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  1. #1
    nrobleski is offline Associate Member
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    clen anti catabolic?

    Just wondering, I am one week away from begining clomid and want to start clen as well during my pct. I have heard that clen aids in fighting catabolism true or false?

  2. #2
    hardgainer12's Avatar
    hardgainer12 is offline Senior Member
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    its true. it keeps u anti-catabolic. pct is an excellent time to use it

  3. #3
    DarKOmeN's Avatar
    DarKOmeN is offline Member
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    agree. clen is a must in pct for me anyways


  4. #4
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  5. #5
    MoneyAddyct is offline Member
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    I've always read that clenbuterol was anti-catabolic, but this profile from seems to emphasize that it is significantly catabolic. And it also seems to note that clen has a tendency to increase aerobic capacity, which, is also something I read that it DID NOT do. Has got it all wrong?

    Would anyone like to comment on that?

  6. #6
    MoneyAddyct is offline Member
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    Anyone? I'm interested in some's responses to that article.

  7. #7
    cfiler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MoneyAddyct
    I've always read that clenbuterol was anti-catabolic, but this profile from seems to emphasize that it is significantly catabolic. And it also seems to note that clen has a tendency to increase aerobic capacity, which, is also something I read that it DID NOT do. Has got it all wrong?

    Would anyone like to comment on that?
    Clen does not increase aerobic capacity, although in some, the stimulant aspect of clen dose give an added boost of energy that they did not have before.

    Clen is a mild anti-catablic. Which is extreamly usefull in PCT. I wouldn't run PCT without clen in it.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by MoneyAddyct
    I've always read that clenbuterol was anti-catabolic, but this profile from seems to emphasize that it is significantly catabolic. And it also seems to note that clen has a tendency to increase aerobic capacity, which, is also something I read that it DID NOT do. Has got it all wrong?

    Would anyone like to comment on that? doesn't want people to use it. That probably the reason why they say that Sh*t

  9. #9
    MoneyAddyct is offline Member
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    I dunno, maybe. I often find very interesting and accurate articles coming out of

  10. #10
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    its anticatabolic effects have never impressed me which makes me think they are VERY MINIMAL

  11. #11
    Warrior21 is offline Associate Member
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    I used clen with a reduced calorie diet a couple of months ago and easily burned 10-15 lbs of muscle. I only used 60mcg a day as well. Clen isn't
    anti-catabolic, for me at least. Just my .02

  12. #12
    MoneyAddyct is offline Member
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    10-15lbs of muscle? Damn! You must be pretty pissed then. Can anyone personally attest to the anti-catabolic effect?

  13. #13
    Tunez's Avatar
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    I hear that it doesnt only burn fat, but also some friend took it for 2 weeks and stopped because he lost too much weight and looked skinny as opposed to his original stocky self

  14. #14
    Warrior21 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MoneyAddyct
    10-15lbs of muscle? Damn! You must be pretty pissed then. Can anyone personally attest to the anti-catabolic effect?
    Yep, still working to put that muscle back on. But I'm doing it much slower now. Lean bulking. (I'm an endomorph, go figure)

  15. #15
    cfiler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MoneyAddyct
    10-15lbs of muscle? Damn! You must be pretty pissed then. Can anyone personally attest to the anti-catabolic effect?
    I ran a clen + T3 cycle, and did not loose much muscle. Probably 4 lbs of muscle, with 20 fat, and some water weight aswell.

    I love clen, you just have to remember that it's not nearly as effective at maintaining muscle as aas. But when compared to other thermos like ECA, green tea, ect. it totally kicks their ass.

  16. #16
    MoneyAddyct is offline Member
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    Interesting...Maybe I'll hold off on clen for a while.

  17. #17
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    clen definelty helps in PCT... its also very anabolic when used in extreme doses (nothing that applies to us humans though) but that hints that is thas some sort of anabolic/anti-catabolic function.. it is still classified in doping lists as other anabolic agents (or sumin like that)... I read about the mechanism of its supposeed anabolic action from our pharmacology book and it had something to do with rearranging the reticular networks in muscle tissue.. BUT I agree with others, clen used in safe doses (or realtively safe) or doses humans use isnt very anabolic /anti-catabolic... BUT IMO it definelty helps in PCT..

  18. #18
    acesand is offline New Member
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    I used clen with a reduced calorie diet a couple of months ago and easily burned 10-15 lbs of muscle. I only used 60mcg a day as well. Clen isn't
    anti-catabolic, for me at least. Just my .02

    i would suspect your diet might of had more to do with losing 10-15 pounds of muscle. How many cals. were you taking in? and what do you weigh

  19. #19
    DEVLDOG's Avatar
    DEVLDOG is offline Retired VET
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    its anticatabolic effects have never impressed me which makes me think they are VERY MINIMAL

  20. #20
    Morpheaus's Avatar
    Morpheaus is offline Associate Member
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    i used clen after one of my cycles's last year for about 6 week's and it was spot on, retained nearly all my weight and strength.

    used it on my last cycle this year but ran out of the stuff after 3.5 week's, i was doing 5 tablet's, 10mcg a day? (i'll have to check the dosage.)

    anyway, it work's for me you just need to take the right amount.

  21. #21
    MoneyAddyct is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Morpheaus
    i used clen after one of my cycles's last year for about 6 week's and it was spot on, retained nearly all my weight and strength.

    used it on my last cycle this year but ran out of the stuff after 3.5 week's, i was doing 5 tablet's, 10mcg a day? (i'll have to check the dosage.)

    anyway, it work's for me you just need to take the right amount.

    If you retained nearly all your weight than how was clen successfull? Do you mean you retained nearly all your muscle mass while using clen?

  22. #22
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    yup, thats what he meant... IMO there is a huge difference in PCT with or without clen

  23. #23
    helium3's Avatar
    helium3 is offline Senior Member
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    my opinion is that anything that raises your metabolic rate and increases your basal body tempreture will burn more calories,this said you could expect to burnfat and muscle unless your diet was perfect.

    the reason its said to be anti catabolic because "maybe" there are some muscle building properties that come with clen use due to receptor activity or other non-receptor mediated activity.

  24. #24
    napoleon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    its anticatabolic effects have never impressed me which makes me think they are VERY MINIMAL

    I agree here. Clen 's anti-catabolic properties are not very pronounced.

    In my knowledge the "anti-catabolic" rumor was based on a study that used amt's not safe for human consumption.

    So as an anti-cat... I say No.


  25. #25
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    the mechanism of clens anabolism /anti-catabolism is known .. its actually really anabolic but in doses we can use its not very anabolic.. u can pub med it easily if u wanna..

  26. #26
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    this pretty much summarizes what im saying..

    large doses of clenbuterol could be very anabolic but the problem is the accompanying myocyte hypertrophy and if the dose is too big then there is a risk of myocyte apoptosis/necrosis..... also studies done on animals aren always applicable.. especially dose wise.... I know I wouldnt wanna be the human guinea pig....

    but then again as far as what the other senior members have said, I agree with them.. in practice clenbuterol at the doses its being used is not very anabolic / anti-catabolic.. BUT IMO its good in PCT..definetly helps retain gains and also makes u be able to eat more without gaining fat in PCT,.
    Last edited by stupidhippo; 09-30-2006 at 08:43 AM.

  27. #27
    MoneyAddyct is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by helium3
    my opinion is that anything that raises your metabolic rate and increases your basal body tempreture will burn more calories,this said you could expect to burnfat and muscle unless your diet was perfect.

    the reason its said to be anti catabolic because "maybe" there are some muscle building properties that come with clen use due to receptor activity or other non-receptor mediated activity.

    I tend to agree with that.

  28. #28
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    agree with what? he is stating pretty much this:

    there are maybe some anti-catabolic properties in clen that are due to recpetor mediated pathways or other non-receptor mediated pathways.. I mean that is pretty much saying nothing but the obvious...

    summary of what he is sayin: clen might be anticatabolic. I mean those pathways he stated exclude nothing. All pathways fall under receptor mediated or non-receptor mediated..

    hehe... but on a more serious note, I personally fount out that under calorie restriction u can maintain more muscle with clen use. just based on personal observation though..

  29. #29
    helium3's Avatar
    helium3 is offline Senior Member
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    listen,there maybe some anti catabolic properties but the most important thing "i think about" clen is this

    my opinion is that anything that raises your metabolic rate and increases your basal body tempreture will burn more calories,this said you could expect to burnfat and muscle unless your diet was perfect

    @ stupid

    ergo if you used clen while dieting dont just think its burning fat it isnt raising your metabolic rate will increase callorie expenditure and the callories will come from food or they will come from your adipose or musculiture .so simply put this includes muscle tissue not just fat that is being burnt.thats what im saying!

    so how can it be so anti catabolic(in practical use)if it doesnt discriminate where the callories are coming from.the study you showed was for megadoses i presume,which dont apply here.

    and dont get me wrong i like clen.
    Last edited by helium3; 09-30-2006 at 11:11 AM.

  30. #30
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    what makes u think it doesnt discrminate? I personally think it does.. there are several things to take into consideration here... does clen increase lipolysis in humans? that remains somewhat disputable as far as i know. But what makes u say that clen wouldnt discriminate? I dont think there is enough evidence to say it wouldnt... I mean these things are pretty complex. does clen affect on the rate of gluconeogenesis? protein brakedown in muscle? Howbout if it is lipolytic would it increase the rate of fatty acid used as energy affecting the need to breakdown proteins etc.. I mean I can say for sure that I dont know enough to exclude any things like that.. and all other things related to human metabolism. IMO sometimes ppl oversimplify these things to make them more comprehandable.. Because we still dotn know the exact science behind everything clinical trials and in this case anecdotal evidence is needed.

  31. #31
    helium3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stupidhippo
    what makes u think it doesnt discrminate? I personally think it does.. there are several things to take into consideration here... does clen increase lipolysis in humans? that remains somewhat disputable as far as i know. But what makes u say that clen wouldnt discriminate? I dont think there is enough evidence to say it wouldnt... I mean these things are pretty complex. does clen affect on the rate of gluconeogenesis? protein brakedown in muscle? Howbout if it is lipolytic would it increase the rate of fatty acid used as energy affecting the need to breakdown proteins etc.. I mean I can say for sure that I dont know enough to exclude any things like that.. and all other things related to human metabolism. IMO sometimes ppl oversimplify these things to make them more comprehandable.. Because we still dotn know the exact science behind everything clinical trials and in this case anecdotal evidence is needed.
    this could be true,but you answered your own questions by simply stating that we dont know the exact effects,which is why i wouldnt comment on them,maybe it reduces cortisol levels i dont know so i leave out the guess work.but what i do know for certain is that increased metabolic rate means increased callorie expenditure

    on a side note i recently used clen and along with a short 20 min run each day lost 7lbs in just over a week,but i cant be sure if i didnt lose any muscle along the way.

  32. #32
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    yup, but inreased caloric expenditure doesnt necessarily mean increased loss of muscle. it might. actually clenbuterols anabolic mechanism in known, according to my pharmacology book atlaest... I dont remember it exactly though... but for practical purposes its pretty irrelevant.. so what do u think? Do u think clen then had any muscle saving properties or not? In my personal experience it does help to retain muscles in PCT.. also when I was cutting and did the 2 weeks on /off I noticed that the off weeks I lost more muscle but not more fat as compared to the on weeks.. ofcourse this is far from scientific evidence.

  33. #33
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior21
    I used clen with a reduced calorie diet a couple of months ago and easily burned 10-15 lbs of muscle. I only used 60mcg a day as well. Clen isn't
    anti-catabolic, for me at least. Just my .02
    I would say you are a ectomorph and yes, you should not be using clen in PCT. You need to do whatever it takes to slow your metabolism.

    Or your diet did not have enough protein in it...

  34. #34
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    so if I would use a gram of tren a week and eat nothing for a month and I would lose lot of muscle would that make tren not anabolic ? thats the logic, or seems like that to me. Im not saying that clen is hugely anti-catabolic/anabolic in the doses we can use but to say it does not have those properties is wrong IMO.

  35. #35
    stupidhippo is offline Anabolic Member
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    also clen is good in PCT IMO if calories/protein are in order ofcourse, I know many ppl swear by this too...

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