What if any side effects did you see from deca ? I was reading about both deca and tren and it seemed that tren is the deal right now... people are beating down doors to get it.... very positive results from what i gather. Guess why he was leaning toward tren because the deca can have a chance of "man boobs" haha.... since it coverts to est, al be it at a low percentage.
He also said to start with a low dose as im not a "body Builder" nor am i trying to be. Im doing this to give a healthy fit look in a shorter period of time. Now after seeing results im sure my opinion may change.... but for now, just having a clean cut bod iswhat im looking for.
What does everyone think about the idea that hgh will help hold some extra mass on after a cycle? Understanding that diet and workout will be giant factors still.
All i do is read this info on all the diff websites all day and trying to gain as much info from the guys that have did aas "by the book" along with the guys that maybe took a diff route.