Quote Originally Posted by viperbin
about to start my second cycle--- 21 years old.. 190 pounds prob like 12-13%bf....

cycle is test400 for 10 weeks 400mg a week

im not doing this cycle to gain "weight" i wana gain muscle and cut up a little bit. look bigger ya but actual weight= zero concern for me.

plan is to train super hard ( like normal. and do about 10-15 min of cardio everyday( nothing crazy)

in order to reach my goal will 10-15 min of cardio a day do the trick?
NO it won't! I do one hour of cardio with 8lb now going to 10lb weights
going slow 4 mph. Swinging the dumbells around can throw you off balance. You can do all kinds of stuff with dumbells. One hour every day and you will get a killer look. It takes time to work up to one hour. Start with half hour. Do it every day or you will loos momentum.