD ? any chance you could rip it .... ???

  34. #114
    cmax's Avatar
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    The DVD has chapters covering mesotherapy treatments for Localized Fat, Cellulite, and Skin Tightening and Rejuvenation.

    It has chapters on the following application techniques: Epidermic method, Bleb method, Multi-Prick method, and Point by Point method.

    I have not yet watched the entire DVD. I received it this morning. The depth varies from technique to technique, but I did hear them mention using a depth of 4 mm and spacing the injections 2 cm apart for one method.

    I will definitely try to rip this DVD and upload it as an mpeg or avi file so that everyone can use it.

  35. #115
    MMA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    All i can say is that it works, ive seen it work and at the moment am doing some personal studies and fat is on the move, i do know there are different strengths of this product and many are watered down, if the correct product is used and the right strength i am convinced it works.
    marcus, i wasn't critiquing your method (which sounds like it may be legit), i was critiquing an earlier post where someone said "just do my special set of ab exercises and you'll have a sixpack". if it was that simple, EVERYONE would have a sixpack. and just because some geneticly gifted guy can do it with that routine doesn't mean everyone will have the same results.

  36. #116
    Duke of Earl's Avatar
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    The depth varies from technique to technique, but I did hear them mention using a depth of 4 mm and spacing the injections 2 cm apart for one method.
    sweet - thats pretty much what i did - enjoy all that pin-pushing !!

  37. #117
    axiomatic6's Avatar
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    where can you obtain it to do the injections yourself

  38. #118
    cmax's Avatar
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    Hey Duke, do the treatments effect your ability to workout due to soreness and swelling?

  39. #119
    cmax's Avatar
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    My kit contains Lipostabil Phosphatidycholine, Tiratricol, and Procaine.

    It says to mix 5 ml of 250 mg Lipostabil with 2.5 ml of 1400 mcg Tiratricol and 2 ml of Procaine 2%.

    Did you use this type of mixture with Tiratricol and Procaine?
    I totally don't know whether I should just inject the Lipostabil or mix it with the Tiratricol and Procaine first. I think that mixing it would water down the solution. However, it says that Tiratricol and Procaine improve the bloodflow and circulation to the area which makes the Lipostabil more effective.

    Does anyone know about Tiratricol and Procaine? What do you think I should do?

  40. #120
    Duke of Earl's Avatar
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    Hey Duke, do the treatments effect your ability to workout due to soreness and swelling?
    well i haven't been able to work out due to a minor operation i had last week so i thought i'd do my lipostabil now & combine the recuperation

    however i would definately be able to work out no problem - infact i did AM cardio this morning with no probs - it was very painful straight after i injected so i'd say maybe you'll need a day off training

    the only real problems i've found are purely my belly fat pocket is bigger than usual cos it's swollen - so i look a bit pudgy it's also a little bruised so i wouldn't be able to take my shirt off without having to answer tricky questions

    as for the Tiratricol and Procaine..... dont know about tiratricol but the procaine might be nice to reduce the pain, but not neccessary if you don't mind a bit of pain

    i went with just straight lipostabil cos it is really just a cheap experiment for me

    BTW does anyone know how long the swelling will last ?

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