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Thread: PCT Question

  1. #1
    tj979 is offline Associate Member
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    PCT Question

    Hey guys,

    I'm on test prop eod, and ananvar that will be my summer cutting cycle, I also take about 120 micro liters of liquid nolva every other day. when I'm completely done with my cycle I will be taking a mixture of nolva and clomid will this be sufficient as far as pct? I'm getting my pct from ********** research, which I believe is a site similar to lions. Does everything seem kosher any advice helps thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    jagdpanther's Avatar
    jagdpanther is offline Member
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    here are some recent posts I have participated in regarding PCT. i used these examples because they were easy for me to find.

    Damn! End of Cycle blues? wtf.....
    very depressed
    This last one gets into a discussion about pct but starts out with a different question.
    16 weeks too long?

    Here is link to the PCT forum on this site. I would recommend reading the IMPORTANT stickys.

    I have decided to run nolvadex with adex for this PCT. In the past I've used clomid as that was the old school standard but I think it was making me depressed. In the end you will get some conflicting views, all I can suggest is go with the advice that makes the most sense and then experiment. If it works great, if not try to change your protocol a little or a lot the next time around.

    I would recommend you write out your planned protocol for a better critique.
    By that I mean dose and duration of each compound.

  3. #3
    tj979 is offline Associate Member
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    test prop 10 weeks 100mgs eod
    w1 50mgs ed
    w2 60mgs ed
    w3 70mgs ed
    w4 80mgs ed
    w5 90mgs ed
    w6 100mgs ed

    Nolva 120 micro liters eod

    Day after last shot clom/nolva mixture 60 mls every day for first 5 days
    80 mls for next 5 days 100 mls next five days and finish off with 120 mls ed

    Any better?

  4. #4
    jagdpanther's Avatar
    jagdpanther is offline Member
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    Much better!

    I wouldn't ramp up the anvar myself, I'd take it at 80mg ed all the way through.

    Starting your PCT a couple of days after your last test p shot is fine.
    Techincally you may wish to wait 3 to 4 days but its not a biggy.
    I personally don't like clomid as it makes me moody and I possibly recovered faster from my last cycle after I stopped taking it. I used it for a month and tried an experiment -stopped using it and felt better within a week.
    I use HCG in small doses during my cycle to keep some weight to my testes as well as during the first two weeks of PCT. Personally I think it helps. Others have said it hinders their PCT. Do some research on HCG and make your call.

    hope this helps,


  5. #5
    jagdpanther's Avatar
    jagdpanther is offline Member
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    oh by the way telling me stuff like 30mls x means nothing to me as I don't know how many mg are in a ml of the stuff you are taking about. Although you are taking a liquid oral form, to make it understandable to all, nolva and clomid are usually dosed in mg.

    I do not like clomid by the way, and am not sure why you are doing both clomid and nolva at the same time. You may have a good reason, if so please explain, but it seems redundant to me.

  6. #6
    tj979 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks alot for the help, the liquid bottles im buying come in 20 milligram bottles. the reason I was going to use the clomid and nolva mixture was because I read in a few different places that clomid and nolva a good for pct when on test p I don't mind sticking with the nolva all the way through just thought I'd get some different opinions before I do anything thats all. Again thanks for the help I really appreciate it

  7. #7
    jagdpanther's Avatar
    jagdpanther is offline Member
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    Go check this thread out
    Clomid, Myogenx or Aromasin with Nolva

    you may wish to reconsider the clomid/nolva combo-read the post by dudeman as well as others.

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