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  1. #1
    cr250owner is offline New Member
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    will this work? or is it just a waste?

    my friend and i are about to buy a 10ml bottle of Deca and split it, taking 300MG a week for 4 weeks each. it's going to be our first cycle and we are only testing to see reslults.

    after 4 weeks at 300MG a week would we see results?

    i'm about 5'11 175.

  2. #2
    HORSE~'s Avatar
    HORSE~ is offline yeah
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    That is not a good first cycle and I dont think you will see much if any noticable gains

    If you will post you stats and age we will help advise you the best we can

  3. #3
    juiceboxxx's Avatar
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    lol dude do some research plz before you get flamed into ashes

  4. #4
    cr250owner is offline New Member
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    well i know about the deca /test cycles you guys advise, but money is kind of an issue right now so i was gonna try just deca.

    what would be suggested for a first cycle test only? my basic goals are to get more cut and build.

    i'm about 5'11 175, 19 yrs old. not sure on body fat. but not too high.

  5. #5
    HORSE~'s Avatar
    HORSE~ is offline yeah
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    If you will just be patinent you can make these kind of gains and more by just geting your deit in check and your workout routines spot on.

    You still have plenty of natty test flowing thru you please do not use aas

    Here are two links that will help you to meet your goals post your deit in the deit forum heres the link

    Then post you workout routine in the workout forum and read all the stickies at the top of both pages

    If you will follow the advice given you will be able to reach your goals drug free

    Once again PLEASE DO NOT DO ANY AAS all your goals can be met thru proper deit and workout routines

  6. #6
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by cr250owner
    well i know about the deca /test cycles you guys advise, but money is kind of an issue right now so i was gonna try just deca.

    what would be suggested for a first cycle test only? my basic goals are to get more cut and build.

    i'm about 5'11 175, 19 yrs old. not sure on body fat. but not too high.
    Your too young and too light to be even thinking about juicing and Deca only cycles suck. You wont listen anyway, but you will get nothing from that cycle, I can gaurantee you that

  7. #7
    cr250owner is offline New Member
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    i'll definately think about my decision first, but thank you much for the time and effort you put into that last post.

  8. #8
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by cr250owner
    i'll definately think about my decision first, but thank you much for the time and effort you put into that last post.
    You obviously dont mean me

  9. #9
    HORSE~'s Avatar
    HORSE~ is offline yeah
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    Any time young en

    Dont let peir presure push you in to somthing that is bad for you

    That goes for useing aas or anything eles in life

    I hope you are wise and take the advice given but regaurdles I would like to know what you decide so keep us posted.We can not help if we dont know what your doing

    Good luck

    Be smart

    and welcome to AR

  10. #10
    crane's Avatar
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    i knew someone in the same boat as you and he was much older. 34. he did deca only at about 200-300 a week for about six weeks. i told him the same thing may times. he felt that by shooting deca into his body it is better than not and should see some results. he was disappointed, it did nothing for him. he was a cheapass and didn't want to spend money on more or buy test.

    if you are going to do at your age at least wait till you get some other stuff and make it a full cycle. if you hold off and wait till at least in your mid 20's you will have much better results.

  11. #11
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Your too young and too light to be even thinking about juicing and Deca only cycles suck. You wont listen anyway, but you will get nothing from that cycle, I can gaurantee you that
    Wow!! I didn't know nandrolone had zero anabolic properties! Thanks for letting us know!

  12. #12
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by BajanBastard
    Wow!! I didn't know nandrolone had zero anabolic properties! Thanks for letting us know!
    I didnt say that. Tell me how much you think he will gain from taking 300MG a week for 4 weeks ? Bit snakey today are we ?
    Last edited by Kale; 07-28-2006 at 06:30 AM.

  13. #13
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    With good genetics and diet; 2-3 lbs of muscle. Telling him 'you will see nothing!' is not very encouraging is it?

  14. #14
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by BajanBastard
    With good genetics and diet; 2-3 lbs of muscle. Telling him 'you will see nothing!' is not very encouraging is it?
    I was deliberately trying not to be encouraging !!!!. The guy is 19 for christ sake and only 175lbs at 5'11". You think we should be encouraging juicing at that age ?

  15. #15
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    I see nothing wrong with it personally.

    If you're going to discourage someone do it with truth (not saying you are liar) and facts because at the end of the day he'll do some research (maybe) and realize the reasons given to him were BS.

  16. #16
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by BajanBastard
    I see nothing wrong with it personally.

    If you're going to discourage someone do it with truth (not saying you are liar) and facts because at the end of the day he'll do some research (maybe) and realize the reasons given to him were BS.
    Well frankly I disagree. I dont think he will see shit for four weeks of Deca at 300mg, but you are the Vet and you know more than me so lets leave it there.

  17. #17
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    Nope. VET does not = more knowledgeable. That's my opinion the same way you're free to have yours. Sorry the combo of 200mg tren ED and last night's events have me a bit edgy.

  18. #18
    one8nine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BajanBastard
    Wow!! I didn't know nandrolone had zero anabolic properties! Thanks for letting us know!
    hahhaha thats what i was thinking even if its a 3 pound muscle gain and a minor hpta shutdown THATS STILL RESULT of some kind
    Last edited by one8nine; 07-28-2006 at 08:58 AM.

  19. #19
    one8nine's Avatar
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    hey guy i know i might get flamed for this but ive said it a million times i started when i was 17 and i have neevr regretted it or looked back. so from my personal experience i dont think you are too young but if you are going to do it wait until you can do it RIGHT

    save that deca for a rainy day or sell it. and save up some money for some test e or test c and in the mean time while yorue saving up just read read read on this board and ask questions if you have honestly looked for the answers on your own you will learn more shit that you had no idea you knew nothing about

  20. #20
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Rising from my Ashes !!
    At his age the 3-4 pounds he MAY gain is not worth the risk to his HPTA
    I doubt that his diet will be clean seeing as how he is going about this so haphazardly without concern for the risks BUT JMHO

  21. #21
    Duke of Earl's Avatar
    Duke of Earl is offline Senior Member
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    You may gain maybe 2-3 lbs, but it will shut you down, so you'll prolly loose that 2-3 lbs & your dick won't work.

    You will have so much natty test in your body at your age you dont need to juice, also IMO @ 175lbs you could gain at least another 20lbs juice free if you sort out your diet & traing.

    If you absolutely insist on juicing despite the very good advice of prolly 95% of board members then you need to save up not only to get a 'proper' cycle together (eg 12 weeks of Test E @ 400-500mg EW not Deca only) but also save up enough for a proper PCT which is as important as the juice, if not more so.

    300mg EW of deca for 4 weeks is a completely stupid thing to do at any age.

  22. #22
    crane's Avatar
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    i agree that if he plans on doing it nothing is going to stop him. when i was 15 i knew i was going to do and would've, if i had acess to it at that age. i havn't done my first till i was about 21. but i am glad i did wait. i was in the army with my roomate who got it for both of us. we did it together, test, and primo, i believe, can't quite remember. we worked out together and eat pretty much together. i had been working out since i was 15 on and off. he never really worked out. he only started because of the cycle. he gained about 5 lbs and i gained about 15-20 lbs. he was small and skinny and i was average size before taking. i believe he didn't make the same gains because his muscle weren't fully developed yet and just pretty much went through the motions while working out. i believe that you should workout a few years prior just to get better results from the cycle.

  23. #23
    cr250owner is offline New Member
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    yea thanks a lot guys. i've pretty much decided i'm not gonna be injecting anything for quite some time. just too many risks, and not enough pay off at my age.

  24. #24
    HORSE~'s Avatar
    HORSE~ is offline yeah
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    Quote Originally Posted by cr250owner
    yea thanks a lot guys. i've pretty much decided i'm not gonna be injecting anything for quite some time. just too many risks, and not enough pay off at my age.
    That is a very wise and mature choice

    Remember the links I gave you they will help you alot in reaching your goals

    Any time you need help just let us know by posting in what ever forum your needs pretain too

    Good luck with your natty growing with your attitude you should go far in life and in BB

  25. #25
    judge_dread's Avatar
    judge_dread is offline Member
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    Deca only is a crap cycle but still it's a cycle, at 300mg and being in the 4th week I guess u will start noticing something from now prepared for a long period of low libido after the end of this cycle

  26. #26
    MrMeathead's Avatar
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    psss. over here! ;)
    Quote Originally Posted by judge_dread
    Deca only is a crap cycle but still it's a cycle, at 300mg and being in the 4th week I guess u will start noticing something from now prepared for a long period of low libido after the end of this cycle
    How so? I know numerous people that have done deca cycles with great gains and and kept a great amount with no libido issues at all. What makes it such "crappy" cycle?

  27. #27
    STEROIDZZ's Avatar
    STEROIDZZ is offline Member
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    I agre with SMAN at 300 mg a week for 4 weeks is basically a waist of money.... what happend to the tradition test as the foundation... instead of deca use test as ur first cycle... but the 4 wk shit i think the only thing you will see is water retention thats it .... NO GAINS

  28. #28
    judge_dread's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrMeathead
    How so? I know numerous people that have done deca cycles with great gains and and kept a great amount with no libido issues at all. What makes it such "crappy" cycle?
    because deca has a strong impact on HPTA that's why... do some research and u will see what I am talkin about

  29. #29
    MrMeathead's Avatar
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    psss. over here! ;)
    Quote Originally Posted by judge_dread
    because deca has a strong impact on HPTA that's why... do some research and u will see what I am talkin about
    I have done my research and I do know what your talkin about and I was not saying you don't know your sh*t bro. I simply asked what makes it such a "crappy" cycle as you said. I have numerous friends that can do deca cycles with no test and same with tren . Just because you would get shutdown from it doesn't mean that everyone else will have the same problem. Im not saying I would do a deca cycle without test because unfortunately I am one of those people that get all the sides and gets shut down hard but if a sh*tload of people out there gain on deca only cyle with no sexual related problems then by all means I wouldn't call it a "crappy" cycle.

  30. #30
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cr250owner
    well i know about the deca/test cycles you guys advise, but money is kind of an issue right now so i was gonna try just deca.
    No money? No cycle.

    No flame intended by the way.

    It's a serious decision and should be entered into intelligently... a 4 week cycle of deca would not be intelligent.. and more over it would be a waste of cash.

    Quote Originally Posted by cr250owner
    i'm about 5'11 175, 19 yrs old. not sure on body fat. but not too high.
    You're 19... you don't need gear


  31. #31
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrMeathead
    I have done my research and I do know what your talkin about and I was not saying you don't know your sh*t bro. I simply asked what makes it such a "crappy" cycle as you said. I have numerous friends that can do deca cycles with no test and same with tren. Just because you would get shutdown from it doesn't mean that everyone else will have the same problem. Im not saying I would do a deca cycle without test because unfortunately I am one of those people that get all the sides and gets shut down hard but if a sh*tload of people out there gain on deca only cyle with no sexual related problems then by all means I wouldn't call it a "crappy" cycle.

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