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  1. #1
    bushidoshogun is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    first cycle recommendations

    Hey AR,

    You probably get tons of these "first cycle" posts so feel free to skim this one and think nothing of it. For the past few weeks, I have been reading and researching these boards, other forums, and steroid profiles. Now that I have a basic understanding of many AAS, I still feel that it is absolutely NECESSARY to ask questions about PCT and AAS in general before I start my first cycle.

    Instead of providing personal details, I will supply you with the ones members always seem to ask for. First off, I am 20 years old (although I will be 21 in 7 days). My height is 5 feet 8 3/4 inches. My weight is 168. My BF is 9.8%. I've been weightlifting since sophmore year in high school. My diet has steadily increased from 2000 calories to 3000 calories (which I seem to burn through quite easily) since high school. Through out high school, I was a scrawny 148. But, I have worked hard and dieted well over the past few years to reach 169. However, this year, I have platued in my weight gains and strength gains.

    In addition to all of this, I play football and lacrosse on a collegiate level. Many of my team members already "juice" although some do not willingly admit it. Therefore, I've seen both the ups and downs of taking steroids first hand. Ultimately, I never thought I would never reach this point but after much research on the effects of and concern surrounding steroids from unbiased medical journals and news sources, I am very much considering either taking steroids or hGH (believe it or not, my MD suggested hGH for me when I was in high school).

    If I do either, I have a few questions.

    Should I just start with Test E? Or, should I stack Deca and Test? Deca seems to be a steroid more "geared" (pun intended) towards athletes. And, it seems that you can't go wrong with Test. Two of my football teammates use tianabol and talk about how they feel less bloated when they cycle it than they feel when they cycle dianabol . Also, are there other types of steroids that would be more affective for me to try?

    In the case that I try hGH. What anabolic should I stack it with?

    Now, for PCT, which post cycle is most effective for the type of steroids/hGH I am looking to use? It seems like Clomid, HCG , and all these PCT terms are thrown around so much that I don't know which one to use/which one is the best.

    I want to thank you ahead of time for your responses. If all goes well with my first cycle, I may look to start a career in bodybuilding. I have always been fascinated with the sport since I was young (but also, mainly because of Ahnold).

    Thanks again,
    Last edited by bushidoshogun; 11-11-2006 at 08:48 PM.

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