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  1. #1
    nrobleski is offline Associate Member
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    My girlfriend thinks she should do

    She works out like a maniac, maybe crazier than myself she has done winny in the past yet now she thinks she could throw a little test with her winny just to give her a little muscle,,I told her she is mental and she is going to turn into a man, yet she seems determined, she wants to do 100mg a week for 8 weeks,,,is that the craziest shit you've ever heard,,,I'm not sure how that would work out but I can imagine even that low of a test dose in a chick could **** her shit up good. So please give me some more advice, she is going to read what you guys post.. there is nothing wrong with her at all, not a pinch of fat and just has a sexy body, please tell her not to get all manly on me.

  2. #2
    HORSE~'s Avatar
    HORSE~ is offline yeah
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    I would try posting this in the female forum

  3. #3
    nrobleski is offline Associate Member
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    sorry I guess I will go get the ladies to answer the question, they would know more I guess

  4. #4
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    var all the way

  5. #5
    yom is offline Associate Member
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    id be keen on it try it . its low dose and for short term. i be intersted as id like one of my girls to try some test - so she wants unlimited sex and illl have to refrain her from raveshing me while im trying to sleep.

  6. #6
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yom
    id be keen on it try it . its low dose and for short term. i be intersted as id like one of my girls to try some test - so she wants unlimited sex and illl have to refrain her from raveshing me while im trying to sleep.
    this is terrible advice dont do it

  7. #7
    one8nine's Avatar
    one8nine is offline Banned
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    ask her if its worth the RISK

  8. #8
    topvega's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yom
    id be keen on it try it . its low dose and for short term. i be intersted as id like one of my girls to try some test - so she wants unlimited sex and illl have to refrain her from raveshing me while im trying to sleep.

    Yeah... raveshing you wld mean having her try and stick a clit that turned into a cock in your mouth.... good advice...

  9. #9
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy

    My girlfreind thinks she should do

    Quote Originally Posted by yom
    id be keen on it try it . its low dose and for short term. i be intersted as id like one of my girls to try some test - so she wants unlimited sex and illl have to refrain her from raveshing me while im trying to sleep.
    Giving a girl test?????There you go again ...showing everyone on this forum what a complete moron you are.

  10. #10
    gritt's Avatar
    gritt is offline Junior Member
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    Holy %$%.....I have a friend who's lady tried test. she looked so good with jut var and winny cycles....trim, no fat and muscular without looking to manly....

    8 weeks of test and she was certainly more muscular but her boobs got "hard" and yes......her sweet spot became like a nail........this from 8 weeks. Not sureof dosage but I can say from a viewing angle and feedback from a friend I dont think it is worth it..............

    Just my humble two cents for what it is worth

  11. #11
    Anabolios's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yom
    id be keen on it try it . its low dose and for short term. i be intersted as id like one of my girls to try some test - so she wants unlimited sex and illl have to refrain her from raveshing me while im trying to sleep.
    youre a sicko man...some women use 25 mg every week and get virilitization side effects and androgenic side effects...come on dude low dose and short term...what if sides start to show up...if its not prop its circulating around in your system for sometime if you have nothing intelligent to say dont say anything at all.....most of those side effects are irreversible and you are "keen to try it" why dont you try taking some birth control pills and see how it feels to have tits and a girly voice..then your girl can give it to you with her enlarged clit

  12. #12
    alltherage is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigmax
    Giving a girl test?????There you go again ...showing everyone on this forum what a complete moron you are.
    Wow I love the attitude on these forums, try cutting your steroid intake down a bit so you can think clearly, your obviously at the point where you've realized you'll never keep the unreal freakish cartoon look that will kill you by 50 years old. The guys asking a question dumb*%&$, check out any test profile and it will have doses for girls, but your so helpful with smartass remarks why would anyone bother asking a question. First of all, chicks can take test but in very small amounts, and if you think chyna from the wwf was sexy then I feel sorry for you, but that's what your gf could end up like. Think about the first time you did shit(if you did) did you stop after the first cycle when you made unreal gains? Probably not. So your girlfriend will probably go all butch and want to get crazy big. Chicks and steriods go together like homo's, something just isn't right about it. They say for chicks to use winny, and I've heard to that var shit is good for chicks, but your best bet is for her to just probably do glutamine and natural shit like that, no tribulus, it won't work I don't think. The dosages for test for women is on here somewhere, it's very small, I think less than a 100mg a week, same with winny, I think they're supposed to do it once every 5 days or something. I'd just read the shit on here in the profiles, especially if members are going to be goofs about a serious question. I'd say to you gf-DON"T DO IT, YOU'LL TALK LIKE A MAN, CHICKS WITH MUSCLE IS GROSS, AND YOU WON'T FIND ANOTHER MAN, SO YOU"LL PROBABLY GO CRAZY AND GO ALL OUT HUGE. Watch the fitness comps for women, those are just straight up wicked body's, and completely within normal means. Her clit will enlarge, her voice will deepen, look at chyna's jaw before all the plastic surgery she needed. It's stupid, so Don't do it, go with natural supps, they made a huge difference for me before I used anything.

  13. #13
    Danbrooks2k's Avatar
    Danbrooks2k is offline Member
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    make her do prop every day for 4 weeks... say 25mg... if the burn dosent make her stop then maybe the beard will...

  14. #14
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    The hardest AAS a girl should be doing is Winstrol injectable after Anavar . She should NOT be taking Winstrol tabs, as orally ingested Winstrol releases more SHBG according to Anthony Roberts.

  15. #15
    yom is offline Associate Member
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    well im friends with a girl at at my gym that uses test and tren and shes hot as **** and lookd 24 but is 36 yrs old . lean as shit and had gotten a boob job done. no manly effects what soever and just has placed first in the state fitness model comps 3 years in a row and the last 2 national comps she placed 1st also. she works at the most exepensive exotic strip club in my city and pulls over $500 a night. ps- women are prescribribed testosterone patches to help with sex drive after menopause . but at a lower dose. i just would like the girl to use a low dose test for sex purposes but not for using it as a tool in the gym.

  16. #16
    G-1000's Avatar
    G-1000 is offline Cycle King/AR-Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Just so you guys know female have a small amout of test natty. A low dose can be very effective for lean muscle and to reduce fat. If a female does run test is should be a low dose and short ester for no more then 4 weeks. This will prevent a lot of side effects. If any side do come on to strong she can stop the test and it will be out of the system in a few day.

    So if a girl was going to run test. My advise would be prop at 50-75 mg week split dose. So with such a low amout she will need to cut the test with steril oil so she can do eod injections.

  17. #17
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by gsxxr
    Just so you guys know female have a small amout of test natty. A low dose can be very effective for lean muscle and to reduce fat. If a female does run test is should be a low dose and short ester for no more then 4 weeks. This will prevent a lot of side effects. If any side do come on to strong she can stop the test and it will be out of the system in a few day.

    So if a girl was going to run test. My advise would be prop at 50-75 mg week split dose. So with such a low amout she will need to cut the test with steril oil so she can do eod injections.
    Yep women produce between 1-2mg ED of test
    when it go's below one they lose their sex drive now matter HOW SEXY I AM

  18. #18
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy

    my girlfriend think she should do

    Quote Originally Posted by alltherage
    Wow I love the attitude on these forums, try cutting your steroid intake down a bit so you can think clearly, your obviously at the point where you've realized you'll never keep the unreal freakish cartoon look that will kill you by 50 years old. The guys asking a question dumb*%&$, check out any test profile and it will have doses for girls, but your so helpful with smartass remarks why would anyone bother asking a question. First of all, chicks can take test but in very small amounts, and if you think chyna from the wwf was sexy then I feel sorry for you, but that's what your gf could end up like. Think about the first time you did shit(if you did) did you stop after the first cycle when you made unreal gains? Probably not. So your girlfriend will probably go all butch and want to get crazy big. Chicks and steriods go together like homo's, something just isn't right about it. They say for chicks to use winny, and I've heard to that var shit is good for chicks, but your best bet is for her to just probably do glutamine and natural shit like that, no tribulus, it won't work I don't think. The dosages for test for women is on here somewhere, it's very small, I think less than a 100mg a week, same with winny, I think they're supposed to do it once every 5 days or something. I'd just read the shit on here in the profiles, especially if members are going to be goofs about a serious question. I'd say to you gf-DON"T DO IT, YOU'LL TALK LIKE A MAN, CHICKS WITH MUSCLE IS GROSS, AND YOU WON'T FIND ANOTHER MAN, SO YOU"LL PROBABLY GO CRAZY AND GO ALL OUT HUGE. Watch the fitness comps for women, those are just straight up wicked body's, and completely within normal means. Her clit will enlarge, her voice will deepen, look at chyna's jaw before all the plastic surgery she needed. It's stupid, so Don't do it, go with natural supps, they made a huge difference for me before I used anything.
    Thanks for the seminar,,,NOT...bro you dont even know what you're talking about newbie.We happento be commenting on the mind of a guy who gets on here and says the dumbest crap you can imagine.Then you chime in rambling about attitudes....and talking about woman doing test and not having any stats or back up with your statement.You're sending them to the you're time mind your own business.

  19. #19
    magic32's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nrobleski
    She works out like a maniac, maybe crazier than myself she has done winny in the past yet now she thinks she could throw a little test with her winny just to give her a little muscle,,I told her she is mental and she is going to turn into a man, yet she seems determined, she wants to do 100mg a week for 8 weeks,,,is that the craziest shit you've ever heard,,,I'm not sure how that would work out but I can imagine even that low of a test dose in a chick could **** her shit up good. So please give me some more advice, she is going to read what you guys post.. there is nothing wrong with her at all, not a pinch of fat and just has a sexy body, please tell her not to get all manly on me.
    Though this is not recommended for a variety of reasons (some of which were covered in this thread), her logic is correct and would indeed yield the results she seeks.

    However, were I you, I'd try to sell her on Var or Tbol first. Possibly the few pounds of muscle they generate (with her work ethic) will satiate her appetite.


  20. #20
    pdog80 is offline Banned
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    If she's really set on using test, then she should go with test prop. Gets in and out of system fast.

  21. #21
    Vegas67 is offline Member
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    This is interesting...What happens when a girl comes off test. Is the recovery time faster since her normal test levels are lower than guys to begin with?

  22. #22
    Anabolios's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas67
    This is interesting...What happens when a girl comes off test. Is the recovery time faster since her normal test levels are lower than guys to begin with?
    pct is not needed for women

  23. #23
    alltherage is offline Junior Member
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    Another break out like this and you can count on yourself being banned. Consider yourself being warned. This type of behavior is unacceptable.
    Last edited by abstrack; 07-15-2006 at 06:17 PM.

  24. #24
    HORSE~'s Avatar
    HORSE~ is offline yeah
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    If you dont get suspended or banned for this rediculous flamefest I would be shocked.

    If you have a problem with some one use your pm feature

    P.S. there a lot of gay members here and I find your rediculous post very offensive and I am sure they would to

    I hope you get what you have coming banned or atleast suspended

  25. #25
    HORSE~'s Avatar
    HORSE~ is offline yeah
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    I already saw it.


    I wanted to qoute this just in case you decided to edit your post I think it should be seen by a mod.

    Good day
    Last edited by abstrack; 07-15-2006 at 06:17 PM.

  26. #26
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    Everyone in the flamefest is going to banned or suspended.

  27. #27
    HORSE~'s Avatar
    HORSE~ is offline yeah
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lion
    Everyone in the flamefest is going to banned or suspended.
    Im not considered part of it am I?

  28. #28
    NEW_IN_THE_GAME's Avatar
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    Damn people calm calm, now if the guy wants a boyfriend instead of a girl let him. I mean if she gonna use 50mg prop a day, might as well use enan at 500.

    what i am getting ot is that women should stick to var at 5-15mg day for short cycles, then maybe winny shots.

    no test or anything.

    unless she competes, and even then it is debatable in my view.

  29. #29
    abstrack's Avatar
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    Like lion said.

    Anybody who cares to join in on the flame fest will be banned of suspended.

  30. #30
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yom
    well im friends with a girl at at my gym that uses test and tren and shes hot as **** and lookd 24 but is 36 yrs old . lean as shit and had gotten a boob job done. no manly effects what soever and just has placed first in the state fitness model comps 3 years in a row and the last 2 national comps she placed 1st also. she works at the most exepensive exotic strip club in my city and pulls over $500 a night. ps- women are prescribribed testosterone patches to help with sex drive after menopause . but at a lower dose. i just would like the girl to use a low dose test for sex purposes but not for using it as a tool in the gym.

    $500 a night at the most expensive club? Do you live in Wyoming? I know for a fact that most average girls make 1k easy at a decent place.

  31. #31
    H-D fan is offline New Member
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    though horse may be right about the female forum it seems to me to be no less a legitimate question than many others on this site. some of you guys are harsh!

  32. #32
    HORSE~'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by H-D fan
    though horse may be right about the female forum it seems to me to be no less a legitimate question than many others on this site. some of you guys are harsh!
    I still think if he wants to get definative answer he should post it there.

    I dont know about him but I would do all the research possible before I would ever thinking about giving my wife aas and who better to ask than the woman of ar that have actualy used it and have first hand experince of it's postive and negative side effects

  33. #33
    H-D fan is offline New Member
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    i'm going to have to agree with you again,horse. i would definately do insane amounts of research before letting my wife touch it. good luck to your and your girl, nrobleski.

  34. #34
    yom is offline Associate Member
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    big max youve lost the plot,get off the gear and stop acting like your number 1 mod of the board and come back in a few years when your reaady to give advice rather than bash another board member .people are here to educate themselves and listen to others peoples opions on what they think even though they may not be correct. because someoone isnt as knowledgeable as yourself you could write your opion saying they are wrong and fix there mistake rather than bashing him like the worlds about to blow up tommorow.

  35. #35
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsxxr
    Just so you guys know female have a small amout of test natty. A low dose can be very effective for lean muscle and to reduce fat. If a female does run test is should be a low dose and short ester for no more then 4 weeks. This will prevent a lot of side effects. If any side do come on to strong she can stop the test and it will be out of the system in a few day.

    So if a girl was going to run test. My advise would be prop at 50-75 mg week split dose. So with such a low amout she will need to cut the test with steril oil so she can do eod injections.
    Actually not a bad suggestion as far as dosages go.

    My suggestion however would be TNE: test suspension... no ester.

    Administered Daily...

    A short (12-hour) low-dose spike is sure to be less likely to cause problems down the line as compared to the 3 day spike that prop will yield.

    Honestly i'd advise the original poster to try to convince his girlfriend to stay away from test altogether. Var.. and maybe GH at a later stage would be better.

  36. #36
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by yom
    big max youve lost the plot,get off the gear and stop acting like your number 1 mod of the board and come back in a few years when your reaady to give advice rather than bash another board member .people are here to educate themselves and listen to others peoples opions on what they think even though they may not be correct. because someoone isnt as knowledgeable as yourself you could write your opion saying they are wrong and fix there mistake rather than bashing him like the worlds about to blow up tommorow.
    Maybe you missed this:

    Quote Originally Posted by Lion
    Everyone in the flamefest is going to banned or suspended.

    And this:

    Quote Originally Posted by abstrack
    Like lion said.

    Anybody who cares to join in on the flame fest will be banned of suspended.

  37. #37
    Tank75 is offline Associate Member
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    maybe i missed this within the long thread, but how old is she? does she ever want children or is that not a priority for her? i don't know what affects test has on a woman's reproductive cycle, but if she ever dreamed of having kids, then i would say running anabolics just to gain a few pounds of muscle is just not worth it. however, if she wants to join the pro circuit (doesn't sound like it), then this is probably a route that she will have to end up taking anyway.

  38. #38
    alltherage is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by alltherage
    Another break out like this and you can count on yourself being banned. Consider yourself being warned. This type of behavior is unacceptable.
    Well tell your senior members to chill out. The guy looks like he's asking a legitmate question, and the senior member guy cuts him down, then just because I don't read this like a newspaper I don't know what his posts are. He had a legitimate question, Yes I freaked out, it wasn't intended for everyone, but if he didn't say shit in the first place none of this would have happened. Go to drug proffiles and it says winny dosages for women, test for women, so to have him think just because I'm a newbie I don't know shit? I read this board for 2-3 years before becoming a member, and So many of the questions are so basic you just have to search and you'll find your answer 10 times already posted. If that's how you treat your members because a newbie says something to another member, and just because I don't have a link to the profile added, sorry I'm a body builder, not a computer tech. So you should tell the seniors they don't own this place and say other's don't know shit.

  39. #39
    abstrack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alltherage
    Well tell your senior members to chill out. The guy looks like he's asking a legitmate question, and the senior member guy cuts him down, then just because I don't read this like a newspaper I don't know what his posts are. He had a legitimate question, Yes I freaked out, it wasn't intended for everyone, but if he didn't say shit in the first place none of this would have happened. Go to drug proffiles and it says winny dosages for women, test for women, so to have him think just because I'm a newbie I don't know shit? I read this board for 2-3 years before becoming a member, and So many of the questions are so basic you just have to search and you'll find your answer 10 times already posted. If that's how you treat your members because a newbie says something to another member, and just because I don't have a link to the profile added, sorry I'm a body builder, not a computer tech. So you should tell the seniors they don't own this place and say other's don't know shit.

    There a point in life when you just have to learn to be above it all and be the bigger person. Even if that includes you biting your tounge. Worry about yourself and not others. We'll deal with everybody one by one.

  40. #40
    Death's Avatar
    Death is offline Junior Member
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    In my opinion, there is no way a woman should ever take test. Seeing the results first hand i would strongly advise against it. Major side effects do result......... Please be very careful in your advice to her.

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