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Thread: Clen Faq. You better like it it took me ages.

  1. #601
    BeastIn916's Avatar
    BeastIn916 is offline Junior Member
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    Found this post very helpful. thanks.

  2. #602
    big_k's Avatar
    big_k is offline Associate Member
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    Any benefits to running Clen like this thread states vs. 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off protocol. Got a handful of clen ready and waiting.

  3. #603
    Cedric's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001 View Post
    I used it for about 10 weeks last time. Went from high teens BF to under 9%. This was in combination with AS as I wanted to retain muscle while cutting.
    Is it safe to use Clen or say something similar to cut like ephedrine with caffeine pills while on a cycle of Anabolic steroids ? I was advised not to do this since - " I already have enough oils an shit in my body being on a cycle." Also one other thing, is Clen A LOT better than using ephedrine an caffeine pills or would i get about the same results using either one?

  4. #604
    Cedric's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cedric View Post
    Is it safe to use Clen or say something similar to cut like ephedrine with caffeine pills while on a cycle of Anabolic steroids? I was advised not to do this since - " I already have enough oils an shit in my body being on a cycle." Also one other thing, is Clen A LOT better than using ephedrine an caffeine pills or would i get about the same results using either one?

  5. #605
    yesitsreallyjosh is offline Junior Member
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    u can do clen on a cycle 2 weeks on 2 weeks off, but MAKE SURE you monitor your blood pressure as being on both could raise it tremendously

  6. #606
    BeastIn916's Avatar
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    Added the 50mg Benadryl to my clen cycle and it boosts its effects noticeably from the tolerance my body has deveoloped. thanks for the valuable information.

  7. #607
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    Last 12mo in da gym

  8. #608
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrippinOnLacticAcid View Post
    Best username I've ever seen.... Peroid.

  9. #609
    {{HEAVYDUTY}}'s Avatar
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    Shelf life?

    Does anybody know the shelf life of Clen and t3? It's been sitting for a while and both have turned darker in color and I'm wondering if it is still good or whole I just scrap it and buy more? Thanks

  10. #610
    Hard.On's Avatar
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    good old bump,
    very helpful

  11. #611
    bowwow is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by twotimer View Post
    good old bump,
    very helpful
    Keep it at the top.

  12. #612
    sab is offline New Member
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    great post and old too!

  13. #613
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  14. #614
    MamaRaven is offline New Member
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    Can any of you tell me where to buy Clen ? I need to lose some weight and stumbled onto this thread.

  15. #615
    B1gDaddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MamaRaven View Post
    Can any of you tell me where to buy Clen? I need to lose some weight and stumbled onto this thread.
    Not allowed to do that over this forum, sorry bud. Just ask around if you have friends or know people who use gear at your gym. Or you might be able to find some legal clen from the banner advertised above this site..

    Going back to what Cedric was asking, would running ECA (2on 2 off) while on a cutting cycle that consists of winny an sust 250 be too much for my body to take on all at once?
    Last edited by B1gDaddy; 03-19-2010 at 10:41 PM.

  16. #616
    balla33 is offline New Member
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    awesome post

  17. #617
    americanoak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MamaRaven View Post
    Can any of you tell me where to buy Clen? I need to lose some weight and stumbled onto this thread.

    clen works a bit, but diet is the main part. If you just take clen and dont rly do anything else with it you are wasting your money

  18. #618
    ftp is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by americanoak View Post

    clen works a bit, but diet is the main part. If you just take clen and dont rly do anything else with it you are wasting your money
    lol really?

    ok parrot. whatever you say.

    what ****ing BS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! diet is important but you will definitely see results even with a mediocre diet.

    please stop spreading false information. say things from experience not what you read from 85% of the morons who post

  19. #619
    americanoak's Avatar
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    hmm i dont even know what to say,
    if you get great results from a bad diet then congrats you are 1 in a billion
    i have taken clen on several occasions and i can tell you without diet its pretty much not even worth taking

    ah hes banned, i cant imagine why
    Last edited by americanoak; 03-23-2010 at 08:47 PM.

  20. #620
    sellersis's Avatar
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    so how long would one bottle from Ar-r last?

  21. #621
    americanoak's Avatar
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    its 30ml and 200mcg/ml which means you could run it 60 days straight at 100mcg's... however i wouldnt ever do that. Was just an example of what a dose could be ran at.

    A usual clen cycle for me looks like this:

    20 40 60 60 80 100 120 140 140 160 180 200 200 200,
    just added that real quick in m head but looks like 1700mcg's, there are 6000mcg/bottle, so i can do 3.5 2 week cycles. If you dont go past 120 you will get more

  22. #622
    sellersis's Avatar
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    Sheesh, you cant beat that! From what I'm seeing the body builds tolerance to clen fairly quick. Is it the Tuarine or Benadryl that clears the receptors? You'll have to forgive me, I'm fairly new to this.

  23. #623
    freakinhuge is offline Senior Member
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    still a classic thread, needs to be a sticky. Love the clen faq.

  24. #624
    energizer bunny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sellersis View Post
    Sheesh, you cant beat that! From what I'm seeing the body builds tolerance to clen fairly quick. Is it the Tuarine or Benadryl that clears the receptors? You'll have to forgive me, I'm fairly new to this.
    Benadryly or ketofin........taurine helps with cramps..

  25. #625
    americanoak's Avatar
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    yea like energizer said taurine helps with cramps, but i dont get any cramps from clen so i dont use it. Benadryl doesn't work a lot of people say. And Keto cleanses the Beta2-receptors.

  26. #626
    MotoLifter's Avatar
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    keep this bumped, especially now with summer comming in the US and people rushing to fix what they fcked up all year long.


  27. #627
    omgjimmyfricke is offline Junior Member
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    ok so i want to make sure im right with this stuff. Im going to run the clen for 6 weeks with keto. It should go something like this right...

    Week 1 and 2 --- Clen
    Week 3 and 4 --- Clen and Keto
    Week 5 and 6 --- Clen and Keto

    Will one 30ml bottle of this from ar-r last me for 6 weeks?

  28. #628
    tballz's Avatar
    tballz is offline Senior Member
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    Great stuff.

    Moto you are right...people look at clen as the 'magic pill'

  29. #629
    americanoak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by omgjimmyfricke View Post
    ok so i want to make sure im right with this stuff. Im going to run the clen for 6 weeks with keto. It should go something like this right...

    Week 1 and 2 --- Clen
    Week 3 and 4 --- Clen and Keto
    Week 5 and 6 --- Clen and Keto

    Will one 30ml bottle of this from ar-r last me for 6 weeks?
    I would never run clen for 6 weeks. Do it 2 weeks on 2 weeks 2 on, or with keto you can do prolly 3 on 2 off 3 on. Yes you can prolly do 6 weeks with clen with 1 bottle, but at a certain point its not rly gonna be doing anything for you and when you get to be able to tolerate a 1ml (200mcg) a day of clen for a few weeks 1: that can't be good for you, and 2: you are def gonna need more clen.

    After doing a clen cycle also it is reccomended to come off the clen for atleast a month if not 2

  30. #630
    DARKSPEED's Avatar
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    I take benadryl daily to help me deal with skin allergy's... I'm on day 8 of my very first clen cycle. Will the daily benadryl affect the clen this early in the cycle?

  31. #631
    old-grunt11series is offline New Member
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  32. #632
    lifterjaydawg is offline Senior Member
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    the clen faq is great, answers all questions, why is this not a sticky yet?

  33. #633
    Dyin2bpurfect is offline Female Member
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    I was wondering, where do you purchase tab clen ? ar-r only sells liquid form, I was curious to whether or not the other advertisements (banners on the site) are respectable sites to purchase from? I hope this question is not going against the rules.

  34. #634
    Persian-Arnie is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001 View Post
    Clen FAQ

    After reading and answering the same questions every week I decided to write this FAQ. Hopefully it will answer the most commonly asked questions about Clen and also dispel some of the myths and untruths associated with it. I have a lot of personal experience with Clen. I used to weigh over 315lbs at over 30%BF. With a good diet and the help of Clen I managed to shed over 100lbs of fat, finally tipping the scales at 180lbs and under 9%BF. I will not be including huge amounts of technical and scientific info as many will find that boring and the idea is that someone new to Clen can glean some useful info from here without falling asleep! If you wish to get more technical then check out Anthony Roberts' Clen profile in the "steroid profile" section of the forum

    Q. What is Clen?

    A. Clenbuterol is a prescription drug. It is a bronchodilator which means it is given to patients to improve bronchial airflow (helps people breathe easier). It is commonly prescribed to asthmatics and for many other illnesses which cause breathing difficulty. Clen is often self administered as an "off label" fat loss drug. Many have used this compound to shed pounds very effectively.

    Q I have a liquid/tablet/spray is this ok?

    A. Clen is available in a variety of guises. The most common being tablets typically in the 20mcg format. I have also seen them dosed at 25mcg and 40mcg. There is a syrup solution which was once popular on prescription but this is not often seen now. A growing market is the "research chem" market. These are chemicals marketed towards lab experimentation (therefore bypassing strict laws about selling prescription meds) but are actually meant for consumption by the customer. The Clen from these companies is usually sold in a vial or spray bottle and the compound is suspended in solvent. The solution is dropped into the mouth with an oral or normal syringe or some are supplied with a spray which gives a measured dose orally. Much like UGLs the quality of these research chem products varies widely. Some are under or over dosed while others contain no active ingredients at all. The best advice is to find a recommended source that people you trust have used successfully. I would recommend using ARR as I feel Lion offers quality products and service. The reason people buy from research chem companies is that the compounds would be hard to obtain otherwise and the chem companies are usually much cheaper than human grade. Make sure you take note of the dosage on the product you are buying. Last but not least there are a couple of injectable versions. There are prescription injectables that to be honest are pretty rare now days. One injectable version is gaining quite a following though. Helios is a mix of Clen and Yohimbine and is designed to be used for spot fat loss (the area injected will have fat loss). Users of this product have been very happy with it. I do not know the dosage schedules for injectable products so do some good research if you are going to use them.

    Q. Will It Harm Me?

    A. Clen has been shown in some studies to cause heart problems. These studies were conducted on animals and they were given very large doses. It may also be possible to do yourself some permanent and possibly serious harm if you took a large overdose. With Clen more does not = better! I have never met or spoken to anyone who has been harmed as a direct result of using Clen. This does not mean it won't happen though. Like all drugs caution should be used and one should be very aware that there could be possible side effects.

    Q. What Are The Side Effects and how do I cope with them?

    A. Clens side effects include - high blood pressure, shaking, headaches, cramps, insomnia and increased heart rate/palpitations. While using Clen I would advise you monitor your blood pressure. The machines for this can be bought extremely cheaply at a chemist and are invaluable if you use Clen and/or AS. If your BP is high then lower the dose or discontinue until normal BP is attained. Shaking is a common side effect. While on Clen I get shaky hands when I am writing or performing intricate tasks. If you find you are shaking too much/all the time then you may try lowering the dose and then bringing it back up slowly over a few days. Headaches are fairly common. Be careful they are not a result of high BP. If they are not then taking an OTC painkiller will cure your problem. Cramps while on Clen are associated with Taurine. Taurine is an amino acid that is present in the body. Clen affects the body’s level of Taurine and this can sometimes cause cramps. Supplementing Taurine (I take 2g pre workout and 2g PWO) should cure this. If you still have cramps try supplementing with potassium and examine your salt intake (make sure it’s not too high) these are not Clen related but could help with the cramps! Insomnia is common if Clen is taken to near to bed time, basically make sure your last dose is taken 5-6 hours before bed. Saying that Clen has a long half-life (over 30 hours) so sometimes you may try lowering the dose if it is really affecting sleep. Another remedy may be to take some Valerian root before bed to help you sleep. If you have palpitation then lower dose or discontinue. You may want to check with a doctor as heart problems are no joke and should not be ignored. I think I have covered the most common side effects but there are probably many others that relate to the individual. If you believe you have serious or worrying sides, go see the doc.

    Q. OK I Want To Take It But How?

    A. Well there are several popular dosing protocols with Clen. It boils down to maybe trying them and finding out which one works/feels comfortable for you. Clen differs in dosage and effects from each individual. Some people claim that they are completely immune to the effects of Clen and it does not help them at all, although I have never seen any scientific reasoning behind it. However enough people have said it for there to be some truth in it. The most important thing to remember when using Clen is that the body quickly becomes tolerant to it. Clen down regulates receptors in the body and eventually (usually in the second or third week) results have slowed to a stop. For this reason Clen has a variety of dosage protocols designed to prevent this down regulation. Firstly we need to start at a low dose and slowly build up to a dose that is effective but not uncomfortable. I would recommend starting at 60mcg. Stay at that dosage for three days then up the dose by 20mcg. Repeat this process until you reach a dosage where you can really feel the Clen working (slight shakes, slightly faster HR). You may want to take your body temp daily while doing this. An effective dose will raise the body temp by about 1/2 a degree. You can also monitor when it becomes ineffective as temp will drop back to normal. My Clen dosage looks some thing like this when I'm starting.

    Day 1 60mcg
    Day 2 60mcg
    Day 3 60mcg
    Day 4 80mcg
    Day 5 80mcg
    Day 6 80mcg
    Day 7 100mcg
    Day 8 100mcg
    Day 9 100mcg
    Day 10 120mcg
    Day 11 120mcg
    I normally stop at 120mcg as this dosage works for me with minimal sides.

    I take all my Clen in the AM before cardio. Many don't lie to take it all at once and split the dosage throughout the day. I find that if I do this the last dose affects my sleep and I quite like feeling a bit "wired" in the morning! Some people will stop using Clen at day 14. They will then take 14 days off to allow the beta receptors to up regulate. They can then recommence and the Clen will be effective again for a further 14 days. More recently it has become fashionable to use an antihistamine compound to up regulate the beta receptors while remaining on Clen. This is my preferred method. There are two ways I know of doing this.

    1. use zaditen/ketoifen taken at 2-3mg per day along with the Clen. Users report staying on for 12 weeks plus and the Clen is still effective. The downside is that many people get very drowsy using these compounds and are unable to train properly.

    2. Take 50mg of Benadryl or another antihistamine containing 50mg of diphenhydrmine (sleep ease from boots chemist if you are in UK!) every night during every third week while you are on Clen. So I would dose my Clen as usual and at day 14 I would add the Benadryl every night for 7 nights (while still taking the clen). Discontinue the Benadryl until day 35 and repeat. I favour this method as it helps me sleep and does not affect my performance in the day. I believe we can thank Anthony Roberts for this method.

    There is another method that I have seen many people using. It is common to use the 2 weeks on 2 weeks off method but use ECA (ephedrine,caffiene,aspirin) during the off weeks. This method is totally pointless and counter productive. The whole point of taking two weeks off is to allow beta receptors to up regulate making Clen effective again. ECA down regulates these receptors (plus hitting a load of others) just like Clen. Therefore the receptors never up regulate and Clen + ECA becomes ineffective.

    Q. How do I come off?

    A. I normally lower the dose slowly day by day until I am off as I don’t like to suddenly shocking the body, however there is no evidence to say it is detrimental to come straight off it is just my personal choice.

    Well I hope that has answered some questions. I will update/add to this when I think of anything new!


    Iam currently on a 12 week bulking cycle of test and deca .
    I have a holiday planned on week 12th for 7 days and want to lose fat. Can i add clen /and t3 or to my last weeks on cycle to loose fat? will it help? is it safe on cycle? doses? can i continue on pct? I weight about 207lb, 5'10. Im very lean through out my body apart from my abs, mostly middle/lower abs, which there is quite lot of fat hiding my 6 pack. I have middle eastern genetics, so thats where most fat goes, around the abs.

  35. #635
    Minion0812's Avatar
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    Great post Beast very much appreciated!! I am a week into my clen and my bp is at 140/79 so right as high as you can go. My problem I think is that my heart rate is 116 and that was after lying around for a bit so is this a huge problem and is my heart pumping way too fast or is this normal. Thx guys any help is very much appreciated!!!!!

  36. #636
    livingwithdoms is offline Associate Member
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    I am sure a ton of people have benefited from this numerous times, classic thread.

  37. #637
    bigslick7878 is offline Senior Member
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    Great post, one question.

    I take benadryl every night to help me sleep, will this effect the clen at all?

    I notice it said to take it on the 3rd week but not before that in the OP.

  38. #638
    mulldog55's Avatar
    mulldog55 is offline New Member
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    awesome post, thanks

  39. #639
    mulldog55's Avatar
    mulldog55 is offline New Member
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    Thanks so much for your post, excites me as i have keto and clen on its way!

  40. #640
    Xoku is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001 View Post
    Clen FAQ

    After reading and answering the same questions every week I decided to write this FAQ. Hopefully it will answer the most commonly asked questions about Clen and also dispel some of the myths and untruths associated with it. I have a lot of personal experience with Clen. I used to weigh over 315lbs at over 30%BF. With a good diet and the help of Clen I managed to shed over 100lbs of fat, finally tipping the scales at 180lbs and under 9%BF. I will not be including huge amounts of technical and scientific info as many will find that boring and the idea is that someone new to Clen can glean some useful info from here without falling asleep! If you wish to get more technical then check out Anthony Roberts' Clen profile in the "steroid profile" section of the forum

    Q. What is Clen?

    A. Clenbuterol is a prescription drug. It is a bronchodilator which means it is given to patients to improve bronchial airflow (helps people breathe easier). It is commonly prescribed to asthmatics and for many other illnesses which cause breathing difficulty. Clen is often self administered as an "off label" fat loss drug. Many have used this compound to shed pounds very effectively.

    Q I have a liquid/tablet/spray is this ok?

    A. Clen is available in a variety of guises. The most common being tablets typically in the 20mcg format. I have also seen them dosed at 25mcg and 40mcg. There is a syrup solution which was once popular on prescription but this is not often seen now. A growing market is the "research chem" market. These are chemicals marketed towards lab experimentation (therefore bypassing strict laws about selling prescription meds) but are actually meant for consumption by the customer. The Clen from these companies is usually sold in a vial or spray bottle and the compound is suspended in solvent. The solution is dropped into the mouth with an oral or normal syringe or some are supplied with a spray which gives a measured dose orally. Much like UGLs the quality of these research chem products varies widely. Some are under or over dosed while others contain no active ingredients at all. The best advice is to find a recommended source that people you trust have used successfully. I would recommend using ARR as I feel Lion offers quality products and service. The reason people buy from research chem companies is that the compounds would be hard to obtain otherwise and the chem companies are usually much cheaper than human grade. Make sure you take note of the dosage on the product you are buying. Last but not least there are a couple of injectable versions. There are prescription injectables that to be honest are pretty rare now days. One injectable version is gaining quite a following though. Helios is a mix of Clen and Yohimbine and is designed to be used for spot fat loss (the area injected will have fat loss). Users of this product have been very happy with it. I do not know the dosage schedules for injectable products so do some good research if you are going to use them.

    Q. Will It Harm Me?

    A. Clen has been shown in some studies to cause heart problems. These studies were conducted on animals and they were given very large doses. It may also be possible to do yourself some permanent and possibly serious harm if you took a large overdose. With Clen more does not = better! I have never met or spoken to anyone who has been harmed as a direct result of using Clen. This does not mean it won't happen though. Like all drugs caution should be used and one should be very aware that there could be possible side effects.

    Q. What Are The Side Effects and how do I cope with them?

    A. Clens side effects include - high blood pressure, shaking, headaches, cramps, insomnia and increased heart rate/palpitations. While using Clen I would advise you monitor your blood pressure. The machines for this can be bought extremely cheaply at a chemist and are invaluable if you use Clen and/or AS. If your BP is high then lower the dose or discontinue until normal BP is attained. Shaking is a common side effect. While on Clen I get shaky hands when I am writing or performing intricate tasks. If you find you are shaking too much/all the time then you may try lowering the dose and then bringing it back up slowly over a few days. Headaches are fairly common. Be careful they are not a result of high BP. If they are not then taking an OTC painkiller will cure your problem. Cramps while on Clen are associated with Taurine. Taurine is an amino acid that is present in the body. Clen affects the body’s level of Taurine and this can sometimes cause cramps. Supplementing Taurine (I take 2g pre workout and 2g PWO) should cure this. If you still have cramps try supplementing with potassium and examine your salt intake (make sure it’s not too high) these are not Clen related but could help with the cramps! Insomnia is common if Clen is taken to near to bed time, basically make sure your last dose is taken 5-6 hours before bed. Saying that Clen has a long half-life (over 30 hours) so sometimes you may try lowering the dose if it is really affecting sleep. Another remedy may be to take some Valerian root before bed to help you sleep. If you have palpitation then lower dose or discontinue. You may want to check with a doctor as heart problems are no joke and should not be ignored. I think I have covered the most common side effects but there are probably many others that relate to the individual. If you believe you have serious or worrying sides, go see the doc.

    Q. OK I Want To Take It But How?

    A. Well there are several popular dosing protocols with Clen. It boils down to maybe trying them and finding out which one works/feels comfortable for you. Clen differs in dosage and effects from each individual. Some people claim that they are completely immune to the effects of Clen and it does not help them at all, although I have never seen any scientific reasoning behind it. However enough people have said it for there to be some truth in it. The most important thing to remember when using Clen is that the body quickly becomes tolerant to it. Clen down regulates receptors in the body and eventually (usually in the second or third week) results have slowed to a stop. For this reason Clen has a variety of dosage protocols designed to prevent this down regulation. Firstly we need to start at a low dose and slowly build up to a dose that is effective but not uncomfortable. I would recommend starting at 60mcg. Stay at that dosage for three days then up the dose by 20mcg. Repeat this process until you reach a dosage where you can really feel the Clen working (slight shakes, slightly faster HR). You may want to take your body temp daily while doing this. An effective dose will raise the body temp by about 1/2 a degree. You can also monitor when it becomes ineffective as temp will drop back to normal. My Clen dosage looks some thing like this when I'm starting.

    Day 1 60mcg
    Day 2 60mcg
    Day 3 60mcg
    Day 4 80mcg
    Day 5 80mcg
    Day 6 80mcg
    Day 7 100mcg
    Day 8 100mcg
    Day 9 100mcg
    Day 10 120mcg
    Day 11 120mcg
    I normally stop at 120mcg as this dosage works for me with minimal sides.

    I take all my Clen in the AM before cardio. Many don't lie to take it all at once and split the dosage throughout the day. I find that if I do this the last dose affects my sleep and I quite like feeling a bit "wired" in the morning! Some people will stop using Clen at day 14. They will then take 14 days off to allow the beta receptors to up regulate. They can then recommence and the Clen will be effective again for a further 14 days. More recently it has become fashionable to use an antihistamine compound to up regulate the beta receptors while remaining on Clen. This is my preferred method. There are two ways I know of doing this.

    1. use zaditen/ketoifen taken at 2-3mg per day along with the Clen. Users report staying on for 12 weeks plus and the Clen is still effective. The downside is that many people get very drowsy using these compounds and are unable to train properly.

    2. Take 50mg of Benadryl or another antihistamine containing 50mg of diphenhydrmine (sleep ease from boots chemist if you are in UK!) every night during every third week while you are on Clen. So I would dose my Clen as usual and at day 14 I would add the Benadryl every night for 7 nights (while still taking the clen). Discontinue the Benadryl until day 35 and repeat. I favour this method as it helps me sleep and does not affect my performance in the day. I believe we can thank Anthony Roberts for this method.

    There is another method that I have seen many people using. It is common to use the 2 weeks on 2 weeks off method but use ECA (ephedrine,caffiene,aspirin) during the off weeks. This method is totally pointless and counter productive. The whole point of taking two weeks off is to allow beta receptors to up regulate making Clen effective again. ECA down regulates these receptors (plus hitting a load of others) just like Clen. Therefore the receptors never up regulate and Clen + ECA becomes ineffective.

    Q. How do I come off?

    A. I normally lower the dose slowly day by day until I am off as I don’t like to suddenly shocking the body, however there is no evidence to say it is detrimental to come straight off it is just my personal choice.

    Well I hope that has answered some questions. I will update/add to this when I think of anything new!


    In regards to where you mention the Benadryl method.. can I take 50mg of Diphenhydrmine from "Nighttime Sleep Aid by Walgreens" instead of Benadryl? It contains 25mg of Diphenhydrmine each capsule and the dosage says two capsules. Would this give me the same result as the Benadryl method or is there another ingredient in Benadryl that I need that wasn't mentioned? Thanks for your reply in advance.

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