Quote Originally Posted by Seattle Junk
DNP works great in my experience. Make sure you get the DNP with all of the vitamins and minreals included. ***Leave the sources out of this***

Eat regulary low in fast carbs and saturated fats with plenty of water. Your body temp goes up like no other. Try eating a potato while on DNP. Can you say hot as hell? I felt just fine on it, no problems.

love his stuff but he changed a few things with his caps like adding a few things and they come in 250mg caps now capsules now have Taurine and Sulbutiamine (a vitamin B analogue) added--for energy and mild euphoria, to counter the lethargy/misery of DNP side effects!

The capsules are 250mg of AWESOME lab-grade crystal, not industrial powder. They are combined with a blend of antioxidants including quercetin, ellagic acid, trimethyl glyceine, and (NEW!) sulbutiamine/taurine. (Most other sellers use corn starch filler)