So my buddies calls me today and told me he took his first Test E shot Monday. He then told me the story behind it. He said he was all ready at 7 am. He just got out of the shower and had his roomate give him a glute shot. Now my buddy HATES needles but felt it was a small enough needle and the pros out weighed the fear of the needle. He said everything went smooth didn't hurt or scare him at all, but after his shot when his friend was cleaning up some of the blood with a cotton ball he all the suddon got weak and had to lay down. He said he laided there for almost an hour before he felt he could get up. then he laid in bed and went to sleep for another hour before waking up to go to work. When he woke up he said he felt fine and didn't have any side effects through out the rest of the day. I asked him how his @ss felt today and he said fine. He like my self do not under stand what happend though. Was this caused from his fear of needles? Was it the test? If his body rejected it wouldn't it get worse not go away after a little nap? Oh he also said that he got pale and white as a gohst. Any help that I could lend my friend would be great. I don't think he's going to put his next shot on Thursday off, but I would like to give him some information regarding this. Is this at all common? I myself only know a half a dozen or so poeple that have cycle'd and the ones I have talked to today have not heard of this. Am I wrong for laughing at him and calling him a pussy?

Sorry for the short story.
